Downsizers Team Chat - APRIL 2023



  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    edited April 2023
    HASWLRS wrote: »

    Last week: 211, I think, but don't quote me on that.
    Today: 207.4

    Very nice loss! I am glad you recognized that coming back to mfp is progress. With my binge eating I tend to do it at night so no one will know how much I ate. You are right, when you hit “rock bottom “ there is only one way to go: up. Take baby steps. I believe in you.
    Weekly weigh-in

    PW 3/01 218
    PW 3/08 218
    PW 3/15 216.8
    PW 3/22 216
    PW 3/29 214.8
    CW 4/05 214.6

    Thank you for your reminders!

    I LOVE the snorkel. I would sputter and choke and not exert enough energy or proper form without it. I, myself, do not turn my head when doing the breast stroke. I feel more comfortable keeping my face down at all times. But others do. I have never gotten water in even when I used to turn. I have the seago swim snorkel if you want an example. I swim at a new training facility built last year for competitions and nearly everyone practices with a snorkel. I highly recommend 👌

    I think I will order one from Amazon. I mostly do breast stroke as my form is not the greatest with the front crawl.

    PW 189.6
    CW 190.0

    Ok I need your input here ...

    185.8 I was fasting...I do believe I was doing a 72 this wasn't a true weight in my opinion
    188.8 I think was a true weight and the start of my nurture phase which means I could only fast for 13 hours... which I hated but I did it

    So I only gained 1.2 pounds for the two weeks...which I'm tomorrow my cycle returns (yay ...back to fasting 🎉)

    However when I do my extended fasts should I not weigh myself weekly because it really messes up the whole timeline of weight loss?

    Looking at my timeline (I know it's been only a month since I started Fast like a Girl protocol) so far I'm really pleased with the results....I'm changing my diet for the better and making healthy decisions.


    I think you need to look at your weight overall. As long as you are having a downward trend you are ok. Do you log your weight in happy scale or another app? I found it very helpful.
    JaysFan82 wrote: »
    SW 388.6
    PW 225.8
    CW 224

    Maintenance Range 225-233

    Well then. I'm still not eating enough apparently and I'm consuming around 2400-2600 calories a day.

    Do you eat back your exercise calories?

    Cw:249.2 :)


    Fantastic loss!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    Mama530 wrote: »
    TUESDAY 04/04
    - Calories: 1459 (goal 1200-1600)
    - Water: 104 oz
    - Gym: no
    - Walk: 5.25 miles
    - Protein: 53 g (85 goal)
    - Fiber: 13 g (25 goal)
    - THOUGHTS: I’ve received a couple of compliments on my progress this week. My mental health really needed the boost.

    04/02: 7,794
    04/03: 5,871
    04/04: 20,998

    Crazy steps! A compliment can go along way.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member

    Will Easter chocolate be an issue this weekend? What is your plan to handle the Easter treats?

  • MSWarrior7088
    MSWarrior7088 Posts: 167 Member
    NouveauRee wrote: »

    PW 189.6
    CW 190.0

    Ok I need your input here ...

    185.8 I was fasting...I do believe I was doing a 72 this wasn't a true weight in my opinion
    188.8 I think was a true weight and the start of my nurture phase which means I could only fast for 13 hours... which I hated but I did it

    So I only gained 1.2 pounds for the two weeks...which I'm tomorrow my cycle returns (yay ...back to fasting 🎉)

    However when I do my extended fasts should I not weigh myself weekly because it really messes up the whole timeline of weight loss?

    Looking at my timeline (I know it's been only a month since I started Fast like a Girl protocol) so far I'm really pleased with the results....I'm changing my diet for the better and making healthy decisions.


    I know it’s a bit frustrating but it sounds like you’re having great NSVs. I think you may need to give it a few months to see the pattern. I was hesitant to join this group because of the weekly weigh in because I tend to fluctuate a lot at certain phases and because of that usually only weigh once a month. I haven’t tried any fasting techniques but interested in how it relates to your cycle. I’ve read about certain foods to eat during certain phases but haven’t tried any of it. Will have to look up the fasting book. I know I’m not any help here but give your body a little more time to adjust to this new way and trust the process. You will get there!

    Dr Mindy Pelz is on YouTube if your interested...she has a lot of videos a long with Dr Jason Fung... another favorite.

    Thanks for reaching out....I know I am very impatient and I will definitely give it more time. So far I like where I'm headed.
  • MSWarrior7088
    MSWarrior7088 Posts: 167 Member

    I have a scale that connects to MyFitnessPal and records when I step on it....but I will look into a separate one.... 😊
  • MSWarrior7088
    MSWarrior7088 Posts: 167 Member

    Will Easter chocolate be an issue this weekend? What is your plan to handle the Easter treats?

