Starting Nov 1



  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I've just been using a rubbermaid stepstool for my step ups - not sure how high it is tho. High enough for me to feel it for sure :smile:

    I finished B7 this morning. I'm finding the workout A much tougher than the B - anyone else finding that?

    So I finish B8 on Monday and I leave for vacation on THursday - that only leaves Tues and Wed for the 'specials' - should I do one each day or take the day off inbetween and do as much as I can on Wednesday? I've been diligent about only doing cardio on the days between lifting but I'm going to have lots of recovery time while I'm on vacation. So maybe lifting three days in a row wont' hurt?
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I meant to ask last night--I've been using just the back of a treadmill as my step for step ups--it can't be more than 8". If I lower the weights but use a bench (so, what, 14"), that might be a better workout and I won't be liable to drop the dumbbells on my toes. Any thoughts? Tomorrow I'll do B5, so I'll likely be doing step ups again on the weekend.

    I think this would be fine, as long as the bench is stable. You could really injure yourself if it tips on you with weights in your hands.

    It's one of those serious benches that you can lay on and do flies and presses, so I think it'll be fine. We'll see how it goes tomorrow!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I meant to ask last night--I've been using just the back of a treadmill as my step for step ups--it can't be more than 8". If I lower the weights but use a bench (so, what, 14"), that might be a better workout and I won't be liable to drop the dumbbells on my toes. Any thoughts? Tomorrow I'll do B5, so I'll likely be doing step ups again on the weekend.

    I think this would be fine, as long as the bench is stable. You could really injure yourself if it tips on you with weights in your hands.

    It's one of those serious benches that you can lay on and do flies and presses, so I think it'll be fine. We'll see how it goes tomorrow!

    Are you working out at a gym? You can always grab a step from the cardio room. Most of the gym ones can be stacked up to make them as high as you want. But it sounds like the bench you have in mind would work fine also.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    It's the university gym so I have no idea if/where they keep those :)
  • DesireeNL
    DesireeNL Posts: 220 Member
    Here's my experience so far:

    Signed up for a gym, went to check it out and try workout A1. I asked one of the staff to help me with the squats. The guy showed me how to do it, but then didn't let me actually try it. Instead, I got placed in a corner somewhere with a light bar and was told to practice the move. Okay, not necessarily a bad thing, but with nobody watching and correcting you not very useful? He did tell me there would be instructors available at specific times, so I figured it would be best to do my next workout then.

    Then I went on a trip for a few weeks, so I went back to the gym to give A1 another go. This time while an instructor was available. The guy was nice and was surprised that I wanted to try this specific program, since he mentioned that women are often scared of getting bulky. So I showed him the workout and figured we'd be heading to the squat rack. Nope, figured wrong. He put me on the squat machine (where you lay down). So I ask him, when I can do actual squats? He tells me to work with the machine for several weeks first. For the seated rows he showed me another machine (with chest support). I was a bit disappointed with myself for not speaking up, but I assumed the instructor knows his stuff. Right?

    So I go back to do workout B1. No instructor this time. I head into the free weights room. I think I spent about 15 minutes just standing there and looking at the bar lol. But then I just picked it up and did my deadlifts. It felt pretty good :-)

    Today I got in workout A2. I thought to myself, screw the squat machine! I'm going to try the real thing. It was super busy in the free weights room. Some guy was using the squat rack so I had to wait a while. Then asked me if I needed it. I said yeah but it's going to be my first time squatting and I'm not sure if I can lift that bar. That was my fear, toppling over backwards if it turned out to be too heavy! So the guy says, oh come on, you can handle that bar. I said smiling, well, I think so :-) So I set it up at the correct height and did my 15 reps without too much trouble. Turns out it was a 70lb bar so it was quite a bit heavier than I thought it was. (Since the Olympic bars are 50ish?).

    I felt really good walking out of that gym today. I don't know why I doubted myself. It does make a bit angry that apparently these instructors didn't think I could handle it. They didn't even let me try, I might be 5' but I'm not that fragile! I doubt that if a guy had asked these same questions that they would get stuck on machines!

    Now I can't wait to get to that point where I'm piling on the plates on the bar and see the looks on those faces change as I lift them. :devil: lol
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Yes, I do. It used to be hard, but once the reps were lowered I thought to up the weight...

    Black ice? Yugh! Glad you got to run and be safe!
    Yay for you!!
    For the step ups, I too find it hard to hold the dumbbells, so I do them with the 25 lb plates. I find them easier to grip.

    You lift the plates? Wow. I can't even imagine gripping a 25lb plate in each hand. I guess I could hold the 50 pound weight to my chest or something for similar effect. I think your hands are probably much stronger than mine!

    B5 is next for me, either tomorrow or Thursday. I tried to run this morning. It wasn't too cold, but ice was all over--black ice, which you often can't see on top of it. I cut it short rather than fall on my rear or get hit by a car while running in the middle of the road. :wink:
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I completed A6 this morning and will do B6 on Saturday, then next week it is on to A7. I am not sure what I am going to do at this point. I still have not purchased a bar and plates. I am hoping that Santa will bring me one, or I will buy one after Christmas, I just can't justify the expenditure on myself right now. My heaviest dumbbells are 25 lbs each, which I am using for everything except the shoulder press. Any ideas on how to step it up for 7 and 8 without purchasing any new equipment? If I can make it through these next 4 workouts with what I have, I plan to invest in more equipment after Christmas.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    So after a death in the family, a dog attack, sickness from rabies treatment from attack and a move I am finally lifting again! I'm doing stage 1 workout b tonight and am so nervous. I'm still sore from lifting Monday and feel so week from my time off
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Jorean - WHAT!? So sorry to hear about everything. Good for you for getting back into it. You'll do great, and get stronger every time you get in the gym.

    lporter - I don't really know what to tell you. Have a 60lb dog to lift? Haha. The hard thing about doing squats with higher weights is that you really need a rack or something to set up your squat. I guess my only advice is to find really heavy things to lift around the house, find a gym that will do a free week or two trial, or just do the rest with lower weights. Good luck!

