WaistAways Team Chat - OCTOBER 2023



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,185 Member
    Oct 20 - 11926 steps + 32 minutes Peloton
    Oct 21 - 7182 steps
    Oct 22 - 7832 steps
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    @ashleycarole86 it is true - the metrics are sometimes hard to take, but at least you are working from reality and can track improvement. The numbers indicating every building step along the way feel great once you get going. Pedal, girl! Just don't overdo it at first - strain and injuries are not a good way to get those numbers moving faster. You will be back in Fondo Form by July, I'll bet.

    I decided to do a long Pilates workout today - really need to keep the back and hips training going so I don't wobble all over the place in the saddle while I'm working with that young equine of mine. So I picked a workout video from the library on the site I use. It was an older one - I usually avoid those because the voice is recorded badly. But I'm glad I put up with it this time! It was a cracking good one, leaving me with some shaking muscles for sure. Steps are down, though - now that I'm not out in those gigantic prairie pastures, I'm slacking!

  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,288 Member
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    Monday - Tuesday weigh-ins:

    mighty quiet on the weigh-in front today! numbers, please :smiley:
  • littlemzkitty
    littlemzkitty Posts: 139 Member
    Happy Monday!!

    PW: 233
    CW: 231.8

    After being stuck/increasing slightly for weeks, the past two weeks have been encouraging. Just got to keep at it.
  • CarolAnnM2
    CarolAnnM2 Posts: 1,073 Member
    Weigh in Day: MONDAY
    PW: 193.0
    CW: 193.0
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,942 Member
    Hi WA's ... You have a new member joining your amazing team for November ..Please welcome @Betsy___ :)
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 255 Member
    @ashleycarole86 - Monday, October 23rd - 7,888 steps, 40 minutes of spin

    In my house right now I have a sick husband and a sick roommate. Roommate has been miserable since Friday while hubby just started coming down with the flu yesterday. Amazingly (or maybe not so amazing because I got my flu shot?) I feel great still. I made it to spin class yesterday and bowling in the evening. I even went to the store and got ingredients to make chicken and rice soup for the sickies before going to bowling. Then, I managed to get up today for CrossFit, came home to do all the chores hubby normally does, and made it to work. Fingers crossed I continue to feel well and avoid whatever this grossness is that is going around.

    @ashleycarole86 - It is definitely humbling to be at a point that feels like starting over. But, it's been said before that you have the toolbox of knowledge for how to get back to where you want, so I believe wholeheartedly you will get there!

    @jugar - I am so glad I moved my weigh in to Wednesday! I was 175 again today and have a sneaking suspicion tomorrow will be lower.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    @Betsy___ welcome! Please stop on by and introduce yourself - ask any questions you may have, and you'll be all ready to roll on Sunday when the November challenge officially starts. Even though it won't really be November yet!

    Since you have chosen Sunday as your weigh-in day, you will be weighing in right away on that first day, which might feel a bit weird. Once you have been here for a while it will all work out, but each week the Sunday people are the first. If you'd rather change days, you can do that at any time - just post a message here to request a change. We're looking forward to getting to know you!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    @MaddawgMadsen keep that fabulous energy going! outrun that bug!

    some beautiful green appearing - well done @littlemzkitty and @lauren_989 :smiley:
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 625 Member
    checking in - thankfully it will be an earlier night for me. hoping to be fast asleep in the next 30 minutes.

    my workouts have been good this week - still modifying for my foot but getting the heartrate up anyways! tomorrow is a walking day but I have to rein myself in and not overdo it like I did last week. 30 minutes at the absolute most.

    this weekend I have friends visiting for a bday celebration and I am baking a cake. It will be a lot of food and not all of it healthy but I don't plan to drink. Trying to run as tight a ship as I can this week to lessen the blow that will likely be my weigh in next friday haha.

    @MaddawgMadsen glad you are feeling good and keeping the energy up!

    @micki48 not so glad to hear about your foot arthritis - hopefully they will have a solid treatment plan for you. Juliet looks adorable! (if I am remembering her name right!)

    goodnight friends
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    @micki48 that is one fabulous photo - she is growing up so much! Good news about the hip - and physio will certainly make a difference. I hope there is some silver lining in the foot news, though. Gnarly never sounds good when it comes to bones...

    OK - quick update! Weigh-ins due through Wednesday:

  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 224 Member
    edited October 2023
    PW 169.6
    CW 171.2

    Well, that was a short-lived visit to the 160's... I am packing a bigger suitcase this week, cause next week I am getting there, and staying there...

    I have made a decision; I am going off my hormone replacement therapy... Cross your fingers I have a successful transition.

    @Micki48 Your granddaughter is just adorable... Sorry about your toe, hope they can fix you right up !
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,185 Member
    Oh my goodness.. I am dying of cuteness overload.. she's amazing!!

    Well I'm writing this from my commute in.. it's been almost 1.5 hours... the roads are terrible and everything is crawling.

    I'm exhausted because soccer was late and I didn't make it home until almost midnight. We had fun but lost. I was working from home yesterday due to weather and even with soccer my steps missed my 10K goal. Office definitely helps me keep my movement up.
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 255 Member
    PW: 173.6
    CW: 174.4

    @ashleycarole86 - Tuesday, October 24 - 9,353 steps, 1 hour CrossFit

    Yesterday was a LONG day. At 7pm I was finally ready to think about dinner as I was driving home. The first success was convincing myself to find something at the store or eat leftover chicken and rice soup instead of eating out. The next success happened at the store when I bypassed a low carb pizza (it had over 1,100 calories!!) and almond flour cookies for Mary's crackers to go with the leftover soup and an apple for dessert. So, instead of eating out, getting something loaded with calories from the store, or having dessert, I went home to eat homemade chicken and rice soup with crackers, and was so full I didn't need the apple dessert. Oh, and no alcohol. Alcohol as a support/crutch/coping mechanism didn't even cross my mind. My weight may be up from last week, but if I can have more successful days like yesterday, I don't think it will stay that way long.

    I woke up feeling drained today, so I did not go to spin class. More sleep was definitely needed! When I did get up, my dog chugged so much water that he made himself puke all over his crate, down the hallway, and in front of the bedroom door. Sick dog, sick husband, and sick roommate. What a way to start the day! At least I still feel okay. I have a little sinus headache, but other than that feel fine.

    @jugar - speaking of sinus headaches, I did some research on foods to avoid if you have sinus issues. Wouldn't you know it, processed sugar was the top of every list. Other items - dairy, alcohol, and gluten. They also all mentioned that living in high altitude places (I'm at 6,300 ft or 1,920 m elevation) and changing weather patterns can aggravate sinus issues. Interestingly enough, I kind of knew all of this just from life experience, but it's nice to read documentation on it.

    @Micki48 - that is a fantastic picture of your granddaughter. What a cutie!
  • JScottJr1988
    JScottJr1988 Posts: 24 Member
    Username: JScottJr1988
    Weigh in Day: Wednesday
    Pw: 204 lbs
    Cw: 204 lbs
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 440 Member
    @micki48 what a cutie - Thanks for sharing your granddaughter is adorable

    @Kali225 great job still keeping active and doing what you can without overdoing it. Love the attitude

    @MaddawgMadsen Great job making a good decision after a long day. It's these successes that pay off - keep it up

    PW 167.2
    CW 170.4

    I"m bouncing around all over and could be up slightly from my weekend but got my workout in today and have dinner in the crockpot for later tonight. So far setting myself up for success.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    PW 150.4
    CW 149

    Sorry, it has been a busy, busy week. Hope everyone is doing well.
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