Participant Updates



  • xqueenbee24x
    xqueenbee24x Posts: 271 Member
    HI everyone,
    My name is Bridget and this is my third time doing this challenge. In July I made it halfway or so and then August I fell off the wagon so to speak and stopped using mfp for a while. I have been back for to consistently logging on for about a week or so, but have been slacking in terms of logging and exercise. I hope to make it through the entire month of October as I am looking to lose about another 30 pounds or so by the end of the year. I look forward to meeting you all - Good Luck!!!!
  • kcris93
    kcris93 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm kc, I'm 20 yrs old and a university student. This is my first time doing a challenge - I just joined myfitnesspal today. I'm hoping to make it the entire month, I think this will be a great kickstart to my weight loss journey. My ultimate goal is to lose 100 pounds and for october I'm aiming to lose 10lbs.
    I'm 5'8.5 and weigh 244lbs. I'm just beginning a running program (tomorrow) and currently working out with a trainer.
    So excited for this challenge, anyone feel free to add me for even more accountability.
  • margieparkins
    margieparkins Posts: 591 Member
    Hello and welcome to all new comers and the ever faithful, I have been doing this challenge for a few months and am very happy with my slow progress, but that's me. I am Margie and I am 58years young, I am the one in this group that will throw mini challenges at you, you do not have to do them but I really think it is a lot of fun if more people join in..we are here for support and to give support, if you have anything to share just put it in the participants update,.. Good luck to all this month and don't forget the water!
  • GrandMaKandy
    GrandMaKandy Posts: 259 Member
    Hi Everyone

    Back again for the October challenge, this is my third month of doing this particular challenge. I completed the whole of August whoop whoop! Sepetember was a flop after just a few days, September has been a really hectic month for me but I hope to get through October without to many challenges.

    I signed up to MFP in June and have lost 25lb so far leaving me 8lb from my initial goal which I aim to achieve by the end of October. I 'll re-evaluating if I want or need to lose any more. I am officially within normal weigh for my stats and my BMI falls into the normal catagory.

    Good luck to each and every embarking on the October challenge!
  • melwa
    melwa Posts: 44 Member
    Ok, I'm in. Mel here. First challenge and I picked this one because consistency IS my challenge. Have been on MFP a year and have only lost up to 9kg nett because I lose motivation and focus. This might fix that by concentrating one month at a time and having to check- in. I started exercising and tracking again this week already and my biggest issue is eating enough once I cut out the junk food so bear with me while I retrain behaviours. Needing to shed 21kg to get into an 'overweight' BMI. Once I'm in my low 70s I'll be stoked and can decide if I want to then aim for mid 60.

    Thanks for hosting this. Let's go!:wink:
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Welcome, everyone who's joined since this morning. This sounds like it's going to be a very participat-ey group. You guys are going to rock October, I can tell.
  • iheartbiology
    iheartbiology Posts: 104 Member
    Good evening!
    I'm a 32 y.o. student who's on my way to a healthy BMI. I love the idea of having external accountability, so here I am!
  • Pizazz16
    Pizazz16 Posts: 295 Member
    :happy: Hey, y'all! Wow! This is going to be one of the greatest challenges for me. I also hovered over the "join" button awhile and then said, "What have I got to lose?" Okay, I'm in, too. I know I can do this!

    I've been logging in everyday for like 90 days now, a little shakey on exercising EVERY day (usually only 5 or 6 days a week), and doing well at accounting for what I eat. I need to lose about 45 pounds to be a lot healthier and (hopefully) happier.

    I just have two questions . . .

    1). If my daily calorie goal is say, 1400 and my exercise adds more to that, would it be considered "going over calories" if I ate back some or all of those exercise calories? Or do I need to stay at 1400 and not eat back any or all of the calories earned from exercising.

    2). What about rest days? Are they acceptable? It doesn't sound like it to me. (I'm sure a 20 minute walk one day out of the week wouldn't hurt a regularly scheduled rest day. Just want your guidelines on this.)

