

  • kvonjohn
    kvonjohn Posts: 569 Member

    1. 34 mins 224 calories- dance aerobics

    2. 5 mins stretching done

    3. 0 stairs, 0 reps


    1. 43 mins 279 calories- Leslie Sansone 3 miles

    2. 5 mins stretching done

    3. 200 stairs, 400 reps- 100 each flutter kicks, crunches, oblique twists, Russian twists

    4. Compliment posted on main thread

    4th workout coming in the am. Possibly more stairs, reps, and low sodium recipe.

    eta: stairs for Thursday
  • kvonjohn
    kvonjohn Posts: 569 Member
    Let's go Sharks! We're rising to the top!

  • mangobadango
    mangobadango Posts: 294 Member
    #1 WORKOUT: 45 mins Just Dance 2014 HRM/295 Calories
    )#2 STRETCHING: 5 minutes done
    #3 REPS: in two parts this week
    (1) Stairs: 0 UP stairs
    (2) CORE REPS: 200
    100 Crunches
    100 Hip Raises

    #4 PERSONAL CHALLENGE: in 2 parts:

    (1) Complimented a friend at knit night on their project. They were grateful for the encouragement
    (2) Yet to make one of low sodium recipes

    (POINTS summary so far for week 4 for my own record)

    #1 Water - 20/35 pts (M/5, T/5, W/5, Th/5, F/, S/, Su/)
    #2 Sodium - 5/35 pts (M/0, T/5, W/, Th/, F/, S/, Su/)
    #3 Workout - 45/60 pts(M/10,T/10,W/10,Th/5,F, S, Su) 4/6 days
    #4 Bad Habit: _/25 pts (4/4 days)
    #5 Good Habit: _/25 pts (3/3days)
    #6 Team Talk: 1/7 pts (M-T(Y)-W-Th-F-S-Su)
    #7 Smack Talk: - 0/5 pts

    We are so close to meeting our goals. Well actually I take that back, with my reps tonight we have met our rep goal! Woo Hoo!! and we are close on the minutes and the calorie burn. Go sharks!
  • fang19423
    fang19423 Posts: 1,407 Member
    As it is weigh in day today, this is my encouragement for today ... lack of huge weight loss, does not mean you are not making progress

  • fang19423
    fang19423 Posts: 1,407 Member
    Friday - last chance workout

    #1 WORKOUT: 45 mins cycling / 456 cals. (minimum mins exceeded/ exceeded minimum calorie burn)
    )#2 STRETCHING: 5 minutes done – 1 more day to go.
    #3 REPS: in two parts this week
    (1) Stairs: 140 UP stairs (all reps done)
    (2) CORE REPS: 100 (minimum required exceeded)

    #4 PERSONAL CHALLENGE: in 2 parts:

    (1) Complimented someone and posted on main page
    (2) Yet to make one of low sodium recipes - I won't get this done this week :blushing:

    (POINTS summary so far for week 4 for my own record)

    #1 Water - 20/35 pts (M/9, T/8, W/8, Th11/, F/, S/, Su/)
    #2 Sodium - 20/35 pts (M/909, T1528/, W/1297, Th/1441, F/, S/, Su/)
    #3 Workout - 35/60 pts(M65,T85,W0,Th60,F45, S, Su) 4/6 days
    #4 Bad Habit: 25/25 pts (5/5 days)
    #5 Good Habit: _/25 pts (4/5 days)
    #6 Team Talk: 4/7 pts (M-T(Y)-W(Y)-Th(Y)-F(Y)-S-Su)
    #7 Smack Talk: - 5/5 pts - Geckos page on Tuesday
  • fang19423
    fang19423 Posts: 1,407 Member

    Some great numbers coming in ... just a little short in minutes and calories as follows:
    Mins-613, Calories-115.

    I know that we can get these done as there are still some stats to come in for Thurs and Friday for some people.

    :heart: Also please check chart to see that we have your stats correct.
    :smokin: Did you cook one of the low sodium recipes ... have we your points on the chart?
    :explode: Some of you are so near to 1000 stairs, but even if you are not remember there are 5 points for every 100 steps, so give it one last push if you can :grumble:

    Great job all ... so finally things yet to do
    1 - weigh-in
    2- post final stats for week
    3- check chart to ensure that we have your details correctly input.

    Have a great weekend all :drinker:
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    Well my Friday stats have helped meet that calorie goal, but we still need another 553 minutes of workout from team members. We are SO close!

    Here are my FRIDAY stats:

    60 minutes circuit training. Calories burned: 631

    CORE REPS: 150 (sit-ups: 25 x 2; reverse curls: 25 x 2; double crunches: 25 x 2)

    STRETCHING: Did 5 minutes

    STAIRS: 200 today.

    And I am very excited about my loss :bigsmile: Hope you all have a GREAT day with lovely smiling :smile: scales!

    THINKING OF YOU NONNA AND SMLISLEY! Hope this first no-smoking day goes well!

