
  • lobstergirl
    lobstergirl Posts: 176 Member
    October 29th Tuesday

    Workout: 70
    Calories Burned: 526
    Reps: : 100
    Steps: 100
    Stretching: 5

    #1 Water - 10/35 pts (MTu
    #2 Sodium - 10/35 pts (M-2144Tu-1561
    #3 Workout 20/60 pts (MTu
    #4 Bad Habit:0 /25 pts (MTu
    #5 Good Habit: 0/25 pts (MTu
    #6 Team Talk: 2/7 pts (MTu
    #7 Smack Talk: 0/5 pts

    Cumulative: 21/42

    100 crunches
    100 high wall steps

    Wednesdays affirmation:

    . “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

    Thomas A. Edison

    I love this as 'dieting' is built around the idea of 'failure'

    Don't diet - make a choice to be healthier and work on it :)

    Stay safe today wolfies :)))
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Hey Wolverines! Here's a little something to get you over the hump day!


    Mmmmm, chocolate! Mmmmmmm wine! Enjoy! :drinker:


  • love9705
    love9705 Posts: 465 Member

    Happy Wishful Wednesday Wolveriners!!!!

    QOTD: If you care to share, tell me something on your wishlist when you reach your goal.

    My mini goal wish list is once I hit 180 I will gift myself the little clip on ipod for my music. Carrying my phone when running and to the gym is to much.

    My ultimate wish is once I am at goal weight a vacation somewhere with my girls where I will be on a beach in a hot bikini lol...

    Have a great Wednesday and stay strong as always :flowerforyou:
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    Bad Habit: ___/25pts
    Good Habit: __/25pts
    Water - 128oz: 10/35pts
    Sodium - 1985mg: 10/35pts
    60min W/Os: 15/60pts
    Team Talk: 2/7pts
    Smack Talk: 5/5pts

    Cummulative Points:

    Tuesday Workout:
    WO -45 minutes (treadmill walk)
    cals - 270
    Reps - 250
    flex - 25 mins (get out of bed stretch)
    stairs - 50

    QOTD: I am already pretty much at weight goal. Body fat needs to drop and speed needs to increase. My reward is race entries and hotel stays that turn races into mini vacations.
  • love9705
    love9705 Posts: 465 Member
    October 29th (tuesday)

    Workout: 104 mins
    Calories Burned: 874
    Reps: 300- 100 belly tucks, 100 crunches, 100 torso twist
    Stretching: 10

    Points Tracking:

    #1 Water -5/35 pts ( T/12- 96oz)
    #2 Sodium- 5/35 pts ( T/1282)
    #3 Workout -10/60 pts (T-104 mins)
    #4 Bad Habit- 25 pts (yes)
    #5 Good Habit- 25 pts (yes)
    #6 Team Talk -1/7 pts (T-yes)
    #7 Smack Talk- (yes- sunday main page)
    #8 Steps- 5pts- 150

    Total points for Tuesday-26pts
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    I already have a wardrobe full of clothes that I got after the first challenge, so mine will be to fit back into them all and most likely something like a hair cut and a meal out (lol extravagant or what)

    Happy Hump Day My Fellow Wolverines


    60 mins
    348 walk
    525 reps
    5 min stretch

    25 x each of Side Plank Raises (both sides)
    50 x each of Mason Twists. Reverse Sit-Up, Abdominal Crunches, Superman, Penguin Crunches (ES), Bridge, Scissor Kicks, Plank (1min =25 did 2mins) and Reverse Plank (1min=25, 2 mins)

    I made Sarah (gecko) shae and posted on the main page about it for my 25pts

  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    *** Warning *** do not and I repeat DO NOT watch any funny videos this week, after the last few days of only core reps for this weeks challenge, my abs screamed at me while I was laughing, hahaha must mean I'd doing something right!!!!
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    Failing today. AF is on her way and I am hungry. I am trying to make good choices but its hard. In addition I was planning on doing 6 at lunch but my ipod was dead and dh stole my armband for my phone. No way am I holding my iphone for 6 miles nor am I running without music/podcast for an hour. So home I am waiting for my ipod and garmin to charge. Hopefully I will manage 4-6 tonight after I get everyone out the door to practice.

