WeightNoMore Team Chat - JUNE 2024



  • dorisv207
    dorisv207 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello All! Here’s my update for this week! It’s nice to be in the 100’s again!

    DorisV207 - Weigh in day Thursday 6/6
    Starting Weight: 210
    Previous Weight: 200
    Current Weight: 198

    Have a great weekend all! ☀️
  • Emilienewme
    Emilienewme Posts: 264 Member
    Weigh in day Friday

    Previous weight 184. 7 lbs
    Current weight 185.2 lbs

    I've gone up 2 weeks in a row sorry. I have not tracked my food as consistently but I have also started running more the past couple of weeks to train for a 10k race, so I am hoping some of it is muscle gain?
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,015 Member
    edited June 7
    I got a birdie walk today 😂

    My knee and calf are aching like mad though. The swelling has travelled to my ankle. I got a Chinese medicinal patch and have taken a painkiller in hopes of easing the discomfort until I see the doc.

    I was working at home all day but went out at 5 o'clock and did some shopping along the way.

    I bought some xylitol (birch sugar) which has 40% fewer calories than standard sugar, however I bought it to try as a mouth wash/liquid pulling for tooth enamel health. It doesn't seem right that any type of 'sugar' can be good but lots of info says it can help. Erythritol (corn sugar) apparently has zero calories and about 70% of sugar taste in case anyone is looking for more natural sugars. I don't use sugar much as I don't bake or make sweets often but, for others, it might be useful.

    I can't remember exactly when I bought the bag of standard sugar we have, still ¾ full, but it really was about 8 years ago. Occasionally, we add a teaspoon to a tart tasting sauce - that doesn't mean we don't eat bought sweet and sugary things, we just don't add it to much at home. I prefer to use honey (which also lasts an insane amount of time in our house) but, at the end of the day, it's all natural sugar and both have calories.

    Anyway, I'm paying more attention to sugars/carbohydrates and their alternatives for overall health these days.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,085 Member
  • strongxellie
    strongxellie Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I just looked in the spreadsheet and realised I have not weighed in last Sunday. So sorry :neutral:

    PW 250lbs
    CW 245.8lbs

    Thank you!

    Have a lovely Saturday everyone!
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,358 Member
    edited June 8
    I got a birdie walk today 😂

    My knee and calf are aching like mad though. The swelling has travelled to my ankle. I got a Chinese medicinal patch and have taken a painkiller in hopes of easing the discomfort until I see the doc.

    I was working at home all day but went out at 5 o'clock and did some shopping along the way.

    I bought some xylitol (birch sugar) which has 40% fewer calories than standard sugar, however I bought it to try as a mouth wash/liquid pulling for tooth enamel health. It doesn't seem right that any type of 'sugar' can be good but lots of info says it can help. Erythritol (corn sugar) apparently has zero calories and about 70% of sugar taste in case anyone is looking for more natural sugars. I don't use sugar much as I don't bake or make sweets often but, for others, it might be useful.

    I can't remember exactly when I bought the bag of standard sugar we have, still ¾ full, but it really was about 8 years ago. Occasionally, we add a teaspoon to a tart tasting sauce - that doesn't mean we don't eat bought sweet and sugary things, we just don't add it to much at home. I prefer to use honey (which also lasts an insane amount of time in our house) but, at the end of the day, it's all natural sugar and both have calories.

    Anyway, I'm paying more attention to sugars/carbohydrates and their alternatives for overall health these days.

    Be careful of sorbitol. If you eat very much of it...it can cause exciting gastro events. Also lycasin, which is also in the family of 'natural' sweeteners that don't convert *look up reviews of haribo sugarless gummy bears (funny and horrible at the same time), which were discontinued several years ago. It is my understanding that many of the --tols have this effect, though perhaps maybe not as much as sorbitol and lycasin.

    Edit: I'm adding a link to a forbes article about lycasin, which is mostly made of malitol. Did no one notice the first part of the word is mal? Mal as a prefix means...bad!
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 793 Member
    Weigh in Day: Saturday

    PW: 193.5

    CW: 192.6

    Happy Saturday Everyone! Cheers!
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 420 Member
    Pw- 216.2
    Cw- 217.4
  • OllieAndEd2021
    OllieAndEd2021 Posts: 157 Member

    CW 168.8
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,222 Member
    The June Week 2 Group Challenge is open and ready to begin tomorrow, Sunday, Jun 9th. Please join us for the One-Up Challenge. Here's your link:


    Hope to see you in the chat thread! Here's to a great 1-Up Week!
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,015 Member
    edited June 8
    I bought some xylitol (birch sugar) which has 40% fewer calories than standard sugar, however I bought it to try as a mouth wash/liquid pulling for tooth enamel health. It doesn't seem right that any type of 'sugar' can be good but lots of info says it can help. Erythritol (corn sugar) apparently has zero calories and about 70% of sugar taste in case anyone is looking for more natural sugars. I don't use sugar much as I don't bake or make sweets often but, for others, it might be useful.

