Chris experimenting with CBL & Cube



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Push Pull weekend is done and dusted!

    Friday night was tough for Kee. I did all the same prep for cutting weight as her exept the water loading, dropping sodium and the hot bath. I was at 83.0 on Friday night, down from 86.5 on Monday so that is a great sign. Very easy to make weight basically. I decided to rehydrate and refeed then though so I could look after her better and I was driving.

    Weighed in at PTC at 59.4 initially so was able to have some water, offical weigh in of 59.7kg for her. 3 girls in the 60's.

    While I was there I did 7 sets of 5 bench at 75kg (smolov jnr w1d2)

    Then it was refeed time.

    We met Kelly (a friend and client) and her husband and Val and her husband for a massive steak burger at a local pub then off to the one and only Max Brenner. Soooo good!


    Then continued the refeed with some of my homemade mango cinnamon sticky rice with condensed milk


    Then we went to mma to watch some fights (and keep refeeding LOL)



    And finished the night off with a feast at a Chinese place in China town. I had quail for the first time which was quite nice actually.

    Sunday had arrived and I was pretty busy despite not competing as I was coaching Kee but also helping Kelly and Val. We went conservative for Kee with 47.5kg bench which was easy, then she made her 52.5kg. 55kg stuck on chest, appears lack of tightness (or maybe nerves as can do it at home). Still it was a 2.5kg comp PB. Unfortunately, her main competition ended up bombing out on the bench after being red lit for butt off bench and bar dip. Knowing this we when conservative again with opening deadlift of 120kg. The warmup weight were shooting off the floor today and it looked like the full week off doing pretty much anything really helped. 120kg was easy, 130kg next for equal PB and also looked very sharp. (Technique tweaks from Dan Green seminar helping!) Put up 135kg next and it was still very nice form and made it well. (5kg comp and all time PB)

    So she ended up coming 1st in the 60kg QLD division.

    Kelly and Val both went well too coming 3rd and 1st respectively in the 67.5's going 55/120 and 65/153. Val CAN deadlift, that was Australian record.

    So many other great performances by people on the day. The 82.5kg class was VERY competitive and I made a good call in resting up. No point in me going in push/pull's when people are benching 50kg more than me. Can't make that up on the deadlift!

    Weighed in this morning at 84.4kg (a little dehydrated though) which seems a bit lot.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    BW 84.4kg

    Mainly just sorted out stuff for mock Thanksgiving dinner that we through tonight for my American friend's bday. Lots of meat and veg. I made a pumpkin pie but it was a bit average I thought.

    Did this training.
    all bench paused

    I think I was a bit fatiqued to push an equal 1rm on the slingshot after all the pressing. Just missed lockout. Form is staying much tighter though so I'm happy about that.

    No back work as I'm still resting the lower trap strain. I could feel it when I pulled the slingshot on so still needs rest.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    BW 84.9kg

    BW 84.6kg


    Last nights bench was a little bit tough for the first week. Still playing around with feet position. I tried further away from me so that I could drive back up the bench but I totally lost my tightness when I did that. The feet underneath and close to me seems to be best for tightness but minimal leg drive. Plan is to increase 2.5kg per week not 5kg as I know that won't happen. I'll still be doing SOHP 2x a week.

    Then this morning, I decided to go for a 3rm and 5rm on floor press. Got 85 and 80 respectively. vids: sorry for crotch shot LOL and

    Question: WHat sort of % of your raw bench press is your floor press?

    Then was feeling optimistic for some deadlifts but form wasn't on for the heavy stuff so I dropped it back and busted out some reps.

    Also started my casual accounting job yesterday. People in my s&c class didn't believe me that I was an accountant LOL

    Eats during the week has been all low carb. Plenty of meat and veg and nuts basically.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Then had a GREAT class with the rugby guys this arvo and hit my recent PB of 4 strict muscle ups. The best bit about it was that my shoulders felt great doing it. Only taken a bit over 2 years since initial injury. Did a 2rm floor press of 90kg too.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Also started my casual accounting job yesterday. People in my s&c class didn't believe me that I was an accountant LOL

    Pssst...don't tell anyone, but so am I :wink:
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    Also started my casual accounting job yesterday. People in my s&c class didn't believe me that I was an accountant LOL

    Pssst...don't tell anyone, but so am I :wink:

    Hmm...that's Kee, myself, you and It'scasey that I know of on here who are accountants.

