🏪🛣CHAT ~ Healthy Journey Rest Stop! Your Place to Chat, Ask Questions, and Connect💫🏪

We are so glad you have made the choice to join us! This is where you get your questions answered, share feedback, and get to know your fellow challengers.
Please don't be shy! Let's make this a noisy, happy place to be!
Please do all chatting here! Have fun, ask questions, and get acquainted!
Helpful Hint! Please read the first post on all the topics. That is how you will learn how the challenge works and how best to navigate the pages.
Let's start chatting here. Celebrate!
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I love that outdoor living space! I am so looking forward to nicer weather to spend more time outside! I also usually get more exercise because I can take the dogs out for a walk after work and on weekends.
How often does everyone change up their "goals" using the Guided Setup? I just did mine again today, but I think I might see how my exercise goes the next couple of weeks and do it again.
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@Ronnie_happy2ranch The Healthy Habits for Spring will be posted later today or early tomorrow. After you see them, you might want to make changes.
Thank you for joining the chat! Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and successful challenge!
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Happy Wednesday afternoon VIP Friends, please send positive vibes my way on Friday. I'm going for a job interview. For those who are new or may not know I've been out of work for almost a month. I did work for Big Lots until they filed for bankruptcy and closed all stores as early as Feb 21st and as late as a few days ago it depended on the area of the store.
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@Ceriusly1 Thank you! 😁
@macrat12 I got you! Good luck!
Something strange is going on with posting; I typed and then it disappeared and it took me 4 times to post this.🙃
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@yakkyyak We are here if you have any questions. We are all happy to answer them. HI @Ceriusly1 @macrat12 and @Ronnie_happy2ranch !! HAPPY to see you all here!
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Thank you @Dianedoessmiles1
Read all the different announcements after I followed the link here from a Challenge forum ad. Didn't seem to say where we post, etc...
Then.... today, saw the main team page intro with the steps... Somehow, guess I missed that, but....
Now I'm just waiting - look forward to starting ;)
So love the outdoor lounge - I could dwell there with friends!
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I saw your question on another topic asking what to do next. You gave me the idea to post the navigation steps. They were not there when you first joined.
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I allow myself to shine,
Action for Happiness:
Focus on what makes you andothers happy today
Fitness Quote:
The ultimate goal isn’t to look fitit’s to be fit.
National Day: More available at nationaldaycalendar.com
Spring begins on the March orvernal equinox, which is when the amount of sunshine is approximately 12 hourslong. The amount of sunlight will incrementally increase until the first day ofSummer.
The vernal equinox marks the moment the sun crosses thecelestial equator. This is the imaginary line in the sky above the Earth'sequator, from south to north. The vernal equinox happens on March 19, 20, or 21every year in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, this sameevent marks the beginning of fall. Meteorologists mark the spring fromMarch 1 through May 31st.
In 2020, spring arrived a little earlier due to it being a leapyear. On Leap Day, there's a short math lesson regarding theGregorian calendar. To keep our calendar following the seasons so that springhappens when flowers grow and winter arrives when snow falls, an additional daywas figured into years divisible by the number four. This caused the 2020spring to occur earlier than any living human being alive had ever seen. Before2020, the earliest spring on record took place in 1896.
For more information, visitalmanac.com.
Get ready forlonger days and increased sunshine.
Tune up thelawnmower. More sunshine means the grass will be growing.
Spend some timeoutside.
Plan your gardenor start planting.
Host a springparty with lots of bright, fresh foods.
Use#SpringBegins to post on social media.
Human beings have been following the sun and creating a calendarbased on seasons since the beginning of time.
Spring FAQ
Q. When it's spring in the Northern Hemisphere what season ishappening in the Southern Hemisphere?
A. When spring begins in the Northern Hemisphere, fall is beginning in theSouthern Hemisphere.Q. What does vernal equinox mean?
