Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited January 2016
    omg -8 with a windchill of -35f, so no outdoor run
    bf wants to look at a different gym before we join one. i want to join the first one we looked at. it has a treadmill for long distance runners and TRX straps (for aerial conditioning).
    this new gym better dress to impress.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Not quite that cold here today, Moyer, but cold enough that I'm trying to find somewhere to run indoors. (My gym is closed today.)
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I ran at a local fitness center with a friend at lunch. Only cost me $4 to drop in and their track is 10 laps per mile, so got in a good 5 mile run in 48:10. Only fell twice, but no injuries. There was this one spot at a corner that had a slight bump and my shoe caught it just right. :neutral:
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    glad you didn't get hurt.
    I'm a faller. I almost went down three times my first time on a treadmill :wink:
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    got in 1.88 miles before bf decided he wanted to leave :open_mouth:
    we get to join the gym i liked hopefully before the end of the week. just in time for the weather to get above freezing
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    I am so impressed with you guys who either use a dreadmill or a short indoor track. Dreadmills drive me mad, I started on them but I now can't stand them. It's been great reading about everyone's exploits

    I haven't been great about updating, the issue with enjoying time off work at Christmas and then getting back to the madhouse and starting another reorganisation to take out more cost. Modern life!!

    Not much cycling but getting back to running, paces are slow but distances are climbing and I had the fun of a drop of snow at the weekend, so with rugby cancelled, frozen pitches, I got a 13+mile long run in. I was slow, it was cold, but it was fun all the same. My snow and my cold are probably light dusting and barmy days for you guys but for me it was a shock to the system.

    Fitness is returning as measured by my 5k parkrun times beginning to drop so if I could lose the poundage I put on in October, everything would be sweet. Have fun everyone.

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited January 2016
    I might run outside tomorrow morning. it's going to be 10 so it's above zero. that would be nice
    also kind of looking longingly at the Ragnars in my area
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    4.22 outside. felt good. like the new glycerins. they feel a little strange but by the end of the run they felt good
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I ran 5 miles in the gym yesterday (52:22). Wintery precipitation this week is making running outside pretty treacherous. (And I am suddenly a wimp about cold weather!)
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I ran 5 miles in the gym yesterday (52:22). Wintery precipitation this week is making running outside pretty treacherous. (And I am suddenly a wimp about cold weather!)

    me too.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    I survived my 100K, and did a 2k recovery shuffled/limp/run thing this morning.
    Happy to post up my recap of the race, but it is LONG, so if ya'll want I'll copy it over.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    edited January 2016
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    I survived my 100K, and did a 2k recovery shuffled/limp/run thing this morning.
    Happy to post up my recap of the race, but it is LONG, so if ya'll want I'll copy it over.

    Of course we want it. Well done sir, looking forward to the read.

    Removed double quote
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Had my Olympic distance duathlon this morning. 0400 wake up, on the road at 0500, arrived at venue 0730 for registration setup and race at 0900. 10k run, 40 k bike and 5k run to finish. I am bushed.

    Splits R1 55:30 T1 1:21 B1 1:16:35 T2 1:24 R2 30:44 Total gun time 2:45:33.

    Well run event but I don't know how Taeliesyn or Ceci run laps, 6 run laps and 8 bike laps did my head in, it's just plain boring.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Ok, mega post below, copy and pasted direct from facebook, except for a day change.

