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  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member
    I have no idea what a pocket muffin is, but it sounds yummy!

    Good advice above, thanks. I find eating difficult as (like most women) I fear getting fat or losing control and not being able to cope with eating less again when the bulk target is reached.

    Does not help that we cannot go to the supermarket without seeing copies of 'Weight Watchers', 'Slimming Magazine', 'Slimming World' and 'Slim with the Stars'. Why can't we have 'Weight-Lifting Watchers', 'Bulking on a Budget', 'Ladies who Lift' and 'Gain with Gabby' instead ;-)

    Well I will try and cut back on cardio a bit more and eat more calories. With a heck of a lot of willpower I have not gone to do combat this evening, as I already did Pump & Spin earlier. Well, it's a start! ;-)
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I have no idea what a pocket muffin is, but it sounds yummy!

    Good advice above, thanks. I find eating difficult as (like most women) I fear getting fat or losing control and not being able to cope with eating less again when the bulk target is reached.

    Does not help that we cannot go to the supermarket without seeing copies of 'Weight Watchers', 'Slimming Magazine', 'Slimming World' and 'Slim with the Stars'. Why can't we have 'Weight-Lifting Watchers', 'Bulking on a Budget', 'Ladies who Lift' and 'Gain with Gabby' instead ;-)

    Well I will try and cut back on cardio a bit more and eat more calories. With a heck of a lot of willpower I have not gone to do combat this evening, as I already did Pump & Spin earlier. Well, it's a start! ;-)

    Not sure what a pocket muffin is either, but now I want one :grumble:

    I'm with you 100%--it's hard to let go of "normal" and stepping out of our comfort zones. There's some line from the movie Hitch where Will smith says,"What if fine isn't good enough? What if I want extraordinary?” That's what I want out of bulking. I want extraordinary, and I'll do what it takes to get there.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    OK gals I need some new food options. I am seriously starting to feel like I'm force-feeding to keep my cals on target. I eat fairly nutritiously, but am no clean eater and like my treats. BUT I don't think I want to eat, like, straight-up candy or anything (at least not all the time. Does anybody have suggestions for something that is a) not terribly filling b) pretty high calories c) not high fat (I never have trouble meeting that macro) and d) maybe has some protein and/or fiber? I'm thinking sweet breakfast cereals maybe? Ideas? I'm just stuffed. all. the. time. It's getting boring.
  • ssaraj43
    ssaraj43 Posts: 575 Member

    LMAO!!! This made my night....

    @cmeirun... My diary is open if you like to look. But I eat pretty boring and candy.....
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    For myself I have noticed several distinct phases in this bulking thing. The first month or so, I was utterly ravenous, and had trouble sticking to my calorie goal because of it. After that I wasn't ravenous anymore, but just had trouble controlling myself with baked goods and sweets. And now that also has past and I'm just not feeling hungry :ohwell: This last week I really have trouble eating enough and the mere thought of shoving in a bit of cheese or chocolate to get enough Cals in, is making me nauseous.

    Have you noticed patterns like this during your bulk? I'm all very new to this and the extremes are rather surprising to me.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    For myself I have noticed several distinct phases in this bulking thing. The first month or so, I was utterly ravenous, and had trouble sticking to my calorie goal because of it. After that I wasn't ravenous anymore, but just had trouble controlling myself with baked goods and sweets. And now that also has past and I'm just not feeling hungry :ohwell: This last week I really have trouble eating enough and the mere thought of shoving in a bit of cheese or chocolate to get enough Cals in, is making me nauseous.

    Have you noticed patterns like this during your bulk? I'm all very new to this and the extremes are rather surprising to me.

