Downsizers Team Chat - MAY 2023



  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,201 Member
    CONGRATS Downsizers for coming in 2nd this week in percentages and pounds ...Congrats @NachDeezy for being in 1st in pounds and losing 8 lbs ..That is incredible ....Congrats @pauladner, @itladyee and @Bluetail6 for being our top 3 weight loss losers this week :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,201 Member
    edited May 2023

    Here is my friendly Sunday reminder of the people's steps I need for May week 1...Please have your steps in no later than Tuesday evening 5/9/23...Thank you for your cooperation :)

    @Jpedno 5/2 - 5/6
    @Mama530 4/30 - 5/6
    @Huckleterrie 5/1 - 5/6
    @tahm42 4/30 - 5/6

  • Stacimfit
    Stacimfit Posts: 295 Member
    @madtownmitch Yay! I thought I had a pretty decent day as well. The weather was nice so I got out and went for a walk! So how does Walkin Mamas sound for a snazzy name? Hehe. If you think of something better let me know. I just saw we both have kids. 🤣
  • Stacimfit
    Stacimfit Posts: 295 Member
    I sent you a direct message. My app isn't too very user friendly for these threads so I thought messaging would be nice unless I'm on my computer which I'm not near as often.
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,361 Member
    Weekend Recap

    - Eating only at Level 3: no, didn't really focus on hunger levels - Back on it Monday
    - Water (Goal 64 oz) : 64 :) No idea
    - Increased intensity while walking: yes

    - THOUGHTS: Resume Small "continuous" daily changes....

    Step Challenge - Goal 7000

    4/30 12,177
    5/1 8,818
    5/2 10,502
    5/3 6,178 :(
    5/4 8,762
    5/5 12,070
    5/6 12,873
    5/7 6,638

    Weigh in Day: Friday
    Starting - 217.6 4/28/2023
    5/5 - 214.2
    5/12 -
    5/19 -
    5/26 -
    6/3 -
    Total 3.4
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,361 Member
    Oops...Just saw the partner step challenge today. Sounds like fun but I think I'm too late unless we can join and still include yesterday's steps??? If yes, and anyone still looking for a partner, let me know.
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,763 Member
    Weigh in day Sunday
    PW: 133 pounds
    CW: 133 pounds
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    Steps: 5,095
    Log food: ✔️

    Really running behind today. I had an appointment first thing and then my friend took me to run some errands. I just finished an 11 minute walk. I know it’s not long but it’s huge for me. I have to grab some lunch then off for another appointment. I am going to try and fit another walk in if I have time before I go.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    Congrats to @NachDeezy @pauladner @Tail0rMade22 and @Bluetail6 for being on the leaderboard this week. 👏👏👏👏👏
  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
    edited May 2023
  • madtownmitch
    madtownmitch Posts: 36 Member
    Monday walk challenge check-in (Team Walking Mamas): 4644
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    adianeschu wrote: »

    Nice loss!
    Sorry for another late weigh-in. Was out of town (and will be going out of town again this weekend).

    Sunday weigh-in day: 5/7/23
    PW: 190
    CW: 188.4

    I'm not even sure how this is possible considering everything I have eaten this last week, but I'm thankful! Life has been so hectic this month so hopefully everything will be returning back to normal in the next week or so.

    I love when we get a nice surprise on the scale.

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    Steps: 6,413
    Log food: ✔️✔️

    Lots of steps yesterday. The two mini walks helped. The left side of my back is not happy today so I am going to play it by ear for exercise. I am going for my injections soon so hopefully it will help and I will get a couple of walks in. Bottom line is I am seeing a big change in the pain in my right side of my back and right leg. Hopefully, it lasts until Vegas.

    Have a great Tuesday!
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