Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    Taeliesyn, well you are the man, doing a HM on reduced training load, look forward to your analysis too!!

    Nope I'm an idiot that doesn't take his own advice. No way in the world would I ever advise someone to go into a HM on reduced training while carrying a niggle ;)

    Aaah, but you have, I suspect from the amount of running you do, that cardiovascularly (?) you will be ok, the niggle is only something you can assess. I used a neoprene compression sleeve on my calf, it worked wonders


    One of these, hope it goes well.

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Two outings today, an easy pace piece just to get miles on the legs and a gorilla feet session using B210k (W5D3 tonight). I would have combined the 2 but the gorilla sessions are just not long enough at present to complete the HM plans and I did not want to change footwear half way through. Before doing the gorilla sessions I have taken to running on the spot (in place). It is impossible to heel strike while ROTS. It starts the whole reprogramming process. Pace in the gorilla session today was as fast as my normal shoe easy session which is an improvement from when I restarted using them 3 weeks ago. I know it is having an effect as I noticed my core being activated this morning during the normal run.

    Anyway enough rambling, have fun everyone.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I ran 4 miles with speed intervals near home on Tuesday, drove 8 hours yesterday to get back "home" where I'll be running my half. I got up early this morning to run near the half course and at the same time the race will start. It was like running in soup! Hot, sticky, thick, soup. 30 minutes after I finished the 4 mile run and showered, my face was still beet red. I can only imagine what it will be like on Saturday after 13.1 miles! I'm really hoping the rain they are predicting will show up during the race! (I can't believe I'm hoping to be running in the rain!)
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    50 minute run tonight. My longest so far. Still slow 14 minute miles. But I'm getting there!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Ceci, let us hope that you get the cool weather you desire for the race. You have said previously that your biggest concern was going to be the sticky heat. Give it your best shot on Saturday and I hope it goes well.

    Diana, great work on the long run, don't worry about the speed, it will come later, just keep building the cardiovascular base. Use the same dicate as C25k if you can't talk on your long runs you are still going too hard.

    Have fun
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    2 runs to report on. Yesterdays foundation run which was ok, slow to start but ok at the finish. The new paces are certainly ensuring that I sit in the middle of the training bands rather than pushing the outliers. So I spent most of yesterday not hearing the pace alarm going off to tell me to slow down, however I do need to spend some time analysing whether the paces achieved line up with the typical HR values. No reason why they should not. A cool feature on modern running watches would be for them to monitor two attributes at the same time and warn if either of them are outside the prescibed limits. I suspect that too many users would complain, hence it not being a feature. But as self declared anorak, I would love it.

    This mornings was a hill sprint session. It felt like a keystone cop caper. Positives, it got done, I felt energised, I have learning for next time. The downsides, of the 10 done properly 5 were inside the pace band, 1 was 1 second outside, the remaining 4 missed completely. I sometimes started on the flat rather than the hill. And finally as a partial contribution to failing the pace bands I slowed up as the watch told me there was 6 seconds to go. Not too bad you say, but the sprint intervals were only 30 seconds long!!

    Anyway back to a simple gorilla feet acclimatisation session tomorrow, before a very long walk/run session on Sunday. Have fun with your running and if I don't post again before your runs on Saturday, have good half marathons Ceci and Taeliesyn.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Parkrun done this morning in driving rain, not pleasant but I had an opportunity and took it. Despite having having 2 bits of equipment failure, race mode on watch not set up properly and a shoelace coming undone, I still made progress on last weeks parkrun, 40 sec improvement to 25:09. Looking for a sub25 next time out, after that it might get a lot more difficult. I dropped the gorilla session, running for fun in driving rain didn't seem much like fun. Enjoy whatever you are doing.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I had a great run for my half this morning. The weather was perfect- 59F at the start and 66 for the finish. My brother ran with me and we kept a pretty steady pace, finishing in 2:11:29. I felt good throughout and even managed to roller skate at my grandson's birthday party this afternoon

    Here are a couple of pictures-
    With my brother after we finished:

    Teddy Bear (with my finishing position) and my medal:
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Good parkrunning Robbie!
    Great work on your HM Ceci, that's an excellent result.
    Hopefully I'll do a proper write up later, but I rocked my HM today. 1:49:37 by the garmin, I'm waiting for the official results yet, but it's like a 5min pb for me. Extremely happy with that result with my lowered training of late.
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Way to go Cici!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Ok, my stupidly long race report to go with my micro post above.