    🤔 Perhaps I will have one... or I'll save it and have a dessert instead 😁
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,213 Member

    Will Easter chocolate be an issue this weekend? What is your plan to handle the Easter treats?

    No problem here since I am keto I buy SF chocolate from a site called choc zero :)
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Thank you @lindamtuck2018 <3

    Easter is at my in-laws and there are no little ones in the family so the chocolate treats will not be there. I am going to enjoy the meal, and try to have small helpings of only the very best offerings and avoid the rest. I have no idea what is on the menu. I will allow myself a drink or two since we are providing the alcohol :)
  • Huckleterrie
    Huckleterrie Posts: 145 Member

    Step count (goal 13,000):

    04/02 - 15,673
    04/03 - 19,170
    04/04 - 10,845
    04/05 - 17,360
    04/06 -
    04/07 -
    04/08 -
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    NachDeezy wrote: »
    SW 630
    PW 630
    CW 609.2

    My goal was to get under 600 this month, but I forgot how wild the first couple weeks of losses can be. It is neat to see this big jump, but it also makes me realize how bad I was mistreating myself that just by eating correctly I can lose so much. Onward!

    @NachDeezy A wonderful first step! Yes...onward!
  • pauladner
    pauladner Posts: 59 Member
    Weekly weigh in

    Weigh in day Monday 4/3

    PW 237.6
    CW 237.2

    Nice loss
    Step Challenge
    My Round 6 (goal 12000)

    4/02 8257 (lower steps due to swimming. But I read an hour of swimming translates to 10000 steps. So there's that lol)
    4/03 5793 Migraine

    I have a step conversion ...was your swimming, leisure, moderate effort, treading water or vigorous effort and for how long? leisure is 133 x how long ... moderate effort is 174 x how long...treading water is 49 x how long and vigorous effort is 222 x how long

    Oh cool! I swam laps for 66 minutes with a few pauses in there so let's call it 60 mins. I have a snorkel I use so I don't have to concentrate on breathing. Love the silence and my ability to destress. This was my first time back in months so let's call it a leisurely pace. Thank you

    I never thought of using a snorkel. I think I would end up with a mouthful of water. Sometimes I go a bit to low when doing the breast stroke. Do you have trouble with getting water in the snorkel when you turn your head when doing the front crawl?
    pauladner wrote: »

    Fantastic loss! Is this a diet you plan to follow?

    Hi Linda, thank you! Many years ago I followed the Dukan diet, and it worked for me very well until I stopped dieting. 🙄
    I know that dieting doesn't work for me, so I'm trying to stick with a healthier lifestyle.

    I just googled the Dukan diet. Why do you need oat bran everyday?

    Hi Linda, in order to maintain bowel regularity, the Dukan Diet recommends that oat bran is consumed regularly.
  • Huckleterrie
    Huckleterrie Posts: 145 Member
    NachDeezy wrote: »
    SW 630
    PW 630
    CW 609.2

    My goal was to get under 600 this month, but I forgot how wild the first couple weeks of losses can be. It is neat to see this big jump, but it also makes me realize how bad I was mistreating myself that just by eating correctly I can lose so much. Onward!

    Woosh! I had to look twice at your numbers. Well done YOU! Nothing like a great start to prove you can do it. Looking forward to watching your progress.
  • GirlOnTheRebound
    GirlOnTheRebound Posts: 258 Member
    "I think I will order one from Amazon. I mostly do breast stroke as my form is not the greatest with the front crawl."

    This is exactly why I got the snorkel. Being able to keep my head down and breathe normal and relax allowed me the ability to slowly swim the front crawl. Also, I wasn't going under water before with breast stroke and now I can. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
  • Mama530
    Mama530 Posts: 605 Member
    Steps: 4,474
    Sleep: ✔️✔️✔️
    Log food:✔️✔️✔️
    Exercise: ✔️

    Good morning team! Made sure to move lots yesterday. Still not feeling the greatest. Getting my steps will be a challenge as I have a 4 hour silent retreat on zoom today. Not looking forward to 4 hours of meditation.

    If you don’t eat all your supper do you change your diary? For example, if you weighed your chicken but only ate half.

    @lindamtuck2018 i will change my food diary if I don’t eat a large portion of what I logged. I’ll usually weigh the uneaten portion and adjust. If it’s a nominal amount, I don’t bother.

    And ….. I am so curious about what a silent retreat is and why it’s on zoom. For me, a four hour meditation is just a nap at that point. But, I super curious about what you’re doing

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