

  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member

    Oops sorry, think that was me ... thanks for putting it right Ali.

    No problem Mary! When you put as much information on in one go, like you did, then it is easy to miss a few things! THANKS TO YOU for working through all that stuff! :flowerforyou:
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    So here is my encouragement for today:


    Let's hope we see the truth of this as we step on those scales tomorrow!

    The chart is looking good for the Sharks this week! Some lovely numbers on there :bigsmile: Let's finish STRONG!
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    Happy Halloween, Sharks! You have been doing so amazing! Why not treat yourselves tonight? It's a special occasion, and I know you want some! :devil:

    Go ahead- you deserve it! Feel free to take more than one- they are fun and snack sized. :wink:



    From the Wolverines!
  • fang19423
    fang19423 Posts: 1,407 Member
    Never mind all that SMACK talk ... this is my encouragement for today ...

    Just do it.


    Every little bit brings us one step closer to our goal and we are further on than we were yesterday.

  • mangobadango
    mangobadango Posts: 294 Member
    #1 WORKOUT: 65 mins total: 35 Minutes elliptical (268 calories), 30 minutes Just Dance 2014 HRM,(180 Calories)
    448 total calories
    )#2 STRETCHING: 5 minutes done –2 more days to go.
    #3 REPS: in two parts this week
    (1) Stairs: 50UP stairs
    (2) CORE REPS: 0 :( Planning to do about 200 crunches today.

    #4 PERSONAL CHALLENGE: in 2 parts:

    (1) Yet to compliment someone.
    (2) Yet to make one of low sodium recipes
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 827 Member

    Workout: N/A
    Calories burned: 0

    Core Reps: 200

    50 Core Twists
    50 Super Man
    50 Mtn Climbers
    50 Side plank oblique

    Flexibility: 5 minutes done
    (4/6 days)

    Stairs: 10 points
    200 Stairs
    (40/50 points)

    Prob won't be doing stairs tonight.

    Points for week 4:

    #1 Water - 10/35 pts (M/5, T/5, W/5, Th/, F/, S/, Su/)
    #2 Sodium - 5/35 pts
    #3 Workout - 10/60 pts(M/5,T/5,W/,Th/,F/, S/) /6 days
    #4 Bad Habit: 4/7 days
    #5 Good Habit: 3/3 days

    My quit day is tomorrow guys! Oh, and my house is getting in to shape.

    I love this challenge!
  • fang19423
    fang19423 Posts: 1,407 Member
    #1 WORKOUT: 60 mins walking / 379 cals. (minimum mins exceeded/ exceeded minimum calorie burn)
    )#2 STRETCHING: 5 minutes done – 1 more day to go.
    #3 REPS: in two parts this week
    (1) Stairs: 154 UP stairs (90reps to go)
    (2) CORE REPS: 0 (minimum required exceeded)

    #4 PERSONAL CHALLENGE: in 2 parts:

    (1) Yet to compliment someone.
    (2) Yet to make one of low sodium recipes

    (POINTS summary so far for week 4 for my own record)

    #1 Water - 20/35 pts (M/9, T/8, W/8, Th11/, F/, S/, Su/)
    #2 Sodium - 20/35 pts (M/909, T1528/, W/1297, Th/1441, F/, S/, Su/)
    #3 Workout - 30/60 pts(M65,T85,W0,Th60,F, S, Su) 4/6 days
    #4 Bad Habit: _/25 pts (4/5 days)
    #5 Good Habit: _/25 pts (4/5 days)
    #6 Team Talk: 3/7 pts (M-T(Y)-W(Y)-Th(Y)-F-S-Su)
    #7 Smack Talk: - 5/5 pts - Geckos page on Tuesday
  • fang19423
    fang19423 Posts: 1,407 Member
    Well done Sharks - we are doing pretty well. We are still a little short on the team totals as follows:

    Mins -1110, Calores -3291 & Reps-650

  • nonnalynn
    nonnalynn Posts: 651 Member
    Oh Ali. Thxoxo for the stairs reminder! Hubbit worked so hard to make some and deal with me going up and down during the Red Sox World Series victory! I did 300 so far on the stair stepper and I lost count on the steps so I will low ball it at 200...I will do a bunch today and in the morning. As I am on my phone til november 4th no pics or checking the spreadsheet. Let me know if I miss something else. Its hard to use the phone for the groups. But I won't complain!!! On the UP side I am fairly certain I will be on the DOWN side for weigh in tomorrow.