    All girls lean and benching around .9BW, over 1.5x BW squat and around 2x BW deadlift. Strong accountants :smile:
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    oh and there is an accountant I know from Brisbane who competed last week in the 125kg class. Deadlifted 350kg and benched 170kg. I was thinking that he "just" had Kee and I beat for strongest accountant. (if we put our totals together :laugh:)
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    *thinking maybe if I change careers... Hmm*
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    haha, I think we are still not the "norm" accountants.

    BW 84.6kg


    PB on the SOHP after just under a month of Bill Starr press program. Only 1.5kg but the 67.5kg went up pretty easily. I actually attempted 70kg twice as the first time I was so quick to move my head forward that I hit myself in the chin with the bar lol. I think I can get it as is though. Pressing is slowly increasing it seems.

    Date night. Went out for pizza. See below. Had half Mafia's revenge which is their BS hot one. Was well up there for Australian standards hehe.



    BW 86.6

    Went to UFC in Brisbane. Lots of drinks during the day. Was a GREAT event. View from our seats.


    Then off to Vinny's Bday party. We had a Korean BBQ and a fair bit of some pretty potent sangria.

    BW 86.4kg

    A bit dehydrated/hungover but I did the following.


    Changed my setup to Japanese style on bench and felt great. Really solid and tight. All paused and all easy. Floor press 10rm PB also.

    Then went to the movies to see Hunger Games 2.

    Great weekend!

    Oh and here are some pics of the HIT room where I run the strength and conditioning classes. It's got some great stuff!



    half mafia's revenge half honey chilli chicken pizza
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    I enjoy your pictures and stories. I saw Catching Fire with my daughter last week and we both cried within the first ten minutes:)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I enjoy your pictures and stories. I saw Catching Fire with my daughter last week and we both cried within the first ten minutes:)

    Thanks :smile:

    I've read the books before but I always forget so the movie was a refresher hehe. There were people clapping and stuff at the end. I take it they are bigger HG fans than me. I did like it though.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    BW 87kg


    Was very happy with the SOHP this morning. 66kg 1rm 1 month ago. Chins all felt good. Pause deadlifts are so much harder conventional style than sumo! Was just doing whatever weight Vinny was doing.

    Kerrie tested her openers for Pretty and Powerful and will be going 55/35/70 Sq/B/DL. My Mum is also going in it and will open with 40/42.5/70. She hasn't been training much and has hurt her back a little while back. She benched an easy 47.5kg paused for her first session back. It does help that she is 4'11" so has VERY short arms haha.

    chicken schnitzel and S&P calamari
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    BW 85.8kg


    Japanese setup on bench is working very well. Feeling so much tighter. Previous 5rm on slingshot was 97.5 and was going for 5 at 100kg. (was second set) 5 was easy so went for a few more. May have made 8 but the last one would have been a bit ugly. DB floor press with the band ss with just db's felt great. Decided to go with inverted body rows today to give the lower back a rest. Probably should include these more often. Super tough with the 20kg weight vest on.

    Workout done fasted. Estimated cals about 1600 yesterday. Aiming for around 1500 on my low days.

    Then I went for a 1hr beach walk as it was a bloody beautiful day!

    Midday workout in the heat. Farkin' dead after that. Token gym selfie :p

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Deadlifts are so much harder conventional style than sumo!

    Fixed it for ya :tongue:
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    agreed! I can't wait until I can go back to sumo!
  • wow! just read quite a bit of your plan/goals from the past month or two and all I can say is that your dedication never ceases to amaze me. That goes for both you and two make a stellar couple. So inspiring.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    wow! just read quite a bit of your plan/goals from the past month or two and all I can say is that your dedication never ceases to amaze me. That goes for both you and two make a stellar couple. So inspiring.

    Thanks a lot Love :smile:

    All seems to progressing well at the moment. Kee has a bit of a back niggle which has put her out of action for a week or so. She'll be back when it is safe to do so though.
  • wow! just read quite a bit of your plan/goals from the past month or two and all I can say is that your dedication never ceases to amaze me. That goes for both you and two make a stellar couple. So inspiring.

    Thanks a lot Love :smile:

    All seems to progressing well at the moment. Kee has a bit of a back niggle which has put her out of action for a week or so. She'll be back when it is safe to do so though.
    That's too bad...i'm glad she's being safe though.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Thanks :smile: She went to chiro yesterday and it gave her pain relief straight away so I think that is a good sign.

    BW 84.7kg

    bench felt good today. I tried to upload a vid but stupid tab didn't want to . Very happy with the 2.5kg PB on 3rm for slingshot. All bench paused and all relatively easy. The floor press had some grinding but I kept my form and didn't let the right shoulder come up.

    Decided against doing any back stuff today as the lower trap feels a bit tight again.

