Starting Nov 1



  • kerbyd13
    kerbyd13 Posts: 46 Member
    Question for you all, do you guys eat back your calories when using the fat loss amount or does it depend on how hungry you are for the day?
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Question for you all, do you guys eat back your calories when using the fat loss amount or does it depend on how hungry you are for the day?

    I try to manage mine on a weekly level. Weekdays I'm really good but I'm a boredom eater on weekends. So I kind of save them up.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I don't eat at the fat loss numbers because my goal is to build muscle. As a rule I eat the workout calls on workout days and resting day calls otherwise; that number falls in between MFP's #s for me to lose and maintain. Yesterday I ate all the calories. Oops.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Did workout B2 this morning - WOWZA!! My entire body was shaking when I was done!

    This one is so long - I think I'm going to move the ab work to the non lifting days. That way I don't have to rush the rest of it to get it all in.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am contemplating starting stage 2 today - but with all the new years people my gym is packed and I have to wait FOREVER for equipment. I'm also worried that workouts will be too long for me to get through in a timely manner. I'm going to look back through the workouts and decide if I want to start or just do cardio for awhile. I started WW and the annoying part is that I am SO hungry when I lift but I don't get hardly any points back for lifting - so I get really hungry and cranky. Adding cardio is great, but it just takes up so much time. Ohhhhhh the tough choices we face :) Jen - sorry to hear about the tweak! I did something to my shoulder when I skipped forward to stage 6 and it took awhile to heal :(
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I have only 50 min in the morning to get my workouts in - I think I tend to push the time between exercises as a result. Especially if it's just switching legs - I usually don't wait the full time in between. Like I said above, I think I'm going to move the ab exercises to my non lifting days. I don't thing that's going to make a whole lot of difference in the long run.

    Ramalem you should at least add 150 cals to your workout days. Especially if you find that your hungry!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Yeah, I just won't feel super bad about going over a point or two on lifting days I don't think. I need to really watch my eating this go around - stage 1 I didn't eat very well or pay attention and I gained weight and my pants are pretty tight boo.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I was going to run today but it was raining, just the excuse I needed not to go. I need to get my act together.

    Knee feels much better today--only a bit of twinging. Going to try 2B tomorrow.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Jen, how did your 2B go? I did A3 this morning.

    Man, that front squat shoulder press is HARD!! A2 I was only able to do 2 reps of 8 - at least I was able to do 2 10s this morning. I haven't upped my weight on these at all! I started at 10kg (plus whatever my bar weighs - it's small so I'm thinking mabye 10lbs?) Maybe I'll be able to up it by the time I get to stage 4 when it comes around again :laugh:

    Everything else is progressing nicely! Weight has increased on all the exercises so that's good. My weight tho is another story entirely:sad: Somehow I'm back up above my mid-December pre-vacation weight! My vacation weight went away after about a week or so - I don't know what's going on!! According to my fitbit I'm eating pretty much at maintenance - although that only takes into account burns from my HRM - isn't lifting supposed to give you bigger burns? The kind you cant' count? I will try not to let it get me down and continue to plug away!

    B3 tomorrow!!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    This place has been a ghost town lately! Where'd everyone go? I've started posting on the main chat thread b/c it's been so quiet.

    B2 went pretty well, but it was exhausting. And long. Did you find it long? My whole body hurts today :) well, mostly my back muscles, my glutes, my calves, and my quads. lol. I liked the deadlift on the box, even though it was a little awkward to get the barbell up and down over the step; I liked the squats and lunges ok. The Cuban snatches are something else, though. HOly cow. I thought, how hard will this be? I grabbed 10 lb weights, which I had used for the lunges, thought it'd be no problem. OMG. So glad there are only ten reps. And the intervals after! The guy who wrote this book is a sadist :) I did some very not-pushing-it intervals.

    How'd it go for you?

    Sorry about your weight creeping up, but perhaps it's the muscle? I haven't been on a scale in weeks. My vacation eating was mostly salt and butter and cocktails so I'd rather not find out. Also, it's my TOM, so what'd be the point, anyway? I'm going out tonight so I expect I'll be over for the day. Sometimes I just don't feel like caring. But I feel stronger and I noticed today that my calves were smaller (busted out the measuring tape to be sure), so that's something. Everything else feels about the same.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I've decided I really dislike workout B!! I'm not sure what it is but I don't like it LOL

    I'm not having too much trouble with the deadlift but then I think my weights might be too low. I'm just so worried about hurting myself, I'm erring on the side of caution.