A. Vernal is Latin for spring, and equinox means equal night. During the vernalequinox, we experience equal amounts of daylight and night. Following thevernal equinox, the days become longer.3 -
@yakkystuff I totally missed that #4. Thanks to you it is fixed now.
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@yakkystuff Once you are invited to your team they'll help you also to know what and where to post on the team. I was so confused at first what this challenge is about. After 2 weeks I was fine. BOY AM I GLAD I JOINED!!! I've lost 113 LBS so far!! WOOHOO!! This has literally saved my life. We are DELIGHTED to have you with us. ASK Any questions etc. etc. we love them. NO question is ever foolish etc. WELL there is ONE that is: The one a member may not ask because they didn't think it was important etc. enough, they are all.
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I am attuned to the Universal flow of energy.
Action for Happiness:
Listen to a piece of music without doing anything else
Fitness Quote:
Failure is only a failure if you view it as a destination. Failure can be a vital and helpful pitstop on your journey if you just keep going.
National Day: More available at nationaldaycalendar.com
National Common Courtesy Day on March 21st serves as a reminder of the behavior that keeps society from melting into a sea of madness. In addition, the day brings awareness to how crucial common courtesy is in our lives and provides examples to help us improve.
In the Merriam-Webster dictionary, courtesy is described as a: behavior marked by polished manners or respect for others: courteous behavior b: a courteous and respectful act or expression.
Common courtesy can be as simple as saying "please" and "thank you" when asking for and receiving a service, gift, or assistance. Kindness and courtesy go a long way and are noticed by others even if you do not realize it. Letting someone in front of you in traffic is easy. Hold open a door for someone or give a person a hand with his groceries. Give up your seat on the bus to someone who might need it. Introduce yourself to the new employee or kid at school and take the time to introduce them to the rest of the crew.
A polite enemy is just as difficult to discredit, as a rude friend is to protect. - Bryant H. McGill
These examples provide a glimpse into how you can infuse courtesy into your life. Momentary deeds of courtesy may be incremental, but they might make a huge difference in someone's life.
If common courtesy is not a part of your daily routine, make Common Courtesy Day your opportunity for change.
Start implementing courtesy into your life.
Try it; not only will others appreciate it, but you will feel good about it, too.
Show your appreciation for the common courtesy you experience.
Use #CommonCourtesyDay to post on social media.
National Day Calendar continues to seek the day's origin but identified it began around 2003.
Common Courtesy FAQ
Q. Is there such a thing as uncommon courtesy?
A. In a sense, yes. Common courtesy is disappearing, so it's more uncommon now than it once was. However, when common courtesy thrived, some people practiced uncommon courtesy. It could be described as going above and beyond the ordinary customs of the day. For example, standing when someone entered or left a room used to be common courtesy. However, the practice has fallen out of fashion. Some people still stand when someone enters an office, meeting, or social occasion, though it's more uncommon than common.
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Good Morning VIP friends:
I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Friday and it is going to be a great day. Yesterday the interview went well. I should know something in a couple of weeks. They said it is government so they do like to take their time. I saw a new doctor yesterday. I have hypothyroidism so I went to see a specialist on it. He is an endocrinologist and he specializes in thyroid. Well he did a rush on a whole bunch of tests for me and we found out I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. So that is not fun. Basically my immune system is now attacking my thyroid gland. Which you guessed it also causes chronic fatigue and brain fog. I now have 4 diagnosis that cause chronic fatigue and brain fog. Why. But is is something that is common in women with thyroid issues as they get older.
- I did get all my errands ran. It was crazy yesterday. I thought I was going to be late for a couple of them in the afternoon. I was not however. So I did well. My therapy appointment went well. She said since I am having such a hard time with my emotions I just need to concentrate on my coping skills and not getting overwhelmed. So that is what I am doing.
