Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - JUNE 2024



  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,169 Member
    @trooworld – Thanks for the recipe links…love the sound of the quinoa one! I’m glad to read that you’re doing better with water :) I am super impressed that you haven’t gotten delivery food in 3 months! I hope the surgeon is able to get you scheduled soon. Everything always takes so long!
    @Katmary71 – Sucks about the center, but at least your roommate seems to be getting back on the straight and narrow. I hope your pain is lessening. Have you talked to the doctor yet?
    @TeresaW2024 – Hoping that Maggie’s surgery goes smoothly! I make a simple curry chick’n salad with mayo, curry powder, red grapes, carrot, celery and chick’n. It’s a bit too high in calories for everyday, but it’s so tasty! Is that how you make yours? That’s very thoughtful of you to make a meal for the woman at church. What a truly awful situation for her and her family.
    @tammymccrady6278 – Woot Woot on 185!
    @19shmoo69 – Nice swoosh downward! I hope it works out with your DIL being your trainer. You’re absolutely right – sometimes it’s hard to see what’s right in front of us.
    @askewcr – Sounds like a super fun vacation!
    @txcritter69 – Your furniture looks very inviting! Hang in there…Diesel is going to be such a good doggie when he returns! As others mentioned, crates are not punishment to dogs. It’s safety. My older daughter refers to her dog’s crate as Mochi’s “apartment”. Mochi loves to wander in and take naps.
    @FushiaKat – What is the significance of 80 cherries? Is it a health thing? Or is that a specific calorie amount for a snack? I love cherries!
    @AmbersWay – Oh no! You are definitely allergic to that hammy :neutral: I hope you’re feeling better when she leaves today.
    @lislisa123 – I’m right there with you regarding junk food. It is so hard to say no.

    PICKLES, PICKLE DIP, PICKLE MARINADE, PICKLE MARTINIS…y’all are making me want ALL the pickle things! I have to tell you all that I am so sorry about my steady weight gain and letting down the team with our numbers. It’s extremely embarrassing. I feel like I’ve hit rock bottom, but no idea why I can’t seem to stand back up and do better. I would have to say my biggest challenge is my depression and my ADHD all-or-nothing mindset. I’ve been working with my therapist for quite a while now and I’m sure I’ll have to continue working with him for a long while more. He gives me good advice, but just like Alice in Wonderland, I very rarely follow it. I do find it very cathartic to read everything you all write on here and I do take it to heart. In the meantime, I think I’ll have a pickle.

  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Sunday 6/23/24
    SW: 215.0
    PW: 200.0
    CW: 201.6
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 330 Member
    Weigh In Wednesday
    PW 163.3
    CW 162
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 242 Member
    edited June 26
    Good Afternoon,

    Welcome to the group @Karlo7428 glad you are here!

    @AmbersWay what a way to find out you are allergic to the hamster. I hope you are feeling better soon.

    @Katmary71 I am so glad things are working out with your roommate. It's great that he is helping again around the place.

    @TeresaW2024 I am going to try the crate thing and if he likes it then we will see how it goes. I just don't know where to put it. Does it matter where it sits. The 2 rooms that I have been thinking of putting it in happen to be the hottest rooms in the house. Diesel does not like to be 🥵 so, he never has gone into those rooms for long.🤣 Then there is what kind to buy, what size to buy. There are so many different ones to choose from.
    I am glad that Maggie is not as serious as vets thought and that she will be having surgery fast.

    Update on Diesel: the trainer sent me this picture of her and Diesel chilling in the living room to hopefully relax him around her. He is still not eating but we are making some progress. Me on the other hand is going crazy not having him around under my feet. I miss seeing his face first thing in the morning. I keep telling myself this is for the best. He will have much more self confidence.o5opcnn8m4vm.jpg

    What part of being healthy is the biggest challenge for you and how can you make it easier on yourself?
    For me it is my depression. When I go through bouts of depression it throws me off. Not having motivation is the hardest. I still try but my energy level is low so getting started is very hard. I have not found a way to make it easier except just moving through it and picking up where I left off when things look brighter.

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,762 Member
    : @littlebabekitty
    Reminder to weigh in tomorrow: @askewcr

    @Karlo7428 Welcome to Mission Slimpossibles!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,762 Member
    @TeresaW2024 It would be really tough in a situation like with your sister, I'd have trouble with that as well. Haha we DO need an island just for us! Prayers for Maggie today! You really do have a lot of tough challenges with eating healthy, I don't know how you do it and admire YOU!

    @trooworld That does stink you don't get your weekend. Wow I hope you get in for September, that would be great to get things moving! Fingers crossed for you! I saw a meme about pickle margaritas I was going to send you last night and forgot, shoot!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Hahaha so what are the BEST pickles? I'm craving a good one now!