    Here's a little encouragement for us... Remember who you are no matter where you are at the moment. The present is not made up of what is in the past, but what you see in the future. I see great things ahead!

    Lastly, this is my last smoking day. Smlisley and I are big QUITTERS!!!! PRAY for me...and my Husband...:smokin:
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    Hey there sharks

    No stairs for me this week I have been at home all week and I do not have any stairs! lol Gonna jump for a ellpitical ride here in a min and then have a nice long walk planned with my mom later hopefully help with mins and cals! Gonna try and get some reps in too! Gotta work on them dead lifts my back is needing some extra attention with all the added weight out front lol

    I have however complimented some one My litter sister she looked gorgeous for her homecoming dance and I told her so and made sure she had a nice time the next day. Felt good. her and I are years apart and aren't super close so I think it was a good step.

    I have also made my low sodium recipe! And I either did something wrong or they are just not my taste lol. OH well it was worth a shot!
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    Alrighty! Here's thursdays stats! I will post the extra work out mins later tonight when I get home! :)

    Thursday Week 4
    Work out Elliptical 45 mins
    Cals burned 250
    Reps - 100 - 25 bicep curls 25 tricep kick backs 25 squats 25 dead lifts
    Stretching 2 sets of 5 mins

    No stairs yet today but there are stairs at my moms so maybe i'll get some in :):flowerforyou:
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member

    Daily Positive Comment :)
  • barkingbetty
    barkingbetty Posts: 347 Member
    Hey Mary and Ali,

    My stair reps and flexibility time are switched for Tuesday. I should have 5 minutes flexibility and 0 stairs. Thanks a million!
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    Hey Mary and Ali,

    My stair reps and flexibility time are switched for Tuesday. I should have 5 minutes flexibility and 0 stairs. Thanks a million!

    Sorry - you told me that in your PM and I forgot to change it. Done now though :bigsmile:
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    Oh Ali. Thxoxo for the stairs reminder! Hubbit worked so hard to make some and deal with me going up and down during the Red Sox World Series victory! I did 300 so far on the stair stepper and I lost count on the steps so I will low ball it at 200...I will do a bunch today and in the morning. As I am on my phone til november 4th no pics or checking the spreadsheet. Let me know if I miss something else. Its hard to use the phone for the groups. But I won't complain!!! On the UP side I am fairly certain I will be on the DOWN side for weigh in tomorrow.

    Here's a little encouragement for us... Remember who you are no matter where you are at the moment. The present is not made up of what is in the past, but what you see in the future. I see great things ahead!

    Lastly, this is my last smoking day. Smlisley and I are big QUITTERS!!!! PRAY for me...and my Husband...:smokin:

    I had to put them on the days you did them, but I don't think it matters too much when that is as it is just so a total appears in the box in the end. So I put 300 in for Tues and 200 for Wed, but if you can remember what day you did them on and want me to change it, I can. In any event you have a total of 500 steps recorded so far for this week :love: :flowerforyou:

    And we're all here cheering you and Samantha on for tomorrow (and the following days!) GO NONNALYNN and SMLISLEY :love: :heart: :love:
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member

    WORKOUT: 30 minutes circuit training, 20 minutes strength training with weights, 10 minutes general aerobics. Total 60 minutes.
    Calories burned: 485
    (Exceeded my goals)

    CORE REPS:100 (sit-ups: 25 x 2, reverse curls: 25 x 2)
    (Met my individual target, but plan to get a few more in tomorrow for team.)

    STRETCHING: 6 minutes done today.
    (Just tomorrow to go!)

