Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Great running everyone!
    Ceci, everyone is different but if you want to be able to run a 10k whenever you feel like, I'd stick to at least 2 if not 3 sessions a week in the 5-10k range. If you're feeling mojo'd nothing wrong with running a longer one, but if you keep everything short you may struggle to go up.

    Hopefully tonight is my return to running.. I'm excited and terrified at the same time. I'll be heading out for about 5k solo and then the group run if everything is feeling good. Then starts the build back. I'm going to pick up my Zombies! Run 5k program again, seeing as I never finished that one and it has some mid run cross training type stuff. If everything holds together, I'll back to back sessions in another week or two. Everything will be done at a comfortable pace...
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Well I think things are improving again, and not before time as I've got a trail 10K on Monday.

    The previous couple of weeks haven't been great, partly driven by tiredness, and partly driven by work being a bit hectic. We're approaching completion of a large deal negotiation and it's all a bit fraught. In parallel I've also been on the job market myself, but that seems to have matured in the last couple of days.

    I did a recalibration session last week and my forecast for the HM has come down from 2:10 to 2:45. I've got a feeling that's overambitious. It's reset my eaay pace to 5:40, which feels as if it's a bit of a stretch. Nonetheless I did last nights 11K at 5:35 and completed, although was glad to finish by the end. Managed to keep a good high cadence throughout, so maintaining good form and a good pace for an hour is achievable.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Well my first proper run in just over 2 weeks. The 1km warmup felt ok, though I could feel shin muscles working. Then some socialising and tree climbing before the group run. Group run went well, although I will be sore tomorrow. The question is simply how sore. I felt a small twinge on the back of my knee with about 2k left, but every thing else felt fine and it went away.
    This niggle is a PITA because it rarely affects me while running, so it's hard to know if I've pushed too far or not.
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Another fast 2 miles last night.

  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    .... forecast for the HM has come down from 2:10 to 2:45.....

    Should be able to be inferred from the context, but that should read 1:45. 2:45 is not an improvement.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I ran in the gym yesterday because the wind hasn't let up, and I'm tired of dealing with 20 mph gusts. 6 miles in 59:24. I got compliments from a couple of people in the gym about my running style and pace.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Taeliesyn, nice to see you back, I hope your funky niggle behaves itself

    Ceci, glad people noticed your style, good work on the hamster wheel

    Diana, some great runs there

    MM, glad to see that your training is back under control given the issues you had earlier in the year.

    Cruise interval run this morning, the first 3 cruise intervals were uphill and I missed the pace by 10 seconds a mile (2% miss), the last was downhill and went faster than the required pace. Otherwise it was a great session, different route, getting out on bridleways. Have fun everyone.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    edited April 2015
    And another 9K this evening. Supposed to be a tempo session but I'm unconvinced by the Endomondo paces. Don't think 40 minutes at 4:41/km is actually achievable for me, so i stuck with 5:35/km. Hard work but sustainable.

    All feels to be on the up.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    And another 9K this evening. Supposed to be a tempo session but I'm unconvinced by the Endomondo paces. Don't think 40 minutes at 4:41/km is actually achievable for me, so i stuck with 5:35/km. Hard work but sustainable.

    All feels to be on the up.

    Given that you were saying that you are on track for a 1:45 HM McMillan suggests that you should be doing tempo intervals at 4:37-4:46 min/km. So Endomondo looks ok to me. Tempo runs and intervals at 5:35 min/km McMillan suggests is a 2:05 HM. However you know your training and volumes. I know how difficult it is because of the cruise session I had yesterday, but the cruise never fell on the flat so I struggled with how much is grade, how much is motivation and how much is capability. Hope it works for you.

  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    Given that you were saying that you are on track for a 1:45 HM McMillan suggests that you should be doing tempo intervals at 4:37-4:46 min/km. So Endomondo looks ok to me.

    I don't think it's realistic, the calibration run was 12 minutes and a change in forecast of 30 minutes, based on that, doesn't ring true.

    In any case, the race has quite a lot of elevation, so I'm anticipating around 2:15 to 2:30 anyway. My gut feel is that on a flat course I should be in the 1:55 range, based on comparison with where I was last year.

