Chris experimenting with CBL & Cube
BW 80.2kg
Leg Press went well. New rep pb by 2. Added an extra set for BBB assistance. And decided to do hip thrusts instead of leg extension as my left knee felt a little funny
Cals 2034
BW 79.6kg NEW LOW!
Rest day today except 400 cals burnt on recumbent bike watching youtube
Cals 2034
236P/228C/24F0 -
BW 79.6kg
Bro spec arms workout, some right arm assisted one arm chinups, some back work and some light pump stuff on the leg press and back extension. Pretty happy with the DB push press. Only 7.5kg off my PB which is with my left arm which is stronger. Never really got the DB placement going that well though. Probably shouldn’t do these though as too risky to have to use left arm to re balance.
WARNING, income nudes of pale guy in close a g-banger!
abs coming in
Got to remember to suck the gut in
Unsure about the foot back to the side or straight back. Now doing posing practice every day for 10mins or so. Hopefully it will all come naturally to me in 23 days!
I’m hoping that when I am black I don’t look so weird haha
Cals 2718
255P/279C/72F0 -
BW 80.3kg
mma circuit training first up and then I just had a play around with their weights as no BJJ for me.
Rainy day, went to the movies to see Inbetweeners 2. Pretty funny
Cals 2965
BW 80.6kg
Ended up doing 800 cals worth of recumbent bike today as plenty to watch on TV and very rainy haha. Ate a bit more also because of this.
Cals 3524
Was feeling a bit down on energy for this session for some reason but still able to match my 13 reps in cycle 1 at an extra 2.5kg. Added leg extension myo reps as knees feeling ok again. These were bloody hard after the leg press volume. Then saw they had mma on at the gym so I did another half an hour of cardio there.
Cals 2341
choc/peanut protein pancakes (using pb2)
bro spec pepper chicken and broc
mad mex beef burrito bowl
garlic and soy chicken, baked pumpkin and broc0 -
BW 80.7kg
One arm training again. Don’t know if I just sucked last week at the incline press machine but got 3 or 4 more reps at 30kg today which I was very happy about. Extra rep on the chins at both weights also (and I was 1kg lighter last week also)
Decided to do a 24hr fast so just had 3 xtend’s during the day and a sf drinking choc before training (10g carbs).
Also did 250 cals on the recumbent bike..
As I said, went to the doctor and got some pain killers for my shoulder. Hoping that will give some relief.
Cals 1066
177P/110C/6F0 -
Sorry, have not been able to keep up. How are you doing with your posing routine?
Also, cals/macros are still pretty good considering where you are in your prep.0 -
All good on the cals/macros. Average intake 2200 for this week is the plan.
Was just looking over my RFL results from the past and will be doing that for next week at least. Wedding on Saturday = refeed (eat ALL the dinner rolls :laugh:) and then assess from there if I will do another week of low cals. Need to shift this lower ab/back fat.
In the past, I did RFL for 12 days to the book and went from 8.4-6.2% BF with less than 1kg of LBM losses. (which is never 100% accurate anyway) Currently, around 7% spot on I'd say.
I don't have to do a routine to music or anything. We have our symmetry poses front, sides and back. Then muscular ones (typical ones) and the guy from INBA said to have 2 favourite poses sorted. Been practicing every second day. Getting more natural now. The hardest one I'm finding is the rear lat spread. 1 because my shoulders go CLUNK! 2 I'm not 100% sure on the angles I need.
Have another posing class this Sunday though to get some more tips0 -
BW 79.8kg
Rest day. Just did 450cals total on the bike for the day watching youtube and transformers (average I thought).
Cals 1977
soy whiting, pumpkin and broccoli
S&P calamari, potato chips and broccoli0 -
BW 79.9kg
Farkin happy with the assisted right arm chinups! At the start of this cut I could do 21 2 hand chins at 86kg BW. Not “too” far off that with one arm now. If my left side works before the year is out, I’ll redo the test for that athlete challenge thing. Then some arm stuff that doesn’t hurt shoulder. Also, incorporated some weighted box jumps. Felt like I wanted to do something explosive. Not keen on attempting high ones as I’m already injured enough! And the BSS are done with a hover pause between each rep so do 6 reps, then 6 second pause, 5 reps, 5 second pause etc down to 1. This looks relatively easy. Try it
Also ran 3 S&C classes and was fairly active in general as usual on a Thursday.