    I ran the Bunbury 3 Waters Half Marathon on Sunday, rocking home with a nearly 5 minute PB in 1:49:28
    The day started early, getting up at 4am, having breakfast and putting contacts in etc, before driving to friends place to travel down as a group. Due to my ongoing shin/calf issue I did use some volatrin cream on the way down. Got to the race site, found our local person who had picked up our race kits and did the all the pre-race stuff like finding friends, getting rock taped and chatting. Most of my friends had more confidence in me than I did, several quite confident I would go sub 1:50, although I wasn't as sure due to both my niggle and the reduced mileage I had been doing because of the niggle.
    Still I headed off with a friend who was going to try and drive a 1:55 party bus as that worked out to be her MP for London in a few weeks and she needed the practice of dialling the speed in. Within 1k my rocktape had come loose at the top of my shin, but I ignored it. Running along chatting with M and R as we warmed up and approached target pace. There are lots of places where you loop back, so there are runners going in both directions, this meant a lot of high 5's from friends. Headed up the hill to the second turn around point (7km) and even though we were a bit ahead of pace I was feeling quite good. I let M know I was going to go with gravity down the hill, so I'd be leaving the bus. Shot off from the bus down the hill, that was a nice stretch with a tailwind. Found another runner that seemed to be keeping pace closer to what I should be doing, so I slowed slightly and we ran together chatting for probably the next 4km. This included running past friends going mad with cowbells and cheering people on, which is also about the same time I lost my first contact.
    I was still feeling quite strong and I don't know if I pulled away from my new friend, or if she dropped off, either way I was running alone and just playing the 'catch the runner in front' game, until I caught sight of a friend who was blitzing it compared to what he said he was going to do. Worked my way up to W, had a little chat and tried to get him to come along with me, but he felt like he was fading a bit, so off I went again. Down the path, along the roads catching or chasing runners down, with more high 5's for friends coming the opposite direction. Turned one corner and suddenly I was in no mans land. No runners visible in front, none behind that I could/sense. It only lasted for about 1.5km, but it messed with my head. Back on track and with people to chase down, everything was going great. Caught one struggling runner without 2k to go and helped get her moving again, we ran together for a km or so until the lead bike and 1st place Marathon runner passed us and I left her behind as we started the final climb, which was unfortunately into a head wind.
    I passed the 1km left sign and told the legs to speed up, we were nearly there and it was time to step it up..... the legs didn't respond I think they had gone into autopilot mode somewhere around the 12-15k mark and that was it, they were pumping me along around 5:10 pace (give or take a few seconds) and that was that. Uphill into the wind 5:06 ish, downhill into the wind 5:00 to maybe 4:45 at best. Nothing could convince the legs to go any faster, until I heard the cowbells... the glorious clanging of the cowbells being rung by my friends, the legs finally responded and I started to speed up, then I heard the cheers and my name being called out and there was more speed, I don't know where the energy or the speed came from, but I was in a flat out sprint by the time I shot past my friends, I nearly fell/slipped going around the corner from the bitumen onto the grass but I managed to stay upright and hammered it down to the finish line. Over the line, I was guided to get my medal and then I collapsed on my back trying to find my breath.
    My entire run I had my garmin showing only Overall Average pace, lap distance and lap time. When I sprinted down the finish chute I was tunnel visioned on the finish and didn't even realise there was a clock on either side of the chute. I knew I had run a good race, but I had no idea on my overall time and then I had to wait for my garmin to save the run before it showed me the time. Laying flat on my back I let out an almighty "YES" when I looked at the watch and saw I had gone sub 1:50. I recovered enough to get back to my feet and wandered around, chatting with friends and went out to where the cheer team was to help them bring other runners in. Great day, not only for myself but for many many friends, including some who did their first ever Marathon.
    Downside I'm now sidelined until my niggle is fixed. It's worse than ever, the run was still worth it though.

    tldr: Good run, good day, now injured, no regrets!
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Way to go Taeliesyn! Sounds like a fun race. Congrats on your great time!

    Bad run for me last night. Legs felt tight and heavy. Had to stop twice to walk. Lots of mental mumbo jumbo going on in my head too. Glad today is a rest day. Then I'll get back to it tomorrow.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Ceci, nice going on the run and the roller skating.