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    5k around the neighborhood yesterday in 29:35, even though I really didn't want to do anything. Today, I'm doing my first bicycle time trial event- 10 miles as fast as I can. o_O
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Recovery run 4.5 miles done this morning at 10:19 pace, nice and gentle in the Skora Core. Feel as though my body is coping well with zero drop shoes with little padding. Not sure I'm ready to go faster but gentle runs don't seem to be causing problems. Might use them again tomorrow for back to back sessions.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Back to back Skora runs, 5mins Z1 warmup/ cooldown and 35 mins at Z2. They are great to run in. Nice easy going session, breathing under control. Justr to think this run route used to freak me out. It now just gets done.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    Back to back Skora runs, 5mins Z1 warmup/ cooldown and 35 mins at Z2. They are great to run in. Nice easy going session, breathing under control. Justr to think this run route used to freak me out. It now just gets done.

    That's how I feel about many of my runs (and rides) lately.

    I finished the 10 mile ride in 32:46, faster than I expected, but still the slowest rider there.
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Good run for me last night. I was having mental blocks at 2 miles in for the last 3 runs and just quit. Which is dumb because I have run further/longer. Last night I quit worrying about my time splits and just ran what was comfortable. I hit the 2 mile mark and had to mentally push hard but I did the full 5k. When I looked at my time it was actually a minute faster than my normal pace. Mind over body.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Last night I quit worrying about my time splits and just ran what was comfortable.

    Good attitude to develop. Some days are going to be better than others, some weeks are going to be better than others, some races are going to be better than others. Quit stressing about it and enjoy the moment and your good health. Have fun
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    So possibly Endomondo isn't as OTT as I thought it might be. Another 12km this evening at a 5:30/km. Heavy going but feeling reasonably optimistic about a 10Km race on Monday.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    So possibly Endomondo isn't as OTT as I thought it might be. Another 12km this evening at a 5:30/km. Heavy going but feeling reasonably optimistic about a 10Km race on Monday.

    Just like C25K, trust in the program :)
    great running Diana, ignoring pace does wonders at times.
    Good work on your runs and rides Ceci :)
    Glad the low drop shoes are working for you Robbie, you may find that faster isn't an issue as it promotes forefoot striking.

    parkrun this morning, got talked imto a warmup run, which went wdll and then I just ran with a friend, chatting for the actual parkrun. Everything felt good for the runs, a little tightness in the front of my left shin, where my niggle more or less. Still feeling some tightness and stuff, but everything is generally feeling good atm.
    After a few runs and some self diagnosis it seems I have changed my left foot strike to a more dominant/aggressive forefoot landing, rather than a mid to fore that I was doimg amd still do on my right. I think this sudden change has overloaded the muscles and caused my niggle, so hopefully a slow (ish) build back will see me being all good again.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Sprint session Friday which was hard, difficult and just sucked, in all ways sucked. Managed to hit 4 out of the 10 sprint interval paces, the rest weren't close. It hurt!! Even the HR readings went up to 209, not sure I believe it but I knew it hurt but not that bad. So plus point it was done, probably need a bit more PMA.

    Today had a trail run around the deer park, nice and easy, felt comfortable but spent time focussing on form, went faster than intended but it genuinely seemed easy. Whether that was a hangover from Friday, I do not know.

    Taeliesyn, nice to see that you have analysed your problem, hopefully the plan you have will help you in the near future. Good luck with the recovery. Ref me, faster is an issue because I am having to focus on form, and the stress of speed is screwing up the form. I am tending to use the minimal stuff on recovery and foundation runs just so I can focus on form. Speed stuff is being done in the "normal" shoes. I am no longer worried about distance it is the speed that concerns me

    Have fun

  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Bit more of a slog today, 18km trail session. The route opens with a 30m climb in the first half km, so hard qork straightaway.

    Not a great time, but it's drawn into focus the efect of shoes. The pair on Monday/ Tuesday have done about 40 miles, last nights have done about 250miles and todays have done about 490, the difference is very clear and I think todays have about one more run in them.

    The route took in the middle 4 km of the race that I've got on Monday, rain was forecast for today but without it I might be tempted to go for road shoes instead of my trail shoes. The ground was very hard, we'll see what tomorrow brings.

    Taeliesyn, similarly glad you seem to have established what's causing the issues.