🧮 Countdown & Pre-Challenge Activity #8: GETTING READY (Final Activity) 🧮

hicim705 Posts: 5,785 Member

The 2024 Autumn/Fall 5% Challenge begins in a few days ~ on Saturday, October 12, 2024. We hope that you have enjoyed the ‘Pre-Challenge Activities’ that have been shared with you. When considering a journey such as this, there is just SO MUCH information out there. At the end of the day, the over abundance of mixed messages is something that we all need to deal with. It is our hope that we have been able to formulate the pre-challenge activities to appeal to the overall Challenge Community. Additionally, we hope that many of the activities we have done have been interesting and have helped you to think about your own journey and that these activities prompted you to explore some additional things that may interest you ~ something that really piques your interest. Figure out the things that resonate with you so that you can formulate your own healthy lifestyle plans accordingly.

Please remember: We are all individuals and we are all knowledgeable in various areas but there is no way that we can be ‘experts’ in every facet of the steps needed to achieve a healthy lifestyle. We also all have unique health challenges that contribute to how we’ve gotten to where we are today. Recommendations from healthcare professionals are absolutely paramount when formulating a healthy lifestyle journey, you MUST discuss your plans with your physician to ensure that you don’t try anything that may endanger your health and well-being.

For most of the pre-Challenge activities, we have painted a picture with a 🖌️broad brush🖌️ allowing for you to think about some of the activities while giving you permission to execute whatever plans you have made. There are a few suggestions that have been discussed that can help you ‘get ready’ for Day #1.

First - review the plan that YOU have developed for YOUR healthy lifestyle journey.

🍽️ Do you have plates ready (if you use special ~ or smaller plates for your meals). Do you have a food scale (for weighing and measuring food), measuring cups/spoons (for portion control)? Do you have a water bottle handy? We are made up of mostly water; most diet/exercise plans stress the importance of hydration. Do you have a good, comfortable pair of 👟sneakers/trainers👟 to use for your exercise(s) of choice? Do you need weights/bands? If so, do you have them or are they in disrepair and need to be replaced? Have you added the 5% Challenge to your 📅calendar📅 so that you are reminded that this is an appointment that you have made with yourself? Have you written down your plans for nutrition/exercise? Have you researched your nutritional goals and written them down (and/or consulted your physician for guidance)? While you are at it, why not tidy up your kitchen. A kitchen that is clean and organized will ensure easier delicious and healthy food prep. Replace ‘bad’ (baked goods/chips/dips) foods/snacks with healthier options. Clean out your refrigerator and get rid of foods that are expired (or unrecognizable!). 👁️Look👁️ in your pantry ~ besides replacing salty and sugar-laden snacks with healthier options, take a look at some of those packages and discard items that may be expired.

📓 Your assignment: COUNTDOWN ACTIVITY #8:
GETTING READY (Final Activity) 📓

📔Ensure that you can reference all of the pre-challenge activities that you wrote about📔. Your successful participation will be based on ensuring that you follow through with your plans. Remember the Plan-Do-Check-Act that we discussed early on. Work your plan but make adjustments as you may need to so that you can start and finish the challenge and be able to feel great about YOUR JOURNEY!

💭Please think about the suggestions of this exercise and let everyone know that you have committed to the Challenge. Having family/friends that support you will help your self-esteem and will help you to continue with your journey when your mind and body sometimes just want to give up.

Feel free to add your comments to this thread outlining your healthy lifestyle plan for a successful 2024 Autumn/Fall 5% Challenge. Spend a little time summarizing all of the plans that you have made ~ (if you blog, you may add the link to your blog here or you may simply wish to copy/paste your writing here - or do both!), but please consider sharing!!

PLEASE NOTE: The Seasonal 5% Challenge Teams are very active. You will be expected to participate to the best of your ability.

ALL challenge weeks run from Saturday through Friday - you will be expected to record your exercise and ‘Living the Good Life’ points based on weekly Challenge themes. You are expected to record these points daily or at least as often as you can during the week but no later than 11:59 pm each Saturday (your local time). In addition, you are expected to weigh in one time per week by 11:59 pm every Saturday (your local time). Your individual team leaders and/or team mates will help to answer any and all questions about where to record your points.

🔮 Our 2024 Autumn/Fall 5% Challenge Teams are currently being set up. 🔮

✉️ You will be invited to your individual team soon, in enough time to get to know your team leaders and team mates. Until then, get to know some of the Challengers in the 5% Challenge Community that will be participating right along with you. ✉️

📢 Announcements will be made when invitations to your individual teams are sent. Please visit this team, the 2024 AUTUMN/FALL 5% COMMUNITY TEAM often as this will be the best source for up-to-date information. 📢

Please be sure to set yourself up for S-U-C-C-E-S-S!! Why not start by taking part in **ALL** of the Pre-Challenge Activities? Here they are listed (along with their links) so you can find/participate in all of them!!

Pre-Challenge Activity #1:

Pre-Challenge Activity #2:

Pre-Challenge Activity #3:

Pre-Challenge Activity #4:

Pre-Challenge Activity #5:

Pre-Challenge Activity #6:

Pre-Challenge Activity #7:

Heidi (hicim705)
Overall Co-Leader, Seasonal 5% Challenges (hosted on MFP)


  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,737 Member
    I think I've got everything ready :) The kitchen could do with a better clear-out and organise, so I'll get onto that.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,436 Member
    Looks pretty good. Ready to start
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,162 Member
    Things are pretty much in place as far as the kitchen goes. I need to work on a schedule in my calendar for the exercise part.
  • nansbones7708
    nansbones7708 Posts: 467 Member
    All in place and ready to go on Saturday
    Before photo and reason I need to succeed. The garage is a tight fit.dqpwtkj2uedq.jpeg
  • Ceriusly1
    Ceriusly1 Posts: 6,162 Member
  • Sp33dy143
    Sp33dy143 Posts: 2,276 Member

    "Walktober"... my favorite time of year!!! More than ready <3
  • Grannysue91
    Grannysue91 Posts: 5,536 Member
    I am ready with my workouts and items I need to do these. I will be adding more foods and meal plans as we get closer to the challenge. I am ready for a successful challenge.
  • cmoak54
    cmoak54 Posts: 1,350 Member
    Ready 🤗
  • gouldsgranite
    gouldsgranite Posts: 4,283 Member
    Ready, set, looking forward to the Fall 5% Challenge!
  • marg750me
    marg750me Posts: 3,388 Member
    Kitchen is stocked with the foods I need to go with the meat I pull out. What's in the bags are 98% marked
  • paceka2
    paceka2 Posts: 1,071 Member
    Activity #8: GETTING READY

    As I've said in other of the activities - life is a bit of a challenge for me right now and I have little control over what I can or even should do. But I am ready to greet this Fall 5% Challenge with as much as I have to give. I feel like I'm starting to get my life back after weeks and even months of pain!
  • cinebibliophile
    cinebibliophile Posts: 38 Member
    Ready to go
  • 130StrongerEachYear
    130StrongerEachYear Posts: 431 Member
    Kitchen is ready. Goals are set. Ready to go.

    Have a Great and Healthy Day!!! Gretl