Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    NancyN795 wrote: »
    I'm using RunDouble, so the program is slightly different, I think. Week 2 has me doing 4 runs of 12 minutes with 1 minute walks in between. The distance and pace I posted is excluding the warm up and cool down. One thing I like about RunDouble is that it's "all-in-one" - it maps the run, records my heart rate, pace, etc. without needing other apps. Then, I can look at it later online. Here's a link to my last run, so you can see the online info it gives: http://www.rundouble.com/run/5865930299015168/dhUWtYrk0w

    I do record the run in MMF as well, so I can track the mileage on my shoes, but I can do that by importing the .gpx file from RunDouble, so I don't have to start up two apps.

    Very nice... so are you wearing a heart rate monitor? I just finished D3 today and yes the program must be a bit different (this week for me was 3x Run 15, Walk 1), but I felt better about my pace and extended my distance by 0.2 miles. I really like the breakdown you get for Rundouble, so might look into that.
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    rusgolden wrote: »
    NancyN795 wrote: »
    I'm using RunDouble, so the program is slightly different, I think. Week 2 has me doing 4 runs of 12 minutes with 1 minute walks in between. The distance and pace I posted is excluding the warm up and cool down. One thing I like about RunDouble is that it's "all-in-one" - it maps the run, records my heart rate, pace, etc. without needing other apps. Then, I can look at it later online. Here's a link to my last run, so you can see the online info it gives: http://www.rundouble.com/run/5865930299015168/dhUWtYrk0w

    I do record the run in MMF as well, so I can track the mileage on my shoes, but I can do that by importing the .gpx file from RunDouble, so I don't have to start up two apps.

    Very nice... so are you wearing a heart rate monitor? I just finished D3 today and yes the program must be a bit different (this week for me was 3x Run 15, Walk 1), but I felt better about my pace and extended my distance by 0.2 miles. I really like the breakdown you get for Rundouble, so might look into that.

    Yes, I have a heart rate monitor that I wear. It isn't that important since I also have a Fitbit with heart rate monitoring, but since RunDouble supports it and I have it, I figure I might as well wear it. I like all the features that RunDouble has compared to the free Zen Labs app I started with - it was worth the cost for me.
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    Did W2D3 timed. Distance today was 3.89 miles for a pace of 13:07. I think in general I was doing about the same pace as last time, except that I decided to sprint a bit on a couple of the more level sections on the way back. I think I need to sprint more - I had trouble sustaining it for more than a minute. Overall a good run. I still can't believe I can do this at all, much less without feeling wiped out afterwards.

    Next time I'm going to start over with the distance version - so I'll be back to W1D1, but my distance will be greater.
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    Did 5K to 10K, W1D1 distance. The distance was 4.38 miles and I did it in 58:30 for a pace of 13:22. That extra half mile over Saturday's run felt long! It might have been because the day was already heating up by the time I got back, despite starting running at 6:30. I was also having a few minor pains in my left knee and right hip. Not enough for me to stop running, but enough to keep me from trying any sprints. Still, now that it's over and I'm all showered and cooled off, I feel pretty good.

    I am so glad I didn't go straight from doing the 5K to doing the distance version of RunDouble's 5K to 10K program. By doing a couple weeks of the timed version, I didn't have to increase my distance so dramatically right away. The hill is still really hard (I run up it at about the same speed that I can walk up it on a very good day), but I'm getting used to tackling it.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @NancyN795 Never be afraid to modify a plan based on how you are feeling/reacting.
    I have seen it in a few different plans where every 2 weeks they do a Cut Back week where you roll back your running distance. Some do a percentage cut back ( 10-20% ) others just roll back to the distance of the previous week where they felt comfortable. It will be a bit of an experiment.

    As you said you were glad that you "didn't have to increase your distance so dramatically right away", to me that is a sign that you needed a little cutback/reset time - allowing your body to heal all the little injuries that we get but are so small that they don't really bother us. I did it all the time building up my distance to 22km. Usually it was a planned cutback - other times it was "life happens".

    The Hill Work is great to include in your running. I credit hills with increasing my speed from 6:10/km to 5:29/km.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    NancyN795 wrote: »
    Not enough for me to stop running, but enough to keep me from trying any sprints.

    Glad you pulled back Nancy, but please be careful. Honestly at this point while you're still building distance, time and muscular, tendon, and joint strength. It's best if you just focus on steady constant running, not speed work like sprints.
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    NancyN795 wrote: »
    rusgolden wrote: »
    NancyN795 wrote: »
    I'm using RunDouble, so the program is slightly different, I think. Week 2 has me doing 4 runs of 12 minutes with 1 minute walks in between. The distance and pace I posted is excluding the warm up and cool down. One thing I like about RunDouble is that it's "all-in-one" - it maps the run, records my heart rate, pace, etc. without needing other apps. Then, I can look at it later online. Here's a link to my last run, so you can see the online info it gives: http://www.rundouble.com/run/5865930299015168/dhUWtYrk0w

    I do record the run in MMF as well, so I can track the mileage on my shoes, but I can do that by importing the .gpx file from RunDouble, so I don't have to start up two apps.

