Starting Nov 1



  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Just wondering how you all are going about your push-up progressions?

    Mine aren't :laugh:

    Truthfully, it depends on the day. Saturday I was able to do 25 out of 30 regular pushups. This morning I had to do 25 out of 30 on my knees. I think this morning I was totally spent from the sqauts.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I did knee pushups today and they were still brutal. Curse you, pushups.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I can do a whopping 3 regular ones, and then I usually just use the weight bench after that - pushups and lunges are my downfalls :)

    On to B3 today! Got my 20 minutes of HIIT in last night - aiming to get another 20 minutes in on Friday. Have a great humpday all!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Just wondering how you all are going about your push-up progressions?

    Mine aren't :laugh:

    Truthfully, it depends on the day. Saturday I was able to do 25 out of 30 regular pushups. This morning I had to do 25 out of 30 on my knees. I think this morning I was totally spent from the sqauts.

    Squats are killer. To be fair, I am only using dumbbells at this point, because that is all I have. i think I should have planned this a little better before jumping in!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Sounds like you are doing great!!

    I am in the late phases of stage 1...and what I did this past Monday called for 8 reps...I can do 15 on full body...but I would like to do 10 really good ones - go really deep...and also have less of flaring out arms..maybe even military, diamond, one arm pushups in the future (lol! Right)...I think I will work on that..small steps..start with going deep :drinker:
    Just wondering how you all are going about your push-up progressions? I started with 15 regular push ups for 1 and 2. For 3 and 4 I am doing 12 with the side plank. Not sure what to do next.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies! Just checking in here...

    Completed B3 last night and happy to report that I am still able to increase my weight even though I took a week or so off! Of course the lower amount of reps helps too :)

    Here is where I am at:

    Deads: 60 lbs
    Wide Lat Pulldown: 60 lbs
    Shoulder press: 15 lbs
    Lunges (still hate them): 10 lbs
    Swiss ball crunches: 10 lbs, but probably could have upped it

    Feeling a little pathetic in my cardio lately (I haven't been running more than 2 miles at a time since I started NROL4W) so I am hoping to up my mileage every week to where I can comfortably run 5 miles at a time again.

    Hope you ladies have a good rest of the week - I'm off to California tonight for hubbies work Xmas party!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Work Christmas party in California?? I want to work there! :laugh: although my hubby's company does a retreat in the mountains in the spring for their party so I can't complain :smile: Tonight we're going to a comedy club for the regional party. :drinker:

    I know there will be lots of food and drinks so I did a bit longer cardio before B6. I'm actually quite surprised I've stuck it out this long! I didn't think I'd enjoy it as much as I do.

    We leave for vacation on the 19th - I will be done B8 on the 18th but I won't have time for the specials until I get back and then I plan on starting stage 2 on January 6. Going to give my body a break and just do light cardio over the holidays.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    A7 this morning! 3 sets of 8 was a piece of cake!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Where is everyone!? So quiet around here, at least you're around blue :)

    Finished A4 last night. Increased my weights again, although the 20lb dumbells for step ups was a challenge. How are you guys dealing with grip issues?

    Here is where I am at:

    Squats: 60lbs
    Rows: 60 lbs (barely)
    Pushups: Still at 45 degrees
    Step-ups: 20 lb dumb bells
    Prone Jackknives: still only to shins

    I wish I was seeing better results, but I know I am getting stronger. I always feel discouraged at the beginning of weight training bc I always gain weight first. I really need to work on my eating, then I know I would start to see much better results.

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I really need to work on my eating, then I know I would start to see much better results.

    Me too! Especially this time of year - it's so hard staying away from all the goodies. I have pretty good willpower at work but I'm a boredom eater - if I get bored LOOK OUT! It's chips or something salty with a chocolate chaser :laugh:

    We won't even talk about the drinks! :drinker:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ditto on the drinks... haha.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I was feeling like putting a straw in a bottle of wine today--that banner an afternoon. But I went to the gym instead. A5--three sets of everything. I too am having grip issues for step ups--I tried the 25lb dumbbells, and they were just way too heavy an d sliding out of my hands. Gloves, maybe, would help?

