Starting Nov 1



  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Here's my experience so far:

    Signed up for a gym, went to check it out and try workout A1. I asked one of the staff to help me with the squats. The guy showed me how to do it, but then didn't let me actually try it. Instead, I got placed in a corner somewhere with a light bar and was told to practice the move. Okay, not necessarily a bad thing, but with nobody watching and correcting you not very useful? He did tell me there would be instructors available at specific times, so I figured it would be best to do my next workout then.

    Then I went on a trip for a few weeks, so I went back to the gym to give A1 another go. This time while an instructor was available. The guy was nice and was surprised that I wanted to try this specific program, since he mentioned that women are often scared of getting bulky. So I showed him the workout and figured we'd be heading to the squat rack. Nope, figured wrong. He put me on the squat machine (where you lay down). So I ask him, when I can do actual squats? He tells me to work with the machine for several weeks first. For the seated rows he showed me another machine (with chest support). I was a bit disappointed with myself for not speaking up, but I assumed the instructor knows his stuff. Right?

    So I go back to do workout B1. No instructor this time. I head into the free weights room. I think I spent about 15 minutes just standing there and looking at the bar lol. But then I just picked it up and did my deadlifts. It felt pretty good :-)

    Today I got in workout A2. I thought to myself, screw the squat machine! I'm going to try the real thing. It was super busy in the free weights room. Some guy was using the squat rack so I had to wait a while. Then asked me if I needed it. I said yeah but it's going to be my first time squatting and I'm not sure if I can lift that bar. That was my fear, toppling over backwards if it turned out to be too heavy! So the guy says, oh come on, you can handle that bar. I said smiling, well, I think so :-) So I set it up at the correct height and did my 15 reps without too much trouble. Turns out it was a 70lb bar so it was quite a bit heavier than I thought it was. (Since the Olympic bars are 50ish?).

    I felt really good walking out of that gym today. I don't know why I doubted myself. It does make a bit angry that apparently these instructors didn't think I could handle it. They didn't even let me try, I might be 5' but I'm not that fragile! I doubt that if a guy had asked these same questions that they would get stuck on machines!

    Now I can't wait to get to that point where I'm piling on the plates on the bar and see the looks on those faces change as I lift them. :devil: lol

    I was gone when you wrote this so I will just say this - tell that instructor take a hike. I am glad you went back and did it on your own with the bar. I think this is why I am so against going to a gym (for me) because I would probably would have smacked the crap if someone tried to blow me off and throw me onto something I don't want lol

    And in about a month I will be buying a power rack to replace my squat rack :bigsmile:
  • DesireeNL
    DesireeNL Posts: 220 Member
    I was gone when you wrote this so I will just say this - tell that instructor take a hike. I am glad you went back and did it on your own with the bar. I think this is why I am so against going to a gym (for me) because I would probably would have smacked the crap if someone tried to blow me off and throw me onto something I don't want lol

    And in about a month I will be buying a power rack to replace my squat rack :bigsmile:

    Thanks! Lol well they do deserve to get smacked! Initially I felt like, okay they know what they're doing and I don't. But they should've let me try it and THEN take it from there.

    When I did workout B2 I did find out that the bar is not 70lb, not even close! I asked someone and he told me it said 70. I looked myself this time and it actually says 700lb, so that's the max load and has got nothing to do with the weight of the bar. So that was a little disappointing lol

    PS: I just saw your previous post and wanted to say that I'm sorry for your loss :-(
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    I was gone when you wrote this so I will just say this - tell that instructor take a hike. I am glad you went back and did it on your own with the bar. I think this is why I am so against going to a gym (for me) because I would probably would have smacked the crap if someone tried to blow me off and throw me onto something I don't want lol

    And in about a month I will be buying a power rack to replace my squat rack :bigsmile:

    Thanks! Lol well they do deserve to get smacked! Initially I felt like, okay they know what they're doing and I don't. But they should've let me try it and THEN take it from there.