    So Saturday ran my first 100k event. I went into the event with a massive goal, but it wasn't too be.
    I've tagged a few people in this post, but it's no where near close to covering everyone who played a part in the day, so please don't take offence if your name isn't mentioned, it's just key events that stand out to me looking back. And this is the shortened version of the re-cap, I could easily double the length!
    My first lap was almost perfect, except for 2 things. One I had forgotten to take my gels, so the first 12.5k was done without any fuel, putting me a little on the backfoot, and the second I had a stitch, yep a freaking stitch from like 1k into the race. That *kitten* stuck around for the other 99k too!
    Other than that though, everything was good. Pace was perfect had a few others join me over the course of the first 6.25k out and there was a nice little group going.
    As I came in to the start/finish/turn around point I called out to Abdul for 4 gels, as I wanted to try and catch up a little on nutrition. Did the turn around, grabbed the gels and off I went! It wasn't long after this that things went downhill. The stitch was joined by some GI distress and stomach cramps, followed by my entire abdominal and obliques just hurting. Even a deep breath was painful. Still the other guys from the group caught back up to me, and we went on our merry way. Another 12.5k of perfect pace for my target. The group with me changed a little on this lap as we picked up another runner and some of the group sped up a little to get the jump on the aid station/turn around. I passed my hydration pack to Abdul as I came in, and grabbed my fresh one on the way out. Strangely enough, it felt good to have a different pack on.
    By now the group was just 3 of us, but we kept moving along. My GI issues had settled, but the abdominal and oblique pain was there to stay. Still I just gritted my teeth and pushed on with the group until about 1k from the turn around, I had started to drop pace a little as the pain took its toll. I told the guys to head off without me and then dropped into a power walk. I took a little longer at my crew point, having some mother and some codral as I had forgotten my standard panadol. I also filled my buff with ice for the first time, what was then a regular stop at every aid station. Ice dumped in the buff on top of my head. I think it helped me not notice the heat too much. Headed out at a power hike to the mid-point aid station, After this, I settled into a run/walk strategy, 1k run, 1k walk. Usually the running didn't hurt until 700 or 800m in and I could push that last part. The run walk worked well until about 65k, at which point my calves started dancing on me when I tried to run, so back to the power hike. When things felt ok I'd run until the dancing started and then I'd walk again. Once or twice I tried to push through the dancing, but when it was causing me to nearly trip, it made sense to power hike. This got me to the 75k turn around where things went even further downhill. Calves and hammies were threatening to crap on me even when I was walking.
    Still I wasn't going to stop, not that I hadn't contemplated it many times! I kept with the power hike, keeping pretty much everything in the mid 9min/km pace for the next 12.5k, then there it was... I was on my final lap! Swapped hydration packs again, filled the buff with ice and I was out and hiking like a man possessed. I dropped below 9min/km pace and kept hammering along, went for a drink of my hydration and realised Abdul had accidentally filled my pack with water, not my electrolyte mix. A short moment of panic, before I sucked it up and decided to just hammer the powerade at the aid stations.
    Just before the aid station I was hit with a wave of maramotion as I've heard it termed. Just thinking about everything I had been through getting to where I was. I was on the verge of blubbering a few times, but pulled it together before the aid station. Mid point aid station reached, I iced, downed 2 powerades, a coke, and I was on my way again. The stop had brought me back to the 9min pace, but I just kept the foot down and brought it to the low 9's the next km's were back in the 8:30 range. I suffered a few bouts of maramotion during that 3.3k stretch between aid stations, and had a few discussions with my legs and my body in general. I made it to the last turn around, was iced and had a drink. I was also asked if I was ok to go on. At that point of the race, I think any attempt to remove me from the race would have resulted in physical violence. I had 6.25km to go and nothing was going to stop me.
    Headed out again at the same pace, passing a few of the remaining 100k runners, and slowly chasing down another, who was walking the last part back in with one of the volleys. More maramotional outbursts and simply swearing at my legs and body as I suffered more cramps and dancing calves. I refused to slow down though, hit the aid station, with my 'target' in site powerade, coke and ice again and then I was off, and even faster than before.
    I kept closing in on Chris and Andrea, when out of no where Ben and Abdul-Raouf pulled up to cheer me on, with about 2k to go. They got me moving even faster, with my speed peaking at a low 7min pace, and that km came out at 8:04 as I caught and then passed Chris and Andrea. It was purely one foot in front of the other as fast as I could manage, I wanted to run but I was scared I would cramp that badly I'd hit the ground. Originally I wanted to come through the 'gate' to the finish zone and start running, but I wasn't confident when I got there. Felix came out and walked along the path me with, and then ran with me when I hit the grass. I ditched my bad at my aid station as I went past, I'm not sure who would speed up first, but that last stretch was a case of one speeding up, so the other did. I don't know how I managed run like I did, but I was glad to finish strongly and get across the line. Hugs and cheers all round. Not sure how there wasn't a maramotional outburst, but I'm glad there wasn't.
    So many wonderful people out there that made not just my run possible, but the event itself. The fellow competitors and the specators that cheered on whenever they could. Ron and the massive team of volly's that made everything happen, and especially Abdul-Raouf, who agreed to crew for me with less than 2 weeks to the event and did a wonderful job. I'd be honored and blessed to have you crew for me again mate.
    No official time as yet, but Strava/Garmin has me at 12:34:03. Missed every target I had for the day, except for finish and not break myself. A massive day that taught me so much about myself. I honestly don't know if I'm still going to do Larkhill 100. I'll have to see how I recover first.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    thanks for the reports @ftrobbie and @taeliesyn

    i ran 11.3. i ran out of time for the full 13 but i was on pace for a 2:40:00 hm. i'm pretty sure the last few miles would not have changed it. ran on the treadmill. i was lazy and didn't want to deal with getting ready to run outside in the dark
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    @taeliesyn Thanks for the recap, so impressed with your perseverance!

    @ftrobbie At least it wasn't 60 or 70 laps! I hope to be able to do a duathlon some day. Probably not this year though with surgery coming up.

    @moyer566 I can't even imagine how much running that distance on a treadmill would suck for me! Good for you getting it done!

    I ran Friday- 8 miles in 1:22:13. Besides being cold, it was a good run.
    Saturday was a recovery run 2 miles in 19:42 in the gym.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    watched some Jessica Jones. time flew by :)
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Taeliesyn, great write up, impressed that you went out running from the start. I love the maramotion comments and despite some things not going as you planned you got to the finish and it doesn't sound like you're broken. I am sure over the next few days a lot of things will fall into place and that Larkhill 100 will not seem too bad a proposition. Great work and well done

    Moyer, great effort and all on a dreadmill, I am not sure whether I am more in awe of Taeliesyn's 100km or your 2hrs+ on a dreadmill. I have never been able to relax enough to watch tv on a dreadmill.

    Ceci great work as always and your running in the hamster wheel with the walkers always humbles me.

    I realise how great the mild, dark, wet and windy UK is and that I almost always have the opportunity to go out if I plan for it

    "There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing." -- Sir Rannulph Fiennes

    Have fun
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    another 5.86 on the mill. I've just been lazy and not wanted to get all dressed up for a run. seems like a lot of work right now. so sleepy
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I have a nasty head cold, so rested again yesterday (other than the 10 hours I put in at work.)
