WeightNoMore Team Chat - JUNE 2024



  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 586 Member
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW (Previous Weight): 234.6
    CW (Current Weight): 235.8

    At this point, I might as well be in a weight gain group! SMDH! It's a new week, I'm going to start over again, today! I'm tired of being out of shape and my health getting worse because of it! Does anyone have any good recipes for healthier sweets? That is my weakness and I have VERY poor willpower around anything sweet! I've been diagnosed as pre-diabetic, and I STILL just keep shoving sweets and carbs into my mouth! I want to get out and walk daily, I've been saying that forever, but I really want to make it happen, also I've been working the ground where our new above ground pool is going, and I can't wait to get that set up, because I want to make myself go in it as much as I possibly can! I feel like that'll be excellent exercise and good for my joints and muscles! I want to find some exercises I can do that won't irritate my sciatica and moderate degenerative disc disease issues, so blah! I know everyone here is also trying to lose weight and battle certain demons of their own, but is there anyone here that can help me with anything? Is there anywhere I can go to get like a helper/coach type person? I'm guessing there's programs to sign up for, but I dont really have funds for that at this time. I guess I'm just really struggling @,# don't see myself going in the right direction without extra help. *sigh*
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,213 Member
    1 more joining your wonderful team ..Please welcome @strongxellie :)
  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 634 Member
    Weigh-in day: Friday
    PW 174.5
    May 3: 175.7
    May 10: 173.5
    May 17: 174.3
    May 24: 176.7
    May 31: 175.5

    GW (May) 173
    Start weight 196
    Plan: Strength training, daily walk, Protein 100g+, Fiber 25g+
    Age: 49
  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 634 Member
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,015 Member

    Starting weight: 81.7 kg/180.12 lb
    Previous weight: 82.2 kg/181.22 lb
    Current weight: 82 kg/180.78 lb
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,015 Member
    @CassieGetsFit2013 I hope you can find some positive way out of your feelings. I'm on Instagram, BodyTalking50, if you connect with me there, I can send you links to helpful grammers and recipes. Try not to be too hard on yourself xx
  • Jensmakingprogress
    Jensmakingprogress Posts: 90 Member
    edited June 2
    @CassieGetsFit2013 Sweets are my downfall as well. I'm trying to find some better options that aren't going to break my bank or take hours to make. I went to the library yesterday and looked at some cookbooks, healthy living books and pulled some recipes for shakes. The book was The Skinny Rules by Bob Harper. There were recipes like Apple Pie Shakes, Greek Yogurt Waffles, and Espresso Smoothies.

    I also found Pure Protein Galactic Brownies at Walmart. They taste like the Little Debbie Cosmic Brownies and have 20g of protein in one bar. They were $5 for a box of 4 and there were a few different flavor options. Personally, they were a little sweeter than I like, so half a bar satisfied my sweet craving.

    If you haven't already, check out You Tube for guided excercises. There are a TON of options that are free. I've done multiple programs.

    Yoga with Adriene is good. https://www.youtube.com/@yogawithadriene
    I also like Grow with Jo https://www.youtube.com/@growwithjo
    I haven't done any of the Popsugar workout, but they have a lot of options and lenghts of workouts. https://www.youtube.com/@POPSUGARFitness
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 586 Member
    @CassieGetsFit2013 I hope you can find some positive way out of your feelings. I'm on Instagram, BodyTalking50, if you connect with me there, I can send you links to helpful grammers and recipes. Try not to be too hard on yourself xx

    Thanks, I'm struggling, but still trying! I'll definitely look you up on Instagram, thanks! :smile:
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 586 Member
    @CassieGetsFit2013 I hope you can find some positive way out of your feelings. I'm on Instagram, BodyTalking50, if you connect with me there, I can send you links to helpful grammers and recipes. Try not to be too hard on yourself xx

    I can't figure out how to search for you on there. Lol. My Insta is cassie_care30
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 586 Member
    jenhuey01 wrote: »
    @CassieGetsFit2013 Sweets are my downfall as well. I'm trying to find some better options that aren't going to break my bank or take hours to make. I went to the library yesterday and looked at some cookbooks, healthy living books and pulled some recipes for shakes. The book was The Skinny Rules by Bob Harper. There were recipes like Apple Pie Shakes, Greek Yogurt Waffles, and Espresso Smoothies.

    I also found Pure Protein Galactic Brownies at Walmart. They taste like the Little Debbie Cosmic Brownies and have 20g of protein in one bar. They were $5 for a box of 4 and there were a few different flavor options. Personally, they were a little sweeter than I like, so half a bar satisfied my sweet craving.

    If you haven't already, check out You Tube for guided excercises. There are a TON of options that are free. I've done multiple programs.

    Yoga with Adriene is good. https://www.youtube.com/@yogawithadriene
    I also like Grow with Jo https://www.youtube.com/@growwithjo
    I haven't done any of the Popsugar workout, but they have a lot of options and lenghts of workouts. https://www.youtube.com/@POPSUGARFitness

    Thanks! I'll check out those cook books, and definitely see if I can find those brownies. My sweet tooth is horrible! It would be great to try some of those YouTube videos, I'll check them out!
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,348 Member

    Team Results
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    Team Winners

    Percentage of Members in the Green!
  • strongxellie
    strongxellie Posts: 5 Member
    Good evening Team :smile:

    My name is Ellie, I'm 46 years old and I live in UK. I am married and I have 3 teenage sons. Also recently we have new addition to our family - Maxi - the husky puppy. She is georgous.