Was VERY much looking forward to a massage but he had to cancel. Back is very tight at the moment but not overly sore. Shoulder is sore all the time despite the addition of some pain killers this week.
Cals 2000
225P/218C/34F0 -
BW 79.5kg
200 cals on the recumbent bike.
Then did the 1km onesie fun run. Started off slow, then got competitive haha. Chased off after the dudes in front, stepping past little kids along the way. Reeled in 4th position by 500m. Got past 3rd at about 800m. Overtook the guy who was in second on the line. Good little sprint
Then I was feeling dirty for only doing cardio so I stopped off at the jungle gym.
I am VERY close to getting that one arm chinup again. Never done it on my right arm though. Just using 2 fingers on the shorter bar as a little assistance.
Cals 2012
BW 79.2kg NEW LOW
mma circuit training this morning. VERY careful with left shoulder. Didn’t use at all. Was feeling good energy wise so went a bit harder than normal. Did db incline after and didn’t quite lockout the 6th at 30kg (like I did last week) but made the rest of the reps the same. Happy with that
Cals 3064 (refeed)
BW 79.4kg
Woke up looking the leanest I have so far. 350g carbs with 3 vodkas was the trick
Pretty active today. Stuffed up the rego for the 5km fun run and nearly didn’t get to do it. Sorted it out though. Ended up doing the 5km in my morph suit in 24m16s. 1 min off my best. Putting that down to the pre run coffee. Felt like I was going to spew for about the last km. Only sprinted the last 100m because of that!
Cals 2014
Update pics from 1/9/14
They said to have 2 favourite poses. I’m thinking the fighter pose. Thoughts? Has quads, calves and abs which I think are my strong points.
S&P calamari and veggies
choc ice cream with choc peanut bar
cookies and cream protein cheesecake with choc cereal and choc brownie tim tams (213 cals 26P/12C/6.5F)
KFC Kentucky Burger
choc/peanut/cinnamon oats with Reece’s PB cups0 -
BW 78.4kg (yes, new low after KFC and cheesecake last night)
I think my habitual sodium intake is actually less than KFC use haha.
Today marks the first day of low carbing for me. This workout was TOUGH! I had eaten about 25g of carbs all day. Purpose of this workout is to deplete glycogen stores to promote fat mobilisation. The weights aren’t overly heavy but it is like a pump workout bb style where you can’t actually get a pump because of a lack of carbs! 1 min rest between all exercises and supersetted bi’s and tris. Energy levels 1/10. I was literally closing my eyes in between sets.
I was going to do this same workout tomorrow (per UD2) but as I’m extending low carb to 5 days instead of 4 and I’ll be training on Thursday I’m going to listen to the body and not do anything too hard.
I’m now eating 1kg of chicken and 1kg of aldi mixed veg per day. 3 meals. 12pm 1/4, 4pm 1/4 and 8pm 1/2. bcaa’s in the morning.
Caliper readings chest 3.4mm (same), abs 6mm (lowest and down .6mm) chest 5mm (equal lowest)
Cals 1500
245P/52C/28F0 -
Wow! You're awesome! I could not do what you do--not in a million years.0
Wow! You're awesome! I could not do what you do--not in a million years.
I can deal with this stuff short term. I have NO IDEA why anyone would want to do a low carb diet long term :laugh:
So haven't updated much this week as there isn't much to say.
Average cals 1500. Avg macros 250/50/30 P/C/F. Wednesday was by far the hardest. EVERYTHING HURT! I had a strained glute (from running I think) and my left shoulder injury felt a lot worse than normal. I had basically zero energy. Made it through the day thought.
Thursday is my quite busy day with PT stuff, running 3 classes and a few clients. I hit the magnesium pool and sauna for recovery. Made it through the day and had my first non chicken meal for the week. Roo burgers with fountain no added sugar tomato sauce. Couldn't believe I forgot my tobacco ketchup for 5 cals so cooking that up again tonight.
hunger levels have been fine as I still eat a LOT of volume but the energy intake just isn't there.