    So, squats 3 sets 10--started at 45, then did the rest at 50lbs (bar + five pounds)
    pushups--still knee pushups, but better form
    forward rows--tried 70, couldn't cut it. back to 60.
    step ups--tried 25, couldn't cut it, back to 20.
    swapped jackknifes for crunches.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Yay for you!!
    For the step ups, I too find it hard to hold the dumbbells, so I do them with the 25 lb plates. I find them easier to grip.
    I was feeling like putting a straw in a bottle of wine today--that banner an afternoon. But I went to the gym instead. A5--three sets of everything. I too am having grip issues for step ups--I tried the 25lb dumbbells, and they were just way too heavy an d sliding out of my hands. Gloves, maybe, would help?

    So, squats 3 sets 10--started at 45, then did the rest at 50lbs (bar + five pounds)
    pushups--still knee pushups, but better form
    forward rows--tried 70, couldn't cut it. back to 60.
    step ups--tried 25, couldn't cut it, back to 20.
    swapped jackknifes for crunches.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I bought the book some time back and have just had a hard time gettng started. Too be honest - I feel a little awkward at the gym since I really don't know what I'm doing yet. We have a small space here at work with some dumbells and I was thinking that I would start the program here and modify it to use dumbells. With my hope that I will start to feel more comfortable going to the gym after that. It seems like most of the exercises could be modified to use dumbells.

    Wish me luck in getting started!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Have you guys ever had that night at the gym where everything (equipment) is taken, people are getting in your way and you just want to scream at everyone!? It took me almost 10 minutes to find parking, which is unusual for my gym and I almost turned around and went home. GRRR. Happy to report I stuck through it... Really starting to consider working out in the AM.

    Bepee- I definitely thought about the plates, but I need to wait until I can do 25 lbs... maybe next go around?

    Sleepy - I definitely felt the same way yesterday. I felt like the world was against me in getting to the gym as well. Way to power through it!

    Jchrisman - good luck! All of the workouts in stage 1 can definitely be modified to use dumb bells. Do you have anyone that really knows what they are doing that could show you? I've had my husband help me, and it was really effective.

    I finished B4 last night - not looking forward to starting the 3 sets of everything, mostly because of the time it will add to my workout :) I've gotten spoiled with being in and out of the gym in 40 minutes.

    Here's where I am at:

    Deadlift: 60 lbs
    Lat Pulldown: 55 lbs
    Shoulder Press: Did 20 lb dumb bells but really struggled
    Lunges: 10 lbs
    Crunches: 10 lbs
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member

    not looking forward to starting the 3 sets of everything, mostly because of the time it will add to my workout :)

    I haven't found it added a whole lot of time to my workouts. I have limited time in the mornings as I do mine before work and I haven't been late yet :wink:

    I may be pushing the time between reps tho! Workouts 7 & 8 are 3 reps of 8 - so not too bad. I found the 3 reps of 10 a killer!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ugh I forgot it goes back up to ten...
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Yay for you!!
    For the step ups, I too find it hard to hold the dumbbells, so I do them with the 25 lb plates. I find them easier to grip.

    You lift the plates? Wow. I can't even imagine gripping a 25lb plate in each hand. I guess I could hold the 50 pound weight to my chest or something for similar effect. I think your hands are probably much stronger than mine!

    B5 is next for me, either tomorrow or Thursday. I tried to run this morning. It wasn't too cold, but ice was all over--black ice, which you often can't see on top of it. I cut it short rather than fall on my rear or get hit by a car while running in the middle of the road. :wink:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I meant to ask last night--I've been using just the back of a treadmill as my step for step ups--it can't be more than 8". If I lower the weights but use a bench (so, what, 14"), that might be a better workout and I won't be liable to drop the dumbbells on my toes. Any thoughts? Tomorrow I'll do B5, so I'll likely be doing step ups again on the weekend.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I meant to ask last night--I've been using just the back of a treadmill as my step for step ups--it can't be more than 8". If I lower the weights but use a bench (so, what, 14"), that might be a better workout and I won't be liable to drop the dumbbells on my toes. Any thoughts? Tomorrow I'll do B5, so I'll likely be doing step ups again on the weekend.

    I think this would be fine, as long as the bench is stable. You could really injure yourself if it tips on you with weights in your hands.