    This perfectly describes what I've experienced: from being starving to having crazy carb/sweet cravings to having little appetite. It IS weird. As much as this not-hungry-but-will-cram-food-in stage kind of blows, if it lasts until the cut it'll be a relief to reduce calories, not a chore as I feared early on in this process.
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    I'm glad that I wasn't imagining things! It does make not logging during the holidays (which I intent to do) a tad more reliable in the not- overeating respect. :laugh:
  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member
    Could you 'drink' your calories? Fruit juice, coconut milk, protein shakes etc?

    Personally I prefer to eat my calories, much more fun.

    I am still on the 'ravenously hungry but scared of eating too much and ballooning' phase. ;-)
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Could you 'drink' your calories? Fruit juice, coconut milk, protein shakes etc?

    Personally I prefer to eat my calories, much more fun.

    I am still on the 'ravenously hungry but scared of eating too much and ballooning' phase. ;-)

    Protein shakes make me gag, but yeah, the juice is a great idea - the same thing dawned on me this morning. It would be very easy to get a glass or two of juice down, I take in a ton of fluids as it is. Thanks!
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    Could you 'drink' your calories? Fruit juice, coconut milk, protein shakes etc?

    Personally I prefer to eat my calories, much more fun.

    I am still on the 'ravenously hungry but scared of eating too much and ballooning' phase. ;-)
    Yes! The thought occurred to me last night that this would indeed be a great time to start mixing my protein shake with milk instead of water again. One can only drink a limited amount of wine and still function properly :tongue:
  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member
    Will confess I do not have any pocket muffins, but I am legendary for producing edible items from my work bag in a manner reminiscent of Mary Poppins. Tends to be something like museli bars or crackers, or even boiled eggs, plus random bags of sweeties that I use to rescue colleagues when they are no longer capable of logical thought or are reaching critical stress levels!
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Holy bingefest, Batman! Confession time! I don't know WHAT has gotten into me but the last two days I have been ravenous!! I need to put a lock on the fridge or something. Maybe it's because I took a week off of lifting and ate at maintenance while I was sick and now that I'm back at it my body is HANGRY!?!?!

    I'm not really a snacker and never really have a problem with sticking to my cals, so this is way out of the norm for me. My husband had to work late tonight and so I've been puttering around the house consuming all his snack foods. I for real just ate through half a bag of peppermint chocolate dove candies without even thinking about it... He's gunna flip his *kitten* when he comes home to no chocolate tonight... OOOOOPS!!!!! :)

    Anyway, hope this "phase" doesn't stick around too long. LOL
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Don't stress too much about it. I've actually been haing a hard time eating ENOUGH! First time for me :grumble:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Boss lady keeps dove's at work in her candy dish- I probably have 5-10 a day. It's obscene.

    When I feel like that- watch some DLB or IFBB pro workout videos to snap me back into WHY I'm doing what I'm doing. and then I go work out. :D

    don't beat yourself up- just accept it happened and move on!

    Then ask Hubby dearest to hid the chocolate from you!
  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member
    DLB? IFBB? o.O
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Hahahahaha, JoRocka- I just spit my coffee out when I read your response! Guess what I was doing while downing those doves???

    Googling pictures of DLB!!!! Hilarious!

    Oh well, all better now. Seems that was a temporary binge party for me anyway. I was able to get back in my calorie range yesterday and all was good. What's so stupid is I am not even a snacker! I was just a temporary garbage disposal for a few days. Seems TOM munchies started creepin' a few days early. Whatever!!
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    I agree with Primalrunner, if it is similar to what we experienced, this phase will also pass in a couple of weeks. Just enjoy it :tongue:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Hahahahaha, JoRocka- I just spit my coffee out when I read your response! Guess what I was doing while downing those doves???

    Googling pictures of DLB!!!! Hilarious!

    Oh well, all better now. Seems that was a temporary binge party for me anyway. I was able to get back in my calorie range yesterday and all was good. What's so stupid is I am not even a snacker! I was just a temporary garbage disposal for a few days. Seems TOM munchies started creepin' a few days early. Whatever!!

    that's hysterical. made my morning. good for you- back to the grind with you!