Last day of low carb. YAY!
(well depending on what happens next week)0 -
BW 77.9kg
Full rest day.
Cals 1636
BW 78.1 kg
Had plenty of carbs in me in the morning and actually had some energy! Didn’t quite make it through “Sally” with 60kg. Next time.
Also did some hill sprints with Kee and then I went to the sauna afterwards.
Went to a friends wedding in Maleny which was very nice. Great catch up. Ate lots. Probably about 200g more carbs than I will have next week.
Cals 5593
BW 79.9kg
Father’s day stuff
My dad and my niece
Rest day plus some tanning practice and posing and 450 cals on recumbent bike while watching UFC with the boys.
(cravings for nut bars and nutella today so I had them earlier on, and then just had protein cheesecake and fluff)
Cals 2664
And yep, I will have more tan on comp day
blurry wedding bbq dinner
choc/peanut oats with frozen banana, ice cream and maple syrup
soy and garlic chicken and broccoli
Cookies and Cream protein cheesecake
strawberry protein fluff0 -
Diced to the sox brah!
Have you decided on your two poses yet? Looking at your current condition your quads, back and delts are looking incredible, I think the third and last poses are your strongest.0 -
Thanks Ray. I think abs and thighs and my custom "fighter" pose will be the go
Catching up with another PT who is competing and has competed before on Thursday too to sort out my back angles as I seem to totally suck at the lat spread especially.0 -
BW 79kg
Full body glycogen depletion workout on low carbs went MUCH better than last week. Much more energy. Also, got some posing tips from another PT BBer at work. Good day
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Keola ho has been by my side during my whole comp prep. I try to do things the easiest most sustainable way but that certainly doesn't mean it is easy. She has been there to support me when I most needed it and I VERY much appreciate it. She is also excellent at hiding the peanut butter :-P it takes a certain kind of tolerance when your partner is essentially scientifically starving themselves down to extreme body fat levels and for this I am very grateful. 5 days to go!
Cals 1524
Roo burgers with tobasco mustard and ketchup and chilli/garlic egg white megg white baked mushrooms
details on hellfire reps -
BW 78.1kg
Had enough energy to train a second time this week. All went well.
Got dexa scan done. Went from 7.29% at 80.9kg 7 weeks ago to 6.29% at 80kg today (that was midday weight though) Essentially retained majority of LBM and dropped 1.1kg of fat. This has been with adding a protein feeding in the morning. May have to continue this in the future and see how it goes when I reverse.
Also saw shoulder surgeon. He thinks that we have exhausted all options being, rest,, physio, cortisone shot and I have consent to get the arthoroscopy done if I want. Will mean 2-4 weeks in a sling. Need to find out total cost and if my PH will cover it also though.
Also picked up my INBA pack. Lots of fsamples ! And I am no 299
I also decided I am going to go in the 72-77kg class also as there is 40 in novice and 4 in that one. So plan now is to refeed on Thursday at 400g carbs. Fri and Sat will be low carb again. Weigh in Sunday morning under 77 and then refeed . Should be plenty of time to fill out(based on previous refeeds
Cals 1614
250P/59C/38F0 -
BW 77.8kg (new low)
Woke up this morning and was so happy to refeed. Frozen banana before training helped IMMENSELY! I believe that is actually a 10rm for db bench for me (and that was actually laying on a padded bag! Feeling great today! Left hammy felt a tad off for BSS so made sure I was super careful on form and didn’t go too heavy. Goal of today’s workout is to create tension in all muscle groups and be primed to nutrient uptake as I take in plenty of carbs.
I also ran 3 S&C classes today so quite active.
And in the arvo I caught up with another PT who is competing and actually knows BB stuff and he showed me heaps of stuff for posing. Better late than never! Showed Kee when she got home and she reackons I looks like a pro now. I think that just means I look less **** than before haha.
