Navigating November!



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited November 2023

    It's not my fav smileys, but I did find something...just practicing ... hopefully, it gets better.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Hi all, this was a day. Ugh. Trying to focus on and be grateful for the wonderful clients and not let the few bad apples ruin my day.

    Oh, I love that glass, Bisky. I haven't been to a thrift store in ages. I should check them out more often. I've become lazy about meal prep too.

    I wish I could find a wfpb meal service around here, Carla. Will be interested in what you think. I have simplified my diet so much over the past year though. Lots of smoothies or oats, veggie wraps, baked potatoes, beans, cooked veggies, fruit.

    Nanc, that buddha bowl is beautiful! Yum! I'll try out the almond dressing.

    Came home and cleared off my dining room table which is often a catchall. Feels good to have accomplished something, even if it was small.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,023 Member
    edited November 2023
    Nanc - I wish I could figure out how to post smaller pictures. Beautiful pic of trees.

    Mihani - yikes. I get triggered by negative people too. Sorry about the few bad apples. Speaking of apples no Snapdragons. Moved onto Envy apples.

    Making a vegetable soup with cannellini beans tomorrow. Love this cooler weather. Finally faced the cooler temps in the indoor pool. It was 78*. It was not that bad. All summer it was 82-86*. Kinda too warm.

    I gave away bags of clothes but taking some nicer stuff to a consignment store tomorrow. I just hope I can lose 35 more lbs and maintain it.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    @bisky great job on the weight'll get are making much better progress than me...I have had 15 pounds to go FOR EVER! I thought I would be under 150 this past weekend...NOPE.

    The only thing to do is not give up and work harder.

    Back to work today...

    black coffee
    cereal with almond milk and blueberries
    garden salad
    honey crisp apple

    the only exercise I have been doing since my hip/groin situation has been walking LULU. Had x-rays a week ago and still have not heard from doc. See her again on this next Monday. But may contact the office today to see about the results.

    That's it from the desert southwest.

    Making life deeeeee licious and healthy!

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited November 2023

    I might have figured a way to get my favs here...just practicing! 24n7latj557l.png

    I think she's got George, she's got it! 7lfswg2c1qmr.png

    Please let me know if they show up! zwowdyrkizhm.png
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member

    Got weighed today - lost 4.2 pounds this week - made my goal of getting to 235 - actuall now at 234.4
    Goal for end of November 230
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Great job, Marilyn.

    Nanc, the smileys are working, yay!!!

    Bisky, I found sugar bee apples. Haven't tried one yet but we'll see.

    I had a long day. Left early to go vote and came home to do another few hours of work. Time for reading and sleep. I've managed to hit the treadmill two mornings in a row and need to keep that up. It's helping with my stress level at work.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited November 2023
    Veteran's Day, Saturday...11-11-23 Thank you to all our veterans! God Bless America!


    Rise and Shine!
    Great job on the weight loss, Marilyn 825sj222wlnw.png Keep up the good work!

    (smiles do not move...darn...oh well, better than nothing!)

    coffee, black, STILL
    cereal, almond milk, blueberries
    bean burrito

    the end.
    LIVING LIFE DEEEEEEEE LICIOUSly! 5q4gl55z9j3o.png

    gjpwhb3m7pz9.png Congrats to our treadmill queens...I think there are two of you! 09qnumne36tg.png
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,023 Member
    Happy Wednesday

    Yay Marilynn for the weight loss. 👏🥳

    Magic - TY from Brooks for Veterans Day ! I use to think Veterans Day was for retired military. A veteran is anyone who served in a war. He has been deployed 3 times. Unfortunately he was exposed to the burn pits each time. We believe that is why he has 3 different types of cancer. 😳

    Kudos Mihani for treadmill commitment! I think walking is best exercise. I love swimming but walking is better as a good weight bearing exercise. 🚶‍♀️

    This am I did the one mile loop around the parade grounds on base where there is a track and frequently PT test are held. They run 1.5 miles. Someone collapsed and was not moving. I hope and pray he is okay. Ambulance was called and took him to the hospital.

    FYI Costco has a great selection of work out clothes and leggings! I buy leggings a size smaller to kind of hold things in. Much cheaper than shapewear or spanx. I like to wear them under dresses or as compression tights for flying. Branched out from usual black ones and bought dark plum. I think they were $15.00.

    Got all my veggies and beans ready to make soup! Swim day.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Bisky, shout-out to Brooks for Veterans Day from here too. I hope the person you saw collapse is okay.

    Did I ever tell you guys the one and only time I bought spanx, I didn't think about it and threw them in the dryer, after which they possibly would have fit a barbie doll. Never got to wear them once... what a waste of money! LOL

    Nanc, still glad to see your smileys even if they aren't animated.

    I haven't been posting my food because it has been repetitive. It helps me to keep it simple so it has been smoothies or oats for breakfast, baked potato and cooked veggies or soup for lunch, and a veggie wrap for dinner most nights because I honestly never get tired of those. Snacks have been fruit or raw veggies with about a tablespoon of sunflower or pumpkin seeds. I add some beans to lunch or dinner. The scale is finally responding so I'll keep on keepin' on.

