Daily Accountability Anyone



  • bedrockpebbles
    Jake, sorry you were sick.

    Rip'T Circuit and Dynamic Core done. Now I'm still a workout behind from last week. Hope to catch up by doing two doubles this week.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability Round 2 T25 Beta - Core Cardio Week 2 Day 2 "Nailed It"

    Wow, after this last round of Alpha I thought Beta would kill me. I am nailing these workouts. I pushed to an avg HR of 146 and a max of 151. I made it through everything even planks (took a 5 sec break). I never thought I would be pushing this hard or completing these routines with such success. Just 1 year ago I would be having panic attacks, asthma attacks etc..Those would occur anytime I tried to xcersize or push to exhaustion. Now I kil my self daily and have had 0 problems.

    Knees are doing much better. Injections have helped tremendously. Almost forgot, started Plank challenge last night. Goal was to start at 45 sec. I felt good and made it to the 1 minute mark. I probably should have pushed a little hard and stayed up for another 30sec - 1 min.

    bedrock - Way to get back on track. Enjoy teh doubles. I am starting to feel better.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability Round 2 T25 Beta Week 2 day 3 Rip'd Circuit "Nailed and I mean Nailed IT!!!

    I have hated this workout since round one. Only avg HR has been around 108-110. Today I had an avg HR of 122 and a max of 149. I pushed through the point of quit on the 5 count abs and let me tell you. That was brutal. This was the first time since Day 1 Round 1 that I felt nauseous. Is it strange I feel so excited that I got nauseous during a workout?

    Happy Hump Day All!!!! This is going to be a great day.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Week 2 Day 4 T25 Beta Upper Focus "Nailed It" I have officialy nailed every Beta Workout. Now to try and push each one even harder.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability T25 Round 2 Week 2 Day 5 "Speed 2.0" Nailed it

    AVg HR 149 max 155. Damn I pushed hard, starting feeling week at minute 12 by Minute 10 I had the rush of a second wind. Felt good and pushed hard through it. Not sure if I am going crazy but when shawn said Time I wanted to start the Vid over. If only I had another 25 minutes.

    Going camping this weekend, short on cash so food will not be the best but their will be a lot of hiking. So hopefully I keep the burn up and calories down. Hoping for some results on the scale. Been hovering between 232 and 234 all week. I want to hit 229 this week but its not looking good.
  • bedrockpebbles
    JakeYuma: Wow, you're doing great! I'm impressed.

    As for me, Rip'T Circuit and Dynamic Core done. Now just need to do Speed 2.0.
  • bedrockpebbles
    Speed 2.0 done. Now just one more workout tomorrow and I can close out Beta Week 4!
  • bedrockpebbles
    Week 4 of Beta closed out! On to Week 5!
  • bedrockpebbles
    Dynamic Core done! Only five more workouts to go! How's everyone else doing?
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability Round 2 T25 Beta Week 3 Day 1 Core Cardio + Plank Challenge Well, I hit this disk hard again and "nailed It." After a weekend of Camping and getting home late Monday, I really did not want to workout this morning. Pushed play and through myself into the video. HR jumped almost instantly to 152 and thought it was an error. I avg 140 for the workout. I am enjoying the good form. Completed my 1.5 min Plank Sunday on the Beach. Was interesting in sand. Then I went across a Pier and ate a Cranberry/Brie Turkey burger + Fries, Water and a Mint Chocolate Chip Shake for Desert.

    Diet was way off this weekend while camping. Had 2 smores, 1 pudgee Pie, chili, burnt vegi pizza roll-up, hot chocolate, etc. Did a lot of hiking. I figure rest of this week will be to try and burn enough calories to maintain my weight at 132.4. When I checked myself last night I did not gain or lose weight over the weekend. Perhaps I did better than I thought.

    New Mini - Goal "3 weeks without going over my daily calories. I think I am doing well but as much as I complain over the past 2 months, every other week to every 3rd week I had a splurge day. Now lets see if I got 4 weeks without a splurge day.

    I am about 1-2 days behind plank challenge but still working at it. Beta Core Cardio had me doing planks for over 5 minutes. Does that count?

    Bedrock - Was camping this weekend so no posting. Way to go on Beta!! What is your plans after? I am on week 3 round 2 of Beta. I will be buying Gamma and then moving forward with Gamma. After that I think I will do a 3rd round of T25 including Gamma to prep for P90x3.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability Round 2 T25 Beta - Upper Focus

    Finished Upper focus and my neck/shoulders ache. This is the problem with weights. I feel like I can lift more than 10 pounds but when I increase I get terrible neck/shoulder pains. Almost crippling. Not sure if form is wrong, tensing wrong areas, or just a baby. I tried increasing to 12.5 pounds and can go through the forms but my neck starts to pain. Not the workout pain but a "danger pain" if that makes sense. Then it takes me hours to relax the neck/shoulders. "Nailed the Video again"

    I think I may give up the scale for 2-4 weeks, bring my calories back up and see what happens. I ate Net Calories of 2182 and total calories 2500. Its a little higher than I wanted but I have a ton of energy this morning. My calorie experiment is over. I need to net 2000 calories to be happy and energetic. I will take a 1 pound weightloss per week instead of 2 pounds with the trade off being happier and more energetic. I was alert all day at work yesterday.

