Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I've been absent for awhile. You would only have heard me complain about my runs. Ugh!
    I've been having troubles running because of "heavy legs". Sometimes, I couldn't even run 5K without taking a short walking break. It was becoming very depressing and the fun was coming out of my runs.
    But, after some advice about speed and perhaps having increased my run distance too quickly, I took today's run very slowly (approx. 8:30/Km). Rather than stress about the slowness, I just relaxed and enjoyed the run. I ran 8.5K in 72 minutes, without one walk break, and I felt great at the end. If I hadn't come to the end of my route, I would have continued running. I feel good and my legs don't feel heavy or sore.
    I don't like knowing that I'm running at that slow of a speed but I'm going to get over it (or...I'll work on getting over it). I feel energized and really enjoyed today's run. I need to keep that in mind more than my speed.

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    PaytraB, please remember that comparison is the thief of joy. It does not matter what pace you do. Your enthusiasm comes through with your support of other runners on other threads, so don't be so hard on yourself. Remember that feeling at the end of your 8.5k, that's why we do it, isn't it?
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Had an easy long run this morning. I am getting more and more confused, I need to post on the Garmin/ First Beat forums. So I worked hard yesterday to get a 5k PB, training effect 2.5 (maintaining workout), today a 6mile easy run admittedly with faster paces than the old long runs but still very comfortable. The result a training effect of 3.1 (improving workout). Still don't get the discrepancies.

    Went out very early this morning down by the river and canals so used the headtorch for the first time, really nice seeing where you are going given that street lighting has been turned off during the night. It's also kind of weird running along and seeing rats jumping into the canal or scampering along the river banks Even more eerie when you just hear the plop. Also had the freakiness of a cat blinking in the distance and seeing that scoot off. The joys of running in the dark off the main roads.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    PaytraB, if you need to have a vent about your runs, the new do it. We're here to support each other, that means through the good and bad times. Glad you enjoyed your latest run, hold onto that feeling and don't worry about pace.

    Robbie, bugger your kids don't want to run, glad you've come to an agreement regarding parkrun with SWMBO. It's good every week if you can do it for the social side, every few weeks as a TT works as well. Regarding the FB/Garmin training effect stuff, I find the shorter runs are harder to get above a maintaining level. By shorter I mean those below 30min, no matter how hard you run them. I think time on feet plays a larger factor then pace in the overall scheme of the calculations, until you exceed 2hrs or there about. Your early morning run sounds cool, albeit a little freaky with the plops and cats in the distance.

    As for me I think I am actually going to drop the low heart rate training for now. It's looking more and more that the slower pace was a major factor with my current niggle. A major increase with the time on my feet surely didn't help either. I'm hoping the last few days rest might have got me good again, it should be an easy 10k tomorrow with a beep test again on Tuesday.
    My niggle is weird in that it seems less of an issue the faster I go, so I might be going on a cycle of faster running until I work through this. Only downside means I may have to stay off my trails :(
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Well I'm finally nearly over the chest infection, so after another week of no phys I've feeling pretty deconditioned and a bit frustrated.

    So yesterday was day one of the recut HM plan. Seven weeks until the race and the plan was for ten miles very easy paced. I used the opportunity to recce northbound on the Test Way, one of the national trails. Quite a hilly session and a few stops to work out my navigation.

    Felt ok, and despite the stops for mapping I finished the session within the planned time.

    Average HR still a bit higher than I'd expect, but that's probably a function of the lack of training for the last three weeks.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    Regarding the FB/Garmin training effect stuff, I find the shorter runs are harder to get above a maintaining level. By shorter I mean those below 30min, no matter how hard you run them. I think time on feet plays a larger factor then pace in the overall scheme of the calculations, until you exceed 2hrs or there about. Your early morning run sounds cool, albeit a little freaky with the plops and cats in the distance.

    Thanks for the input, I think you are probably right, it might be linked to going longer and seeing some element of cardiac drift that the TE goes up. Will see what the coming weeks show. Re the parkrun, if they will allow the boys to scoot at the back, I may tailrun, nice easy session post the Friday interval session and before the long run on Sunday. Will still race every 3 weeks during the cutback week. I'll discuss it with them next time I am down.

    taeliesyn wrote: »

    As for me I think I am actually going to drop the low heart rate training for now. It's looking more and more that the slower pace was a major factor with my current niggle. A major increase with the time on my feet surely didn't help either. I'm hoping the last few days rest might have got me good again, it should be an easy 10k tomorrow with a beep test again on Tuesday.
    My niggle is weird in that it seems less of an issue the faster I go, so I might be going on a cycle of faster running until I work through this. Only downside means I may have to stay off my trails :(

    You have never seemed happy with the low HR stuff, so from a psychological point of view, dropping it for a while is probably sensible. Although don't go too overboard and go so fast that you drop the trail runs. I am sure that you can find a way to do trail and not low HR. Have fun with your running.

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Great to see everybody's updates!

    I'm still nursing my sore arm. It isn't any worse, but doesn't seem to be getting any better either. Because of that, I have stayed off the bicycle (not happy at all about that!) I did an hour on the stationary bike at the gym on Friday and ran 6.5 (also at the gym) on Saturday. Felt good!