    @txcritter69 That would be so hard to be away from Diesel I'm sorry you're missing him. I hope it pays off! I deal with my pain flares like you deal with your depression.

    Hi team! I talked to the practitioner I was seeing and am waiting to see what happens as far as working with her in the future. I got more steroids from the pain clinic but am to wait a week and see if things calm down from the last round. Not much else going on, have skinnytaste's Giant Parmesan Turkey Meatloaf almost done for dinner. Have a great Thursday!
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 374 Member
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    PW 250
    CW 254 B)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 You are welcome! Yeah, I am rocking my water consumption, I knew you would like that! :D I am super impressed no deliveries, too lol. Yeah, the waiting is killing me. You are going through a lot right now, do not apologize for your weight gain! I have been seeing the same therapist since 1994! Yes, that's 30 years. I'm glad it helps to come here. Enjoy the pickle! :) HUGS.

    @DrewsAnna Congrats on the loss!

    @txcritter69 I'm glad you are getting regular communications from the trainer. Diesel is so handsome. It must be very hard. Depression really does make things hard, especially weight journeys. It's hard for me to even take a shower when I am depressed, let alone eat healthily or exercise.

    @Katmary71 Yes! Ugh. I hope so, too. Pickle margaritas...I'm not sure how that would taste. I am used to sweet margaritas! lol I hope you get some relief soon. Yummy dinner.

    Hi all. I am watching "Secret Eaters", it's a British show on YouTube. It's pretty interesting to see how these people eat vs. how they THINK they eat. This guy drank 800 calories a day in soda, juices, and alcohol. I am doing okay, I did go to the cafe for breakfast yesterday but I allow that once a week. I am keeping up on my water intake. Trying to eat slower.

    No Zero Days: Tracked, drank 135.2 oz water.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 679 Member
    For anyone who needs a little motivation:

  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 330 Member
    Good morning y'all,

    It's a rainy, chilly day here. I still have lots to do in the house and in the trailer. I ordered a small island for the trailer and I'm hoping it will be here today.

    I have been getting mammogram & ultrasounds every 6 mos., for a scare I had a while back. Yesterday they told me that the area of interest is shrinking. That is great news!

    I splurged last night, and I'm going to try and be back on track today.

    Y'all have a great day 🌺 😀
  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 105 Member
    I saw my GP today and decided to start using their weight loss management program. I was in a program last year that was cut and tried for several months on my own. I have been struggling and I seem to do better with monthly check ins and guidance. I'm excited to be getting back on track.

    I was my GI doctor this past week and my liver enzymes are finally in normal range. Yay! It took me a year to bring it down. Plus the gallstone that was causing difficulties passed so no more pain.

    I went on a family walk today near the TN river, 2.5 miles, it was beautiful.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,155 Member
    Thursday Ice Breaker Question

    What is one of your pet peeves?

    Mine, is I don't like my stuff moved. If I put it somewhere and then it's moved , I go nuts trying to retrace my steps thinking I lost it. In my world it's best if everything of mine has its place.

    Ok, it's your turn.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,762 Member
    Reminder to weigh in tomorrow to the following: @Cornanda @davors19 @lisalisa123 @maryirisfroehlich
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,762 Member
    @trooworld Secret Eaters sounds interesting I don't think I've seen that. There's so many high calorie mistakes I used to make like buying trail mix with M&Ms or thinking bagged salad was healthy and that are pretty bad in retrospect or getting Frappaccinos at Starbucks and a muffin which is my calories for the entire day these days!

    @lisalisa123 Love the meme!

    @DrewsAnna That IS great news congratulations on that area shrinking!

    @865jessica That's exciting both to have normal liver enzymes and to be back in the program, you're doing awesome!

    @19shmoo69 I have a lot of pet peeves, one of my biggest is when people don't respect my time because I show a lot of respect for theirs being prompt and showing up no matter how I feel. I used to be real spontaneous but now I really like to stay on a schedule without a lot of surprises, a spontaneous run to the farmer's market is ok but since I “save” energy for bigger stuff if I don't plan for it it's harder to do something at night when I've been busy all day and I'm worn out. Great combo of these things is when my one neighbor would invite me to go out to dinner so I'd rest all day then she's say she changed her mind or would just send a “sorry can't go” because of anxiety and I'd blown a day sitting around.

