
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member

    "2 Questions came up that I need to make a clarification on - POINTS TRACKING - ANY BONUS POINTS just leave on the weekly chart - I WILL COPY Them into the Points tracking sheet - I have all the weeks saved until I can get myself caught up - but I will have a separate column on the Points Chart For Bonus Points - the regular weekly points you all can input your teams #'s at the end of the week...Thank You!! 2nd question - ALSO POINTS - Can reps be counted toward your workout minutes for points - Sorrrryyyyy....Just you workout minutes - no reps - HOWEVER this was Not clarified before so your tracking up until NOW is fine how you've been doing it - from here forward please don't count your rep minutes towards your Workout Minutes for points - The WORKOUTS can be double dipped in points and challenge week - but that's it....reasoning....I'm MEAN ;-P And I want to get you to push for those extra minutes whenever you are able to."

    So I have made the changes to the week 3 points I had already posted on the chart - to take off the recipe post points (which Sheri will later add back in.) Your weekly summaries now only need to be the usual, regular items (water, sodium, exercise points - which are ONLY the workouts you have done, not reps etc, good and bad habits, encouragement points and smack talk).

    Just wanted to let you know in case you wonder why your "week 3 points" totals might be 7 or 10 points less than you thought you gained last week!
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    Last week Points summary!

    Sorry it's a day late we had a super super busy weekend and I didn't even get to look my MFP very much!

    Water - 35 points
    Sodium - 5 points
    Work out - 40 Points
    Bad Habit is a big Negative 10 :(
    New Hobby - 25 (I did complete this one do I have to do both my bad habit and new hobby to get the 25 here?)
    Smack talk - 5
    Motivation Talk - 3

    Which would put me at 103 I believe but I counted wrong last week so Idk lol Wishing every one a Sharktastic week!

    Totally correct - according to my calculations! Have posted to the chart. WELL DONE!

  • mangobadango
    mangobadango Posts: 294 Member
    Points Week 3:

    #1 Water - 35/35 pts (M/5, T/5, W/5, Th/5, F/5, S/5, Su/5)
    #2 Sodium - 0/35 pts
    #3 Workout - 30/60 pts(M/10,T/10,W/5,Th/5,F, S) 3/6 days
    #4 Bad Habit: 4/4 days
    #5 Good Habit: 3/3 days

    Didn't exercise yesterday, but did my 5 minutes of stretching.
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    Water = 35 points
    Sodium = 30 points
    Workout = 60 points
    Bad Habit = -10 points (got in bed too late too often!)
    Good Habit = 25 points
    Positive posts = 7 points
    Smack post = 5 points

    Total = 152
  • kateflourishes
    kateflourishes Posts: 246 Member
    Workout: 45 minutes running and 65 minutes walking for 110 mins total. (150 left!)
    Calories burned: 681 (1000 left!)

    Core Reps: 160 (cruches of various forms, low boat to high boat, etc) - 420 left!

    Flexibility: 5 minutes done (1/6 days)

    Stairs: 0 though I'm aiming for 1000 for the rest of the week!

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Points for week 4:
    #1 Water - 0/35 pts (M/, T/, W/, Th/, F/, S/, Su/)
    #2 Sodium - 0/35 pts
    #3 Workout - /60 pts(M/,T/,W/,Th/,F/, S/) /6 days
    #4 Bad Habit: 1/7 days
    #5 Good Habit: 1/3 days
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    Thanks Kristin! I had a TERRIBLE 'flat' yesterday! (I think I was trying to set a record for how bad a person could eat in a day!) Anyway...I've fixed it and moved on!!! So, I'm gonna be playing catch-up (or atonement!) all week!

    I had one of those last week bad I literally demolished a dozen cookies in a sitting :( I felt so awful it wasn't even funny lol But it has been awesome motivation to keep me going this week! I am using my new healthy cooking research to make my treats healthier :) I have made the best nice cakey fudgy brownies and only 82 cals a piece! and they have fiber and protein and made with Raw Local Honey is amazing for you as well and greek yogurt and whole wheat flour! Also low sodium! I am going to try the addictive pumpkin muffins this week too!

    Now if i could just lay off the halloween candy!

    Gearing up to get on the ellipitcal if my son would fall asleep already! lol
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    Thanks Kristin! I had a TERRIBLE 'flat' yesterday! (I think I was trying to set a record for how bad a person could eat in a day!) Anyway...I've fixed it and moved on!!! So, I'm gonna be playing catch-up (or atonement!) all week!

    I had one of those last week bad I literally demolished a dozen cookies in a sitting :( I felt so awful it wasn't even funny lol But it has been awesome motivation to keep me going this week! I am using my new healthy cooking research to make my treats healthier :) I have made the best nice cakey fudgy brownies and only 82 cals a piece! and they have fiber and protein and made with Raw Local Honey is amazing for you as well and greek yogurt and whole wheat flour! Also low sodium! I am going to try the addictive pumpkin muffins this week too!

    Now if i could just lay off the halloween candy!

    Gearing up to get on the ellipitcal if my son would fall asleep already! lol

    Ummmm, we kinda need that brownie recipe!
  • barkingbetty
    barkingbetty Posts: 347 Member
    Well, the diagnosis on the foot is TWO broken toes!! Good news is that this will heal more quickly than if I had damaged ligaments, AND I have an air cast which really helps. I think that I can even do stairs - we'll see how that goes later this week :ohwell:

    Here are my stats for Sunday and Monday:

    Workout 60 minutes (Turbo Chair)
    Calories burned 380
    Core reps 100 (Abdominal crunches)
    Stair reps - 0
    Flexibility - 5 min stretching

    Workout 30 minutes (circuit training with weights and stationary bike)
    Calories burned 177
    Core reps 200 (abdominal crunches and oblique side crunches)
    Stair reps - 0
    Flexibility - 5 min stretching

    Have a wonderful Monday night!
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    Melissa... that's terrible! (What does this say about my prayer life?!:frown: ) But, like you said, it does beat ligament damage!

    Here's my Monday:

    workout: 65 minutes with Leslie...386 calories
    stretch: 5 minutes
    reps: 100 core, 100 stairs
  • fang19423
    fang19423 Posts: 1,407 Member
    Oh Melissa - so sorry to hear about your toes. Hope they don't cause you too much discomfort.

    My points details for week 3 are below and have been put on spreadsheet.

    #1 Water - 35/35 pts (M/10, T/8, W/8, Th/10, F/9, S/8, Su/8)
    #2 Sodium - 35/35 pts
    (M/1418, T/168, W/1346, Th/1498, F/1410, S/1466, Su/1307)
    #3 Workout - 45/60 pts(M91,T83,W30,Th30,F30, S30(use as rest day), Su68) 6/6 days
    #4 Bad Habit: 25/25 pts (5/5 days as required)
    #5 Good Habit: (-10)/25 pts (4/5 of 4 required days) DARN IT ONLY DID MY IRONING ON 4 DAYS ISO 5 SO HAVE TO DEDUCT 10 Points and earn none here.:sad: )
    #6 Team Talk: 2/7 pts (M-T-W-Th-F(Y)-S(Y)-Su)
    #7 Smack Talk: - 5/5 pts - yes on Tigers page on Friday
    Total points excluding bonus points 167 points.
  • fang19423
    fang19423 Posts: 1,407 Member
    Well, the diagnosis on the foot is TWO broken toes!! Good news is that this will heal more quickly than if I had damaged ligaments, AND I have an air cast which really helps. I think that I can even do stairs - we'll see how that goes later this week :ohwell:

    Here are my stats for Sunday and Monday:

    Workout 60 minutes (Turbo Chair)
    Calories burned 380
    Core reps 100 (Abdominal crunches)
    Stair reps - 0
    Flexibility - 5 min stretching

    Workout 30 minutes (circuit training with weights and stationary bike)
    Calories burned 177
    Core reps 200 (abdominal crunches and oblique side crunches)
    Stair reps - 0
    Flexibility - 5 min stretching

    Have a wonderful Monday night!

