Starting Nov 1



  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Not again until Stage 4 - you get a bit of a reprieve :smile:

    My legs feel better today - I don't think I've ever felt DOMS like that before! Even when Jilian was kicking my butt in the 30 DS.

    I'm heading out of town for the weekend tomorrow so I'm going to try to get some cardio in before I go - at least it's not going to be a drinking weekend but I'm sure there will be lots of meals out.

    Stage 3 startes Monday (or Tuesday - depends on how I feel after the weekend :drinker: )
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Stage 3.. WTG, I feel so far behind now :)

    Dreading not doing anything again tonight, hard to stay awake and not binge when I can't get to the gym,
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I share your feeling about the split squat, ramalem. Brutal! I miss regular squats.

    Tomorrow I'm supposed to do workout B3. So split squats for me.

    I find brushing my teeth keeps me from evening snacking, Terrie--perhaps it'll work for you :) I didn't go to the gym today--today's been a zoo--and am getting take out for dinner. And I"m ok with that, even if I'm over. It happens.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Before I could get to the gym today, my knee started hurting again. All I was doing was walking across the floor. Must have moved weird or something. It got worse all afternoon to the point that stepping over a curb made it twinge. I didn't lift--used the elliptical--and even felt it twinge once doing this. I popped by the office of the trainer who works with student sports and she said to get it checked out--could be a torn meniscus, done during a lifting session. Awesome. I have a dr appointment on Friday.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Aw, Jen, that must feel awful...will you go to the doctor?
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Awww blue! Dancing always makes me sore :) Get better!!!

    Guys, seriously workout B just blows. Those bulgarian split squats just kill me... sigh. PLEASE tell me those don't resurface in stage 3?

    I agree about workout B. I hate the Cuban snatches the most!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Before I could get to the gym today, my knee started hurting again. All I was doing was walking across the floor. Must have moved weird or something. It got worse all afternoon to the point that stepping over a curb made it twinge. I didn't lift--used the elliptical--and even felt it twinge once doing this. I popped by the office of the trainer who works with student sports and she said to get it checked out--could be a torn meniscus, done during a lifting session. Awesome. I have a dr appointment on Friday.

    Aww crap, that stinks. Hope it's nothing serious...and it feels better soon!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I go tomorrow morning to an APRN who is a sports medicine specialist. It was feeling better today but then tweaked when I climbed some stairs. Oh well.

    I feel like I've done a lot of griping on this thread lately. Sorry about that! I'm not a negative person by nature. I do hate feeling broken, though, and tend to go on and on about it :)
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Jen! That seriously sucks. I had a slightly torn meniscus in HS, and luckily it didn't require surgery, just some rehab. Don't feel bad about complaining, that's what these threads are for, support! I hope you get good news :)

    Headed to do A3 today at lunch, then hoping to get a quick snowshoe in tomorrow AM with the pup. We have gotten ZERO snow here (I'm in Seattle) usually our Mt's are fully operational by end of Nov...

    Have a great day ladies!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Thanks, ramalem! I am hoping that if it's torn it's only a bit, and that I haven't' worsened it with my assumption it's been fixed/rehurting it. I also hope they don't send me for an MRI. We have a high-deductible plan so if we can do this old-school, I hope to do it old-school! lol.

    We're supposed to cross 40* over the weekend. Sweet, sweet warmth!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I hope all goes well, Jen!
    Well. we are hitting the lower 70s today!!! :tongue:
    Thanks, ramalem! I am hoping that if it's torn it's only a bit, and that I haven't' worsened it with my assumption it's been fixed/rehurting it. I also hope they don't send me for an MRI. We have a high-deductible plan so if we can do this old-school, I hope to do it old-school! lol.

    We're supposed to cross 40* over the weekend. Sweet, sweet warmth!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    70s! Lucky you!!

    I just got back from the doctor, and it's nothing serious, thank god--I have very loose kneecaps, and the left one has slid a bit and is chafing the cartilage. I have to strengthen part of my quad to scootch it back over. the right has twinged from time to time, so i'll probably do the exercises for it, too. out of commission re: running and serious weights for a month, but that's infinitely better than needing a scope and scrape of my meniscus.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Glad too hear it isn't as serious as expected sleepyjen.
    Back at it yesterday after a week off. Felt good.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    @Jen - so happy it's not something more serious!

    Only did 2 lifts last week - promising myself I will get 3 in this week and finish off this stage. Workout B3 today (have I mentioned how much I HATE B?) Anyhow - hoping to finish off stage 2 then take next week off lifting and then on to stage 3! Have a great week ladies!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I'm baaaack! And ready to start Stage 3! Well maybe not ready but I'll do it anyway :wink: Glad to see you're all still at it!

    The PT that we hired to create a program for us is coming over tonight to analyze my form :noway: This should be interesting - I havent' done an evening workout in years! She put my hubby through the paces while I was gone and left him a hurting puppy LOL! (He thought because he did so much cardio he was fit - boy was he wrong :laugh: ) So we're going to work through all the exercises in workout A of stage 3 to ensure I'm doing them correctly. So stage 3 is starting right on schedule! I should be done by Feb 21 if I stick to my plan. I like these short stages :smile:

    I envy you with the nice weather! It's supposed to hit a high of -14c here today. That's close to zero for those on the F scale. I was in Vancouver last week (just north of ramalem :drinker: ) and it hovered just above freezing for the days I was there. Heck, if I lived there I would run outside everyday - there was no snow at all so no icy sidewalks to worry about. Unlike here - I may not see any outside runs until April :sad:
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Congrats on making it to stage 3!! You will have to keep us posted on how it goes. I am doing my final workout of stage 2 tomorrow, then on to stage 3 for me too.

    I hear you about running outside and the weather. It has been a challenge this winter, to say the least. I have managed to get most of my runs done outside, but I sure did have to alter my usual plans to avoid ice and snow as much as possible. This past Sat was 40 F here so my running buddy and I went to the bike path without even thinking about it. It was still covered in ice in many spots, so we had to go back to the streets. It was a total bummer for our 10 mile run :mad:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    love the profile photo, lporter. It about sums it up. And it's snowing here now, will snow again tomorrow, and Wednesday, and Saturday. Wheeeee!
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Worst workout I've had, not a nice way to end stage 1.
    Could only do 3 deadlifts by the 3rd rep. My left hand just gave out, even tried a band for grip but couldn't keep the bar in my hand. Maybe a downfall to switching stepup and lunges to a barbell, no grip strength.aube will try over/under grip when I move on :(

    On a plus, spent wayyyy too much on a pair of wedding shoes (I'm not a shoe person either).
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    love the profile photo, lporter. It about sums it up. And it's snowing here now, will snow again tomorrow, and Wednesday, and Saturday. Wheeeee!

    Thanks! I stole it from a newsletter sent out by a local running group. It made me smile. Unfortunately, we are looking at another 6-8'" here too. Will it never end??
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    On a plus, spent wayyyy too much on a pair of wedding shoes (I'm not a shoe person either).

    Is it for your wedding Terrie? As long as they're comfortable on that day you can never spend too much :smile: Your feet will thank you!