    I was overweight since my last son was born 15 years ago. I never lost the weight just kept putting it on sadly :neutral: Today I am at my heaviest weight of 250lbs :disappointed:
    I am hoping this year is the year that I will see 2025 at least 30lbs slimmer - here's hoping :smile:

    I am looking forward to this months challenge and I am hoping I'll be a good loser member of the Team :smiley:
  • strongxellie
    strongxellie Posts: 5 Member

    Last year I too had a problem with sweets. I used to make my own sugar free gummies. I melted gelatine leaf with sugar free diluted with water squash and put it in a small moulds, similar to ice cube trays. I guess you can use ice cube trays. When it all set you'll have guilt free, sugar free gummies :smile:

    I need to do it again :wink:
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,478 Member
    Weighing in
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,348 Member

    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners

    Percentage of Members in the Green!
  • andja87
    andja87 Posts: 189 Member
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,348 Member
    @sydditt - Hey! I've noticed you keep weighing in on Sundays when your weigh-day is Friday. Since our tallies are done on Sunday mornings, your last couple weigh-ins haven't been included in the statistics. Do you want me to move you to a Sunday weigh-in so you can still post when you have been, but be included in the stats? Let me know your thoughts.

    @strongxellie - Welcome aboard! We're happy to have you here with us :smile: I started right around where you are now, and I recognize how frustrating it can be. Please know that you can absolutely do this, you've already created a human, so we know you're capable of being a "body builder" :lol:

    CW: 145.8

    @minstrelofsarcasm - is there any possibility I can change my weigh in day to Saturday? That suits me better but not sure if that will throw out your data?

    @chocohollic - I can absolutely shift you to Saturday, not a problem, you'll just need to weigh in again on Saturday this week. I'll take the above weight and set it as your starting weight for the month, sound good?

    I’ve just started eating low carb this week, keeping cabs below 50g. I assume that this loss is due to water weight, but it does make me happy to see the scales go down 😊

    @mizzmagenta - this is absolutely water weight, but if seeing the scales go down gives you enough dopamine to stick with a good habit, then it's just as valuable as fat loss! What led to you trying out low-carb?

    At this point, I might as well be in a weight gain group! SMDH! It's a new week, I'm going to start over again, today! I'm tired of being out of shape and my health getting worse because of it! Does anyone have any good recipes for healthier sweets? That is my weakness and I have VERY poor willpower around anything sweet! I've been diagnosed as pre-diabetic, and I STILL just keep shoving sweets and carbs into my mouth! I want to get out and walk daily, I've been saying that forever, but I really want to make it happen, also I've been working the ground where our new above ground pool is going, and I can't wait to get that set up, because I want to make myself go in it as much as I possibly can! I feel like that'll be excellent exercise and good for my joints and muscles! I want to find some exercises I can do that won't irritate my sciatica and moderate degenerative disc disease issues, so blah! I know everyone here is also trying to lose weight and battle certain demons of their own, but is there anyone here that can help me with anything? Is there anywhere I can go to get like a helper/coach type person? I'm guessing there's programs to sign up for, but I dont really have funds for that at this time. I guess I'm just really struggling @,# don't see myself going in the right direction without extra help. *sigh*

    @CassieGetsFit2013 -

    Okay, first of all, take a deep breath, close your eyes, take another. It's a new week, a new day, and every decision is a new decision. You can change your fate at any time, it's just a matter of choosing what direction you want to go (easier said than done, I know).

    Secondly, if you want sweets, I highly recommend grabbing one sweet thing on the way out the door for a walk. Eat it while you're walking, but don't eat any if you're not going to move. It's a little extreme, but it still allows you sweets and associates something you already enjoy with something you may not enjoy so much.

    And lastly, if you need easy programming for basic workouts, there's plenty of free YouTube videos out there. I use a 30-day challenge app to design a bodyweight circuit for me to do while I'm traveling. They're usually pretty short and simple, and you can double up if you want to do more movement in a day. If you just want to check in here every day with what you've got planned for food/movement/water/etc, we're always here for you!

  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 634 Member
    edited June 3
    @CassieGetsFit2013 Listening to podcasts and reading health books tends to get me motivated. I usually listen to diet & exercise podcasts on the way home from work so that when I walk in the door, I don’t immediately eat everything in sight.

    You might like Dr Gabrielle Lyon’s book “Forever Strong” https://a.co/d/gxtfD2F or Dr Peter Attia’s “Outlive” https://a.co/d/03sIMkX

    I do tend to have a bowl of something healthy on my counters for easy access. (Bowl of cherries, grapes, pistachios…)

    I’ve been slacking off as well, but I’m starting again tomorrow. I’m going to get back to planning out my meals and my workouts and sticking to it M-F at the very least.

  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 302 Member
    My steps update:

    5/27 14100
    5/28 10000
    5/29 7000
    5/30 12000
    5/31 10100
    6/01 18623
    6/02 9550
This discussion has been closed.