Cals 3201
And woke up this morning on the 12th at 77.9kgWill make the 77kg class after 2 low carb days no probs.
not pictured: Was planning on making 27 pancakes for after dinner dinner. Put the batter in for the first two. Had a taste of batter and it was delicious! Decided to save time and drink batter instead.
condensed milk sticky rice, strawberries and skinny cap
chicken and ham pita
S&P calamari and baked potato chips
ice cream and choco balls cereal0 -
Thanks a lot everyone! Haven't really had a chance to write an update until now.
Water weight cut went great and was weighing 75.5kg on Sunday morning. Drove to Brisbane fasted and weighed in comfortably under the 77kg mark at 76.5kg with clothes on.
Then it was time to eat. Probably my favourite meal at the moment. Condensed milk sticky rice with peanut butter. Simple and delicous
I also mega dosed sodium by drinking some teriyaki sauce and was sipping on a full packet of hydralite over the following few hours.
Had a few hours to prepare so watched some of the other divisions to double check the order of posing. From here I was all good. Wasn't feeling nervous or anything surprisingly. Tanned up and did all the pump up stuff with a band. (hard to do some things with injured shoulder).
Went out in the 72-77kg class at 11:30. 6 of us on stage. We had to go through the most muscular rounds 3 times for them to split us! By the end of this I was cramping up hardcore, especially right VMO. Ended up coming 2nd in the class to a former Mr Australia. Incredibly surprised but very happy!!!
Then there was about 45 mins until next time up on stage. Just enough time to cool down a little (very sweaty), fix up the tan and pump up. There was 20 guys in the under 175cm novice division so we were up there in 2 lines this time. Did all the poses and then got the call out with another 6 guys I think. I was in the middle. After first round of most muscular they moved me to the edge (which I later found out is a good thing haha). So yeah, I ended up coming 1st in this division which I was absolutely gobsmacked by! I didn't think I would have enough upper body size to compete that well but I guess the judges were impressed with my conditioning and legs more so. I'll take it!
I wasn't going to go into the INBA Australian Championships on Oct 5th but after getting these results I think I'd be crazy not to. Only 3 more weeksHave a guy to see about proper posing soon.
The other thing which I have noticed is how much more "normal" people care about bodybuilding (in comparison to previous powerlifting comps). Heaps of random people at the gym congratulating me and stuff.
One of the other trainers was asking me if I was going to see if I could get some sponsorship. TBH I hadn't even thought of it. Had a think this morning and I thought I might even do up a proposal for Mad Mex. I have eaten there every week except one during my whole prep
On Sunday night, I wasn't even craving anything that bad but I just felt like a good challenge. Challenge was to hit 10000 cals logged (which I've never done before). Many nut bars and PB ice cream later I made it haha.
and my whole cut weight loss trend graph. (such a numbers geek)
BW 79kg
Body was still a bit achey today and legs were a no go still so did upper stuff. New PB on the incline machine and equal on pullups (at heavier BW). Happy
Cals 2001
190P/192C/49F0 -
Congratulations mate - an epic result!
I can't believe the condition you went in, you're in Berto type lean territory there. The definition (and size) in your lower abs really sets you apart from the others, that and your monster quads more than make up for the smaller chest.0 -
Congratulations mate - an epic result!
I can't believe the condition you went in, you're in Berto type lean territory there. The definition (and size) in your lower abs really sets you apart from the others, that and your monster quads more than make up for the smaller chest.
Thanks a lot Ray. I was saying to Kee that I think I have incredibly high expectations of myself just because of the people I follow on FB and YT etc. Berto spec leanness was my goal. Not quite there yet but close
BW 80.8kg
So to get this new 12rm today was pretty farkin intense. I used to think that leg press was for *kitten* who couldn’t squat. Now, not so much. Definitely has it’s uses. Got a blood nose after this set. Added a step under the LLC to increase ROM on the hip thrusts and it made it a LOT harder which was good as I didn’t want to put too much more weight on there. Quads were fried so no need for leg extension. And tried to work out my 1rm on assisted chinup machine. #feelsweakman!
Ran one strength class today and had a few PT clients so pretty active.