    When I did workout B2 I did find out that the bar is not 70lb, not even close! I asked someone and he told me it said 70. I looked myself this time and it actually says 700lb, so that's the max load and has got nothing to do with the weight of the bar. So that was a little disappointing lol

    PS: I just saw your previous post and wanted to say that I'm sorry for your loss :-(

    Thanks :) was a rough 3 weeks lol

    My bar (at home - olympic bar) is only 30lbs... weigh yourself without it and then step back on holding it and get the weight. It will help you know so you can track your progress better :)

    I envy people that go to gyms - me I hate public :laugh: and prefer to look/feel like a total moron in my own space lol Plus I probably would ***** slap someone that was stupid or had attitude :bigsmile:
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    - me I hate public :laugh: and prefer to look/feel like a total moron in my own space lol

    OMG we are SO much alike :drinker:

    I finished B8 this morning! Stage 1 done except for the specials! WHOO HOO! I plan to do those tomorrow and Wednesday and then I'm on vacation! We're going on a cruise where the most strenuous exercise I plan to do is lift a drink to my lips :laugh: That and a fork LOL

    I'm mostly kidding - I'm not one of those who works out on vacation but I've discovered if I don't do at least a little bit of cardio it takes a lot longer for that water weight to come off. So I made a deal with my hubby - I will go to the gym with him on non-port days and do the eliptical for 20-30 mins. That and no elevators! Unless we're completely drunk and it's safer to take the elevator it's going to be all stairs all the time LOL

    We are back on the 28th but I'm not sure if I'm going to start stage 2 on the 30th or wait until Jan 6th. I will see how I feel then.

    Have a great day ladies - three more sleeps to go!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies, just checking in! Did B5 on Saturday, and had to fly through it to make my yoga class, so I didn't up my weights as much as I should have and probably went too quickly to have perfect form - oh well.

    Clam- So sorry for your loss :( Welcome back though.

    Blue - what cruise are you going on? I work in the cruise industry! Good for you for almost finishing, can't wait to be there in the next few weeks!

    Headed to the gym hopefully during lunch today to get workout A6 in. Make it a good one ladies :)
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Morning ladies, just checking in! Did B5 on Saturday, and had to fly through it to make my yoga class, so I didn't up my weights as much as I should have and probably went too quickly to have perfect form - oh well.

    Clam- So sorry for your loss :( Welcome back though.

    Blue - what cruise are you going on? I work in the cruise industry! Good for you for almost finishing, can't wait to be there in the next few weeks!

    Headed to the gym hopefully during lunch today to get workout A6 in. Make it a good one ladies :)

    hahaha we leave on our cruise Feb 23 - SWEET!! we cruise twice a year :) **I will make platinum one day!!!**
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I LOVE :love: cruising. This will be our sixth cruise - 5th on Norweigan and once on Carnival. Unfortunately we only go once a year. Next year might be twice tho as our 25th anniversary is in May - plus I want to get away again at Christmas. Too bad it's so expensive that time of year :cry:

    We're leaving out of Miami on the Norweigan Epic doing the Eastern Caribbean.

    Clam, (typed wrong spells Calm - I'm pretty sure that's not the case jk LOL) where are you going? Feb is a good time to get away!

    Ramalem - who do you work for? I like to support my friends if I can :smile:
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    I LOVE :love: cruising. This will be our sixth cruise - 5th on Norweigan and once on Carnival. Unfortunately we only go once a year. Next year might be twice tho as our 25th anniversary is in May - plus I want to get away again at Christmas. Too bad it's so expensive that time of year :cry:

    We're leaving out of Miami on the Norweigan Epic doing the Eastern Caribbean.

    Clam, (typed wrong spells Calm - I'm pretty sure that's not the case jk LOL) where are you going? Feb is a good time to get away!

    Ramalem - who do you work for? I like to support my friends if I can :smile:

    We should meet up on one sometime! Best. Vacation. Ever!

    We are going to the Virgin Islands and Barbados from San Juan, Puerto Rico :) sooooo excited about this one!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    We should meet up on one sometime! Best. Vacation. Ever!

