Starting Nov 1



  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    I keep looking ahead at Stage 2, and was wondering about the Dumbell One Point Rows. Does it only mean that you are doing 5 total one leg and 5 total the next leg and calling it a rep?

    I'm dreading the next workout, 1A, really, really, REALLY hate step-ups and sad to see them contine next stage :( The woodchops look fun though.

    I did also ask a friend if maybe this week she can go to the gym at the same time and video my DL, see how it is going. Back a little sore, but not painful, feels the same as my shoulders.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    i think it's five one leg, five the other for a set. I had no balance doing it--hilarious to see, I imagine!

    good luck with that dl form!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I've been doing 10 each leg :noway: although I'm a little wobbly I don't find them too bad. Last exercise was 10 lbs I think.

    I'll try to remember to post all my weights. I'm doing b3 this morning.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to lifting - just did my stage 1 b2 workout last night, really love the structured workouts. I was major sore after the first A workout but haven't really been sore since. A little bit from lady nights first thing thus morning but now not do much. I will try to increase my weights next workout. Looking forward to continuing the program!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    2B, round 2 today. The squat and press continues to be a real challenge. I upped the weight to a whopping 30lbs and couldn't finish my last rep. I got halfway up annnnnd that was it.

    You might be doing it right, blueberry, and we're doing it wrong, but I actually found it easier to do a) without the mirror and b) with heavier weight. I did 15, then 20 today and found the weight gave me more stability. Weird.

    I also figured out that I did the wood chop wrong--I didn't adjust the cable thing so I was pulling down--waaaaay easier than pulling across. Oof.

    Overall it went well, better than 2b1, but I was beat when I finished. Ate a yogurt in the car and went grocery shopping :)

    ETA--welcome, JChrisman. I was really sore after b2, but I'm hoping I won't ache so much tomorrow. We shall see.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I do 10 on one leg afore switching to the other. I do them quite slowly too...makes the form better and improves the balance...
    I've been doing 10 each leg :noway: although I'm a little wobbly I don't find them too bad. Last exercise was 10 lbs I think.

    I'll try to remember to post all my weights. I'm doing b3 this morning.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I still do not "feel" Stage 2. Tomorrow is week 2, and am still waiting for that "fun" moment!

    I decided to watch a few videos and discovered I was doing the Cuban Snatches all wrong. They had felt awkward, and painful. But I realized I was hyper extending, while it is just a small shoulder movement.

    The Squat/DL racks seem to always be occupied these days...but I decided to do the Squat/Front Press using the E-Z Curl bar (30 lbs.). This way I get to master the form, while also building up to when I will lift the 45 lb. Olympic Squat bar...whew!!

    Workout B seems to take forever! I do not do the 15-minute interval training at the end...I think all the cardio I do on the non-lifting days is more than ample :)

    For the abs, I am modifying with doing those from P90X Ab Ripper X

    I think the exercise that I am enjoying so far is the deadlift from the step. Again, I am using an E-Z curl bar, but this week I aim to start on the Oly bar...

    Happy lifting, ladies!! :flowerforyou:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I love the 15lb ez curl bar. The Oly bar is so long I have a hard time keeping it balanced. I deadlifted all the way through stage 1 with the ez curl, since I don't need the rack--I just popped it onto the floor.

    I don't find it super fun, either, bepeejaye. I found round two yesterday to be better, but still. I was thinking of skipping the intervals on the next B round as well since I've gotten back into my running habit.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Getting close, 1 B6 tomorrow. Realized after googlig What the difference between squat rack and smith machine was, on the plus, I could do te same weight when I did squats off te actual rack. Woo hoo.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Finished Stage 2 A4 this morning! One more workout left and it's on to Stage 3 which I think I will start Feb 3!! 4 of each workout seems so short!

    I dont' have my stats in front of me but I do know I progressed on everything but the squat press. I'm still at 10kg on my little bar. I had 15kg on it from my DL in workout B - the squat was OK but there was no way it was going any higher than the starting point :laugh: I had to take those 5kg off. To start stage 4 I will add the 1.25kg weights and start there. I think 5kg was just too industrious LOL

    Have a great week ladies - lift heavy :drinker:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I got a 3.29mi run in yesterday and it went fairly well--good, considering how long it's been since I've run regularly. The last one was only a couple of miles, too, earlier this week. I'm hoping to get back in a routine.

    Today's an off day, which feels weird. Lunch with a student in an hour, then an hourlong massage followed by a chiro appointment. These aren't as much fun as they sound--I have some serious TMJ they're working on. It's better now, thanks to them, but these appointments aren't a hoot.

    I've never used a smith machine--I see it at the gym but never bothered. I like the free weights.

