October 2024 Walks and Workouts

Deeder522 Posts: 1,098 Member
New Month, New Goals. Welcome to October 2024!

It's the 1st full month of Fall. Pumpkin Spice is everything, and Summer has stepped aside to Autumn's brilliance of multi-color inspiring.

Whether you work out in the Gym, with YouTube, The Walk at Home App, or old school with DVDs, we're glad you're doing something for yourself!
Remember NOW is always a great time for a walk.

No matter your goal for the month, we're happy to have you join us. Don't be afraid to chime in because we all want to support you and your goals.


  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,098 Member
    October Goals

    Mileage Tracked: 70
    Apple Challenge: Do 8 walking workouts of 5 minutes or more.

    I lowered my mileage slightly b/c of the remodel that is still taking place. We came back home last night after 4 days away. Ryan's pain was increasing, and I wasn't sleeping much at all. Otherwise, we had a lovely time. We are grateful for the friends that took us in.
    After some setbacks, we hope to have a working shower tonight.

    @zichab I look forward to hearing an update from you and Dennis.

    @lclark04957 You need GREAT last month. I'm so happy to see you continue to check in and reach your goals.

    October is going to be great, Friends!! Positive thought for us moving into a new month!!!!🥳

  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,485 Member
    Hi All,
    Sorry for the MIA! September went totally bonkers on me and I did not even get near my computer! From the 15th on Dennis and I were moving and stacking 3 1/2 full cord of wood! Then we winterized our porch and deck and brought in a one month supply of wood. They we cleaned out the gutters, drained the hot water heater, double checked the attic collar ties, reamed out the foundation drains, and put the snow blower on the tractor! All that got done by the 25th when he went in for his right knee replacement, which went very well. He was in more pain this time than last and they changed his pain meds from Oxycodone to Tramador which made him super dizzy. But he is on Tylenol now so the dizziness is gone and he feels good. He had his first PT appointment yesterday and is doing exercises already. He so loves walking without any pain. He is totally like a kid and walks around as fast as he can. It's funny.
    My goals for October are going to be modest, but I am going to stick to them! 32 oz of water minimum per day, Log Food on MFP each day and a minimum of 1 mile walking a day either outside, with Leslie or waiting on Dennis! LOL None of these are hard and I just have to do them!
    I am so excited about your bathroom @Deeder522! There are always hick-ups when remodeling an older home and you never know what they will be. However, mold should have been contained. That was very careless as some molds can make you extremely sick (Stachybotrys is one of them). Also, lost or cracked items or even the wrong item are very normal events that are just freakin annoying!!!! Remodeling is not for the faint of heart that is for sure.
    Great job with your controlled snacking @lclark04957! I am tracking this month to get it all back in control.
    See you tomorrow for the latest in the @Deeder522's new bathroom saga! :bigsmile:
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 84 Member
    edited October 2
    Hi, new to the group, and back on mfp; Started moving some (went for fall walka) and mindfully (mostly) :*:D;) eating and logging food (& drinking water) on Autumn Equinox; have logged and increased water (& caught myself several times realizing again that I eat when I'm thirsty, but had stopped hydration habit).

    My Oct. program: at least 3@30 min walking* workouts weekly; 10 min. workout daily minimum

    *walking in either the land preserve 3 doors down or at the SPCA with dogs or going across town to walk my busy sister's dog, or youtube Leslie Sansone; I also do low-impact aerobics while watching tv. Tomorrow (Wed) I go in for final step of volunteer training at SPCA. Can sub these with active functional exercise, such as gardening, heavy cleaning as another sister is coming for a week's visit in a couple of weeks...always time to get things extra tidy before she gets here. Edit to add...pumpkin spice *is* everything, and visiting sister is my ps sister (we love to try new ps things); Probably will check in weekly here; also doing some OA stuff and the 5% challenge, so that might up my daily workout minutes a lot
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Welcome @SeleneMoon333 We are so happy to have you walk with us this month. I'm super excited to read you walk dogs for the SPCA! What a wonderful thing to do.

    @zichab Good to hear from you again! Congrats on all that work prior to Dennis's 2nd surgery. I'm happy to read that it went well again.

    We decided to remove the old carpet from the hallway and dining room while we had the dumpster. So now I have retro 1970s linoleum to clean up on top of the bathroom remodel. 🤣 Today, my Dad helped remove all the tack strips left over from the carpet. Tomorrow, I will start the cleaning process of the floor. I figure a few soap and water cleaning and a final cleaning of Murphy's oil soap will help spiffy it up.
    Today and tomorrow are also down days on the bathroom as we wait for a few last items to arrive. As much as I want this remodel to be done, the down days allow us to clean things up and rearrange the mess it's caused.
    So my walking is rather limited b/c my walking space is all junked up with my junk from other areas in the house. 🤣🤣🤣
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,098 Member
    The remodel continues. At this rate, I'll feel grateful if it's completed by next week. 😕
    I haven't gotten to do 1 blasted workout either! I'm feeling it both mentally and physically.