Really Great News!

Hello everyone! I've missed being here and excited that I can begin posting again. Near the end of March, 2024, I began experiencing an increase in pain, notably in my arms. I've known for several years that the pain in my forearms is acute Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but this new pain different. The pain was now in each bone of my fingers, which was surprising to me. Also, the new pain was further up my forearms, so it now radiated back and forth, up and down my forearms. Being in a wheelchair, I became concerned when I became unable to close my fingers into a fist, which is necessary to propel my chair. My doctor ordered an EMG and referred me to an orthopedic surgeon, who took some X-rays. The surgeon determined that I have tendonitis in my ring fingers and pinky fingers of both hands. I also have carpal tunnel in both wrists, and in both elbows. Our plan is to use injections for the four fingers to see if it brings relief. If it does, then surgery on the fingers can be postponed. Surgery is highly recommended for both wrists and both elbows. But being paraplegic in a manual wheelchair presents hurdles to standard recovery practices. So the surgeon is looking into recovery options that are available through my insurance. Today, I'm able to make a fist, to write long-hand and keyboard, propel my chair, etc. almost as usual. My neurologist added a medication to address the increased pain, so finally I'm somewhat back to normal, except my forearms still fall asleep and get pins-and-needles frequently. So I anticipate being here frequently.

My new way of eating [that I discovered unawares in September of 2023] has normalized, so I no longer experience the physical cravings that once sabotaged my weight loss process. The really great news is that my wife has decided to join me in what I'm doing. And she also has experienced freedom from the cravings. I never expected her to do this because she has been eating her way all her life, even from the time she was 9 or 10. So this is a huge blessing to me, to be able to cook for both of us.

What news do you have to share? If it's not news, then share with me your journey, your story. I would love to get to know your path, and how things are with you.