    Less bike time and tapering the runs leaves me pretty inactive. :neutral:
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Oh....I'm not comparing myself to others. I've come to terms with being slower and I'm really happy at my consistency and my runs.
    I've been dismayed a bit because lately I'm doing poorly compared to myself. For the past couple of months, my runs have been slow and heavy. I often can't run 5K without taking a short (30-60 second) walk break once, sometimes twice in that duration. I haven't done that in about 2 years. My time is not that much faster than 2 years or even 6 months ago (it's between 7:30 and 8:00/Km), so I can't blame my lack of stamina on speed. I've gotten new shoes, which haven't helped the situation.
    Looking over my log, though, my total running distance is longer. I used to stop running at 5K and walk the rest of my time as a cool down. That would sometimes be 20 minutes of walking/cool down. Now I run my 5K and add 1 or 2 more after a short walk (1 minute). Perhaps that's too much added distance (I add that every run, so 3x a week). Perhaps that added distance tires me enough so that my next run's 5K stretch can't be run without the walking break? I don't know and am trying to figure it out.
    However, I've now had a total of 2 long runs (9K and 8.5K) that I could do easily, with no walk breaks and with enjoyment but with running slow (8:30-8:45/Km).
    That's leading me to think that I can run and that I'm just training/running wrong somehow. At this point in time, I think I should be able to run 5K with no walk breaks all the time and that the added 1 or 2K shouldn't make a difference. Perhaps that thinking is wrong, too.
    I really appreciate the help and advice I've gotten. I try it all and see what works. I haven't joined a running group and don't know any runners in real life. I really appreciate being able to come here and chat about running. I don't want you all to think that I'm comparing myself with your runs and speeds. I admire your abilities and know that we're all different and have different paces. At this point, I'm the turtle in the group and that's okay. :smile:
    With luck, I'll one day reach my goal of being able to run 5K in 30-35 minutes and feel that this is an "easy", enjoyable run. I'm currently running it in about 38-39 minutes. I seem stuck at this pace, which is sometimes frustrating but also okay. I flip between those two feelings, depending on mood and the run, I think.
    After that, I'd be really happy if I could occasionally run 10K. I'm close, as can be seen by my two long runs, and I am really happy about that.

    In short, my main frustration lately is the heavy, slow feeling of my runs, while often not being able to run 5K without taking a short break. It's frustrating to feel like I'm going backwards. But, I'm not giving up and am looking for what is different and changed and why this may be happening.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Ceci, I hurt my arm as well a few weeks back. I hope your arm gets better soon.
    I fell in some mud and wrenched my shoulder. It's been sore ever since. It throbs a bit when I run but is much better now. It still complains at certain movements, though, to remind me that it's still not quite healed.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    PaytraB wrote: »
    However, I've now had a total of 2 long runs (9K and 8.5K) that I could do easily, with no walk breaks and with enjoyment but with running slow (8:30-8:45/Km).
    That's leading me to think that I can run and that I'm just training/running wrong somehow. At this point in time, I think I should be able to run 5K with no walk breaks all the time and that the added 1 or 2K shouldn't make a difference. Perhaps that thinking is wrong, too.


    With luck, I'll one day reach my goal of being able to run 5K in 30-35 minutes and feel that this is an "easy", enjoyable run. I'm currently running it in about 38-39 minutes. I seem stuck at this pace, which is sometimes frustrating but also okay. I flip between those two feelings, depending on mood and the run, I think.
    After that, I'd be really happy if I could occasionally run 10K. I'm close, as can be seen by my two long runs, and I am really happy about that.

    In short, my main frustration lately is the heavy, slow feeling of my runs, while often not being able to run 5K without taking a short break. It's frustrating to feel like I'm going backwards. But, I'm not giving up and am looking for what is different and changed and why this may be happening.

    I would seriously look at bridge to 10k and start it somewhere where you are comfortable, it will help with getting you longer in incremental steps. Galloway and his run/walk method is an useful read. There is an even better read upstairs but the house is asleep and I do not want to crash around trying to find it at the moment, will find it later.

    Most people don't walk 10k in a day let alone trying to run it. Some days it feels like wading through treacle, some days it feels like floating on air. Getting through the treacle is because I remember the days when it feels like I am floating on air. I am sure that with your resolve and perseverance you will come through this, having a place to lay out your thoughts is really useful. I just get upset when I feel people are being hard on themselves for no reason, my issue, and sometimes I get the wrong impression. I hope you have more good days soon.
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Have been running 5k 3 times per week for 2 weeks now. (Just a new runner since the first of the year from C25K). Been focusing on my breathing and that has helped significantly. Feel ready to add some more distance this week so adding a short 1/3 mile loop at the beginning and end of my normal loop for approximately 3.6 miles. I've also got a 4 mile loop I may try to walk/run next week if the 3.6 goes well.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Robbie, thank you! I will look into the C210K program. The routine of C25K really helped me stick to running; maybe it'll also help me now. It certainly can't hurt. :smile:
    The advice about not being so hard on myself is helpful. I do tend to do that without realizing that I'm doing it. I overheard a co-worker recently saying "be kind to yourself". Although the words weren't intended for me they could have been and they did strike home since I do tend to beat myself up at times. I'm trying to live these words. Thanks for that reminder.