@Tabatha_Cain Did you want the job if it's offered? Is it the local or federal gov? It seems as we age we get more and more diagnoses!! I AM OVER that myself, but LOL that doesn't stop them from handing them out like candy! With having 4 things which cause fatigue and brain fog what are you thinking is the direction to go? Can they do anything for the hypothyroidism? I had hyperparathyroidism which you may remember I had surgery for that last April. It was doing so much damage to my organs! Hopefully now that my numbers are way better that has or will slow down. Are you on more meds for this?
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@Rainbow2300 had asked on another feed (Post)
..not sure how this works, but I’d sure like to be on the team! What’s the challenge?
There are 8 teams which compete against each other (some teams are more relaxed, others like to win in the top teams) but ALL Teams are awesome!!! We aren't sure which team you'll be on yet, but since they are all fantastic we know you'll be pleased.
Each week members work on exercise (at your current pace please!! We do not want any member to get hurt, or go beyond what they are used to. This varies from those band new and just starting out who might be able to do 10 mins of exercise 2 or 3 times a week, up to those who love to exercise and do over 2 hours of exercise a day (Max we can report on our team is 120 mins a day) we also work on weekly healthy habits. Ceri has posted these for all members on this post:Here's a summary of week 1 at first this MAY LOOK LIKE A LOT, but its not once you see it written up.
Week 1! Saturday, April 12, through Friday, April 18!
The challenge begins on Saturday morning, April 12th.
- Small Daily Goal ~ TBA
- Exercise ~ 120 Minutes Daily Max
- Measurements
- Meet The Cheerleaders
- Healthy Habit Focus
These may look like a lot, but we promise you it's not much time and we do not want any member to be overwhelmed. At first the 5% Challenge was so confusing to me!! I ALMOST WALKED AWAY years ago, PHEW I so glad my team assured me they'd help me along the way. After week 2 I understood it more and was okay. I've lost 113 lbs thanks to this amazingly supportive group! HANG ON In if one is new! We are here with you!
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Good Morning VIP friends:
I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Saturday and I have a Chiropractor appointment really early this morning and then I have to work. I am hoping today will be a great day. I have to work today and I am really trying to sick with it as long as I can. I am really struggling with not wanting to work right now. That is just not allowed. I must keep working as we have a Mortgage and Joe cannot handle the bills on his own. So I must keep working even though I am struggling mentally and physically.
@macrat12 - I hope you got the job. I did an interview on Thursday. How long before you know something?
@Dianedoessmiles1 - I do want the job if it is offered. It is a local government. So definitely a little better and I would be answering phones, filing paperwork, signing in people who come to see the prosecutors. Helping with pretty much everything in the office, but I watched the lady that was there do the job and it is pretty laid back. I am sure there are days when she is non stop busy, but it was pretty nice watching the job in person. As far as the Hashimoto's right now they adjusted my medication, and are doing an ultrasound. They will have me take the new meds for 3 months and then they will repeat my blood work. So I am sure at some point they will do something.
Well I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday.
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Good Saturday Morning VIP Friends, @tabatha_cain the interview was to work for them but they have clients that look for certain skills so I ordered a physical keyboard since I'm currently using the pop up one on my computer screen. (i have a Microsoft Surface Pro).
I enjoy the mental reset that comes when I practice gratitude.
Action for Happiness:
Notice something that is going well, even if today feels difficult
Fitness Quote:
Challenging yourself every day is one of the most exciting ways to live. Yessfit
National Day: More available at nationaldaycalendar.com
March 22 is National Health Care Rights Day on the National Day Calendar. Today, we are raising awareness about the importance of making people aware of their health care rights, especially those who are facing a chronic or serious medical condition. Join in our conversation about important decision-making that will support the health and well-being of patients so they can focus on their recovery and maintain their quality of life.
A chronic or serious medical diagnosis can be profoundly overwhelming. The initial shock often gives way to a cascade of fear, anxiety, and confusion as one grapples with the reality of the illness. People may feel an immense burden as they confront complex medical information, treatment options, and the potential impact on their lives and loved ones. Everything changes, giving way to new questions, needs, and challenges. The goal of National Health Care Rights Day is to share the importance of making all information accessible to those diagnosed with a chronic or serious medical condition and their families.