    I have been tracking in MFP recently just to get a feel for the calories and I'm generally 1300 to 1500 which is fine. I'm trying to stop the cycles of restriction and overindulgence and take the long view.

    Day 3 of morning treadmill done.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member

    Just posting meals today...might be back later with more.

    black coffee
    Garden little burger sandwich...using Dave's Killer bread and ketchup...maybe onion if I have it.
    apple and peanuts and raisins
    bean burrito

    ^ is my menu for the next four days!

    Live Life Deliciously!

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,023 Member
    Mihani - strong work on the treadmill! Glad the scale is responding. I have to track my food just to be conscious of what I am eating and calorie content. I bought vegan gluten free pumpkin bagels from TJ’s. Such a treat but very high in sugar and carbs so I have just a half.

    Magic - your menu and meal planning are excellent.

    I made my vegetable soup. Ridiculously easy buying the chopped veggies. I think this is the way for me right now instead of food prepping. It is a bit high in sodium from vegetarian Better than Bouillon. My weight was down a little bit but my rings were tight. 34 lbs to go. Next is vegetarian chili!

    Met with my eating disorder therapist yesterday . We discussed my two biggest fears: Not getting to my goal weight and not maintaining. Rather than giving me false assurances she discussed using evidence based research of why this happens. One very interesting problem she pointed out was when people reach goal all their other problems do not magically disappear. They may still need to deal with past or present day traumas, relationships and other issues. It can be overwhelming and then people go back to old habits. They choose foods for comfort rather than nutrition.
    We also discussed Thanksgiving day strategy. Good friends have invited us over. I am making vegan gluten free stuffing and a spinach cranberry salad with pecans. Most stuff will have gluten so that is an easy pass.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Mornin' All, overslept a little this morning but taking time for a quiet cup of coffee before I head to the office. I was out with colleagues from a few different offices last night and it was really fun. We try to do this every few months. We laugh so much and make good-natured fun of our bosses.

    I'm going to cut out a little early today and go to the grocery store. I want to do some cooking tonight and tomorrow for both the week and my SIL's birthday dinner Saturday.

    Plan this weekend is lentil soup, salads/wraps, oats and smoothies. I'll think of something for later in the week but preps usually last 4 days before.

    Bisky, what all did you put in your veggie soup? This time of year my mind turns to all things soup/stew.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited November 2023

    TGIF...for sure!

    Sounds like a great time, Mihani.

    I loved what your therapist said, Bisky. I see that behavior in our favorite Ozempic coworkers...they lost but slowly I see their old behavior creeping back in and one has said she has already gained back four pounds. Attributed to the same problems before she lost and barely made lasting dietary changes.

    So my BIL is healing nicely...but the paramedics had to be called for my sister because of high BP. They got it under control...but when I mentioned to her that I would be seeing a cardiologist whose philosophy is preventative med, she never responded.


    Thanksgiving menu. I am so sick of this dilemma every year. I am tempted to make a burger in her toaster oven with all the fixings and call it a day.

    I loved the Gardein Holiday roast, but I can't find it #1 and secondly, I don't think my sister's toaster oven is big enough. I baked mine in my Cosori air fryer/oven using the bake setting or roast. It is delicious. I had it at home, for several days.

    But the stress of cooking it at my sister's (or at home and keeping it warm and not soggy) is not worth it. I might try and find the little individual turkey things by Gardein and make those. Those fit in her toast oven and I had those last year.

    Today's Menu is same as yesterday!

    Making life deeeeeeeeeeelicious!b
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Nanc... hmmm... maybe it would be easiest to just take a big ol' salad with you and eat that? Something like this: Or just take one of the Trader Joe's salad kits that you like with you.

    Glad to hear your sister and BIL are both doing well. Scary.

    My brother and SIL always host Thanksgiving and they are so good to me... make a separate batch of dressing without chicken broth or oysters (blech even before I was vegan) and they pull out some of the potatoes for me to mash with plant based butter and milk that I bring with me. And we always have some green stuff. I always thought Thanksgiving was all about the carbs anyway. I liked turkey best the day after on sandwiches. On the actual holiday turkey got in the way of all the potatoes and stuffing. LOL

    Bisky, I agree with Nanc and your counselor. It's crazy how many times I've been up and down the scale over the years. I've probably lost thousands of pounds! It's so unhealthy to go up and down in weight repeatedly, and makes it so much harder to lose and maintain in the long run. I still want to lose another 20 to 30 pounds, but I'm okay with the fact I've been maintaining within 5 or 10 pounds for quite a few years now. It's given me a little stability at least, and if I can continue on a more sane path where I'm not constantly restricting too much then eating too much, I think the rest of the weight will naturally come off.

    I'm a work in progress still. :)

    Missed the treadmill this morning since I slept in a bit, but I'll be sure to get back at it tomorrow. Tonight I'm taking it easy and going to bed early. I wasn't able to get out of the office early so while I did get the grocery run done still need to cook and prep tomorrow. Just not into trying to get it done tonight.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited November 2023

    Heartfelt THANK-YOU to Brooks and all the veterans out there, past and present! God Bless America!