    Thanks in advance. :flowerforyou:
  • Via_14
    Via_14 Posts: 992 Member
    Well this is my first challenge that I really have had. I read through it and I am pretty confident that I can succeed for when I am presented with a challenge I don't give up. I am 23 years old and I work part time right now but occasionally when work wants me to work more do. On top of work I am finishing up some last prerequisites for the Nursing Program which I hope to be starting within this next year. I want to lose about 50 pounds. I know I can do it because a couple months ago when I was really strict with my calories and really tracking them and exercising I lost 10 in two weeks. This challenge I feel will help me immensely especially since I see my friend @Via_14 joined it and she has really been helping me in the support category as well as me helping her. WE GOTS THIS GIRL!

    We sure do gurlfriend!! lol Thanks for the shout out and kind words!! You da bomb lol ^_*
  • bradjneville
    bradjneville Posts: 83 Member
    Hello everyone

    My name is Brad, I'm 41 and I live in South Florida

    I began my diet and exercise back in February and so far I've lost 107 lbs

    I was wearing 48'' jeans and tonight I bought a pair of 33'' jeans :) . after 1 yr and 7 months of being unemployed, I got a job a couple of weeks ago and I ride my bike 12 miles a day to work and back, plus the exercise I get from work, so things are looking even better for me now

    I want to wish everyone good luck in the next month- I'll be there at the end and I hope everyone else will be too
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    Hi everybody!

    My name is Carmen. I've been on MFP for a long time and have done well. I'm excited about this challenge. I have no doubt I'll be here at the end. This is my first challenge and am happy to see there are a lot of participants. Support and accountability are always a good thing.

    Good Luck everyone!
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    :happy: Hey, y'all! Wow! This is going to be one of the greatest challenges for me. I also hovered over the "join" button awhile and then said, "What have I got to lose?" Okay, I'm in, too. I know I can do this!

    I've been logging in everyday for like 90 days now, a little shakey on exercising EVERY day (usually only 5 or 6 days a week), and doing well at accounting for what I eat. I need to lose about 45 pounds to be a lot healthier and (hopefully) happier.

    I just have two questions . . .

    1). If my daily calorie goal is say, 1400 and my exercise adds more to that, would it be considered "going over calories" if I ate back some or all of those exercise calories? Or do I need to stay at 1400 and not eat back any or all of the calories earned from exercising.

    2). What about rest days? Are they acceptable? It doesn't sound like it to me. (I'm sure a 20 minute walk one day out of the week wouldn't hurt a regularly scheduled rest day. Just want your guidelines on this.)

    Thanks in advance. :flowerforyou:

    Hi, welcome to the group! :)

    1.) You can eat back your calories, or not. I leave that up to you.

    2.) Strictly speaking, there are no rest days. Every day, you have to set a calorie budget for yourself, stay within that calorie budget, exercise for 20+ minutes, keep track of everything you eat and drink, and check in.

    There are ways to get around some of these requirements, though. If you really want a day off from restricting your calories, set your calorie goal for the day high: 3,000 calories, say. If you want a day off from exercising, do light work around the house for 20 minutes. You don't have to bust your butt for this challenge; you just have to be mindful of your diet and activity all month.

    The only thing you really can't get around is keeping track of your calories and checking in. But those are easy.
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Hello everyone

    My name is Brad, I'm 41 and I live in South Florida

    I began my diet and exercise back in February and so far I've lost 107 lbs

    I was wearing 48'' jeans and tonight I bought a pair of 33'' jeans :) . after 1 yr and 7 months of being unemployed, I got a job a couple of weeks ago and I ride my bike 12 miles a day to work and back, plus the exercise I get from work, so things are looking even better for me now

    I want to wish everyone good luck in the next month- I'll be there at the end and I hope everyone else will be too

    Wow, Brad. Way to go! It's hard to lose weight when you're unemployed (I would know), so double-congratz on losing 107 lbs. while looking for a job. And congratz on getting a job!
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Hi everybody!

    My name is Carmen. I've been on MFP for a long time and have done well. I'm excited about this challenge. I have no doubt I'll be here at the end. This is my first challenge and am happy to see there are a lot of participants. Support and accountability are always a good thing.