Health Care Rights 101
Knowing your Health Care Rights can significantly ease the burden of a chronic or serious medical condition. This knowledge empowers people to advocate for themselves. Knowing your Health Care Rights can alleviate some of the stress that often accompanies a diagnosis, fostering a sense of control and participation in their treatment journey. Having accurate, objective information and resources helps everyone make the right decisions, for the patient, their family, and their future.
Health Care Rights are found in a variety of laws, including those that:
provide access to care and health insurance;
protect health care consumers;
protect employees dealing with a medical condition and their caregivers; and
provide access to benefits and programs, such as disability insurance and paid family leave
Health Care Rights laws provide a foundation for making informed decisions that can significantly impact a person’s quality of life, financial stability, and overall well-being. Health Care Rights cover a broad spectrum of areas, including health insurance, employment protections, and access to necessary medical treatments, all of which are pivotal in ensuring that individuals can focus on their health and recovery without undue stress or financial burden.
We dream of a world where everyone has access to information and resources needed to find their best path forward. ~Triage Cancer®
By being informed about these options, individuals can better manage their finances, reducing stress and allowing them to concentrate on their recovery.
Health Insurance Rights: Knowing your rights can help people select the best insurance plan to meet specific needs, especially considering the high costs associated with some medical treatments. Health insurance laws often outline the coverage requirements that insurance companies must adhere to and the appeals process a person can use.
Workplace Rights: Your rights also provide essential protections in the workplace. This knowledge empowers patients to maintain their livelihoods and support themselves and their families during a challenging time.
Financial Rights: Financial protections are another significant component of Health Care Rights laws. These laws can help mitigate the financial burden associated with a chronic or serious medical condition by providing information on available resources, such as disability benefits, tax deductions for medical expenses, and financial assistance programs. Individuals can better manage their finances, reducing stress and allow them to concentrate on their recovery.
Here is how to share your voice for health care rights for all:
Partner with community organizations to identify and address health care needs of vulnerable populations and provide brochures, workshops, and online resources about patient rights.
Empower patients to advocate for themselves and make informed decisions about their health care by encouraging them to ask questions and understand their treatment options.
Engage with policymakers in your area to discuss health care reform initiatives and show support for policies that promote health care equity and address health disparities.
Start a conversation on social media by sharing your ideas, support, resources, and stories about Health Care Rights using the hashtag #NationalHealthCareRightsDay.
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@Tabatha_Cain OH COOL!! Funny I had thought of grabbing a receptionist job or at a Dr's office, checking people in. EASY PEASEY JOB type of thing, and sit down and pretty much nonstressful. At my cardiologist office they all get along very well and enjoy the job. Imagine going to a job where people WANT you there and are happy. WOOHOO!! It was that way for me at the grocery store (it still is when I go in LOL) that type of job is nice. ZERO PRESSURE!! I'm so sorry you have to work, but honestly I WISH I COULD!! It helps in ways we often do not notice, self esteem if you are getting back positive feedback, and the way coworkers can support each other. Many who stop working find that socially they go downhill. Many never think of the positive aspects (other than pay and benefits) of working. Though when in pain it's not easy!! Did the chiropractor help today? Are you able to see one on a very regular basis? I found massage therapy helped me so much with fibro back when. When I flare up now I have a friend who can massage my back, and the pain goes away again along with the other things I do. Tomorrow I am heading to Massachusetts I'll be there from 9 AM til 4:30 PM. YO, I'll leave here at 6 AM and not be home til 6:30 PM. I have NO DOUBT I'll be in horrific pain part way through the day. Does a heating pad help you? Tomorrow I'll be 2 Therma Wraps (one on my lower back, the other one I am using a large back one on my neck I do NOT care if it can be seen (my hair is long enough and I'll have on a nice thick sweater so if it does it won't be by much if at all) those stay heated for 16 or longer hours. They always stand by me!! I'm also taking a small pillow for comfort (the chairs are super comfy, thankfully!). I'll also have a few muscle relaxers with me. No doubt on Monday through Weds I'll crash out, but rebound.