    Taeliesyn, nice going mate, I was with your friends about your ability to nail a great time. The only doubts were your niggle. And I am truly sorry that it has flared up and laid you low. You can clearly go faster, anyone having that many conversations whilst running at fairly consistent paces clearly has more to give. I look forward to hearing about your return to good health and a further assault on that HM time. Good luck.

    Diana, we all have those days, chalk it up to experience, have a good rest day and start with a clean slate next time out. I sometimes find a quick burst of speed clears out the legs and allows me to drop back into the target pace I wanted.

    Sunday, I had a free day without the family so decided to prove I could complete the Robin Hood Full Marathon by running a lot of the 2014 course (apparently a new course this year, yet to be released). I embarked on a run walk strategy with 5min runs at 11 min/mile pace and 1 min walks at 20min/mile pace. It was gusty 45-50 mph gusts. The run went around the National Watersports Centre at Holme Pierrepoint where the canoeing regatta was cancelled due to the rough weather. At points I felt as though I was running into a headwind with a 45 degree lean. The end result was a 5hr13min full marathon equivalent pace, with 3 comfort breaks and a 5 minute meltdown when I realised that I lost a house key somewhere in the first 17 miles. I had to be rescued by one of my wife's friends who had a spare key when I had finished. End result of the run I have a bit of metatarsalgia in my right foot, otherwise I have been ok.

    Took a rest day yesterday and ran 4.5 mile fast finish run this morning. Everything back on track. Have fun everyone.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    Taeliesyn, nice going mate, I was with your friends about your ability to nail a great time. The only doubts were your niggle. And I am truly sorry that it has flared up and laid you low. You can clearly go faster, anyone having that many conversations whilst running at fairly consistent paces clearly has more to give. I look forward to hearing about your return to good health and a further assault on that HM time. Good luck.

    Yeah I was definitely too comfortable for that run, wasn't a perfect run but except for a climb or two, I was way too chatty LOL. Also my average HR for the run was 180(ish) which is barely above the training HM I did 2 weeks prior (and 8-10 minutes slower)
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    Sunday, I had a free day without the family so decided to prove I could complete the Robin Hood Full Marathon by running a lot of the 2014 course (apparently a new course this year, yet to be released). I embarked on a run walk strategy with 5min runs at 11 min/mile pace and 1 min walks at 20min/mile pace. It was gusty 45-50 mph gusts. The run went around the National Watersports Centre at Holme Pierrepoint where the canoeing regatta was cancelled due to the rough weather. At points I felt as though I was running into a headwind with a 45 degree lean. The end result was a 5hr13min full marathon equivalent pace, with 3 comfort breaks and a 5 minute meltdown when I realised that I lost a house key somewhere in the first 17 miles. I had to be rescued by one of my wife's friends who had a spare key when I had finished. End result of the run I have a bit of metatarsalgia in my right foot, otherwise I have been ok.
    So you didn't re-run the first 17miles to find your key mate??? You're just being lazy ;)
    Great work dude, it will be a while before my longest run exceeds yours now.

    Diana, crap runs happen. Try and put it out of your head. If you look back a few posts, I had a horrendous run a few weeks ago that really knocked my confidence, but the next run was fine.
    And yes, definitely a great race that I'm going to hopefully go back to next year.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    edited April 2015
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    So you didn't re-run the first 17miles to find your key mate??? You're just being lazy ;)

    Shameful, I know :p
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Fine run today after a bad one Monday. New route. Decided to not pay any attention to my pace - just run what was comfortable. Ran the whole way with enough left over to go around the block one more time at the end. Whew!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Fine run today after a bad one Monday. New route. Decided to not pay any attention to my pace - just run what was comfortable. Ran the whole way with enough left over to go around the block one more time at the end. Whew!

    Well done, some days (Monday) are not meant to be, I am glad that today has turned out better for you.

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I feel like such a slug. I haven't done any running or riding since my half on Saturday. (Life gets in the way.) Maybe tomorrow?
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I feel like such a slug. I haven't done any running or riding since my half on Saturday. (Life gets in the way.) Maybe tomorrow?

    You deserve the rest, how's the arm? Oh and avoid the salt :p Have fun

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I feel like such a slug. I haven't done any running or riding since my half on Saturday. (Life gets in the way.) Maybe tomorrow?

    You deserve the rest, how's the arm? Oh and avoid the salt :p Have fun

    The arm is better, but not completely healed. I think I'll be able to ride the bike soon!