    Who can guess what I am ordering tonight?
  • bedrockpebbles
    Core Cardio and Speed 2.0 done. Now only 3 more workouts to go to finish out Beta!
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability Round 2 T25 Week 3 Day 3 Speed 2.0 "Nailed It!!"

    I am loving this round of Beta, still nailing the workouts. Completed a 2 min plank but may have to stop the challenge. Not sure if form is bad or what but after my lower back is way more than hurting. I could barely move. May need to lose some more mid level fat stores Odd because on the planks in upper focus I am in them for like 5 minutes + doing other crap. Perhaps its just the low plank I am doing. Anyways, I kicked Speed 2.0. It feels a little weird after finishing the Vid to want to restart it and do it a second time. May have to try getting up at 3am, sneaking in a quick excersize before my wife wakes up and act like nothing happened

    Bedrock - Woot almost completed you T25 Series. Whats next? Another round? Gamma? I am hoping to order gamma this week.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability Week 3 Day 4 Dynamic Core "made it Through"

    Green is the color of the day. Went to bed with major headache. Woke up with same headache. Ate some breakfast and poped in Dynamic core. Intro was great. I hit 160 on the HR monitor for a minute or two. As soon as I started the ab work I got nausous and made a run to the restroom. Finished up, rinsed mouth and finished the work out. My abs have been killing me over the last week. I realy focused on my core through all the vids. When he says flex your abs I have worked hard doing that and I can feel it. I think I am getting a bit run down. Boys have been caughing for a few weeks and I am starting to get aches. Tomorrow will be my Plank challenge restart after a 2 day break. I will dial it back down to 1:30 and move up from there.

    I want to do a double tomorrow but am told, your not feeling well take a rest day
  • bedrockpebbles
    Oooh, JakeYuma, sounds like your household is getting sick, so don't overdo it on the exercise right now.

    I just did Rip'T Circuit. Now I only have two more workouts to go (I haven't been doing doubles recently).

    What's next? Not sure. My husband wants me to do CrossFit. Maybe I'll see how you like Gamma and P90x30 and follow suit!
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    STATURDAY Results + attempted Double Dynamic Core + Speed 2.0

    Well, pleasantly surprised at results today. Apparently I did much better with my diet than expected:

    Weight -0.8
    Waist -0.5
    Hip 0
    Chest -0.5
    Right Arm 0
    Left Arm 0
    Right Thigh -0.5
    Left Thigh -0.5

    Since July 27th:

    Weight -38.2
    Waist -8.5
    Hip -5.5
    Chest -4.5
    Right Arm -2
    Left Arm -2
    Right Thigh -5.5
    Left Thigh -5

    Enjoy your Saturday Everyone.

    Bedrock - I have done doubles on 2 occasions in the past 18 weeks.
  • bedrockpebbles
    First time doing doubles in Beta (Speed 2.0 and Rip'T Circuit) and now I'm done with both Alpha and Beta. Not sure what my stats will be. How's everyone else doing?
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability Round 2 T25 Beta Week 4 Day 1 Rip't Curcuit + Core Speed "Nailed them"

    Completed Rop't curcuit including the 4 count push-ups and 5 count abs at the end. Very happy with myself. Afterwards I wanted to watch Speed Curcuit Bonus DVD and see what that was all about. I decided to just do a double and see. I pushed through the video and one-hand burpees where not as bad as I thought. Not easy but I did them. Pushed hard through this video with an Avg HR 150. I am sure I can go harder next time and may replace Speed 2.0 with Core Speed or just add a few doubles during the week. Is it wrong I love the Speed videos. About an hour after the work-out I was still sweating.

    Very happy. Now if I can jumpstart my fat loss again. Its slowed to .8 to 1 pound a week and need to get it back up to the 1-2 pound per week range. I was short on calories by 290 yesturday. Do I get to add those to my calories today

    Double Stats:

    Avg Hr 149
    Max Hr 168
    Total Calories: 799

    Total calories for breakfast + protean shake = 802 Net colories for AM = 3

    Bedrock - Way to finish. I may have asked already but are you going for a second round of T25?
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Bedrock - I am moving over to a new group "Focus T25 Friends" hope you will follow and keep pushing Play :)