New here

PaulyJoMomma Posts: 105 Member
I am posting this is hopes of finding others in this group that are still active. As soon as I saw this group I knew I had to join in hopes of communing with others who experience struggles related to their diagnosis. I am a 100% service-disabled veteran who served in the Army. My diagnosis is Bipolar I Disorder, anxiety, depression, and PTSD. I am on a mission to lose 65 pounds and I have lost 5 so far since I've restarted MFP. I am also doing intermittent fasting (IF) and GOLO. I had to give up a lot of the things I previously used to cope with just life in an attempt to get something out of it and that has been to my detriment. I have vowed to turn things around for myself because I am sick of being sick and tired and in mental, emotional, and physical pain. I believe if I can improve my level of health, then it's a good start at giving me hope that things will get better for me and my family in retrospect.