Navigating November!



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited November 2023
    Mihani, thanks for the ideas...but I have decided to put my foot down. I want that Gardein Holiday I ordered it from Whole Foods (Prime Delivery ...WF is 30 minutes from here...round trip one I ordered with them and they are delivering today...10 bucks...and a tip. But worth it...I ordered a few other things I like from there that ONLY they have. I will make that roast at my sister's. I am not even going to ask...I will say I have this roast to bake so we need to figure out when it can go in the oven.

    How your family treats you, Mihani, is how I would do it for someone else. It's about being thoughtful and considerate. I will make my own sides at home and keep them warm in the Hot Logic. I make the fresh cranberry conserve (Ina Garten's recipe) every year for the whole fam.

    Clean and Delicious just had a great green bean recipe that I will use:

    Sweet potatoes...just straight up, nothing fancy. Dessert, pumpkin bread OR I might live dangerously and take my Ninja Creamini and whip up some pumpkin ice cream at my sister's. LOL.

    this weekend...huge cleanup and next to nothing done last weekend.

    menu today...same as yesterday...but adding more veg.

    Making life deeeeeelicious.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Glad you were able to find the gardein roast, Nanc. I am sure it will all work out fine.

    I decided to experiment with a flavored coffee. I didn't feel like doing a full pumpkin spice but I added a little almond milk and maple syrup, cinnamon and nutmeg, vanilla. It is pretty good! I am going to try making a real pumpkin spice creamer with stevia, pumpkin puree, almond or cashew milk, and pumpkin pie spice. Blend it all up and from various recipes I've read it should stay good at least a week. It would be better blended because I ended up with a sludge of spices in the bottom of the cup adding piecemeal. I ordered a couple 32 and 16 ounce glass jars from amazon. I have a 64 ounce one and it's too big when I want to make nut milk or creamer.

    Woke up at like 3 am and couldn't get back to sleep so I was up for a few hours, then finally went back to sleep and didn't get up until 10, so the day is slipping away. Have to start laundry, get the lentil soup made, and get cleaned up to visit with the family. I'm in charge of dinner but I just got easy sides like tortilla and pita chips, crackers, guacamole, hummus, raw veggies, etc. I will have to cut up cucumber for the veggie tray but that's about it. We often just nosh when we get together rather than having full meals.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Had fun with the family tonight. I had two glasses of wine and noshed on all the foods. Have a lot leftover so I'll be happy with all the raw veggies and dips for snacks this week at the office. I will take the rest of the blue corn chips and pita chips to the office for my boss.

    I need to get in better habits on weekends. I'm great all week but then I'll indulge in cocktails on Friday or Saturday and eat things that aren't totally WFPB like the blue corn chips or something with daiya cheese, etc. My weight is trending down but it would better health-wise and I'd be losing faster if I got rid of those things on weekends.

    I'm checking out a new gym this week. Need to schedule an appointment to get a tour. They have personal trainers on staff you can sign up with for very reasonable rates too so I will likely work with one initially to create a plan. It is only maybe 10 minutes from my house. I loved the place I was going previously but it is way too expensive, especially in this economy. The one I plan to join has a pool too!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member

    I am excited for you to start your gym membership, Mihani. Our new one, five minutes from my home, opens in January. I am so looking forward to the sauna. That is the main draw for me. I think it will help with my sleeping.

    Nice that you enjoyed family time and have leftovers to boot!

    Got a lot accomplished yesterday...just getting started in a few minutes.

    black coffee

    cereal and berries and almond milk
    last of the burger sandwiches
    broc and tofu stir fry
    apple and peanut butter.

    made a batch of pumpkin ice cream mixture for the ninja creami last night ...for the life of me I cannot remember how I made it a year was sooooooooooo good. so we will see how this turns out.

    make life deeeeeeeeee licious!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Slept way in today so I haven't really got much of a start on the day yet. Just been sitting around drinking coffee and thinking about getting busy. I just got the potatoes into the oven. The skins looked kind of weird so I peeled them and cut them like steak fries. Usually I just halve them and leave the skin on. I tossed with paprika, a dash of cayenne, rosemary and no salt seasoning. I am going to roast mini peppers as well. I love those sliced up and added to wraps or salads.

    Never did make the lentil soup and I used all the potatoes for roasting so I'll make that next weekend instead.

    Nanc, didn't know about the new gym opening near you. That's exciting news!

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited November 2023
    UP wAY TOO EARLY! I have a few spots to finish...did everything I set out to do...minus all the floors need steam mopping...(I am going to look for that roomba mop thing this Black Friday sale, Mihani!)

    I also have to do my office/guest bedroom again...the clutter is not as bad as it has been in the past, but not for the company's eyes that's for sure.

    Your menu sounds that you are adding things to your wrap, that I never thought about.

    I made a big batch of sauce...did not use Carla's recipe...used Organic Lucini rustic basil I think it is called. Fooducate gave it a B+. I was too tired to make fresh sauce. Added three shredded yellow squash, whole big onion, and a pint of sliced mushrooms...oh, and a bag of Gardein's ground be'f. Turned out good. Will add steamed broc once hot and ready to eat. Four days for work.

    My organizer is coming over today...back in the flipping garage...getting messy again. Then we are getting the two trees down that she put away for me. One is for sweet angel...and the other is for Lulu. Very excited since no knee surgery in the beginning of the year and first time trees since 2021 I guess.


    Blackbird pizza (making lunch for Kris (my organizer) and me.
    broc and tofu for dinner
    apple and pb

    the end...
    make it deeeeeeeeeeeeelicious, won't you! 3evacvg400v0.png

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Love all those veggies in your sauce, Nanc! How did things go with your organizer?

    I stopped at the community center I've been thinking about on the way home and got a tour. It's a really nice facility and a lot of stuff going. Several pools including one with lap lanes, a walking/running track, hot tub, two workout areas with a lot of machines and free weights, a large gymnasium for team sports, classrooms for both fitness and art. I'm going to sign up for a pottery class! The classes and activities are all an extra charge but not expensive at all, anywhere from $5 up to $100 for things like glass blowing.

    The people were all super nice and I will have a free starter session with a personal trainer to help me develop a plan and show me how everything works. I can sign up for additional sessions so maybe I'll do that once a month or so to keep progressing.

    I'm excited! I think this will be good for me going into the winter months and having some new fun things to do to battle the seasonal depression.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Morning all..organizer was here five hours... the garage is back to being tidy. The pantry (my hall closet and linen closet) is back to being tidy. She helped me with some lighting situations. What else? Oh, the trees. Both are up...will post two pictures. Not decorated yet. The pizza was so yum. If you ever need a frozen pizza for whatever...Blackbird Vegan pizza is the way to go. More expensive than others, but way worth it.


    more black only coffee
    cereal and almond milk and banana
    nuts and raisins
    broc and tofu stir fry

    make it deeeeeeeeeeeelicious

    love the community center details, Mihani. What fun! You are set for winter. Keep us posted...and let's see pics.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Your trees look beautiful, Nanc! Well done. Lulu looks so cute.

    Have an appointment with the personal trainer Friday evening. Figured that was more healthy than a Friday night meetup at the bar. LOL

    Looking forward to getting started and just in time for working off the Thanksgiving treats.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited November 2023
    I am just putting this out am I supposed to NOT get offended when my sister picks out two restaurants for the weekend for her family and I am included:

    Saturday: The Capital Grille Scottsdale, AZ lunch (in honor of my birthday, no less)

    Sunday: Cafe Soul: breakfast:

    She did text me and tell me that I could have white egg omelets...I did not respond, I give up!

    Five years vegan and she still does NOT GET IT.

    I lost it yesterday...did not text back nor say a word...but I talked to a couple of people at work and a friend in friend said she will NEVER get it and you are letting her live rent-free in your head and getting too worked up over it. I KNOW. And I do not know how to stop it.

    Suggestions, my real vegan fam?! b <3

    Please keep in mind, that my BIL just had surgery to unblock a 90% blocked carotid artery!

    My sister had to have the paramedics called because of HIGH BP.

    I am exhausted from dealing with them...but they are my only family and I adore my niece.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited November 2023
    today's menu

    black coffee
    cereal, banana, almond milk
    GF pasta (in my pantry, need to use it up)...and the sauce I made
    broc and tofu stir fry.

    making MY life deeeeeeelicious and HEALTHY!

    Thank you, Mihani...I love the trees...especially the white's our angel tree for Ernestine.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Yikes, Nanc. That dinner restaurant has little to nothing. I'd just tell them you are vegan and ask what they can put together for you. Honestly you'd be surprised what the kitchens are often willing to do. They want happy guests. But likely you're going to be having salad and maybe some cooked veggies if they have any without meat or butter added. If at all possible I'd try to call a day or two ahead and ask if they can have something vegan for you.

    The breakfast place is a little better. Roasted potatoes and vegan sausage might be good, or you can always just get the oatmeal.

    But yeah, not really taking you into consideration there, and trying to find a place that would appeal to everyone.

    I had a long day and very stressful... heading off to bed.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Thanks, Mihani! I will stay positive and remember it is about the company...and I adore my niece and her husband and, it will be fine. Sweet dreams.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited November 2023
    Work Thanksgiving lunch today...I am bringing my lunch, naturally.

    black coffee
    usual cereal for breakfast
    spaghetti for lunch
    Just Egg on toast for dinner

    the end.

    I have discovered that if I eat a sweet dessert close to bedtime, I do not sleep very well. So, there is my incentive to cut back on sweets.
    Living life deliciously!