    I am so immature
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    ended up doing a second workout yesterday as only 1 lady turned up to the last S&C class and she didn't want to do it alone. All done in 45mins. Very huffy puffy.


    Goblet squat felt fine on the hip with a very narrow stance and toes forward. Any further out and left hip felt no good.

    Also did 500m on rower in 1m42s
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Went to mma sparring. It was bloody hot. It went for an hour. 9 people, one person got to rotate out for a break. 2mins on 45s off. No knees or elbows. Got a little bit beaten up by the good guys, beat up some noobies, learning to take a punch a bit better. We then did it with mma gloves on and did more wrestling/take down stuff and some GnP. Then took the gloves off and did straight wrestling. By the end of this, I was more exhausted than I've been in a LONG time. Absolutely just laid out on the floor, couldn't get up sort of stuff haha. Most of the guys there were about my weight also which was good and 2 of them have had amateur fights. I like the wrestling/takedown stuff the best as although it is still very skillful, having strong legs/hips/core is a DEFINITE advantage. I did end up getting a high crotch takedown on one guy. WHich is where you start at a single leg but then end up around nutsack height and just deadlift them up and over your head. Good fun.

    Then after then went out with mma trainer and his gf to ALCE seafood buffet. Destroyed many plates of prawns, lobsters, oysters etc. Had 3 plates of desserts. Well and truly glycogen replenished :)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I used to do no gi ju-jitsu and sparred with guys (I was the only female) for a bunch of 3 minute sessions after the technique part of the session - fun but freaking exhausting.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Most of yesterday was all standup. BJJ I'm actually more comfortable with than striking. I don't actually like hitting people in the head so I always go for body shots. I think it's nicer :tongue:

    BW 85.9kg

    am: Advance Martial Arts Coolum BJJ Grappling comp/xmas party at the beach. Great fun. Got a bit sandy but I'll live. Won 2 and lost 1 against the guy who won it. He's the guy whose had a few amateur fights.






    Then came home and did some equipped lifting with Liam for the first time. See below
    Bench shirted

    Deadlift 220x2
    add suit

    Bench (raw)
    87.5x3x10sets (paused)


    110kg bench

    220kgx2 is conventional 2rm. Was going for 3. I hate conventional LOL

    Then went for some heavy singles in the single ply suit. 240x1 conventional missed and had about 10 seconds rest and pulled it sumo easy so went for 250kg next. All good :)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    Got a massage and coached my client Kerrie and my Mum in their first PL comp. Kerrie went 62.5/35/80 and Mum went 40/50/80. Yes my Mum benched more than she squatted. I'm unsure where my crappy bench genes come from as both my Mum and sister are awesome haha. My Mum can actually front squat more than that for reps but she never really does back squats and fell forward. All in all a good successful day for both of them.


    BW 86.5kg


    2hr sesh. Feeling good. Bench was all pretty easy. Was optimistically going to go for 6 sets of 3 at 67.5kg SOHP after that but realised that wasn't going to happen after the first. My recent 1rm is actually 67.5kg so I'm very happy to get one set of 3 out! Tested out the hip a little with front squats, narrow stance and toes forward. Felt pretty good. Floor press 8rm PB after all that still and some pullups.

    Me and our new budgie "Boss" watching some UFC this morning

    banana/blueberry pancakes

    pepper steak pies, asparagus and cauli with coconut, lemon, chilli sauce

    choc/cinnamon proats with reece's pb cups and mighty maple PB
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    BW 86.7kg

    Marathon session today. That took 3.5hours all up. Smolov stuff was all pretty easy. Front squats were going to be testing hip and rehab but all felt AOK so I went for a new 3rm and got it easy. Was going to go for a single at 120 but it was easy, got the second easy too and was going for the third and the *kitten* slipped off! Semi zercher squatted it haha. See below. Then was going for a new 5rm on slingshot but right shoulder started to come up a little on the 5th so I stopped. Got a new 1rm (for 2013 anyway). Then optimistically went for a new raw bench max after all that. I think I could have actually got it except I didn't have anyone to unrack and for some reason when it gets heavy for raw bench and I unrack it, it automatically goes back not out so I wasted a fair bit of energy there. Missed about 4" off chest, couldn't lockout. Chins still relatively easy and I did single leg RDL's to use less lower back. And then KB swing finisher.

    Also, will be buying a bench shirt, briefs and a squat suit. Keen to do a bit more practice in them and hopefully do an equipped comp in 2014.