    Good Luck everyone!

    Carmen, I love your ticker.
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    Hello Everyone from Fleming Island, Florida. This is my first time joining ANY challenge. I was a little hesitant to join at first. There doesn't seem to be a lot of activity with some of the groups, but I read each introduction and got really motivated. I've been a member of my local YMCA and have lost 60 pounds. I think my weight is okay now. However, I really need to tone....bad!! Hopefully, this will kick start my butt into working out these muscles everyday!! Thanks for putting this together for all of us!! :flowerforyou:
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Rainey. I am 55 (almost 56yrs young) and I am a night worker (3rd shift). So when I complete my daily diary, it is usually really late at night. I eat a few snacks and my dinner at work, so my food diary post will end up being one day behind all of yours (unless I can post it before heading to work. I eat what I put in my diary (I pre-plan). I saw in the rules, you couldn't post till you ate your meals. At this point I will post my day around 9-10pm, but consume what I have posted at work, It is already in my lunch bag when I post on MFP. I need to know if this will be ok to do still. If not, I will have to figure something out (other wise I am posting after the time slot for it to show on my main wall and I do like my friend's feed back)

    I am excited to do this challenge and glad you can count house work as 20min. workouts. I would burn out if I did cardio (regular exercising) for a month straight with no day off, so I can look at the days I clean house as my days off ha ha. I have lost 59 lbs so far and have another 90 to go (at least). I have been strong going since Jan 16th, 2013. I am a diabetic and I do eat (usually 6 times a day). 3 main meals and 3 snacks. I also am a waterholic, so I have no problem getting in my 8 glass's of water. I think somedays I drink way too much water to be honest.

    I wish everyone good luck on this challenge :flowerforyou:
  • lmpenny
    Hi I'm Lisa,
    To date I have lost 7 lbs (was 10 but I have slipped a bit as of late) I am down to the last 10 pounds and I have to say they are a stubborn lot!!!! However, I am just as stubborn and they will come pound at a time :)
    I am a busy mom of three, two girls and a boy. They are 18, 17 and 14 and they keep us hopping daily running to Dance, Volleyball, Hockey, etc. I am excited to do this challenge and I hope more than anything that I can stay on track and make this an amazing month. I like the format :) I am a fairly active person so I am hopeful that I should be able to squeeze in the activity everyday....glad to see that housework counts :)
    Good luck to everyone :)
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    Hi everyone - I'm new here just found the group last night! I have lost a total of 15 lbs on WW, quit due to the price and have another 15 lbs to lose to hit my goal. I did injure my back in June of this summer - I was originally 5 lbs from goal but laying around for 3 months I ended up gaining weight. So I'm hoping by the end of this year I'll hit goal! I'm still limited on exercise, but I can walk and bike now so it will be easy to get my 20 minutes in every day!

    Here's to a great month for all of us!!!
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Welcome, everyone who signed up since last night.

    I'm so excited about this group. You guys sound like August's group--by far our biggest yield of winners.
  • lisamac62
    lisamac62 Posts: 305 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I am so glad to be apart of these challenges; this is my 2nd one. I didn't loose any weight in Sept but that is ok, eventually I WILL break this plateau :bigsmile: Just knowing that I have to log in everyday and be true to the group and myself keeps me going.
    Yesterday, my husband and I went to Blue Springs here in FL, we walked all the trails some of which had stairs and I felt good. A year ago I could NOT have done that much less walk the stairs the normal way. When I say "normal way" I mean on foot per step especially going down instead of 2 feet per step. After we left Blue Springs we went to DeLand to the Craft and Quilt fair and walked ALL the streets, my legs didn't hurt, my feet didn't hurt and I was NOT out of breath the whole day. Again a year ago I could NOT have done both much less one without having to cut the day short and been miserable the whole day and not slept that night without a LOT of IB for the pain.
    Good luck to everyone...
    if you are a new member...welcome
    if you are an old member....keep up the good work cause we ALL ROCK :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: