Shape Shifters Team Chat - OCTOBER 2023



  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,227 Member
    The October Week 2 Group Challenge is ready to begin tomorrow, Sunday, Oct 8th. Please join us for the 7 Days 7 Minutes Challenge. Hope to see you in the chat thread!

    Here's your link:

    Jessica :smile:
  • bearchested
    bearchested Posts: 221 Member
    PW: 185.6
    CW: 188.8

    Let travel and stress eating get the best of me this week.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,814 Member
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,777 Member
    Good morning Shape Shifters. It was the last day my mom was here. We didn't really do much. Walked to the village center, checked out the giftshop and we went to the grocery store. They didn't have what I wanted though, so it wasn't a very productive visit. At least my mom found some things to buy at the gift shop. She got picked up again in the afternoon. After that, I mostly relaxed and read a lot. Happy Sunday everyone <3
    October 7 numbers
    • Sleep: 8h 31m ~ 85 score
    • Steps: 14.822
    • Zone Minutes: 13
    • Calories: 1235
  • Zaxa2021
    Zaxa2021 Posts: 414 Member

    10/4 - 9,843
    10/5- 8,219
    10/6- 6,478
    10/7- 10,589
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,443 Member
    Daily step goal: 10,000
    Fri 10/6: 11,659
    Sat 10/7: 17,510
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,443 Member
    edited October 2023
    I was wondering if steps on an elliptical count? My ankle is toast but I might be able to get enough time in on the elliptical. Not sure how that would get tracked though, I have an old fitbit and an older apple watch.
    If you can't count steps on an elliptical, then I've been doing it all wrong! 😉

    My 10,000 steps/day goal is usually achieved only by doing some water aerobics in addition to walking. I get around 3,000-3,500 steps in an hour of water aerobics, and I feel like it should be more, because I get around 6,500 steps in an hour of walking, and my average heart rate is much higher during water aerobics than during walking.
    (I was in a 12-week step challenge last spring that wanted steps recorded in miles. Initially, I was only recording miles I got during my walk activities, until someone pointed out that I should be converting my total steps to miles. I think I got about double the miles by recording what my watch said was the mile equivalent to my day's steps!)
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,319 Member
    10/5 7,334
    I thought I posted those
    10/7 6,374
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,329 Member


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  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,227 Member
    edited October 2023
    @SavageMrsMoose -- aww' man! You're training at altitude then going to Houston? You'll smash that marathon, Muhahaha :D haha. (I think I've had that fantasy a few times). When is the marathon? Heat and humidity might be an issue though, idk, but best of luck training!! Beautiful mountain scenery. I used to live in Colorado Springs but all I could see was Pikes Peak in the distance and Filmore street. I did a half-marathon where I went from sea level to elevation - I signed up for the darn thing and didn't realize I would be going UP in elevation, well, I realized that in a hurry on the course, lol, I wanted to lay down in the middle of the road, and it was such an isolated location, no aid stations and 83f. ;-P.

    6 miles on the bicycle today - tourists have flocked to the coast as the temperatures here have gone up rather dramatically. We normally are 55 and raining this time in October, but this weekend we're supposed to see 84 I think they said. It's too hot.

    My cat is crazy, he loves the new rug, and when I go in there he'll be laying on his back like this:

    Mind you - he's totally alone, just snoozing on his favorite textile.

    What's your basic favorite thermostat / temperature?

    Have a good weekend everyone!

    I'm too hot if it's over 70 ;-P

    @Itadakimasu7 It's so crazy how acclimation works, isn't it?!! You and I are exact opposites! Anything under 70, I refer to as "cold". I love the hot weather, but have no problems using my air conditioning to stay comfortable, but anything under 70 and I'm in long sleeves. At work, they keep the temps like refrigeration and I run a heater at my desk throughout the year. LOL It went down to the mid 40s last night for the first time this fall and I had to get up and turn my heat on to 65. Today it's 68 for the high and I'm in a sweatshirt... :blush:

    I love you fur baby...he's so cute...thanks for sharing...always makes me smile!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,227 Member
    I was wondering if steps on an elliptical count? My ankle is toast but I might be able to get enough time in on the elliptical. Not sure how that would get tracked though, I have an old fitbit and an older apple watch.

    @Itadakimasu7 Try putting your watch on your ankle and see if that works...just a thought...I do it sometimes when I'm walking in a store pushing a cart...
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,227 Member
    angmarie28 wrote: »

    @angmarie28 I didn't see a posting from you asking to register for this month's step challenge...what is your daily step goal? What is your favorite place to walk in the fall? PLEASE make sure to report your steps every 2-3 days. Thanks!
  • Itadakimasu7
    Itadakimasu7 Posts: 313 Member
    I need to move to a better neighborhood, or the crack house down the road needs to burn to the ground this time instead of merely exploding. Anyone who can put the good mojo out for me, I appreciate it :+1:

    They have a collection of large unnuetered dogs and they let them run my yard (because I have a *nice* yard) and one was in my yard trying to attack an elderly persons small dog, while my cats were outside. Then -- the guy with the dog threatened me. I utterly lost it. I couldn't believe someone would stand there and try to threaten me after that. Not an apology, not a 'wont' happen again promise' nope, threatened me -- I just utterly lost it.

    Um' but yeah, had a great 9 mile bike ride today otherwise. A lot of mushroom hunters out, they were finding some King Boletes. I sat for awhile at the ocean and just took it in - I had my chill set to 10 - I had meditated this morning making good plans for future... It wasn't too hot or too cold. It was very nice out, and everyone was polite on the trail. I came home and sprayed my bike with detergent and washed it (I had gone to the beach that is full of fine granular sand) and made sure there was no sand in the derailure etc. and then I oiled my bike and put her away. I thought I would oil the mountain bike a little too when I heard this unreal yelling from a small dog and my elderly neighbor shouting for help. Neighbor Steve was quickly on the scene and another guy, I guess visiting, it's Sunday so a lot of people around. Thank goodness the little dog was okay and the cats were alright.

    Swash like is tidal, and a storm must be pushing water in from the sea.

  • Armygirlarmyof1
    Armygirlarmyof1 Posts: 527 Member
    2222 steps
  • Itadakimasu7
    Itadakimasu7 Posts: 313 Member
    @frankwbrown -- Thanks, that clears it up for me. For some reason I thought moving my feet in any other way would invalidate my steps. I'll start tracking!
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,777 Member
    Good morning Shape Shifters. I had another quiet day. I was still pretty tired from my moms visit and Tinus woke me up at 6:15 which didn't help. I did laundry and I ordered some new postcards. Looking forward to pick up Postcrossing again. That is one of those hobbies of mine that comes and goes in waves. Happy Monday everyone <3
    October 8 numbers
    • Sleep: 7h 31m ~ 76 score
    • Steps: 15.306
    • Zone Minutes: 11
    • Calories: 1305
  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member
    @Itadakimasu7 How awful about the loose dogs! I am a dog lover, still devastated over the loss of my Buddy in June, but owners must control their animals. I blame the owner every time. And in YOUR yard on top??? Crazy!

    My husband was bit by a dog on a walk last summer. Wasn’t really injured although it it break the skin. He had to go on antibiotics because he’s had two hip replacements and is very vulnerable to blood infections. The owner was very apologetic and the dog had its rabies shot, but my husband, even more of a dog lover than me, is still spooky by loose dogs.

    Had a good day yesterday. Hike and my 10 mile run. Weight down a little, but still up overall. I keep trying.

    10/8 Steps 20.910
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,227 Member
    Mon weigh-in
    PW: 303.8
    CW: 303.0
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