    I can't remember exactly when I bought the bag of standard sugar we have, still ¾ full, but it really was about 8 years ago. Occasionally, we add a teaspoon to a tart tasting sauce - that doesn't mean we don't eat bought sweet and sugary things, we just don't add it to much at home. I prefer to use honey (which also lasts an insane amount of time in our house) but, at the end of the day, it's all natural sugar and both have calories.

    Anyway, I'm paying more attention to sugars/carbohydrates and their alternatives for overall health these days.

    Be careful of sorbitol. If you eat very much of it...it can cause exciting gastro events. Also lycasin, which is also in the family of 'natural' sweeteners that don't convert *look up reviews of haribo sugarless gummy bears (funny and horrible at the same time), which were discontinued several years ago. It is my understanding that many of the --tols have this effect, though perhaps maybe not as much as sorbitol and lycasin.

    Edit: I'm adding a link to a forbes article about lycasin, which is mostly made of malitol. Did no one notice the first part of the word is mal? Mal as a prefix means...bad!

    Thanks, that's good info for those who might use such things.

    I actually never have sugar-free things as I prefer the real-sugary option and have avoided them since the early 90s after hearing about aspartame possibly being carcinogenic. With xylitol, I'm using it as a once-a-day mouth wash (instead of oil pulling) for its claims of aiding enamel mineralisation, then I spit it out.

    I did see that in extremely high doses, it causes a laxative effect. 💩 Lol, I've just read the Haribo story 🤣 Yeah, I'm glad I don't bake or add sugar much. However, if I get constipated, I know what to reach for.

    Thanks for the info and I'll be sure to understand these things more.

  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,358 Member
    ~~ Step Challenge Results - May Week 5 FINAL ~~

    Team Statistics -
    Total Steppers: 10
    Total Steps: 653,630
    Average Steps Per Stepper: 72,626 (7.78% over last week)
    TOTAL: 2,709,408

    Individual Statistics -

    @OllieAndEd2021 101,444 total | 14,492 average Most Steps in One Day!!!
    @Emilienewme - 92,784 total | 13,255 average
    @andja87 - 87,538 total | 12,505 average
    @chocoholic - 83,997 total | 12,000 average
    @mnsmov15 - 81,923 total | 11,703 average
    @sydditt - 50,639 total | 7,234 average
    @BodyTalking - 48,086 total | 6,869 average
    @daria0919 - 47,349 total | 6,764average
    @Ljdanny - 44,063 total | 7,344 average Most Consistent!!!
    @melaniedscott - 15,807 total | 2,258 average

    Our bolded members set a step goal for the week and met it! Which is to say, all of us (participating this week) with step goals!! As always, if you want to... be bold (heehee), let us know how many steps you want to hit every day on average and we'll keep track of it for you!

    In May, we were SO close to 3 million. Unbelievable!!!

    What goal do we want for June? Well done walkers!!! Who is ready for this month's challenge?

    Sorry this is so late...it was almost finished when my phone ate all my work this morning and I had to take care of other stuff...Welcome to the June Step Challenge!
  • Jensmakingprogress
    Jensmakingprogress Posts: 90 Member
    I’d like to join the step challenge. I have a personal goal of 9,000 steps a day right now.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,358 Member
    jenhuey01 wrote: »
    I’d like to join the step challenge. I have a personal goal of 9,000 steps a day right now.

    We will be thrilled for you to join! Put the past week's steps in by Wednesday.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,358 Member
    Sat weigh day
    PW: 232
    CW: 230.6

    Sun: 500
    Mon: 2799
    Tues: 3342
    Wed: 3183
    Thurs: 1504
    Fri: 2197
    Sat: 1000
  • mizzmagenta
    mizzmagenta Posts: 27 Member
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    Previous weight: 145 lbs
    Current weight: 144 lbs
  • chocohollic
    chocohollic Posts: 59 Member
    Weigh in day: Saturday (new day)
    CW: 145.7

    Thanks for allowing the day change!
    Small loss - but a loss 🤷‍♀️ 😵‍💫
This discussion has been closed.