@macrat12 Hopefully, if you like the job you'll get it.0 -
Good Morning VIP friends:
I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Sunday and Joe and I are in person at church today. It has been a bit since we have been in person since Joe was sick the last time he was supposed to go in. I will be in the kids wing today so I will watch the first service and then go help with the second service. Then after church we are having lunch with Joe's parents and then dinner with Joe's daughter. It is going to be a busy day. I still have to do laundry today as well. Which I will start before we head to church and then switch when I am home letting Chloe out after church.
@Dianedoessmiles1 - Yes I do know the social aspect of having a job. Usually I am good with social and I do like hearing that I am doing well and getting praise. I work from home though so I am isolated. The other side is also I have a jerk supervisor who never praises. She only criticizes. It is rough. The Chiropractor does help a lot and I am usually there Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday every week. It is a lot. The heating pad really helps. I have one that goes over my mattress and I usually run it most of the night. I really hope with all that sitting you are not in a lot of pain. I hope those patches work for you.
Well I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday.
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I am supported on every step of my journey.
Action for Happiness:
Tune in to your feelings, without judging or trying to change them
Fitness Quote:
Change takes time. Give it time.
National Day: More can be found at nationaldaycalendar.com
Observed each year on March 23rd, National Puppy Day celebrates the unconditional love and affection puppies bring to our lives. Their cuddles and wiggles make us smile and without a doubt, there are squeals of delight when there are puppies around!
The day also brings awareness to the need for care of and homes for orphaned pups as well as to educate people about the horrors of puppy mills across the country. Puppies are a big responsibility. Be sure to consider everything involved and adopt from a shelter. The puppies there need love and a home just as much as any other and they grow into loyal pets, too!
According to the ASPCA, approximately 3.3 million dogs enter shelters every year. Some of these dogs come with litters of puppies. If you're seeking a puppy to start your furry family, check the shelters first. When these abandoned and abused animals find their way to a shelter, each one needs a forever home and their potential is limitless.
Use #NationalPuppyDay and post photos of your puppy on social media.
Go to the dog park and let your puppy play.
Pick up a special treat for your puppy.
Go for a walk with your young friend.
National Puppy Day was founded in 2006 by Pet Lifestyle Expert, Animal Behaviorist and Author, Colleen Paige. Paige is also the founder of National Dog Day and National Cat Day.
Puppy FAQ
Q. When do puppies become adults?
A. Puppies attain adulthood at various ages depending on the breed and size of the animal. However, they typically become adult dogs between their first and second birthday.
Q. Which is easier to train, puppies or adult dogs?
A. Both puppies and adult dogs can be successfully trained. However, puppies haven't developed any bad habits yet, so training a puppy is often easier than training an adult animal.
Q. Do I have to have a puppy to celebrate National Puppy Day?
A. No. Anyone who is a dog lover can celebrate the day.
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I have been gaining steadily for over a year. I am still healthy enough to walk and bike and move furniture and camp, praise God! I am looking forward to consistently losing from here on out but the grace and will of God. Does anyone know how I can find out if I was approved to return to team slimpossible? Big goals: 185 by Sept 1, 165 by Jan 1. Consistent choices that lead me to this. Starting with getting back to paper tracking.
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Good afternoon
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@changewewanttosee - Yes, you can expect to be on Mission Slimpossible. Invitations are expected to go out around April 2nd, and teams usually aren't finalized until just before invitations go out. Members are placed on teams based on when they signed up. Because teams aren't finalized until a few days before Practice Week begins (to allow for newbies to join which allows more of those who have signed up to get the team of their choice), members are not confirmed prior to invitations being issued. However, you were the 13th person to sign up for MS, and there for sure will be more than 13 members per team, so you are not in danger of being moved to another team to balance them out.
