Starting Nov 1



  • firedupfriend
    firedupfriend Posts: 140 Member
    firedupfriend sending positive thoughts.

    Thank you!!!!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    OOOOOh I hate walking lunges. I know they work more muscles - probably why I find the static lunges much easier!

    Clambert - we should have a contest to see who is the most uncoordinated lunger LOL It's hard enough to do without weights!!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Great posts! Lol!

    I do static lunges....finish a set on one leg afore the other.
    I figure that as long as am working the same muscle group,I should be ok. But then I do up my weight though, as I am not shifting from one foot to the other :-)
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    So sticking with the lunges....

    my confusion: 2 sets of 15 is this 15 each set or really 30 each set (15 each leg)?

    And yes.. we should do video coordinating :laugh:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Clambert - I do 15 on each side for a total of 30 each set... and I do the walking lunges. I still hate them, and don't ever think I will learn to like them :)

    I finished up B2 last night - and have been slightly upping my weights across the board. I got into trouble last time with upping my weights too quick, so I'm taking it slow this time. Will only be able to do A3 this week due to a mini vacation this week, but I plan on getting 4 sessions in the following week to make up for it!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I started NROLW this week and did B1 yesterday. I deadlifted just the 45lb bar. I'm using the university gym where I work, so no trainers to consult with, and I'm wondering if my deadlift form is not quite right, as my lower back is kinda achy this morning. My friend who is about to become a competitive lifter (but who lives two hours away) said when she feels it in her back she knows she's done something wrong. Anyone else have this experience? Thanks!
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    I started NROLW this week and did B1 yesterday. I deadlifted just the 45lb bar. I'm using the university gym where I work, so no trainers to consult with, and I'm wondering if my deadlift form is not quite right, as my lower back is kinda achy this morning. My friend who is about to become a competitive lifter (but who lives two hours away) said when she feels it in her back she knows she's done something wrong. Anyone else have this experience? Thanks!

    I watched a lot of videos ... go on youtube "so you think you can deadlift" - there is also a set from Mark Rippetoe that is good as well... I watched them all...

    Trick with deadlift is that the bar needs to start at your shins - if it isn't then you need to raise it up with blocks or something. I raise mine with blocks.

    S1 A3 complete:

    Squat: 12/55lb (yay!)
    Pushups 2/12 widearm
    Barbell Bentover Row: 12/65/b
    Step Up: 12/30lb (ea dumbbell)
    Jacknife: 10 (could have so done more)
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    According to the book, as I understand it, you are supposed to do one on each leg, and alternate - 15 times (so you lunge, right leg - one...then change to left leg and lunge - one...change to right leg - two..change to left - two etc....after the 15th, you stop and rest...then repeat).
    I however, lunge on the right leg, do 15 reps...static, without changing leg...then after the 15th, I switch to the left leg, and do 15 reps, static...I then rest and repeat).
    I probably understood it wrongly, so don't quote me :laugh:
    So sticking with the lunges....

    my confusion: 2 sets of 15 is this 15 each set or really 30 each set (15 each leg)?

    And yes.. we should do video coordinating :laugh:
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Good for you Clam!! Wohoo!!
    I agree, about watching the YouTube videos (but be sure that it is the right one)...and also about the bar being close to shins...that helps the form alot!
    I started NROLW this week and did B1 yesterday. I deadlifted just the 45lb bar. I'm using the university gym where I work, so no trainers to consult with, and I'm wondering if my deadlift form is not quite right, as my lower back is kinda achy this morning. My friend who is about to become a competitive lifter (but who lives two hours away) said when she feels it in her back she knows she's done something wrong. Anyone else have this experience? Thanks!

    I watched a lot of videos ... go on youtube "so you think you can deadlift" - there is also a set from Mark Rippetoe that is good as well... I watched them all...

    Trick with deadlift is that the bar needs to start at your shins - if it isn't then you need to raise it up with blocks or something. I raise mine with blocks.