    Hi friends! Put in some time at the greenhouse, I'm realizing the above is why I was annoyed we got the seeds, had a list sent, and the manager said to use all of a certain tray and there was only one when my neighbor and I got there so it felt like a waste of time to go. We DID transport a bunch of winter squash seedlings to the farm. I gave my nephew a ride home from his class too. My oldest nephew is taking his driver's permit test tomorrow, I'm hoping for a celebration tomorrow night as I'm going over for it already so I hope he passes. I'll be helping getting some of those seedlings in tomorrow so I'd better get my bath in!
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 519 Member
    edited June 28
    @Katmary71 so sorry I just saw your message about the weigh in, yes it was for last Sunday. I will be back to routine this week:).
    Just a quick check in. The last of my company left last night. It was so much fun, but I am exhausted. I did not stay on course what do ever. I cleaned out my fridge, got rid of all the snacks (I have no willpower). Went to the farmers market, I now have veggies and fruit in the fridge, back on track tomorrow:)
    Ty was super good with everyone including the littles j8gdzmh441wo.jpeg
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    edited June 28
    @DrewsAnna I hope the island works out for the trailer. That's great news about your mammogram & ultrasounds!

    @865jessica I hope being on the program helps support you. That's great that the gallstone passed and your liver enzymes are in the normal range. Great job with the walk! Have any pics?

    @19shmoo69 I can relate to that pet peeve. I put stuff in very specific places so I don't lose things. When they don't go back where I expect them, I get upset.

    @Katmary71 It's super interesting: they set up hidden cameras and the people don't know, but they are being filmed and watched everything they are eating! I'd be mortified if someone did that to me lol. Yeah it's easy to misstep with food. Good luck to the nephew taking his driver's test! I hope you get to celebrate. How are you feeling?

    @laurelfit57 I'm glad you had fun with your company. That's good Ty was good with everyone. Cute pic!

    Thursday Ice Breaker Question: What is one of your pet peeves?
    When people cruise in the fast lane. That's a passing lane, not your comfort cruise lane! You are supposed to pass someone and move over for the next person who wants to pass YOU. ;)

    HI all. I am off today because I go to that conference this weekend. Today, I am getting healthy groceries and doing laundry and getting ready for tomorrow's first day of conference. Nothing fun! Maybe reading a bit.

    In case anyone wants to watch Secret Eaters, here's a link to a YouTube playlist with the episodes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8YmaosJMRw&list=PL8ADW9c6OeowRia3M_-MrnEwXoYfCNRCN

    No Zero Days: Tracked, drank 120.2 oz water.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 170 Member

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I make my curry chicken salad very similar, except I like to use dried cranberries and add either chopped pecans or walnuts. And I use a lot of curry powder!! :D The all-or-nothing mindset is so hard to break. It’s what my sister has and I do too at times. From what I’m learning, it’s a form of perfectionism. I hope your therapist can give you some good strategies to help turn things around for you. <3

    @txcritter69 Diesel is gorgeous!! I’m sure you do miss him. Yeah, a crate for him will be much larger than one for my 20 lb dog. I would Google the right size for Diesel’s height and weight. You don’t want a crate that is too large or small. Big enough for him to turn around and lie down in. Maggie has to always be with us, so her crates are in our bedroom and living room. She would lose her mind if we tried to put her in a room we weren’t in. :D

    @Katmary71 I hope you are feeling better! I need to make a meatloaf! Cold meatloaf sandwiches are one of my favorite foods. :D

    @Trooworld I have that pet peeve with slow drivers in the right lane too! Just move over!!!! :D That secret eater show looks interesting. How many of us suffer from secret eating issues? I know it’s been one of my problems over the years.

    Good morning! Maggie came through the surgery just fine. The poor baby was so drugged up all evening. I got her to eat some cooked ground beef and finally drank some water. No way would she sleep alone, so we had her in our bed, which was hard with her poor leg all bandaged up and a plastic cone on her head. She woke up whining in pain at 4:30 am. I ordered a softer cone that I want to try for sleeping. My day will be spent taking care of my girl and trying to recover from my own late evening, drinking wine spritzers with my sister, and watching all things politics. We all need a nap today! :/

    Thursday Ice Breaker Question: What is one of your pet peeves? Ohhhh, so many!! :D One of my biggies is when Joe wakes up before I want him to. I need at least a full hour just to be alone, drink my coffee, and wake up.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,762 Member
    MEMBER SPOTLIGHT ON JENNIFER (@vegan4lyfe2012)


    What made you decide to improve your health and join MFP?

    Picture it…2012… the kitchen phone rang. I was running down my hallway, trying to answer it when I tripped over something and fell. It really hurt and I had a hard time getting back up. I was embarrassed. It was then that I realized the 50 extra pounds had to go.

    What makes improving your health worth doing?
    I look at my 81 year old mother and I don’t want to be like her. She’s 100 pounds overweight, can’t hardly get around, is in pain all the time. Her quality of life is, to put it nicely, lacking.

    What have you tried in the past that hasn't worked?
    Maintenance. Unfortunately, I gained back the 50 pounds plus 15 more. I started getting really serious this past December. I lost 20 pounds in a few months, but just recently (within the past month) gained back about 6 pounds.