    I'm going out for a run this afternoon. It's sunny and slightly breezy. I'm looking forward to it; treacle or floating. LOL!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    PaytraB wrote: »
    Robbie, thank you! I will look into the C210K program. The routine of C25K really helped me stick to running; maybe it'll also help me now. It certainly can't hurt. :smile:


    I'm going out for a run this afternoon. It's sunny and slightly breezy. I'm looking forward to it; treacle or floating. LOL!

    I love structure in training programmes but also like spontaneity in my social activities. Not everyone likes the rigidity of a training programme. Did you get a treacle or air session?

    I never posted the results yesterday of my sessions. I continued to use the B210k programme to acclimatise to the gorilla feet.That went well, even if slower than anticipated. But at this stage it is not about speed, it's about time on feet. However because the speed wasn't there I did the proper 80/20 session for the day, as well. That was tough, it was a treacle session, nothing ever got going, I felt I was having to push all the time rather than it flowing. The only advantage to doing back to back sessions, was that it made me realise how padded the sublite duos are. I also found out that they are a 10mm drop, which also explains the issue I had 3 weeks ago.

    This morning did a fast finish session, you can see on Strava that I have changed the pace targets because all of the segment/ fixed distance times are dropping. It felt a bit of a blah session this morning. Post session analysis suggests that it was quite good but at the time, I seemed to have to try harder than I would have expected. Perhaps I need to adjust to the new training paces. Good news, over the last 2 days, training effect has returned to more normal levels, lightly down on where they were, but this morning run was in the improving fitness band (just).

    Have fun.

  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Everyone seems to be doing well. Hope your arm is getting better Ceci. Glad you are back running MM! Robbie, forgot to say I like your new profile pic, being a former rugby player I always imagined you more of a Brian Moore, lol! Are you going to see any of the Rugby World Cup matches? We looked at going to see Scotland play in Newcastle but there were only the most expensive tickets left.

    I went out for a short run on Saturday. Managed just over 3 km before my knee started to get sore. Went out again yesterday and did 20 minutes, knee started to get sore about 7 minutes in but wasn't too bad. Going to give it a couple of weeks of short runs, if knee gets worse or doesn't improve I will take a longer break, at least 6 weeks. I'm hoping it won't come to that! Supposed to be doing parkrun with my son on Saturday for his birthday but he has sore toes after kicking his dad on the shin (accidentally!) so not sure if we will be going.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    My arm is better, but still not well enough for me to ride my bicycle. I settled for the stationary bike at the gym yesterday- 13.26 miles in an hour. Today is my last day at work before I head south to Texas for my grandson's 6th birthday party (and my half marathon.) Really looking forward to it all!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Having gone through a blah and woe is me period after my crappy run on Friday, with the realisation I need to have a break from the trails :'( I'm doing better tonight after a good run. I still have my niggles, I'm still going to have to stay away from the trails as the large part of the niggles is in the stabiliser muscles in my calf, but everything felt well enough that I've allowed myself to be bullied into a HM this weekend. I'm probably going to struggle, having not done much distance for a few weeks, but I'll see what happens.
    Seeing as my niggle is better when I'm running faster I may aim for a 1:55, or even 1:50 target time. I'll probably blow up, but hey it happens.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Romy and Ceci, I'm glad to hear that your injuries are getting better.

    My run yesterday was pretty good; not treacle, not air. I added some strides at the end of each kilometer of running, which was interesting. My legs were sore by the end of my run but I felt good. I didn't think that those few short "fast" runs would make such a big difference.
    This morning I woke up all stuffy and plugged up. Drat! I hope this doesn't turn into a full-fledged head cold.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    romyhorse wrote: »
    ....... being a former rugby player I always imagined you more of a Brian Moore, lol! Are you going to see any of the Rugby World Cup matches? We looked at going to see Scotland play in Newcastle but there were only the most expensive tickets left.


    My keyboard needs cleaning!!
    Brian Moore just as ugly, just more hair, more Richard Hill from that era.

    Like you, too expensive for the seats I wanted at matches I was prepared to travel to see, not all England matches by the way. Games at Leicester, Manchester etc were too expensive. I went to some at the last World Cup in England and can't say they made a lasting impression on me. Useful if you can manage not running until your knee is in a better position but you know your body and condition better than us. Shame about the parkrun if it does not happen.

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Ceci go kill that HM, looking forward to seeing a great time from you, no pressure and enjoy the little mans birthday party.

    Taeliesyn, well you are the man, doing a HM on reduced training load, look forward to your analysis too!!

    PaytraB, nice going on getting some strides in at the end of each kilometre interval. Any different training stimulus will cause your body to react.

    Have fun
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    Taeliesyn, well you are the man, doing a HM on reduced training load, look forward to your analysis too!!

    Nope I'm an idiot that doesn't take his own advice. No way in the world would I ever advise someone to go into a HM on reduced training while carrying a niggle ;)