  • nonnalynn
    nonnalynn Posts: 651 Member
    THURSDAY 90 minutes yard work. 746 cals
    FRIDAY 30 minutes walking 180 calories
    30 min cleaning calories 138 cals
    5/4 days 2508 cals 302 min

    THURSDAY 100 crunches
    FRIDAY 0
    600 reps total

    FRIDAY Done
    Pay It Forward post Done
    LoSo food and post Done (made 2)
    Stairs. M 200 T 100 W 200 Th 100 F 100
    700 steps

    Points Week 4:
    #1 Water - 35/35 pts
    #2 Sodium - 35/35 pts
    #3 Workout - 45/60 pts (M/5, T/10, W/10, Th/10, F/10, S/, Su/)
    #4 Bad Habit: 4/7 days
    #5 Good Habit: 4/7 days
    Happy Posts: 5/7
    Smack Post:... 5 points

    Running Total Points
    125 points + on target for 50 BH/GH

    Aim high this weekend and keep the momentum going!
  • barkingbetty
    barkingbetty Posts: 347 Member
    Here are my results for Thursday and Friday morning:

    Workout: 60 minutes Turbo Chair
    Calories: 382
    Stair reps: 200
    Core reps: 275
    Flexibility: 5 minutes

    Workout: 20 minutes Turbo Chair
    Calories: 130
    Stair reps: 0
    Core reps: 100
    Flexibility: 5 minutes
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    All those minutes definitely helped Nonna! THANKS!

    Still another 403 minutes to log team :wink: GET THOSE LAST MINUTE WORKOUTS IN!

    And my encouragement for today, no matter what number that scale shows:

    Never, never, never, never give up! (To quote a famous Brit: Winston Churchill) :bigsmile:

  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    And Melissa posted at the same time as me! Now added her Thursday and Friday to the chart, which leaves only 323 minutes to go to reach the Sharks team goal!

    Thank you Melissa!

  • kvonjohn
    kvonjohn Posts: 569 Member

    1. 62 mins, 398 calories- Zumba

    2. 5 mins stretching done

    Have to get ready for work but if I get in my recipe or more stairs before cutoff I'll post later. Fantastic week Sharks!
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    Smlisley is having work done on her internet this morning, but managed to send me the following PM. Posting it here so you can all see her contribution too :bigsmile: (And her good weight loss - down 1.8 lbs :bigsmile: )


    workout: 40 minutes walking
    cals burned: 379

    reps: 200

    stairs: 10 pts (200 stairs)


    reps: 100

    weigh in 189.4 (the app won't let me enter the decimal).

    i hope I did enough to help the team.
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member

    And only another 221 minutes that we need to get to team goal! And still waiting for 4 more people to log their last day(s) ... so it is still possible!

    If any of you are still pre-10am, GO DO A FEW MORE MINUTES :laugh: It's is 2.48 pm here :cry: Too late for me to help!

    WHATEVER our final team score ... SHARKS ARE STILL THE ABSOLUTE BEST TEAM AROUND :heart: :love: :heart:
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    Here's my last stats :)
    Thursdays addition
    80 min walk
    Cals - 225
    Stairs -100 very slow lol

    Elliptical - 45 mins
    Cals - 250
    Reps -100 - 25 bicep curls 25 tricep kick backs 25 squats 25 sumo squats
    Stretch - 10 mins

    Hope every one a great weigh in!
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    THANK YOU KRISTIN! Only 96 more minutes to go Sharks :bigsmile: And still 3 people to log :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • kateflourishes
    kateflourishes Posts: 257 Member
    Workout: 50 minute run (done with my min!)
    Calories burned: 388 (done!)

    Core Reps: 0

    Flexibility: 5 minutes done (6/6 days)

    Stairs: 0 - whoops, totally fell off of this challenge this week!

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Points for week 4:
    #1 Water - 25/35 pts (M/5, T/5, W/5, Th/5, F/, S/, Su/)
    #2 Sodium - 0/35 pts
    #3 Workout - 15/60 pts(M/0,T/0,W/5,Th/5,F/5, S/) /6 days
    #4 Bad Habit: 1/7 days
    #5 Good Habit: 3/3 days

    Planked for 55 secs today!!! :) WOOHOOOO! Graet week everyone!!
  • mangobadango
    mangobadango Posts: 294 Member
    Got my last 5 minutes of stretching in this morning.
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    Workout: 50 minute run (done with my min!)
    Calories burned: 388 (done!)

    Core Reps: 0

    Flexibility: 5 minutes done (6/6 days)

    Stairs: 0 - whoops, totally fell off of this challenge this week!

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Points for week 4:
    #1 Water - 25/35 pts (M/5, T/5, W/5, Th/5, F/, S/, Su/)
    #2 Sodium - 0/35 pts
    #3 Workout - 15/60 pts(M/0,T/0,W/5,Th/5,F/5, S/) /6 days
    #4 Bad Habit: 1/7 days
    #5 Good Habit: 3/3 days

    Planked for 55 secs today!!! :) WOOHOOOO! Graet week everyone!!

    Thanks Kate- but can you please also send me your summary of your Week 3 points (ie LAST week's points totals). I have looked back through this thread and don't see them anywhere. I need to put that on the chart. THANKS!
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    And with Kate's entry and the following workout that Smlisley just sent in by PM: "Done!!! 50 minutes Wii Zumba 469 cals burned" WE HAVE NOW OFFICIALLY GONE OVER OUR TEAM GOAL! We have 4 minutes over the goal :bigsmile: :love: :heart: And I am still waiting to hear from Pam and Kai.

    SHARKS ARE AMAZING! And the weigh-ins are looking SO good too :bigsmile:

    A fabulous week everyone!