    Melissa, if the stairs do turn out to be a problem let us know and we will see what else we can figure out for you to do in lieu of same. Do feel better :smile:
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member

    WORKOUT: 50 minutes very brisk walking.
    Calories burned: 419
    (Still need to do another 110 minutes and burn another 442 calories)

    CORE REPS: Did 150.
    (Sit-ups 25 x 2; double crunches 25 x 2; reverse curls 25 x 2)
    (Still need to do another 250)

    STRETCHING: Did 6 minutes today.
    (Another 4 days to go!)

    STAIRS: 350 up stairs today. My thighs will feel that tomorrow :noway:
    (Another 650 to go to get to the 1000 max!)

    No compliment yet.

    No Low Sodium recipe tried.

  • fang19423
    fang19423 Posts: 1,407 Member
    Work out stats so far this week.

    #1 WORKOUT: 68 mins (LS walk & circuit training not including core reps) / 574 cals. (152 mins to go/ 726 cals to go)
    #2 STRETCHING: 5 minutes done – 5 more days to go.
    #3 REPS: in two parts this week:
    (1) Stairs: 70 UP stairs (930 reps to go)
    (2) CORE REPS: 500 core reps done (minimum required exceeded)

    #1 WORKOUT: 65 mins (Cycling & circuit training) / 658 cals. (87 mins to go/ 68 cals to go
    )#2 STRETCHING: 5 minutes done – 4 more days to go.
    #3 REPS: in two parts this week
    (1) Stairs: 210 UP stairs (720 reps to go)
    (2) CORE REPS: zero (minimum required exceeded)

    #4 PERSONAL CHALLENGE: again in 2 parts:
    (1) Yet to compliment someone.
    (2) Yet to make one of low sodium recipes

  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    Well, the diagnosis on the foot is TWO broken toes!! Good news is that this will heal more quickly than if I had damaged ligaments, AND I have an air cast which really helps. I think that I can even do stairs - we'll see how that goes later this week :ohwell:

    Sorry to hear that! BUT very glad that there are no damaged ligaments. Hope you will soon heal.:flowerforyou:

    HOWEVER, please go carefully! If stairs hurt you too much, stop! We really don't want you doing more damage. As Mary said, I am sure Sheri would accept something else in place of stairs if you really can't do them.
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member

    **ANY Bonus points I put up in the challenge week will just run the duration of the challenge - So Sunday - Friday morning (unless I specify different)
    **Stairs need to be in lots of 25 MINIMUM to count towards your don't need to do 100 at a time but the points will be counted only for every 100 done at the end of the week - so No partial points if you complete 550 - you get just 25 points for 500
    ** AND also was a question - It is CORRECT the stairs do NOT count towards ANYTHING ELSE BUT STAIRS!!!

    Hope that is clear. If not, just ask!
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member

    "Wellll I DO SUCK!!! This is supposed to be a Holiday Challenge....And there is a Holiday This Week! And I Didn't Give you guys a Halloween Challenge!! Grrrrr!!! Tooooo late for me to Make You Do One For the Challenge....soooo I will just give you a Personal Challenge....TRY NO UNPLANNED Candy Snacking!!! AND No Unplanned Buying Candy for your House!!! Its for the Trick or Treaters!!! The Candy is just have to control the urge to grab a handful without thinking!! THINK FIRST!! PLAN a piece or 2 of candy Into Your Days Calories...Don't completely deprive yourself if its in your face and you love it....but Be VERY Mindful!! Please post on the main page your victories if you ran across the temptations! Hoping most will see this - or team leaders will take it back to their page. REMEMBER....Just cuz there is Halloween Candy out....It Is NOT the last bit of candy on the planet!! It will allll still be there tomorrow, next month, next year...I think we have a tendency to forget that around the holidays. Good Luck over this tempting holiday week!!!"
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    And my encouragement for today:

  • fang19423
    fang19423 Posts: 1,407 Member
    Rome wasn't build in a day .. there are many obstacles to cross on our journey to a healthier self :explode: and yes ...


    Just remember we are sharks and we will attack this head on ... forget the Halloween candy, we will EAT CLEAN and EXERCISE DIRTY because we are the SHARKS :laugh: That fat does not stand a chance. :laugh: