Shape Shifters Team Chat - OCTOBER 2023



  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    PW: 227
    CW: 228.5 :/
  • izzyred9400
    izzyred9400 Posts: 972 Member
    My steps ,sorry its a long list.
    10/1 11,572
    10/2 15,193
    10/3 14,837
    10/4 11,287
    10/5 13,445
    My eating & logging haven't been good this week.Mainly because my bro in law gave me alot of leftover food from my his grand daughters first birthday.I never buy cakes,sausage rolls & scones so they were
    hard to resist.
    I'm still trying to get my house clean & in order after been away for September.It wasn't too untidy ,my sons did try a little.But catching up with laundry when it's raining everyday is hard work.
    I did get a Dance fit class in this week,this mornings class was cancelled so I did 15 mins on the bike & some strength training.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,302 Member
    Clear day so I was able to meditate outside with the cats. Husband's birthday today, he's 41. Celebrated by making 3 cupcakes and walking on the beach (he had the day off). We've been trying to lose weight and so far he's down 25lbs so we just had one cupcake each.

    Meditating outside on the Yoga Mat, but I tend to end up listening to birds, watching clouds, and petting cats -- but it's really nice.

    Sounds like a really lovely day @Itadakimasu7 and happy birthday to your hubby! You cat is beautiful!!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,302 Member
    Happy Friday Shape Shifters!

    Today was the only day this week that I didn't have time to walk before work. I was disappointed, but I really needed the extra sleep. Ended up working overtime and then had to go get groceries, come home and put those away...empty all the trash, do a little light cleaning in the kitchen and one bathroom. Work was very busy today as the boss and several colleagues were out, so it was non-stop, which is why I had to stay a little late. Came home and did a 30 minute strength workout with hand weights on my arms, shoulders and some core work. One shoulder is a little tender, so put the weights away when doing shoulder exercises. Also walked for 20 minutes.

    Looking forward to my walk in the morning. I really walking first thing of the helps me clear my head...I feel strong because of just waking up and it just sets the tone for my whole day...

    Anybody have plans for the weekend they'd like to share?!! I have a few errands to run, but rain is expected tomorrow, so not sure how much of that will get done. Gotta do some meal planning for the week. At least I got the grocery out of the way...have a wonderful Saturday y'all!

  • cre804
    cre804 Posts: 354 Member
    PW 192.5
    CW 194.0

    Yesterday was a totally out of control eating day. Two meals out, cookies, candy-I’m just appalled! Gotta turn this ship around!
  • ganival
    ganival Posts: 107 Member

    Cw 181.6

    Sorry don’t have my previous weight handy
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,813 Member
    Good morning Shape Shifters. After a short night, we woke up to not so great weather. My mom and I weren't sure what to do; walk or stay home. We decided to wait a little bit until the rain had stopped and then we left at 9:30 to go for a looong walk. I am very glad we didn't stay home because we didn't get any rain, just lots of wind. We saw some fun birds, a lot of mushrooms again and a pretty caterpillar on a tree. We had a nice break at the teahouse. We both had a very simple grilled cheese sandwich and we shared a piece of applepie. It ended up being a little over 13 kilometers for my mom and 10 kilometers for me since I biked the first part again. It was a lot and I was really tired when we got home at 14:00. I cooked for us in the evening and we went to bed early. Happy Saturday everyone <3
    October 6 numbers
    • Sleep: 7h 47m ~ 76 score
    • Steps: 27.299
    • Zone Minutes: 146
    • Calories: +/- 1600
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,337 Member
    10/6 8,245
  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member
    10/6 Steps 18,813

    Had a nice him with my husband yesterday although he started feeling bad at the end, unfortunately. No big plans this weekend other than trying to get in a 10 mile run. Just starting to train for the Houston Marathon in January.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,376 Member
    What a beautiful area for hiking! -It’s so nice to see photos of the different landscapes @SavageMrsMoose and @Pupowl Thanks for sharing your photos and experiences. I hope your husband feels better soon @SavageMrsMoose.

    P.S. Congratulations to your daughter on passing the bar exam. That’s a lot of hard work and quite an accomplishment! I’m so happy to hear the good news for your family!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,376 Member
    edited October 2023
    I just dropped off my husband at the airport for his trip to Japan. He’ll be there until the 19th. It’s a rainy day here so I think I’ll join the other Shape Shifters catching up on cleaning chores. You’ve inspired me @Pupowl, @izzyred9400, and @jessicakrall8!

