Starting Nov 1



  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Rest day.... thank god... my legs are screaming which shows that 3 week break sucked lol at least I know by next week they won't be yelling any more :)

    Everyone doing good today?
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    So, in addition to those awesome things, lifting has made shoveling and carrying in groceries way easier. Today I hauled a 25pound bag of rock salt to the car like it's nothing. Hooray!

    That's a pretty good NSV! Way to go Jen!

    I did my specials this morning as planned - I sucked!! I probably should have waited and done a cardio day instead. There really is a reason to give your body a break! Either that or I'm just a weakling :laugh:

    sqauts 30lb starting weight 18 reps
    pushups 9 full 18 from my knees
    seated rows 40lb start weight 50 reps (so easy!)
    Step ups 30lbs 25 each leg
    jacknifes 25

    I think what I will do is try the specials again when I return from vacation and then start Stage 2 on January 6. That will give me a week and a half break from lifting and then a couple of days to ease back into it.

    Two more sleeps till vacation :drinker:
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Ran this morning before work and planning on doing A7 tonight. Still don't have the weights I need, so I was planning on trying to do my squats with two dumbbells, 25 and 5 lbs each. I would not try it for overhead press or anything like that, but for the squats they are just down by your side, so I think it will be ok. Is this a bad idea? Otherwise, I'll just stick with the 25 lbs again.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies! Did A7 yesterday - upped all my weights whoo hoo. My glutes even hurt today, which is rare for me yay! Maybe the higher weights are working.

    Jen - the thing that helps me with squats is making sure my bum is sticking WAY out (imagine sitting) and then puffing out my chest. Really keeps my head up and in good form. Great NSV!

    Clam - gotta start back up somewhere!

    Blue - I'm really impressed with your rows :) And good work!

    Today is cardio day - tomorrow will be B7 and then it's rest day before going on to A9 Friday. I'm really ready to be done with this stage, just wish I was seeing more visible results (I know I'm stronger though). I think my huge struggle is the eating portion of all this, just can't get a handle on it :)
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Shoulder presses I'm stuck at 15, I can do one set at 20, but that's it.

    I started my shoulder presses with 8lbs and now I'm up to 12 LOL And they kill! I will see how many I can push out when I do my specials - I'm thinking not many :laugh:

    Oh these kill me. I can do 10 pounds in each hand no problem, but the next weight up is 15 and I'm dying, panting and praying to do like 4. Haha.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member

    So I have to ask-what does NSV stand for? I keep trying to figure it out and know it has to do with success (n small victory?)

    I was going to run today but it was 10 degrees when I got up. Hahahaha. But in an hour or so I'll get to shovel again. Winter cardio!

    I need to stick my butt out more and keep my upper body upright in squats, which might knock my weight back a bit but that's ok. I'm totally feeling yesterday's lift in my right bicep today, left somewhat less. I can only do 12lb shoulder presses too, btw.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    NSV = non scale victory

    the only kind I seem to be having these days :laugh:

    10 degrees is pretty chilly! I don't mind the cold for running (prefer it in fact - I like it around freezing) but I will not run in the snow. Too many folks around here don't bother to shovel so it can get pretty slippery. During the winter I roll out of bed and hop on the treadmill instead :laugh: Hubby does the shoveling.

    My hubby says I lean forward in my squats too. I try to stick my butt out (it's certainly big enough LOL) but I'm not sure I actually get there.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I got a nice shovel in, so I'm claiming that as today's workout.

    Non scale victory! That's awesome.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Good job with all the lifting ladies!! We rockkkkk!!!
    Cheers!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Today - S1 B5...

    Deadlift - 3 sets 10/120# (BOOM!)
    Dumbbell Overhead Press - 3 Sets 10/20lb (each)
    Dumbbell Pullover - 3 sets 10/10lb & 2@ 10/12.5lb (each)
    Lunges (Bane of my existence) - 3 sets 2@ 10/5lb (each) and 5/5lb (legs gave out)
    Swiss Ball crunch - 3sets @ 12

    Legs are still screaming :laugh:
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Finished A7 yesterday and I have to say it was hard! But I have noticed a definite tightening up in my butt. I had done quite a bit of P90X prior to starting this, but mostly upper body workouts because I figured I got my lower body workout from running and yoga. Really speaks to how much weight lifting does for you.