    Did A5 last night -
    Squat - 65lbs
    Row - 40 lbs
    Push-up - all at 30 degrees
    Step-ups - Couldn't do all three at 20, so did one set of 20 and 2 of 15lbs
    PJ - BW

    Have a great rest of the week ladies!
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    So I just started this program last night. I used to be in shape... I have no idea what happened. I thought I was going to die. I had to modify some stuff and couldn't do the jacknifes... at all... so I did planks instead. I figured that was better than nothing. My quads are killing me today.

    I still feel incredibly intimidated lifting ... even in the women's area. There are so many women in there who are incredibly buff... its inditimidating! I was going to use the squat rack... but I chickened out so I just used a light 15 lb bar. :/ Maybe next time. I just hate not knowing what I'm doing... maybe I'll YouTube it before the next A workout...
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    So I just started this program last night. I used to be in shape... I have no idea what happened. I thought I was going to die. I had to modify some stuff and couldn't do the jacknifes... at all... so I did planks instead. I figured that was better than nothing. My quads are killing me today.

    I still feel incredibly intimidated lifting ... even in the women's area. There are so many women in there who are incredibly buff... its inditimidating! I was going to use the squat rack... but I chickened out so I just used a light 15 lb bar. :/ Maybe next time. I just hate not knowing what I'm doing... maybe I'll YouTube it before the next A workout...

    All those buff women you're intimidated by had to start somewhere. But congrats on starting and I hope you feel more confident andccomfortable in the gym as time progresses. :-)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    So I just started this program last night. I used to be in shape... I have no idea what happened. I thought I was going to die. I had to modify some stuff and couldn't do the jacknifes... at all... so I did planks instead. I figured that was better than nothing. My quads are killing me today.

    I still feel incredibly intimidated lifting ... even in the women's area. There are so many women in there who are incredibly buff... its inditimidating! I was going to use the squat rack... but I chickened out so I just used a light 15 lb bar. :/ Maybe next time. I just hate not knowing what I'm doing... maybe I'll YouTube it before the next A workout...

    I sometimes do crunches instead of jackknifes, if they're putting too much pressure on my wrist or something. I started squatting with just the 15lb bar, myself--now I use the 45lb olympic bar. Next time I'm adding weight to it. It's not about chickening out, but not overdoing it--add the little 2.5lb weights to either side next time, see how it feels for one set; if it's too light, add another 2.5lbs to either side.

    I only used the book and some youtube vids to get started; after B1 a friend who is a trainer showed my how to properly deadlift so I don't hurt myself, and today I deadlifted 55lbs (I use the little 15lb bar and add weight). I'm only 5' tall, so the big huge bar is a little unwieldy. If I could keep using the little bar for squats I would, but it's too heavy now to jerk over my head.

    B5 today. OMG, three sets of lunges. Brutal, even w/o upping the weight. I'm going to be stiff tomorrow!
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    so the DOMS today is even worse... hopefully after doing B1 tonight I'll feel better... I'm waddling around work... and don't even think about a quick bathroom break...

    My BF didn't want to start lifting... but he said we can start so he'll help me (he's a degree in Ex Phys so you'd think he's be more into lifting...)
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    My bed is on risers and is so high and I was so sore I couldn't get into bed last night. I almost had to sleep on the couch. Lol. I really really really dislike lunges. But otherwise I did good. Hopefully those will get easier
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I'm not nearly as sore now, halfway through stage 1, as I was the first few weeks. I can feel it a bit in my glutes but I don't have to crawl into bed anymore :)
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    It hurt to even roll over in my sleep last night. I kept waking up. I just keep thinking It gets better.... *sigh* I'm so impatient.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I did A8 this morning. I had to get my hubby to lift the squat bar up and off me :laugh: I have a small bar and I only have 17.5 kg in weights for it so that's what I did. I guess I need to get more although without a squat rack I will be limited.

    B8 on Monday! Specials Tuesday and Wednesday and then I'm on vacation! :drinker: can't wait!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    yeahhhh blue!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Patience is key!

    I'm off my schedule this week. I did b5 a few days ago--Wednesday? I think so. No cardio yesterday--crazy day, lots of socializing, and I decided not to log but to enjoy myself within moderation--and I was going to lift today but the snow got here sooner than anticipated. So no lifting probably until Monday, but tomorrow there will be enough shoveling to count as cardio and weights :) Though it'll be light and fluffy, so tiny weights, I guess!
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Sorry been MIA :) Had a death in the family so I have been gone the last 3 weeks plus trying to get back into routine lol WHEW but I didn't gain anything major (like 2lb but I know that's water) so I feel OK with it.

    I started back working out this morning so just did S1 A5 today... kept my weights the same as I did for A4 3 weeks ago just to get back in the groove.

    Hope everyone is doing fantastic :)