Cals 2382
S&P Calamari and chips
S&P Calamari Japanese Curry0 -
BW 79.5kg
Pretty much full rest day just a little cardio and trained a few clients.
Had some serious issues sleeping for some reason. Too much going on in my head. Ate plenty of food before bed. Went to bed then woke up again and couldn’t get back to sleep. Ate more. Too many nut bars :P
Cals 6730
BW 79.9kg
So after going way over cals last night I decided to fast today and get ACTIVE! Just bcaa’s and some casein during the day.
First up was @Trentzor’s; 170x13 deadlift to do. Just did it and it was tough. Bit weak at the moment.Quads were still feeling it from Tuesday but BSS went ok. Pretty much same on db bench and got an extra rep on OHP.Then some bro stuff. Then I read that @taurus; thought I did a one hand chinup with 40kg so I decided to attemp that haha. Couldn’t quite get the full ROM. Close though! Vid below.
Then I was off to Mt Coolum on this glorious Spring day to see how many times I could climb it in 90mins with my 20kg vest on. 17m up first time. Second time I didn’t time it as a very nice random couple stopped to chat to me about seeing me on stage on the weekend haha. I was very surprised and felt a bit awkward. Dem budgie smugglers :P
Third time I went hard and went up in 15m9s which is 5s off my PB. Absolutely wrecked. Stitch and a little close to spewing. 1h50m all up of hiking with 20kg vest on.
secret to striations :P
Then had my final strength class of the day after some clients and they were doing trx pistol squats so did a few of them and then I decided to see if I could do a freestanding one. I didn’t think I could because of ankle mobility but it turns out I can! So I then started upping the weight and set a 1rm of 24kg. The next KB up was 32kg and I don’t think I would make that. Need a 28kg.
Cals 1571
hoisin chicken and veg stir fry
choc/peanut/cinnamon oats with PB cups and dark choc dreams PB0 -
Full rest day. Went out for dinner at Sakana, favourite Japanese place around here
Cals 2191
Today was quite active but no formal “training”. Spent a few hours in the morning helping a friend out who was running a bootcamp for an athletics club.
Then in the afternoon I did some boxing training with Kee. I got it easy haha. She did 9 2 min rounds of various drills. She has her first fight on October 10th in Brisbane. Is looking good
Then at night off to a friend’s engagement party. Employed the LG method of drinking. One friend of ours was hired as the comedian “best man” to come and rip **** on everyone and another is a pole dancing instructor. PLENTY of cals burnt on the dance floor / pole haha. I eventually got the whole walking down the stairs thing from upright to horizontal. Can’t get back up though!
me with my new shot glass sent from a friend in the USA (WIsconsin)
first dodgy attempt (need to squeeze the glutes!)
Sorry about blurriness. Kee is crazy haha
Cals 2695
BW 78.1kg (dehydrated)
Full rest day. Watched ufc and bellator and rode a bit on the bike.
Cals 2528
BW 78.3kg
Full body glycogen depletion workout. Went very well this week. Supersetted everything and got it done in 75mins. Also, started the pavels 5rm program for the one arm assisted chinup. Nothing really to note here except that dragon flag holds are farkin hard and if you try them don’t forget to breath!
Cals 1671
bacon, mushroom, brocolli, spinach and fetta egg white scramble
japanese curry
new favourite protein bar
sketti bolognaise (mine on left with slim pasta, gf’s on the right with full carb pasta)0 -
BW 78.4kg
lower and upper split between clients. Not doing back extensions anymore, aggravate left hammy. (was minor tear) Everything else went well. Happy to do RDL's again. Used straps so I can focus on the movement and not on gripping the crappy bars (for shoulder safety).
Cals 1580
roo burgers and broccoli0 -
BW 78.1kg
Deadlifts sucked. Was going to do 5x5 or 3x8 but just didn’t feel right. Didn’t want to risk the shoulder either and second set just felt off. Dropped weight and did pause at knee, then lockout deadlifts as I still wanted the TUT. Rep PB for 30kg db bench +1. Also, accidentally did OHP at 24kg instead of 20kg. Was wondering why I was so weak until I realised that haha.Then some bro pump stuff and some KB stuff. Doing pavel’s 5rm one arm chinup routine.