    STAIRS: 250 up stairs done.
    (150 to go to get max. points here)

    I actually tried two posted by fellow sharks! Didn't plan it that way, just realised as I was writing on the main page! Here is what I wrote:

    "I am intending to do the baked oatmeal tomorrow, but since that might not be my breakfast treat (and therefore after the deadline!) I did do two of the other low sodium meals today - but 2 of the quick ones!

    This afternoon I wanted a sweet snack, but mindful of the fact that tomorrow is Friday and the "dreaded scale day", I thought I'd try my fellow shark's recipe - fang's speedy poached cinnamon apple. Well it wasn't as quick as it should have been since I don't have a microwave (!) but I still managed to poach my apple and the cinnamon just made it the PERFECT treat. Now if I can get a microwave from somewhere, it would be a super speedy and lovely treat! (Not sure I'd have persevered with full poaching if it hadn't been for this challenge!)

    Then tonight instead of my planned salad with my normal salad dressing, I did the cucumber and tomato with balsamic vinegar recipe. (Another Shark one! That wasn't deliberate, honestly!!) DELICIOUS! And much less calories than my usual salad dressing (although I still put that on my lettuce - only half the normal amount since it wasn't needed on the cucumber and tomato! Somehow, the lettuce didn't taste right with the vinegar! You obviously need the crunch of the cucumber for that!)

    And if I have baked oatmeal for breakfast, I might post here again :happy: "

    Thank you Mary and Kristie!

  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    Well done Sharks - we are doing pretty well. We are still a little short on the team totals as follows:

    Mins -1110, Calores -3291 & Reps-650


    Gone down a little now, but for those of you who can't see the chart, we still need another 1005 minutes, 2556 calories burned and 450 reps! Some people haven't posted the past couple of days, so we could still reach this, but let's all try to get at least SOMETHING done tomorrow before 10am! You need to do your stretching anyway :bigsmile: LET'S GO FOR THIS SHARKS!!!!
  • kateflourishes
    kateflourishes Posts: 257 Member
    Workout: 45 minute run + 60 min walking at lunch (5 min left to go!)
    Calories burned: 509 (384 left!)

    Core Reps: 100 (cruches of various forms, low boat to high boat, etc) - done for the week!

    Flexibility: 5 minutes done (5/6 days)

    Stairs: 0 - 826 left to go!

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Points for week 4:
    #1 Water - 20/35 pts (M/5, T/5, W/5, Th/, F/, S/, Su/)
    #2 Sodium - 0/35 pts
    #3 Workout - 10/60 pts(M/0,T/0,W/5,Th/5,F/, S/) /6 days
    #4 Bad Habit: 1/7 days
    #5 Good Habit: 3/3 days

    Planked for 50 secs today!!! :) WOOHOOOO!
  • kateflourishes
    kateflourishes Posts: 257 Member
    Well done Sharks - we are doing pretty well. We are still a little short on the team totals as follows:

    Mins -1110, Calores -3291 & Reps-650


    Gone down a little now, but for those of you who can't see the chart, we still need another 1005 minutes, 2556 calories burned and 450 reps! Some people haven't posted the past couple of days, so we could still reach this, but let's all try to get at least SOMETHING done tomorrow before 10am! You need to do your stretching anyway :bigsmile: LET'S GO FOR THIS SHARKS!!!!

    Hope my totals for today help!!! I'll do more in the morning too!
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    workout: 60 minute walk...240 calories
    stretch: 5 minutes
    reps: 100 core, 200 stairs

    workout: 60 minute circuit training with Jillian (THAT was hard!)...438 calories
    stretch: 5 minutes
    reps: 200 core, 500 stairs

    Support for today: get plenty of rest, Shark buddies...we need it to rebuild after all this hard work!
    And here's to the scale being friendly tomorrow! :drinker:

    Oh, and YAY for our 'quitters!' You can sooooo do this!!! (Have you ever seen a Shark smoke?!) :wink: :flowerforyou:

    Aaannnddd, I posted my compliment for the week on the main thread, and I put my stuff on the chart!