    Very nice... so are you wearing a heart rate monitor? I just finished D3 today and yes the program must be a bit different (this week for me was 3x Run 15, Walk 1), but I felt better about my pace and extended my distance by 0.2 miles. I really like the breakdown you get for Rundouble, so might look into that.

    Yes, I have a heart rate monitor that I wear. It isn't that important since I also have a Fitbit with heart rate monitoring, but since RunDouble supports it and I have it, I figure I might as well wear it. I like all the features that RunDouble has compared to the free Zen Labs app I started with - it was worth the cost for me.

    Okay Nancy... I've used Rundouble the past 2 times out and I do like that it has everything integrated into one interface. However, when I import into MMF, the calories burned is quite different and then it also posts into MFP as this: burned 720 calories doing 66 minutes of Generic -- even though I told it was a Run when I did the import. Here's my Rundouble session for comparison: rundouble.com/run/5554670663630848/XdSlwQBQqi

    Just wondering if you have the same issues and if there is a workaround... Thanks!
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    Did 5K to 10K, W1D2 distance. The distance was 4.38 miles and I did it in 59:22 for a pace of 13:34. So, slower than day 1, but I didn't feel like I was struggling or anything. I was just a little slower.
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    @NancyN795 Never be afraid to modify a plan based on how you are feeling/reacting.
    I have seen it in a few different plans where every 2 weeks they do a Cut Back week where you roll back your running distance. Some do a percentage cut back ( 10-20% ) others just roll back to the distance of the previous week where they felt comfortable. It will be a bit of an experiment.

    As you said you were glad that you "didn't have to increase your distance so dramatically right away", to me that is a sign that you needed a little cutback/reset time - allowing your body to heal all the little injuries that we get but are so small that they don't really bother us. I did it all the time building up my distance to 22km. Usually it was a planned cutback - other times it was "life happens".

    The Hill Work is great to include in your running. I credit hills with increasing my speed from 6:10/km to 5:29/km.

    I'm debating with myself about whether I want to do a bit of a "cut back" next week by doing week 3 of the timed version instead of week 2 of the distance version. Or maybe it's just an excuse to avoid tackling that next hill just yet. The distance version takes me onto a steep uphill, then steep downhill and then I have to turn around and go back. But, I've got to do it eventually and the hill isn't any steeper than the one I already do. For some reason it still intimidates me - maybe because it isn't as familiar.

    I'm sure the hills are good for me in the long run, although that isn't why I do them. I do them because it's either run on the hills, run on the treadmill, or drive 20 minutes or more to run on relatively level ground. And, the view is wonderful!
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    NancyN795 wrote: »
    Not enough for me to stop running, but enough to keep me from trying any sprints.

    Glad you pulled back Nancy, but please be careful. Honestly at this point while you're still building distance, time and muscular, tendon, and joint strength. It's best if you just focus on steady constant running, not speed work like sprints.

    Thanks for the reminder. Avoiding injury is a top priority for me. I'm old, I'm still fat, and I know my knees aren't great. It amazes me that they tolerate the running at all, but they actually are giving me less trouble than they used to (mostly due to carrying less weight, I'm sure, but also due to proper exercise).
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Nice job @NancyN795 and @rusgolden ! I'm right behind you, only two more weeks to go before I get done with C25K (second time).

    @Just_Ceci what a bummer, your diagnosis :(

    @MeanderingMammal Oh my. Well, hrm, congrats. Fine bling! :smiley:

    @taeliesyn You sound like you're getting back in your groove, I'm glad. Can almost sense the lightness in your steps again, heh.

    As for me, I just finished the seventh week of C25K, so I'll see how I smoothly transfer to HH 10K.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    @AglaeaC definitely finding my groove again, although cautiously... that last injury has done a number on the confidence.
    25K trail race last weekend, 10th overall and 9th male. (Most of the fast guys were doing the longer distances!)
    A good recovery 12k on tuesday at my social run, and 3k tonight with the dog. Looking at about 16k all up on Saturday. I've also started some body weight cross training stuff again. I can feel the extra fatigue in my legs already, so that's going to be interesting.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    6 weeks since I fractured my arm and it still hurts to run, so I've been on the stationary bike a lot. Hoping for relief soon!
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    5K to 10K, W1D3 distance. The distance was 4.38 miles and I did it in 59:14 for a pace of 13:32. So, basically the same pace as last run. I was really slow up the big hill today (but I stuck to a "run" gait, even though I can walk it as fast or faster), but made it up elsewhere. It was a few degrees cooler this morning, or I'm just used to that length run at this point, because I didn't find myself covered in sweat as soon as I got home.
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    6 weeks since I fractured my arm and it still hurts to run, so I've been on the stationary bike a lot. Hoping for relief soon!