    What changes have you all noticed the most since starting the program? What was your exercise routine prior to starting?
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Finished A7 yesterday and I have to say it was hard! But I have noticed a definite tightening up in my butt. I had done quite a bit of P90X prior to starting this, but mostly upper body workouts because I figured I got my lower body workout from running and yoga. Really speaks to how much weight lifting does for you.

    What changes have you all noticed the most since starting the program? What was your exercise routine prior to starting?

    My exercise routine before... consisted of me lifting the remote to the TV while I sat in my recliner :laugh: the biggest changes for me are the amounts I can lift now :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    What changes have you all noticed the most since starting the program? What was your exercise routine prior to starting?

    I did mostly cardio with a few lunges, squats, pushups added in. I also did the 30 Day Shred which I really liked. I've also done kettlebell but thru the summer I mostly ran - worked my way up to 5k - it takes me close to 40 min but at least I can say I did it LOL

    I've started noticing a bit more definition to my waist - it looks like I have one now. For awhile there it was like I was straight from my boobs to my hips. There's now a little curve above my waist. And the weirdest thing is I think my fat has shifted - my pants were too tight yesterday! I almost couldn't do them up! I'm hoping that's a sign that whoosh will follow shortly LOL
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I think the change I see is mostly is the amount I can lift - although I noticed yesterday that there is now a gap in my bra on the sides... not sure what that's about? My pants around my thigh area are actually getting tighter, which is something I always seem to experience when I weight lift, which is why I haven't stuck with it in the past - who wants bigger feeling legs?

    I think the BIGGEST change for me is in my mood. I got off BC in October and working out seems to be the only thing that is stabilizing my mood lately :)
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I had a PR in squats last night! I'm still weak, but 10 extra pounds is still cause for celebration!

    Also when I went to the gym last night there was only a single man in the weights section.... the rest were women. Six of us total. All the other women seemed so confident and strong going about their work outs and owning the free weights section... it was just really empowering.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I thought I was doing b7 today but it was only b6. My colleague was there going on about how impressive that it was that I lift :) he's a nice guy, but I guess easily impressed, lol! Dead lifted higher, but everything else stayed the same. I sure hope Santa brings me some lifting gloves next week, as the grip is tougher than the lift while dead lifting at this point!

    Going to finish holiday cards today and enjoy being on break!
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    S1 A6 this morning :) my legs hurt too bad to up the squats but next week should do a good bump :)

    Barbell Squat 3@ 10/50lb

    Barbell Bentover Row 3@ 10/70lb

    Push Up - Regular 3@ 10 (low dip)

    Step Up 3@ 10/20lb (each)

    Prone Jackknife 3@ 12
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Got a short run in today and it felt really good, a huge improvement over my last one. I feel like all the lifting has improved my core while running--I felt like I wasn't nearly as hunched as I've been in the past. Course today was a balmy 45, so that might have something to do with it.

    Family stuff tomorrow and the gym opens late, so no lift for me. Santa came early with some weightlifting gloves for me, though! :)
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Mi biggest change has been more power, I think. I can lift more, and every week I up my weight, even if by as little as 5 lbs!

    Tomorrow I get one last lift in, at least at my gym...then am off for the holidays, and will have to go to the gym at the hotel where I will be staying. It is squat, push up et al day, and I just cannot wait!!!!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Today I had what's unqualifyingly my firsthand lift. I've had my period the last several days, along with a delightful headache from behind my right eye, into my temple, through my neck and into my shoulder. Yesterday it finally ended, but after about 21 painless hours came back with a vengeance midway through my first set of forward rows. Blinding. I tried to press on but had to bail halfway through set 2. Oh well. If only I'd gone for a run this morning instead! I might try it again tomorrow, as otherwise I end up with a solid week between sessions.