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I am inspired by the infinite potential to love and be loved.
Action for Happiness:
Appreciate your hands and all the things they enable you to do
Fitness Quote:
The hard part isn’t getting your body in shape. The hard part is getting your mind in shape.
National Day: More available at nationaldaycalendar.com
Celebrate all your favorite cocktails on March 24th. National Cocktail Day ushers in all the best ways to savor a beverage at the end of a long workday. Whether you like a fruity drink, blended or on the rocks, this day is for you. Mocktail, virgin, or the real thing, celebrate the lemon, lime, bitters, liquors, and liqueurs that make your favorite beverages the best in your bartender book.
It's probably no surprise that nearly every month on the calendar celebrates a cocktail. The only exception is April, and since it's National Alcohol Awareness Month, it makes sense to take that month off.
A cocktail contains a spirit or a mix of spirits. While a beer is not considered a cocktail, there are beer cocktails where beer is added to a distilled ingredient. The same applies to wine.
The other months pay homage to histories, ingredients, and the makers of some legendary cocktails. January begins the year dedicating a day to the Bloody Mary, and there's also a day for her Canadian counterpart, the Bloody Caesar, in May. January also devotes an entire week to Mocktails. In February, you can celebrate the Margarita and Kahlua. March brings us International Whisk(e)y Day, among others. Skipping back to May, you can imbibe in both Palomas and Mimosas for your celebrations.
June & July
June and July compete for the most cocktail-related days. From Martinis and Bourbon in June to Pina Coladas and Daiquiris in July, the two months cover the spectrum. There are even a few bottles of wine in between. Not only do they celebrate specific cocktails but they also celebrate the places we enjoy them. National Dive Bar Day in July invites us to celebrate the places that serve our favorite cocktails, even if it's an ice-cold beer.
The rest of the year covers all our chilled and heated cocktails. By December, we readily reminisce National Repeal Day and the Bartenders who keep that era and the skills alive.
We have only skimmed the surface of the cocktails celebrated on the calendar, so National Cocktail Day allows you to celebrate whichever one you like!
Create your favorite cocktail to celebrate.
Explore cocktail ingredients or read a bartender's manual.
Learn the finer elements of mixing cocktails and expand your home bar.
Visit a speakeasy or take a tour of your favorite distillery.
Host a cocktail tasting session. Create a classic menu with a professional bartender who provides history and describes the nuances behind the ingredients.
Attend a cocktail tasting party. You will learn more about how and why ingredients are combined the way they are.
Visit your local bookstore and pick up a cocktail or bar book. Follow the recipes and read about the histories these bartenders share. We recommend The Essential Bar Book by Jennifer Fielder, The Art and Science of The Perfect Cocktail by Janice Dreese, and Craft Cocktails at Home: Offbeat Techniques, Contemporary Crowd-Pleasers, and Classics Hacked with Science by Kevin Liu.
Visit your local bar and pick your bartender's brain. Some like to share their techniques. Ask them what their favorite cocktail is. And, be sure to tip them well for their advice and service.
Try making a mocktail. Especially on those weeknights when work is busy, and you need to keep up. Many of them infuse nutrients many of us are lacking. Keep these recipes on hand for your friends who are designated drivers, sober for life, supporting a friend, or for any reason.
As always, ANY TIME we are indulging in spirits and alcohol, DON'T drink and drive. Designate a sober driver. Call a taxi, Uber, Lyft, or friend.
When you celebrate, share your favorites by using #NationalCocktailDay on social media.
Jace Shoemaker Galloway founded National Cocktail Day in 2013
Cocktail FAQ
Q. What is the most popular spirit used in cocktails?
A. Vodka is most commonly used as a base spirit for cocktails. It's a versatile alcohol, and makers infuse it with many different flavors adding to its appeal. It also pairs well with simple or complex ingredients.