    What have you tried that has worked?

    When that first trip and fall happened, I began the Weight Watchers points program and started walking an hour each day – 15 minutes in the morning, 30 minutes at lunch time, then 15 more minutes in the afternoon. I dropped the 50 pounds rather quickly. This time around, this group has been extremely helpful. I’ve learned that I don’t have to do this alone. I’ve developed friendships that mean so much to me. You are all my cheerleaders and I appreciate you!

    What form of exercise do you enjoy?
    Before my 3 ankle surgeries, I loved the elliptical. Now I stick to walking and hiking the local dunes.

    What goals did you achieve this past year?
    I used to drink about a 2 liter of diet soda per day. I stopped drinking it back in December and made it 5 months. Tried introducing it back into my diet and it did not settle well, so back to being soda-free.

    Are there things you didn't do before that you're able to do now?
    When I initially lost the 50 pounds, there were a lot of things I could do – I went camping, did zip lining, long hikes. Since I’ve gained so much back, I try to use those memories as motivation to get back to it.

    What is something non-weight related you have done or learned that you may not have if you hadn't started improving your health?
    Sometimes I join my friends for sporty activities. I’m learning disc golf right now with my small group at church.

    What are your favorite health and fitness blogs, books, or magazines that you have read/do read?
    Whenever I need to ground myself back to healthier thoughts, I love to throw on my Forks Over Knives DVD. I enjoy their quarterly Forks Over Knives magazine, too, and even though I don’t make many recipes, I like to look at the pictures.

    What is your favorite healthy food?
    Roasted asparagus…with garlic, salt, pepper and a dash of garlic infused olive oil.

    How did you manage to alter your eating pattern?

    I’m still a work in progress…baby steps.

    Is your family understanding about your health goals?
    They understand my goals, but aren’t all that supportive when it comes right down to it. Unfortunately, I’m easily swayed.

    What is your goal for this next year?
    Buckle down, get serious with weighing and tracking every bite and get this extra weight off.

    What is your best piece of advice for those just starting their journey?
    Tracking every bite of food is important. But also weighing and measuring everything is important, too. That was an eye opener for me…I absolutely can NOT eyeball servings.

    Do you have a photo that means a lot to you or one that represents reaching your health goals you’d like to share?
    This picture is from 2016, about a year before I started gaining the weight back. It’s a motivational picture for me because I was happy with my weight, I could see my clavicles, and I was confident enough to wear those vibrant pink pants. This is where I want to be again.

  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 519 Member
    Quick check in this morning because I know I won't have time for the rest of the day. Meeting my niece for lunch, I have gone on the restaurant's website and figured out what I can order :-). My grandkids are coming over as soon as I get home For a swim and a sleepover :-). Hope everybody has a great day
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning slim peps,

    @trooworld my problem is that I cannot take anything for my depression because I end up putting weight on and then that causes a whole different bout for me to fight through. So, I battle through on my own. Your pet peeve is Johns too. It is even worse when he passes them on the right to see them playing on their phone.

    @lislisa123 Thanks for the motivation.

    @DrewsAnna I hope the island works for your trailer. Congratulations on the great news. It's ok to splurge a little on news like that.

    Thursdays Ice Breaker Question:
    What is one of your pet peeves?

    My #1 most pet peeve is when I ask for you to respect my wishes and you don't. My In Laws are the worst at this. They always go against what I ask.

    @Katmary71 I also agree with you. On the time thing. "I put myself out for you at least you can do the same".

    @laurelfit57 That is great that Ty was so good with the kids. I'm glad you had a great time with them.

    @TeresaW2024 There lies my problem. Diesel has always laid around in the living room with us. He could lay with me or go lay on the other sofa. He will also go lay in my spot of the bed during the day. When we go to bed we close our door so the cat will not come in and walk all over us during the night. When he comes home he will have his raised bed for place. Which I would think would go in the living room, there will be no room for a crate as well. So I am going to have to use a room that he is unfamiliar with for his crate which he will not be comfortable with.
    I am glad Maggie made it through surgery and is home. I not sure if this will work for her but when Sansa got ran over by the UPS truck I use this to keep her from licking her wounds.4vhxxx1st9ij.jpgShe could use it as a pillow too.

    I did not realize how much of my day was wrapped up with Diesel. I am finding myself with nothing to do for the majority of the day. No reason to wake up early so, no reason to go to bed early. I am not getting up and down letting him out, playing with him, or snacking him. I have been taking some time to do some cleaning that needs to be done but my motivation is not to par. I have not heard from Kelley so I will text her later today to see how he is doing. I don't want to be a pain, I just need to know he is eating again.
    Not much planned for today. Have a great day!

This discussion has been closed.