    Those Cuban snatches are awk-ward!! I started with 5lbs and did workout 2 with 8lbs - not sure I want to go up to 10 yet. Save that one for workout 4:smile: I just find getting in and out of that position to be the most difficult part of this program :laugh: (that and the prone jacknife LOL)

    I don't have any issues with the intervals as I've always done that as a warmup - I just have to do a shorter warmup because I find I'm running out of time!

    I sure hope it's muscle that's causing this darn gain - although it is TOM for me too this weekend. I'm pretty sure it's not water as I already drink 10-14 glasses a day! I might grow gills if I drink anymore water :laugh:

    Have fun tonight - my night out is tomorrow. Dinner and a concert! At least I'll be able to burn some calories at the concert :smile:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Who are you seeing?

    I don't love workout B either. I'm not sure how I feel about Stage 2 in general, but I remember feeling overwhelmed a bit by stage 1, too, so perhaps it's par for the course.

    How much are you deadlifting? I started with 45, then did 55. I finished stage 1 at 70 or 75. I'm not seeking to compare, just curious :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    the band is Canadian - best band ever! They're called Blue Rodeo. I've been a fan of their's for nearly 30 years!

    Don't laugh when I tell you my deadlift weight :laugh: - 10kg plus the bar (I really do need to weigh that dang bar so I know for sure!). I think I'm going to add 5kg on the weekend - that should put it at close to 40lbs. I'm such a weakling LOL I was able to DL 17.5kb at the end of Stage 1. I probably could have gone higher but that's all the weights I have. I definitely have to pick up more - not that I'll need that much more. I'm just so scared of hurting my back - I really concentrate on form and I haven't had any issues so far (fingers are crossed it stays that way!)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I'm not going to laugh! I don't blame you for worrying about your back; I may pay eventually for being so cavalier about it! I add slowly--5-10 lbs once something feels comfortable.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    I might just start posting in here. The daily thread is too random for me and I get the feeling some people don`t want you to actually talk about workouts - fair enough.

    I started a few weeks (and a long break at Christmas) after everyone so I still have 6 workouts to go before stage 2. I am super scared about the deadlift on the box. I am not 100% sure I am lifting right as is (have had a PT that was training others correct me and say she didn`t want to see `that terrible form`again) so I`m not adding weight as I would like. Today my back is sore, I think muscle sore but not 100%. I want to bring a friend to the gym to video my lift to see how it is, when I proactice at home after looking at video after video it seems good, but that is with a broom stick :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Welcome Terrie! Our numbers seemed to have dropped in here from the start. Only a few of us are still at it.

    I think stage 1 is longer so you can work on getting your form down. I work out at home so I don't have anyone to critique my form. Although I'm keeping the starting weights on the low side, I'm not feeling anything other than DOMS. I'm hoping that means I'm doing them correctly.

    I don't find the DL from the box too bad - maybe because my weights are lower.

    Keep us posted on your progress!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Don't worry too much about deadlift on the box right now--I lowered my weights to do it, to nail form down. No one critiques me, either, unless I ask. my friend who's a PT showed me proper deadlifting in stage 1, so now I'm just carrying that to stage 2. Once you know it, it's not hard. My muscles in my back would ache from time to time doing the deadlifts in stage 1 but only felt like I'd hurt something the first time; after that, it was just muscles that were tired.

    Overdid it last night--I forgot winter beer has far more calories than, say, lighter summer beers. Had two pints that were in fact 20 oz each. So, nearly 700 calories in beer alone. Egads. :noway: Good thing I had a short run yesterday. Going to take a walk today and cut back about 200 calls to make up half of yesterday's overage.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Good Morning Everyone. I am still hanging around, but haven't been posting much because I took a break from NROLFW between stages 1 and 2 because I was needing to get more equipment. I decided to go back and do some of my P90X videos and see how things compared after stage one of this program. I am not sure exactly what I was expecting, like I would suddenly be some superwoman how could stroll right through every move with ease, but I was kind of disappointed to see that I was really no better off than before. *shrugs* Oh well, I will keep trudging on.

    So I did decide to try workout A from stage 2 last night, just with my dumbbells. It went pretty well, but I did not use much weight. Really not sure about those wood chops though. I can't decide if I am even doing them right. Still hoping to pick up a barbell and additional weights this weekend.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I was wondering the same thing with the wood chops, and I had the cable thing to work with. They're kind of fun, and I guess working abs and things?
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I have a cable thingy for the wood chops - maybe it's because they're at the end but I really feel it in my arms!