Why are you willing to try "Sober October"?



  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 542 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I've been reading these posts and some of them sound like I could have written them myself - we share so much in common, it seems. I'm getting some great advice and ideas! 😊

    Alcohol FREE days so far this month:

    10/01: 01
    10/02: 02

    I think what I did wrong is I posted an announcement instead of a discussion; so I deleted the announcement. I hope that fixes it.

    Have a nice evening,
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 542 Member
    Just found ot they're going to open an AF bar near me! (Not sure when but I saw the sign). Hope it catches on. Drinking for me is largely social; so this might be good as an occasional alternative.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,283 Member
    I am on Day 9 AF. My husband and I went shopping and popped into a bar we were unfamiliar with. I was so happy to see some AF drinks on the bar menu. I usually have a seltzer and lime but I had a beautiful pear drink in a lovely glass. My husband had a beer. I had no FOMO whatsoever. Every time I flex my sober muscle, I get stronger. We are all warriors here and we can do this!

    Awesome!! So happy you enjoyed your mocktail in a lovely glass. It's the little rewards that keep me going. Well done!!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,283 Member
    @RubyRed427 I had A LOT of ice cream! Whatever it takes in these early days of sobriety. I also watched a 3 minute Sober Powered YouTube about how she finally quit and she said, " you tell yourself I will not drink. I will not drink no matter what." You have to make a total commitment. If you say, "I HOPE I won't drink," you are leaving a crack open. I thought this was really powerful.

    Whatever it takes, is right!! Yes, let's not leave any doubt in our mind that this is our new reality. We've tried many other ways... it's just so much easier to abstain.
  • MegHom
    MegHom Posts: 6 Member
    Feeling a little slow with a cold, can't imagine how id feel drinking too!
  • SunnyDays930
    SunnyDays930 Posts: 1,529 Member
    @xbowhunter Awesome results! Even when I lose a couple lbs I can feel the difference in various aches and pains...as in they are less. I'm on Day 10 AF and I am not going back to that poison. Ever.
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,598 Member
    Day 32 AF done. Mind games day 33 AF is here.

    I overate sweets yesterday. I think I have to reign in drinking diet dr. pepper with the caffeine and fake sugars. At first, it makes me feel like I am getting a treat but afterwards I go on an eating frenzy. I tried to slow it down but had a yogurt and apple after dinner but both were sweet. Now I have a sugar hangover feeling, go figure.

    Today it's just seltzer. I need to re-balance my blood sugar and eat more protein throughout the day.

    Since I am planning a road trip with drinking husband, I decided I should bring along various NA things to drink and bring along healthy treats. I also told him I plan to not bring any alcohol in the cabins we're staying at or buy alcohol in the state liquor stores. He brings his beer assortment and whisky and that doesn't tempt me since I don't like it.

    In the past, I'd go off my wine diet when I travel just so I could indulge. That was my not-so-good plan then. Plus, everyone drinks on vacation (well I looked it up yesterday and only 50% report they do). Each time I drank on vacation, I erased the progress I had made, weight loss and all. I would also unplug from the world but this time I'll check into this group to remain accountable and not accidentally or mindlessly "forget" about my plan.

    First AF vacation, may as well give it a try.
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 573 Member
    You've got this, @globalhiker !! We're all rooting for you!
  • MegHom
    MegHom Posts: 6 Member
    Almost through another day!
  • SunnyDays930
    SunnyDays930 Posts: 1,529 Member
    I called a younger friend yesterday that I have not talked to in quite a while, for her birthday. She used to lament that her mother (in her 60's) drank too much. When I asked how she was, she told me she now has liver cancer. I absolutely took this as a sign to stay resolute in my sobriety. Day 11 AF.
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 573 Member
    Great job, Ruby. Social situations are my nemesis. I'll remember to try to "play the record forward."
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,283 Member
    edited October 4
    chicbuc wrote: »
    Great job, Ruby. Social situations are my nemesis. I'll remember to try to "play the record forward."

    Thanks :) These days I am not craving the alcohol, but the perceived "fun time" I used to have drinking. The only thing fun was the very first sip.

    I also am learning more about the brain and the chemical reactions that occur when we drink which causes us to want more. It's pretty fascinating. My sis always used to say at least we have a "disease" we can control if we want to, unlike a real physical disease that is mostly out of our hands.
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,112 Member
    Good morning my alcohol-free wakened wonders!

    Another small win yesterday. Got home from my 1hr walk. Wife was drinking wine and eating chips. Didn't bother me not 1%! lol I sat with her and drank sparkling water. :)

    Tonight, we have drinking friends coming over. I will enjoy my 0.0 beer and be up at zero dak 4am tomorrow to go spend some time in the woods. I will have no hangover and will be ready when the sun comes up.

    Cheers and all the best this weekend.

    Current weight this am 152lbs.
    goal 140ish

  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,283 Member
    I called a younger friend yesterday that I have not talked to in quite a while, for her birthday. She used to lament that her mother (in her 60's) drank too much. When I asked how she was, she told me she now has liver cancer. I absolutely took this as a sign to stay resolute in my sobriety. Day 11 AF.

    That is sad. Liver cancer is a disease very hard to cure. But addiction can be cured. I wish this lady well, because I'm sure she is lamenting why did she drink so much.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,283 Member
    MegHom wrote: »
    Almost through another day!

    You did it!