Downsizers Team Chat - DECEMBER 2023



  • Slimmersixties
    Slimmersixties Posts: 825 Member
    Slimmer sixties
    Friday weight in

    Start weight 276lb August 2021

    Pw 177.5lb
    Cw 176 lb

    I've done it. 100lb lost. I'll be honest and tell you I've cheated to get to goal this week🤣🤣
    I was really naughty and have eaten virtually nothing for 2 days, just too get to goal!
    Thank you everyone for your support, especially Linda! Couldn't have got there without you.
    I'm actually lighter than i want to be ... my maintenance is going to be around 185lb so I'm really looking forward to having a few drinks (no alcohol for the last 3 months) and eating a bit more before starting maintenance in January xx

    I am so proud of you. You know you helped me also. The Christmas weight loss challenge was a big motivator. Just watch you on your journey has really helped me. I will be turning 60 in June. Your drive to be healthy by 60 inspired me. I am glad to have a maintenance buddy.

    I will get you moved to maintenance for the January challenge. Give me a maintenance range. I need a low and high range. Mine is 157 to 163.

    Thanks Linda, don't be to hasty too move me to maintenance! I can put 20lb on in the blink of an eye🤣🤣 Will probably be back to "need to lose some weight" by 1st January!!
    My maintenance range is going to be 183 to 189lb. 190 being me alarm weight when i know things are getting out of control!
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 3,953 Member
    @Slimmersixties Congratulations. What a huge accomplishment. And to get there during this crazy month is phenomenal.

  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 3,953 Member

    PW: 163.6
    CW: 165 😒 Not a great week for me - I am not looking at a scale until next Saturday. I'm addicted to it and don't want to see the damage from our Christmas festivities for the next three days. I am back full force on Tuesday!
  • RoblinB
    RoblinB Posts: 288 Member
    PW 165.7
    CW 163.7
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    Slimmer sixties
    Friday weight in

    Start weight 276lb August 2021

    Pw 177.5lb
    Cw 176 lb

    I've done it. 100lb lost. I'll be honest and tell you I've cheated to get to goal this week🤣🤣
    I was really naughty and have eaten virtually nothing for 2 days, just too get to goal!
    Thank you everyone for your support, especially Linda! Couldn't have got there without you.
    I'm actually lighter than i want to be ... my maintenance is going to be around 185lb so I'm really looking forward to having a few drinks (no alcohol for the last 3 months) and eating a bit more before starting maintenance in January xx

    I am so proud of you. You know you helped me also. The Christmas weight loss challenge was a big motivator. Just watch you on your journey has really helped me. I will be turning 60 in June. Your drive to be healthy by 60 inspired me. I am glad to have a maintenance buddy.

    I will get you moved to maintenance for the January challenge. Give me a maintenance range. I need a low and high range. Mine is 157 to 163.

    Thanks Linda, don't be to hasty too move me to maintenance! I can put 20lb on in the blink of an eye🤣🤣 Will probably be back to "need to lose some weight" by 1st January!!
    My maintenance range is going to be 183 to 189lb. 190 being me alarm weight when i know things are getting out of control!

    You’re not going to base your range around your goal weight? We will move you back to weight loss if you are over the top of the maintenance range 2 weeks in a row. I like that rule because it helps if those of us in maintenance stay in our range. We can make adjustments to that range at anytime if we need. I may lower mine depending on what my weight is at the beginning of the January challenge. I am going to talk to my family doctor again because the pain specialist thinks losing another 10 pounds will be beneficial to my chronic pain. I think my family doctor can be over cautious.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    RoblinB wrote: »
    PW 165.7
    CW 163.7

    Two pounds closer to goal. Great job!

    iLive2Walk wrote: »

    PW: 163.6
    CW: 165 😒 Not a great week for me - I am not looking at a scale until next Saturday. I'm addicted to it and don't want to see the damage from our Christmas festivities for the next three days. I am back full force on Tuesday!