    S1 A3 complete:

    Squat: 12/55lb (yay!)
    Pushups 2/12 widearm
    Barbell Bentover Row: 12/65/b
    Step Up: 12/30lb (ea dumbbell)
    Jacknife: 10 (could have so done more)
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    For those of you doing the step ups in workout 1, how high is your step? Mine is 14", but it is a two stage step (Firm fanny lifter, if anyone remembers that!) and it can be taken apart into 6" or 8". I am wondering if it would be more effective to use a shorter step and more weight, or a higher step and less weight. Right now I am doing 15# in each hand and it is tough!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    S1 A3 complete:

    Squat: 12/55lb (yay!)
    Pushups 2/12 widearm
    Barbell Bentover Row: 12/65/b
    Step Up: 12/30lb (ea dumbbell)
    Jacknife: 10 (could have so done more)

    I did A3 this morning too! With 20 min on the exercise bike.

    Squat: 12.5 kg (I have a smaller bar - no idea what it weighs. 12.5kg are what I added to it - 35lbs maybe total)
    pushups: 2/12 - only 1/4 of them were girlie :smile:
    seated row: 80lbs (I have a home gym that allows me to do these - I'm sure it wouldn't be near as high doing a bentover row)
    Step up: 40lb - I used a rubbermaid foot stool. I also use my gym for these - pulley at the bottom.
    jacknife: 2/12 so not graceful doing these :laugh:

    I 'think' I'm noticing a difference. Certainly not in weight or the way my clothes fit but I don't feel as 'thick' anymore. I think there's a bit more definition to my waist but that's about it.

    I'm certainly enjoying it.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Nice work everyone! I'm headed to the gym after work for workout A3 - Hoping to up my weights across the board, but the rows have consistently been the hardest thing for me to increase (along with push ups). I do seated rows and the weights go up in 15lb increments. I think the last time I started NROL4W I had a tough time transitioning between plates on the machine without totally sacrificing form. We'll see!

    Iporter - I think my step is around 14-18 inches (never actually paid attention). I usually use a bench (the type for sitting) at my gym so I can do jackknifes with fewer people watching :) If you can handle the 14 inch step, go for it, but if you're struggling with form maybe try the lower step.

    Clam - great work! Your gains are awesome

    Blue - My jacknifes are ugggggly.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Nice work everyone! I'm headed to the gym after work for workout A3 - Hoping to up my weights across the board, but the rows have consistently been the hardest thing for me to increase (along with push ups). I do seated rows and the weights go up in 15lb increments. I think the last time I started NROL4W I had a tough time transitioning between plates on the machine without totally sacrificing form. We'll see!

    Iporter - I think my step is around 14-18 inches (never actually paid attention). I usually use a bench (the type for sitting) at my gym so I can do jackknifes with fewer people watching :) If you can handle the 14 inch step, go for it, but if you're struggling with form maybe try the lower step.

    Clam - great work! Your gains are awesome

    Blue - My jacknifes are ugggggly.

    I fell off my ball mid jacknife :laugh: I couldn't tell you how high mine is (thanks now you will make me measure it being OCD lol) - I feel I could do a higher step and lessen the 30lbs...

    beepee - I knew you were going to crush my hopes in the lunge department and tell me 15 each leg... dammit... :sad:
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    oh and if someone could make my *kitten* stop hurting - that would be super :laugh: apparently that means my form on squats is good now :huh:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I wish I could get my stupid glutes to engage during squats, just doesn't happen.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    heavier you go they will... mine didn't have a choice today and I am paying for it LOL I have discovered that I "squeeze" everything coming up :wink:
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I wish I could get my stupid glutes to engage during squats, just doesn't happen.

    Try putting a bench or chair or even a coffee table behind you and try to bump it with your butt as you go down, but do not rest on it. This helps to make sure you are going deep enough into the squat. I actually use my step because it is high enough.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I feel like I'm deff going low enough (my legs are parallel to the floor) just can't engage that muscle and my quads usually end up doing most of the work. I'll be interested to see how adding weight changes things!
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    I wish I could get my stupid glutes to engage during squats, just doesn't happen.

    Try putting a bench or chair or even a coffee table behind you and try to bump it with your butt as you go down, but do not rest on it. This helps to make sure you are going deep enough into the squat. I actually use my step because it is high enough.

    This is what I have to do because my form was ummmmm bad :bigsmile:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I fell off the ball, too, when I did it! lol. Thanks for the deadlift help, Clambert. I'm going to see a friend who's a trainer on Sat for some pointers.

    Also, I'm just stepping up on the back of a treadmill so far--only about 7"--because I'm trying to be kind to my calf. I figure I'll step onto a regular bench (that is, the kind you lay on to do stuff) when it's better. I don't see any of those aerobics steps in the gym.