Q. What kinds of tools do I need to make great cocktails?
A. The ingredients are the most important tool in your bar collection. However, some of the most essential tools for making cocktails include a shaker, strainer, corkscrew, and muddler. Other tools that make your mixing easier include ice tongs, spoons, pourers, and straws.
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@Tabatha_Cain YO!! Yesterday I went to Natick Mass and my poor body!! I went so pale it was scaring people. Plus side I did sleep 8 hours last night. SO SORRY to hear Joe was not well yesterday. UGH on a supervisor who does not know the value of PRAISE!! It's invaluable!!! I was taught that eons ago when I started off as a bagger at the grocery store, with the Front End manager saying to me on my first day there "Thank You Diane for coming in." I had worked for the City Of Portland for 5 years the last time and 3 years the stint before (big layoffs in the 80s got me at that time) and in those 8 years I NEVER HEARD "Thank You" for anything at all. When I left hehehehe they had to hire 2 more people to replace me! I KNEW I was very good.
@Patti241 hey welcome back to our chat!!! How is the break going?
Hehehehe Saturday we hit the MID 50s!! AND TODAY? LOOK!!! LOL0 -
Good Morning VIP friends:
I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Tuesday and I work 2 shifts today. 830 am to 5 and then 6 to 8. I need some overtime and they are finally offering it. I am doing that on Tuesday and Friday I believe. I am hoping I can do it. Yesterday by noon I was ready to quit with getting yelled at by people for things I cannot control. I was just ready to log off and be done with the day. It was heavy call volume yesterday.
@Dianedoessmiles1 - So sorry about your body. That can be rough. I have a sore neck on my right side that won't quit. The chiropractor is trying to get it to release and so far nothing. It would be nice for some praise. I don't think I will ever get it though. Oh Wow lots of snow. We got snow yesterday too. Did not really stick though.
Well I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday.
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I allow my life to unfold in harmony with the Universe’s designs.
Action for Happiness:
Focus your attention on the good things you take for granted
Fitness Quote:
Your mind will quit 100 times before your body ever does. Feel the pain and do it anyway…
National Day: More available at nationaldaycalendar.com
National Medal of Honor Day on March 25th recognizes all Medal of Honor recipients. The Medal of Honor is the highest military award for valor in the United States and was created in 1861.
On March 25, 1863, Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton presented the first Medals of Honor (Army) to six members of “Andrews Raiders” for their volunteering and participation during an American Civil War raid in April of 1862.
The Medal of Honor is awarded only to US military personnel by the President of the United States in the name of Congress for personal acts of valor above and beyond the call of duty.
There are three versions of the Medal of Honor; one for the Army, one for the Navy, and one for the Air Force; Personnel of the Marine Corps and the Coast Guard receive the Navy version.
Since its creation, 3,468 Medals of Honor have been awarded to the country’s soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and coastguardsmen.
Some federal, state, local, and military organizations may hold events recognizing Medal of Honor recipients. These events may be public or private.
Volunteering for your local veteran organization
Donate to a veteran service organization
Adopt a Medal of Honor gravesite
Fly the U.S. flag at your home or business
Visit the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Visit local memorial sites
Use #MedalOfHonorDay to post on social media.
In 1990, the United States Congress designated March 25th of each year as National Medal of Honor Day.
Medal of Honor FAQ
Q. Have any women received the Medal of Honor?
A. Yes. Following the American Civil War, President Andrew Johnson presented Dr. Mary Edwards Walker with the Medal of Honor for her volunteer work with the Union Army, often going behind enemy lines to care for civilians.
Q. Has any U.S. president received the Medal of Honor?
A. Yes, but only one. Theodore Roosevelt received the honor for his services during the Spanish American War. It was awarded to Roosevelt posthumously by President Bill Clinton in 2001.
Q. Are the Congressional Medal of Honor and the Medal of Honor the same thing?
A. Yes, but Medal of Honor is the correct term.