    I even failed at this post lol...found this on my facebook feed and although we don't have personal trainers it is a good read.
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    @ Twinmom

    I got 1 and 1/2 songs into my run today when it cut off, I had to run as we'd been to B&Q (hardware store) and before we went I got change into my running kit on and I told my OH to drop me off at the start of the trail and I'd run home from there, but I think it was kind of good for my running form as I get lost in music on runs... it really is awesome therapy running!

    Hope you manage to get out on one x ANd I hear you on AF I had it last week grrrhhhh
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Gotta say.. You have one heck of a team here! I love all the activity on your thread. Us Geckos have been kinda quiet but ya'll better watch out. We've dwindled down to a a few kick *kitten* ladies and we are ready to take this challenge to the finish line!
  • lostgurl55
    lostgurl55 Posts: 155 Member
    Krispy Crème Lemon filled Donuts~~~Yummy
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    Krispy Crème Lemon filled Donuts~~~Yummy

    Well it's a good job I don't like donuts, more for you hope you enjoy them :)
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    Krispy creme donuts are gross!!

    I have somewhat of a plan mapped out. Its not a 6 miles run but its better than nothing. I am going to take dd1 to swim. Come home and walk ds to his carpool pick-up (0.5 miles from home) then do a loop that takes me home (4 miles if I give in to starbucks; 5 miles if I resist). Even if I get my green tea, I still have to walk the last mile home. All said and done (walk + run) will be 5.6 miles. This should get me home in time to pick up dd1. Dh is going to drive dd2's carpool.
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    On my wishlist: Just wearing what I want to again without trying to cover something up. It's so draining trying to find something to wear sometimes. :grumble:


    Workout: 72 minutes
    Calories 249- /hike/walk
    100 Core
    5 mins flex

    100 stairs


    (1) Water: 15/35
    (2) Sodium: 10/35
    (3) Workouts: 25 /60 **
    (4) Bad Habit: /25 points
    5) New Habit: /25 points
    (6) Positive Comment on Group page: 3/ 7 M -Y
    (7) Competitive/smack talk on other teams page 5/ 5 -gave the Dolphins a great cookie recipe! HAHA!
  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member
    Hope everyone had an awesome Wednesday!

  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    @Artemis....BRAT!!!!! :tongue: :grumble: I was on our Dolphin page posting #'s and I saw these....delightful looking cookies....before READING....I thought....OHHHHHHHH Someone posted a low cal/fat choc chip cookie! And They Look Delicious!! YEAH then I read on!! NOPE MISSY!!! You Can't Temp Us Dolphins with that!!!


  • lobstergirl
    lobstergirl Posts: 176 Member
    October 30th Wednesday

    Workout: 35/50 (85)
    Calories Burned: 358/169 (527)
    Reps: : 100
    Steps: 200/50 (250)
    Stretching: 7min

    #1 Water - 15/35 pts (MTuW
    #2 Sodium - 10/35 pts (M-2144Tu-1561
    #3 Workout 30/60 pts (MTuW
    #4 Bad Habit:0 /25 pts (MTuW
    #5 Good Habit: 0/25 pts (MTuW
    #6 Team Talk: 3/7 pts (MTuW
    #7 Smack Talk: 5/5 pts (Wednesday - Tigers)

    Tried my first ever Nature valley bar - love9705's recipe - for someone who hates cooking the perfect culinary treat! - 25pts bonus!!

    Cumulative: 21/42/63

    Thursdays positive affirmation:

    “Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

    Steve Jobs
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    Bad Habit: ___/25pts
    Good Habit: __/25pts
    Water - 128oz: 15/35pts
    Sodium - 1985mg: 15/35pts
    60min W/Os: 25/60pts
    Team Talk: 3/7pts
    Smack Talk: 5/5pts

    Cummulative Points:

    Wednesday Workout:
    WO -60 minutes (walk)
    cals - 360
    Reps - 300
    flex - 20 mins (get out of bed stretch)
    stairs - 100

    QOTD: Will you ever be happy with your body?

    I don't think I will. I have been 5lbs thinner (lowest) and a lot heavier and I have never been happy. Every morning when I look in the mirror I have to remind myself that these big thigh can take me 13.1 miles. That is good enough.

    On another note AF showed and my nose stopped working again.
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member

    Happy Halloween, my sweets! Be good and remember moderation is key!