    I took a break from the scales not that long ago. My friend bought it to her apartment so I wasn’t tempted. I only weigh myself once a day. I do it first thing in the morning after I go to the washroom. I stay off it until the next morning. Sometimes the fluctuations in my weight get to me but I try not to let it. Today my weight is up almost 4 pounds from yesterday. I had too much salty foods so I know the culprit. I know the next few days will cause some weight gain. I don’t count calories tomorrow or Monday. Like you I will be back to a more normal diet.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    jimboden3 wrote: »
    Weigh-in Day: Friday (Dec 22, 2023)
    PW: 242.6
    CW: 242.1

    First day off in a long time and I'm not planning to do much work over the holidays so I'm really glad to finally be able to relax in a long time. Our older son got home from college a few days ago and younger daughter arrives tonight with her boyfriend and the older daughter and son in law tomorrow night so it will be a big change to go from the 3 of us to 8 in the house for the better part of a week. We're all looking forward to visiting with family in town and hosting brunch and dinner for my and Susan's parents (respectively), going out to look at Christmas lights and do a few other activities. Moderation will be the key theme for me but also focusing on being present and enjoying having everyone home for the holidays.

    Congrats on the loss! You really deserve to relax and enjoy your family time. Have a great Christmas!
    @Slimmersixties Congratulations!!! That is fabulous. We are very proud of you.

    SW: 185.6
    PW: 186.2
    CW: 185.0

    Nice loss!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    Steps: 5,751
    Daily walk:❌

    No walk yesterday as by the time we got home my back and legs were giving me lots of pain. We are off to go pick up the last few things we need. Then home to finish wrapping the presents. I would like to get my walk in but it will depend on how my back and leg feel after we get home.

    Next year I will be more organized for Christmas. 😂
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    I thought you weighed in yesterday but I scrolled back and I can’t find it. I apologize if I missed it or you asked to be excused this week. Can you either post again or let me know if you want to be excused?
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member

    This question is more for my own curiosity. For those celebrating the holidays, do you log everything on the days you celebrate or do you not log?

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    I swear I can’t remember how to spell or write a proper sentence anymore. Please ignore my mistakes.
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 3,953 Member

    This question is more for my own curiosity. For those celebrating the holidays, do you log everything on the days you celebrate or do you not log?

    No logging for me - nothing to use to weigh my food - don't know what is in the recipes. I just will enjoy the days and get back to it on Tuesday.
  • MyChoiceisaGoodLife

    Weigh-in day: Friday 12/22/23( Late again!)
    PW: 158
    CW: 159.6

    Holiday baking was the downfall this week, along with not enough exercise due to the frantic schedule of holiday prep. One day I'll master that balance!
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,358 Member
    I thought you weighed in yesterday but I scrolled back and I can’t find it. I apologize if I missed it or you asked to be excused this week. Can you either post again or let me know if you want to be excused?

    I thought I did as well, but apparently not....sorry for the late post

    Weigh-in Day
    PW: 218
    CW: 220.2
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,946 Member
    edited December 2023
    PW: 141.5 pounds
    CW: 143.2 pounds

    Gained 1.7 pounds :(

    Earlier in the month I was up 0.2 pounds so I'm up 1.9 pounds this month and Christmas Day hasn't even arrived yet which I know will likely lead to more weight gain.

    Need to lose 2.9 pounds to get back down to 140.3 pounds which is what I weighed on November 11th.

    I am trying to be gentle with myself as I know some of my weight gain is from my health conditions and from my inability to exercise due to more and more health problems piling up on me. I used to hike or walk many times a week for a good amount of time and at a good pace but my body is not currently allowing me to do that and it has even been advised that I stop walking for now (in hopes of some of my pain problems improving if I do) so that has been a huge disappointment as walking can be good for me physically, mentally, and emotionally. It is also very hard to maintain my weight loss or lose more weight when I can't exercise. I will be allowed to attempt up to 15 minutes of walking in a day on some days but I am not to walk all 15 minutes at the same time and I have to walk really slow but even when I have tried this in the past to cope with the pain in many areas, as well as to stop and sit to rest many times I still deal with pain walking and after the fact.

    Sooooo, for the time being, I am trying my best to keep my mental and emotional and social health in tact as much as I can (which is a challenge), while dealing with sooooo many health conditions and health problems and pain issues all piling up on top of one another.

    I am also working hard not to binge eat when I am spending so much time at home and trying my best not to keep overeating when going to Christmas pot lucks and visits at people's houses for meals and snacks (another struggle, especially this time of the year) or make too many unhealthy choices when I go through periods of being down about not being to do all the things I used to do, want to do, and need to do and being aware that weight loss and weight maintenance is just going to be more of a challenge now when exercise isn't an option.

    At this point, I need to remind myself that even though I am have been working to lose weight for over 20 years, I am currently down 26.8 pounds from my highest weigh in June of 2016 and I will be able to get down 3.2 pounds at some point to get to 140 pounds and when my body allows me to return to exercising and I can get myself on the straight and narrow, I may eventually be able to lose the final 10 pounds to reach my final goal of 130 pounds which will be 40 pounds lost out of the 52 pounds I gained after getting married.

  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,358 Member
    Step Goal 8,500
    12/17 ~ 2,675 - My day of rest after exercising (with weights) 8 days straight!!!
    12/18 ~ 8,417 - Should have looked before I went to bed!!
    12/19 ~ 6,903
    12/20 ~ 6,535
    12/21 ~ 6,074
    12/22 ~ 10,569
    21/23 ~
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    inshapeCK wrote: »
    PW: 141.5 pounds
    CW: 143.2 pounds

    Gained 1.7 pounds :(

    Earlier in the month I was up 0.2 pounds so I'm up 1.9 pounds this month and Christmas Day hasn't even arrived yet which I know will likely lead to more weight gain.

    Need to lose 2.9 pounds to get back down to 140.3 pounds which is what I weighed on November 11th.

    I am trying to be gentle with myself as I know some of my weight gain is from my health conditions and from my inability to exercise due to more and more health problems piling up on me. I used to hike or walk many times a week for a good amount of time and at a good pace but my body is not currently allowing me to do that and it has even been advised that I stop walking for now (in hopes of some of my pain problems improving if I do) so that has been a huge disappointment as walking can be good for me physically, mentally, and emotionally. It is also very hard to maintain my weight loss or lose more weight when I can't exercise. I will be allowed to attempt up to 15 minutes of walking in a day on some days but I am not to walk all 15 minutes at the same time and I have to walk really slow but even when I have tried this in the past to cope with the pain in many areas, as well as to stop and sit to rest many times I still deal with pain walking and after the fact.

    Sooooo, for the time being, I am trying my best to keep my mental and emotional and social health in tact as much as I can (which is a challenge), while dealing with sooooo many health conditions and health problems and pain issues all piling up on top of one another.

    I am also working hard not to binge eat when I am spending so much time at home and trying my best not to keep overeating when going to Christmas pot lucks and visits at people's houses for meals and snacks (another struggle, especially this time of the year) or make too many unhealthy choices when I go through periods of being down about not being to do all the things I used to do, want to do, and need to do and being aware that weight loss and weight maintenance is just going to be more of a challenge now when exercise isn't an option.

    At this point, I need to remind myself that even though I am have been working to lose weight for over 20 years, I am currently down 26.8 pounds from my highest weigh in June of 2016 and I will be able to get down 3.2 pounds at some point to get to 140 pounds and when my body allows me to return to exercising and I can get myself on the straight and narrow, I may eventually be able to lose the final 10 pounds to reach my final goal of 130 pounds which will be 40 pounds lost out of the 52 pounds I gained after getting married.

    Have you discussed with your doctor a suitable goal weight? I am not at the “ideal” weight dictated by bmi and various weight charts. The doctor wanted me to stop because of my heath issues. Have compassion for yourself as you are dealing with a lot while trying to lose weight. Don’t worry about how short or slow your walks. I sometimes have to get my walks three minutes at a time. Feeling down when we look at what we are unable to do anymore is normal I think. I think in away we grieve. Sometimes when I feel like this, I picture myself walking through the park that I used to go for my walks. I picture all the things I saw on that particular route. I swear I am not crazy. It actually relaxes me. Take care of yourself and enjoy your Christmas.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    itladyee wrote: »
    I thought you weighed in yesterday but I scrolled back and I can’t find it. I apologize if I missed it or you asked to be excused this week. Can you either post again or let me know if you want to be excused?

    I thought I did as well, but apparently not....sorry for the late post

    Weigh-in Day
    PW: 218
    CW: 220.2

    Thank you. Maybe mfp made the post disappear.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member

    Weigh-in day: Friday 12/22/23( Late again!)
    PW: 158
    CW: 159.6

    Holiday baking was the downfall this week, along with not enough exercise due to the frantic schedule of holiday prep. One day I'll master that balance!

    Thankfully I suck at baking. I would gain weight like crazy. My friend sent over homemade goodies and they all disappeared in one night. My poor husband is so happy anytime my friend brings baked goods. In a few days the Christmas madness will be over and we can all get back to healthy eating.
This discussion has been closed.