    :( I hope you can get back to running soon. It can be hard waiting for an injury to heal properly. My husband hurt his knee recently and he keeps overestimating how much he can do, prolonging the whole healing process.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    NancyN795 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    6 weeks since I fractured my arm and it still hurts to run, so I've been on the stationary bike a lot. Hoping for relief soon!

    :( I hope you can get back to running soon. It can be hard waiting for an injury to heal properly. My husband hurt his knee recently and he keeps overestimating how much he can do, prolonging the whole healing process.

    I'm trying to avoid that, so I'm making myself stay of the bicycle and am not even attempting to run until I know it is better.
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    I feel like I'm going backwards... My W3D1 run on Monday was amazing with a good pace, D2 on Wednesday was slower but I was still able to finish without an issue. Today was D3 and I had a really good pace going the first 18 min segment and not bad the second segment, but after that I just felt the sun was zapping all my energy and I walked most of the last segment. That is the first time I was unable to run the entire program and I feel defeated.

    Does anyone have advice on if I should move on to week 4 next week or should I attempt another week 3 run?
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    rusgolden wrote: »
    I feel like I'm going backwards... My W3D1 run on Monday was amazing with a good pace, D2 on Wednesday was slower but I was still able to finish without an issue. Today was D3 and I had a really good pace going the first 18 min segment and not bad the second segment, but after that I just felt the sun was zapping all my energy and I walked most of the last segment. That is the first time I was unable to run the entire program and I feel defeated.

    Does anyone have advice on if I should move on to week 4 next week or should I attempt another week 3 run?

    I know a lot of people just press on, but my approach was always to repeat the run until I could do it. However, you did do it earlier in the week, so you could just chalk it up to a bad run and press on. My philosophy for my running is that I'm not in a hurry (the 10K race I want to enter is the Bolder Boulder next Memorial Day) and that my top priority is to avoid injury, so I repeat or back up whenever I feel the need.

    Whatever you decide, don't feel defeated! Think back to where you were not that long ago and appreciate how far you've come.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    @rusgolden The heat is probably the biggest reason for the defeated feeling. Is there a chance you could run either earlier or later to avoid the worst of it? Do take care to hydrate well and seriously, the sun isn't on you, but in this context it is a plague.
    As for repeating or not, it depends on your personality I think. Are you the type that will feel like you've "cheated" if moving on, or are you able to put some "blame" on the outside conditions? One so-called bad run does not a bad runner make after all! I might blame the conditions entirely, because it really wasn't your fault, but you went out there and did the responsible thing by walking the last bit instead of pushing into dehydration.

    I did W8D1 today (5 min walking, 28 min running, 5 min walking) and simply can't wait to move on, but then again the sun bothers me too, so I'm trying to be patient without overdoing.
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    @NancyN795 and @AglaeaC - thank you both for the encouragement! My Monday (holiday) run was started at 8a but was really pretty cool out, Wed run was started at 5:45a, and today's run was started at 7:45a, but was about 15 degrees warmer and much more humid than Monday. I did have water with me, but the bottle leaked and I was out after that 2nd 18 min segment, so that was another reason I didn't want to push it. My next run will be on a work day, so will be early like my Wed morning run this week. I am leaning towards moving forward since I have successfully ran this week the first 2 times... will be going from 3-18 min runs to 2-27 min runs and I will try to slow my pace down a bit so I don't burn out too quickly.

    Thanks again and good luck!
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    Well, I moved on to the W4D1 (two 27 min segments with 3 min walk in between) and I DID IT! :smile: My pace wasn't terrible either (10.24/min mile), so feel really good about today's run. Thanks for the encouragement and advice! :smile:
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    Today was W2D1 of the RunDouble distance 5K to 10K plan for me. I was a little anxious about it because the additional distance meant going up another short steep hill then down a longer, steeper hill, then turning around and going back up it. As I expected, the brief walking break took place where it was starting to level out and then I was supposed to run up the steepest part. I couldn't do it and dropped to a walk until I got to the top. From there I was able to complete the rest of the run.

    End result: 5.07 miles in 69:41 for a pace of 13:44. So, I was slower but I feel good about just doing it.

    I'm thinking that next time I'll keep running when it says to walk at that point and then give myself the walk break after I've turned around and gotten to where it gets steep. Maybe that would be viewed as cheating but I figure it's about the same amount of walking, just delayed a little bit.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    @rusgolden Congrats, good decision. And nice stats too.

    @NancyN795 Well done. What you suggested doesn't sound at all like cheating to me, just walk when it fits your needs on the course best.