Today was refeed day. Ate lots of things
The result of carbs. 10hrs from start of refeed for reference sake.
Cals 5583
BW 79.9kg
Just did the one hand chins as above. These were considerably harder than using the assisted chin machine with one arm only at the gym.
Cals 1656
turkey,bacon veggie teriyaki stir fry
baked potato chips and broccoli
choc fudge peanut oats with caramel sauce
burrito 1 beef
burrito 2 pineapple slow cooked pork
chicken, ham salad pita0 -
Been Crazy busy!
Fri 1656
Sat 5800
Sun 1310
Mon 1629
Fri rest day
Very active. Trained with Kee. Did boxing circuits and prowler stuff. Went to the beach for frisbee and burnt some cals on the bike watching AFL Final. Rode mate Harley
Sun: more boxing training and prowler
Mon: rest plus sauna for mobility and posing practice
Weekly results:
avg weight down 600g to 78.7kg
avg cals 3070
waist same at 77.5cm (equal low)
ab calipers same at 5.9mm (equal low)
Mon to Wed are low days, refeed on Thu at 500g carbs max then 2 more low days. Got more leg vascularity than I had a few weeks ago
Mexican chicken and cheesey cauliflower
Mexican cheesey chicken and cheesey veggies
Cheesey roo burgers, onion and broccoli with balsamic glaze
And yes it is 4am. Can't sleep. Going for a walk down the beach.0 -
BW 78kg
2 sessions today. All went well considering the lack of sleep. Up at 4am for some ridiculous reason.
Cals 1638
281P/15C/29F0 -
BW 77.5kg (new low)
Did most of my training in the morning at the HIT room like normal. All went fairly well. Then headed down to Brisbane to get my last dexa scan.
Went from 6.3% to 5.8% since my last comp 3 weeks ago. First time in the 5’sVery happy, minimal lbm losses.
Then checked out the relocated PTC. Place is amazing! I just wanted to try out a safety squat bar mainly. I haven’t been squatting because of upper back mainly. Low bar aggravated it. Wasn’t sure on high bar. So my plan was to try a SSB as I heard they are much harder than normal and stick to higher rep and lower weight stuff. I wanted to get an idea of my 20rm with the SSB. Ended up getting 100kgx20 with a few to spare if I wanted to grind some out. So I think that should work well for me
And then did a couple of sets on the GHR. Seriously ridiculous machine. After each set, bending over to pick up my water bottle felt close to hamstring detachment time. I was VERY careful.
And I ran my 3 strength classes. Here are some of the ladies in action.
Today was refeed day tooOverall bloody good day.
Two down sides. I had to pick up Kee from work as she was sick. And my car JUST made it home. Pretty sure the clutch is about 99% dead. But we did make it home haha. I was planning on getting another car in the next month anyway. No biggie.
Cals 3908
S&P calamari and baked potatoes (nice and crispy!)
garlic, sriracha and various spices slow cooked beef and mushroom thing
vanilla oats with reece’s PB cups and caramel sauce
not pictured: subway smokey bbq beef sub (recommended!), another oats dish but cheesecake flavoured with blueberries and caramel, mashed sweet potato with peanut flour, cinnamon and maple syrup. (will become a staple)0 -
1 day out
Now 78.5kg, 77.5cm waist. Dexa'd at 5.8%.
rear relax
front DB
rear DB
most muscular
finally getting the crab one ok I think
Pale and flat from low carbs. Will be full and black tomorrow LOL0 -
At home now.
Made the final lineup for novice and U77kg open but no placings today. Not sure exactly why as 2 of the guys I was in front of 3 weeks ago placed and I was definitely leaner and I think I was my posing has improved also. That is the thing with subjective sports though so I'm not too fussed.
No chance in the 170-175cm opens. Need WAY more upper body. Legs were comparable with the good guys though IMO.
Now time to rehab this shoulder and then build some upper bodyWon't be too hasty with my long term plans yet as comp day is always quite flustered. I still had heaps of fun though despite no placings.
This discussion has been closed.