    Yes we should! That would be awesome!
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    Since starting last week I've been so sore that I didn't make it back to the gym (I know, I'm a terrible person... and yes, I know that working my muscles with help with the DOMS but I could barely go to the bathroom and up the steps at home). But I'm feeling much better now so we're going to give it another go. My question is should I start over with workout A since its been like 5 days... or should I do B now? Or does it really even matter?
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Since starting last week I've been so sore that I didn't make it back to the gym (I know, I'm a terrible person... and yes, I know that working my muscles with help with the DOMS but I could barely go to the bathroom and up the steps at home). But I'm feeling much better now so we're going to give it another go. My question is should I start over with workout A since its been like 5 days... or should I do B now? Or does it really even matter?

    One thing I have learned - don't stop for soreness (unless its joint injury). As you start to warm up the muscles will work themselves out and NOT be as sore after :) You could continue... I just missed 3 weeks and picked up right where I left off :)
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Clam - I work for Holland America (and I have yet to go on a cruise haha)

    Hurricane - I would just move to B1.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Clam - I work for Holland America (and I have yet to go on a cruise haha)

    Hurricane - I would just move to B1.

    That's the old people cruise line :laugh: My boss (in her upper 50's) took one this summer to Alaska and said she was the youngest LOL .. I said - NO THANKS lol

    We go with Carnival every cruise. Never had a bad cruise and there is always lots of drinking to do lol I don't think I have ever been stumbling drunk on one but I like the younger vibrant crowds (makes for excellent deck parties lol).

    You should totally go on one Ram - seriously awesome vacation :)
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Haha yes, Holland does have that perception :) Carnival is definitely more for the "party" type atmosphere.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    A6 for me today. I feel like I'm on a bit of a weight plateau. That is, I'm not strong enough to increase yet and have been lifting in some cases the same amounts for a week or so. Squats are heavier (though today I started to wonder about my form, if I'm going deep enough. Will ask trainer friend tonight), but my row weight is mostly stuck at 60pounds tho I did 70 for my last set today. Push-ups still kill and are done with knees down; step ups limited by what I can consistently hold, and the benches are, I learned, too high for a midget like me to step on. Anyone else have one of these plateaus? I don't want to call it a rut as I'm still generally enjoying it.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Jen - I'm totally with you on the plateau. I am increasing my squats slowly (5lbs) per workout... I think I could possibly do more. I have really been concentrating on form and getting as parallel as I can to the ground. Do you have a mirror you can look at while you're doing it? It really helps me. My row is stuck at 60lbs too, I can't imagine I will EVER get past it. In fact I've had to do one out of the three sets at 45 bc I just can't hack it.

    As far as step ups do you have a freemotion step machine at your gym? I just found ours today, and it allows you to adjust the high and has a pulley system for the weights which made it WAY easier for me to grip. I was able to increase to 17.5 lbs on each side today without a problem.

    Other than that, a lot of mine are stagnant. Shoulder presses I'm stuck at 15, I can do one set at 20, but that's it.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I don't feel like I hit a plateau but I sure feel like a weakling compared to some :laugh:

    It's also really hard to compare because I do some exercises on my functional trainer that others would do with weights. Like the step ups - I set my pulleys at the lowest level and hold the handles so I'm getting a resistance in my legs when I step up. That I can do at 60lbs - there's no way I could hold 60lb dumbells and do that!

    My squat is only 45lbs and I need my hubby's help because I don't have a squat rack. And until I get more weights that's my max deadlift too.

    I say keep doing what you're doing!

    PS my pushups suck too! I managed to do my last 3 sets of 8 from my toes but I bet my butt was high in the sky while I was doing them :laugh: I can get low when I'm on my knees but not on my toes.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Shoulder presses I'm stuck at 15, I can do one set at 20, but that's it.

    I started my shoulder presses with 8lbs and now I'm up to 12 LOL And they kill! I will see how many I can push out when I do my specials - I'm thinking not many :laugh:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    They are tough! But way to go with your step ups, you're a beast ;)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I'm glad I'm not alone! I showed my friend my form and she said I was bending at the waist far too much and that I'd likely only started doing it as the weight got heavier--I wasn't concentrating on form there do much as legs. I am not parallel but she said that's ok. Getting there, I have a much harder time getting out if. Lol. But my smaller year and stronger thighs suggest what's working is working.

    So, in addition to those awesome things, lifting has made shoveling and carrying in groceries way easier. Today I hauled a 25pound bag of rock salt to the car like it's nothing. Hooray!