Starting Nov 1



  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Stage 2 exercise 1A in the bag!

    It took longer than the exercises in stage 1 - I'm not sure if it's the longer rest periods inbetween or just that there's more exercises that need to be repeated for left and right. Probably a combination of all of that :laugh: I start with a 20 min cardio warm up - I might have to cut that back to 15 in order to not be late for work! Exercise B seems to be even longer. I will be trying that on Wednesday.

    As for the exercises themselves? I'm so NOT graceful LOL The great sense of balance I had as a kid has left me - I wobble like crazy on the lunges and the one leg dumbell raise (whatever that's called!) One of the reasons I like to do this at home :smile:

    I'm looking forward to seeing how everyone else likes Stage 2.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I am looking forward to starting stage 2, but I want to review it a little more closely before jumping in and make sure I am prepared. As i have mentioned before, I am working out from home and do not have a ton of equipment. I am going to go back and do some of my P90X videos for strength training this week while I read over the stage 2 stuff again. Then I am either going to buy some cheap equipment this weekend or join a gym.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I am looking forward to starting stage 2, but I want to review it a little more closely before jumping in and make sure I am prepared. As i have mentioned before, I am working out from home and do not have a ton of equipment. I am going to go back and do some of my P90X videos for strength training this week while I read over the stage 2 stuff again. Then I am either going to buy some cheap equipment this weekend or join a gym.

    Workout A (at least) uses pretty much the same things as Stage 1 - the only thing really different was the wood chops. I have a pulley machine so I was able to do it as instructed but I'm not sure what the alternate would be. I know B uses an inclined weight bench but I can't remember the rest off the top of my head.

    I know as I progress I'm going to need heavier dumbells - 12lbs is my highest. That and I only have 17.5 kg weights for my barbell. So I too, have to go get more equipment.

    Good luck to you - I hope you find what works!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I only have sets of 10, 12, 20 and 25 lb dumbbells. I managed through stage 1, but some of the workouts were less than ideal. I want to make sure I am getting the maximum benefit for my effort : )
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    ok did my AMRAP for A today:

    Squats: 45 @ 45lbs
    Pushups: 20 @ 30 degree angle
    Seated Row: 60 @ 30lbs (could have done more, got bored)
    Step Ups: 40 @ 10lb dumb bells
    Jack Knives: 20 (I still SUCK at these)

    Final Stats for Stage 1 Workout A:

    Squat - START: 45lb FINISH: 80lb
    Pushups - Stayed at 30 degree incline for the most part
    Seated Row - START: 30lb FINISH: 60lb
    Step Ups - START: 10lb dumb bells FINISH: 22.5 lb dumb bells
    Jack Knives - Stayed at shins

    Pretty happy with it - interested to see how B goes on Wed!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    ok did my AMRAP for A today:

    Pretty happy with it - interested to see how B goes on Wed!

    Good job - you improved immensely!

    You have pushups and step ups to look forward to in Stage 2 :)
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    ok did my AMRAP for A today:

    Squats: 45 @ 45lbs
    Pushups: 20 @ 30 degree angle
    Seated Row: 60 @ 30lbs (could have done more, got bored)
    Step Ups: 40 @ 10lb dumb bells
    Jack Knives: 20 (I still SUCK at these)

    Final Stats for Stage 1 Workout A:

    Squat - START: 45lb FINISH: 80lb
    Pushups - Stayed at 30 degree incline for the most part
    Seated Row - START: 30lb FINISH: 60lb
    Step Ups - START: 10lb dumb bells FINISH: 22.5 lb dumb bells
    Jack Knives - Stayed at shins

    Pretty happy with it - interested to see how B goes on Wed!

    Wow. You did awesome!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Happy New Year all!!

    I started Stage 2 today...will master the form was a bit awkward lol!!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Workout B - stage 2. WOW! None of the moves in this workout even resemble what we've already done - except for the swiss ball crunch. Lots of lunge type moves (wonderful!) that just prove that I'm not graceful in the slightest LOL I found I really had to concentrate on my form - especially on the steps off and on.

    All in all I liked it - I think! I definitely have to allow more time for this - I ran out of time again this morning. I wasn't late for work but you should have seen me move LOL

    Only 4 of each workout means Stage 2 will be done in no time! If I stay on my current shedule I will be done 4B on Jan 22.

    OH and I had major DOMS in my thighs yeterday from the squats - works totally different muscles when the weight is in front of you. They're still hurting this morning :noway: They should be fine by Friday when I get to hurt them all over again :laugh:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Can't wait to start stage 2 next week :)

    I think I'm going to have to go in the early AM, which is going to be SO hard for me. I went today to try and do AMRAP for B and couldn't even find a free weight. Boo. So I guess I will either try for it Friday when I'm out of town (planning a gym trip) or bag it. Regardless, here are my stats for Stage 1 Workout B:

    Deadlift: START-40 END-75lb
    Dumbell Shoulder Press: START-10lb DB END-20lb DB
    Wide Grip Lat pulldown: START-25lb END 60lb
    Lunge: START-5lbs END 15lbs
    Swiss Ball: START-BW END 15lbs

    Not too bad. Didn't lose any weight, and pants/clothes don't really feel different except for tighter pants fit in my calves and thighs sigh. My eating wasn't great, so it makes sense :)
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Wow. You did awesome!

  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member

    Good job - you improved immensely!

    You have pushups and step ups to look forward to in Stage 2 :)

    Yay... not. :sad:
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member

    Good job - you improved immensely!

    You have pushups and step ups to look forward to in Stage 2 :)

    Yay... not. :sad:

    And lots of lunge variations :laugh:
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I just started training for my first half, so my lifting has taken a back seat. It has been a week and I already miss it.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Did A2 this morning - it's tough! I didn't work today so I was able to take my time and utilize the rest period between exercises.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I have returned from the land of some of the most indulgent eating and drinking I've ever seen--New Orleans. We were there five days. Today restarts the calorie counting, actual cooking, and tomorrow, back to the gym. Seems like you've all started stage two! Nice work!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    New Orleans is so awesome! I'm thankful I wasn't eating healthy both times I was there. Managing your Eating on a cruise is a piece of cake compared to N'awlin's finest :laugh: We used to have late breakfasts and early dinners to try and combat - it's also really tough when you can walk everywhere with a drink in your hands :drinker:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I didn't even try to rein it in but since all wasps so filling, we too often only had two meals a day. So much fun!

    I did stage 2 wkt 1 today. It was ok tho it tweaked my knee doing lunges. Lunges! Damn you.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Yeah, there are certain times you don't even try - New Orleans is one of those times :drinker:

    Lots of lunge type movements in stage 2 - I hate them but I am getting better. I hope it's just a twinge in your knee that will heal itself. I was supposed to do B2 today but I altered my schedule this week - I have to work from home tomorrow so I'm saving it until then. No commute = extra time for exercise :laugh: Stage 2 does take longer to complete - but it will be done before you know it!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I don't know what it would be if it's not a twinge--something big and scary, I suppose, like a tear. It's still twingy today so I didn't run. Hoping to tomorrow.

    Let me know how B2 goes--indeed, even the squats look like lunges. Damn.