    FS 112.5kgx3

    FS 120kgx2

    bench 80kgx5

    lots. No pics :)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    BW 85.8kg


    Bench all went well, all paused and felt good. PB for RDL's. Never done over 120 before and that was relatively easy. Did it with straps as my hands are a bit torn up at the moment. Some right arm db floor press for strength imbalances. Everything from front squat on was 1.5 hours later in my S&C class. Went for 5 at 100 on the FS and my slippery shirt made it fall down again! Happy with 2.5kg PB on floor press 5rm. All the other stuff was supersetting and about 30 second rest.

    Then went to the sauna with my cricket ball and smashed pecs and upper back. Plenty of stretching. Left hip still doesn't feel as good as the right one :( May have to get another shot. Will see a doctor when I can.

    Setting up the kimura at beach BJJ comp


    bacon, eggs, chicken, pumpkin and sriracha

    steak & veg
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    BW 85.4kg


    PB 3rm bench (and previously not paused). All felt pretty good today except for the last set where I was going for 5 and missed the 4th. I think I psyched myself out of it somehow. Then just some quick right arm catch up stuff.

    Went out to lunch in Montville for future father in law's bday. Farkin' awesome place! Got a massage, finished off the xmas grocery shopping and made a pumpkin pie and more diabetic friendly xmas cake. Good day. Our family xmas is tomorrow. I'm deadlifting in the morning first.

    First one is 92.5kg and the rest are 90kg




    choc/cinnamon oats with CRS PB, toblerone and choc wafers

    pork fillets with satay sauce, lime rice, banana/pineapple coconut chilli stuff
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    BW 85.9


    220kgx3 PB conventional. (the second single was just to lift it up and plonk it on the blocks :p) Tested out hips with semi sumo block pulls and felt great. Push press pb at 80kg but never gone for 1rm before. Missed 86kg on technical error twice as didn't get me head through enough. Will try again next week at HIT room. Hips felt good with the semi sumo block pulls.

    80kg push press at 85kg

    190kg semi sumo block pulls

    220kgx3 conventional deadlifts

    Then we had our family xmas day. To be honest, I don't think I would have eaten that much more than a "normal" day for me. Delicious food. We had pretty much all of the farm animals :p Lots of veggies, fruit mince pies, rum balls etc. Also, fruit cake, xmas pudding and pumpkin pie. Had a few vodkas also. Pretty active for most of the day and went for a swim as it was crazy hot. Still can't do backflips very well haha.



    pumpkin pie

    lots of things
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    BW 86.2kg


    Mega bench session today. Got some new stuff from lifting large so wanted to try em out. I was basically doing what I would have been doing for bulk sets on week 3 for smolov Jnr raw first. Lots of PB's as you can see. Was REALLY happy with how it all went. First time I've pressed over 100kg all year! (and it was relatively easy.) Could have gone a little higher but didn't want to miss anything as I knew I still had the slingshot and shirt stuff to go. Maddog slingshot feels a fair bit stiffer than the original. Not as "springy" and closer to a loose shirt I guess. (without the pain) Chins were pretty tough after all that, getting pretty close to my 3rm now I think.

    Right lower trap wasn't feeling great still. Felt worse doing pushups just because of the stretch at full extension so skipped them.

    Full training Vid (pretty boring but was just playing around with editing (that I totally suck at))


    Rest of the day, headed out to the duck ponds for a picnic. Chilled in the pool for a bit. And off to see Anchorman 2 tonight!

    Roast lamb and veggies
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    BW 89kg! (holy carb load haha)

    Bench 77.5x3x2
    F6 Shirt 87.5x3 (no touch)
    110x3 PB
    120x1 PB

    SOHP SS with Push press
    60kg x3 then 5 push presses x3 sets

    Front Squat 60x8
    105x3x5 sets
    90x14 (rep PB)

    Band Fly Red x15x5

    Band Good Morning Orange x15x3

    Ring Chinups between every set. Lots of reps?

    Got some sweet Underground Elite squat shoes from Kee for xmas so had to try em out. First up was some bench, all easy raw stuff. Then chucked the shirt on and got Kee to spot for me. Basically needed about 100kg to touch it seems. Still feels VERY unnatural. Then front squats. Today's session loosely based on Sheiko 30 W1d1. Front squats felt AWESOME with the shoes. Solid as and I can basically go narrow stance, toes forward and ATG now. Paused the last rep of 105kg each time too. 90kg previous rep max was 8 :) Between every set of everything today, I did the same number of reps as the previous exercise for ring chinups. I think I did about 150 all up? Most at one time was 11. 2.5hrs today and hot as all hell. Finished up with my 10,9,...1 right, left leg kick finisher. Absolutely drenched.

    Now off to mates place for bbq pool party.
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