    2B2 tomorrow.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Been MIA due to the stomach flu last week - oy was that not fun. On the upside, I lost 2lbs since I didn't really eat for 5 days! :drinker: Anyway, I did Stage 2 A1 last Monday, and man - was I exhausted after! Those squat presses are NO joke, I struggled with a 30lb bar (after trying it with an oly bar and failing hahaha).

    I am going to do B1 tomorrow and try and get in A2/B2 this week as well. I seem to have something going on everyday after work, so looks like I'll need to get a few AM workouts in and some runs at lunch if the weather stays clear. I'm nervous about the deadlift on a box - hoping I can find a place where no one can see me do those.

    @Blue - you just blew through this stage! Good work :)

    @Beepee - so far I really enjoy stage 2 - but we'll see if I'm saying that after B!

    @Jen - TMJ is no fun - good luck!

    Happy lifting ladies!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I enjoyed A much better than B - not sure what it is. Must be all those lunges in B! Although I do like the DL from the box better than the regular one. I concentrate on my form more when the bar is lower than my feet. I think it forces me to use my legs instead of my back.

    B is so long! All that extra ab work at the end is killer. I do a bit of intervals before each workout anyway so that part doesn't bother me. I've started getting up 10 min earlier to make sure I get it all in.

    I was peeking at stage 3 - I thought stage 2 was scary? We ain't seen nothin' yet :noway:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I'm going to do B this morning. I think I'll skip the intervals. By the time I finally get to them, I'm just kinda feeling like the hell with that.

    The massage yesterday was super nice, as it turns out, but then near the end I was saying how tender my glutes were and she started poking around and said, "I think your sacrum is out of alignment. Mention it to Jenn (chiro)." She did before I even could, and then the chiro--in addition to beating the hell out of my jaw--adjusted my sacrum. So that's a little tender this morning. I immediately felt generally looser and it might explain the sore hip joints I sometimes have when I run, but this morning the whole area was a bit pinchy and now a bit tender. I woke up on occasion when my right side would stiffen up, the side where the adjustment occurred. Probably I should have iced it, but she didn't mention it (my old chiro would go on and on about it).

    So that was something.

    Sorry you had the stomach flu, ramalem! that stuff spreads like crazy at work (dorms=petri dishes).
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    How did your B go Jen?

    My last B of stage 2 will be Thursday I think. We met with a personal trainer who is the wife of a work colleague last night - I had her critique my form on squats and deadlifts. She said I had it down pretty good. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: She did give me a few pointers but nothing major.

    My hubby is looking for a program to do now while I'm looking for something to do after I'm done NR in the late spring. I'm going to be sending her the list of exercises from each stage so she can see what I've been working on. This should be interesting.

    I finally had a scale victory of sorts this morning :laugh: I'm now down a couple of pounds from my pre-cruise weight although not quite low enough to adjust my ticker yet - that's my lowest of the low. Hopefully I will be making that adjustment real soon!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Hey, good for you, blueberry!! All around good news.

    My workout was pretty not great. I posted about it in the daily chat thread. I think I may swap my DL on box for DLs with more weight--I fear I'm using my back too much. I had a chiropractic adjustment yesterday that made my glute a bit pinchy--turned into a full-on hamstring pain. My knee was twinging again. Somehow I hurt my tricep doing the prone cobra. No idea how--when I got out of the position it just seized and hurt like hell. I stretched it a bunch and now it's ok, and I took some advil for the back achiness/hamstring from chiro. Still feeling ok and I took that around 10 am. Oh well. I think I'll take some extra days off, and maybe not run, either. Frickin' knee.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I hear ya on the aches and pains! I bashed my elbow unloading groceries a few months ago and it's really weird the exercises that affect it. The ones you think would hurt don't and the ones you think are easy hurt like crazy. Getting old sucks lol
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Heavier DL was my backup plan or the box. Still feeling a bit in flutes butoatly back, still thinking my back muscles ate that weak because it feels like a 'good' pain.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Sorry for your pain, Sleepyjen. I hope you are better soon!

    I find that the DL using the E-Z Curl Bar on the step is teaching how to use my hips more (push through the heels and "pinch" the erm....bottom), rather than my back. I still am sore ( the good kind) from Mondays S2 WB right in the glutes!

    Got my high from TRX, Core and Zumba classes yester...and now am so sore!! Wohoo!! Today is S2 WA
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I think I might swap to doing regular DLs--my back is definitely a little achy today. Should it be? I don't know. It feels DOM achy, but I do suspect that's largely b/c I'm overusing it, pulling up and down on the box.

    Getting old is a marvel, isn't it. :P

    Bepeejaye, you're a wonder with the multiple classes in one day. Good lord! You have way more energy than I do. Good on you.