    I also need to take a trip to the post office. My son forgot a few posters at the house that he wants to hang in his college apartment. He had them all packed in poster containers but left them in the mudroom by mistake. I’ll probably go to a nearby post office instead of walking to the smaller one in our neighborhood because there’s a big Art on the Avenue event going on in our neighborhood today.

    The streets are closed down for music, food, and art stalls. In the past, I’ve been very involved in planning and volunteering to host activities but this year I’ll probably just visit for lunch and wander around a bit to visit with neighbors. Some of the fun activities I led in previous years include scarecrow making from donated clothes and hay, small pumpkin painting, and creating big sand mandalas on the street. It’s a nice event that we started 28 years ago, the year we bought our house in this neighborhood. It has really grown over the years! I kind of miss the smaller local feel we had in the earlier days but it’s wonderful to see so many people enjoying the day with family and friends!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,376 Member
    cre804 wrote: »
    Gotta turn this ship around!

    @Cre804 - You can do it. Yesterday is in the past and today is a new day. Each decision we make is a chance to start fresh.

    This morning, I made a bad decision for breakfast because I had some leftover baked goods that had been sitting there for awhile. I really need to figure out a way to get over my guilt around wasting food. It wasn’t too bad this time, since I spaced out eating them well enough that I can probably manage to stay within my daily calorie target, but they had very little nutritional value.

    I’m planning to make better decisions for the rest of the day but the frustration I sensed from your post above resonated with me. Now I’m picturing one of those big ships that takes awhile to turn but eventually makes it, and I’m going to try to stick to a steady course to turn this ship around!

    Guilt and shame are not helpful so I hope you can be kind to yourself. We can learn and improve — and we can turn the ship!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,302 Member
    September Step Challenge Results

    Wk 1 - @Pupowl with 123,564 steps!
    Wk 2 - @Pupowl with 120,966 steps!
    Wk 3 - @Pupowl with 124,925 steps!
    Wk 4 - @Pupowl with 141,591 steps!

    Top 3 Placers

    1. @Pupowl with 511,046 steps!!!
    2. @pedal__power with 383,665 steps!!
    3. @Zaxa2021 with 375,427 steps!

    Overall as a team, we walked nearly 3.2 million steps! Wow...
  • Armygirlarmyof1
    Armygirlarmyof1 Posts: 527 Member
    Friday steps 10.6 3301
    Saturday steps 10.7 4150
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,302 Member
    edited October 2023
    Options DVR and cable box died today...lost several Hallmark movies, Hallmark mysteries and 1-2 seasons of all of my favorite shows...nothing could be done...had to upgrade my modem and them all hooked up with little trouble...guess I'll have more time to read until all the new fall shows are finally up and running, huh?! MORE TIME FOR WALKING! :smile:

    Getting ready to stir up dinner. Hope your day is going well! It's raining here...and it's chilly out...I'm staying in.
  • Itadakimasu7
    Itadakimasu7 Posts: 313 Member
    @SavageMrsMoose -- aww' man! You're training at altitude then going to Houston? You'll smash that marathon, Muhahaha :D haha. (I think I've had that fantasy a few times). When is the marathon? Heat and humidity might be an issue though, idk, but best of luck training!! Beautiful mountain scenery. I used to live in Colorado Springs but all I could see was Pikes Peak in the distance and Filmore street. I did a half-marathon where I went from sea level to elevation - I signed up for the darn thing and didn't realize I would be going UP in elevation, well, I realized that in a hurry on the course, lol, I wanted to lay down in the middle of the road, and it was such an isolated location, no aid stations and 83f. ;-P.

    6 miles on the bicycle today - tourists have flocked to the coast as the temperatures here have gone up rather dramatically. We normally are 55 and raining this time in October, but this weekend we're supposed to see 84 I think they said. It's too hot.

    My cat is crazy, he loves the new rug, and when I go in there he'll be laying on his back like this:
    Mind you - he's totally alone, just snoozing on his favorite textile.

    What's your basic favorite thermostat / temperature?

    Have a good weekend everyone!

    I'm too hot if it's over 70 ;-P
  • Itadakimasu7
    Itadakimasu7 Posts: 313 Member
    I was wondering if steps on an elliptical count? My ankle is toast but I might be able to get enough time in on the elliptical. Not sure how that would get tracked though, I have an old fitbit and an older apple watch.
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