Starting Nov 1



  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Stage 3 Workout A done! And I was pretty much dead afterwards. It is HARD!! And loooong! And who's dumb idea was it to do 3 - 90 sec planks near the end of the workout???? That person should be shot! And then the BW Matrix??? TWICE?? Are you kidding me?? Ladies, if I were you I'd run - fast and far away LOL Even my PT who was working with me last night thought it was a brutally hard workout. It took me over an hour to complete including a 15 min warmup on the treadmill. Thankfully it's only 3 sets of 6 otherwise I wouldn't be standing this morning.

    I don't have the workouts in front of me but I do remember a lot of squats in this one. And they're deadly! One is a dumbell squat with a press. The other is two weights - lighter above your head and heavier by your knees - sounds easy enough? NOT - it's a killer! The seated shoulder press was pretty straightforward. The bent over row was different - hard to find good form in that one. Can't even remember what else there was. I wasn't able to do 90 sec planks - I think because I did it after work and I had food in my system when I was in the plank position I really felt like puking. no more evening workouts for me!

    And after all that fun came the body weight matrix! 24 squats, 24 lunges, 24 jump lunges and 24 jump squats - as fast as you can! It took me six minutes! Then you're supposed to wait that long and do it again! There was no way I was able to do them again - I was already on the floor begging for mercy!

    Can't wait for workout B :noway:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I'm thinking about switching to New Rules for Life--designed for people who are older than I, but mindful of prior injuries, etc. I don't know. My physical therapy appt tomorrow will likely be canceled, as they're calling for 6-10 inches of new snow here :O
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    @Blue... uhhhh not excited.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Don't leave us sleepyjen :)

    The shoes are for my wedding, slowly getting there. My dress came in so I try it on Thursday and see if I have had an NROL4W progress. My pants are a little tighter lately so I am a tad worried about the hips in the dress. I bought the same size as the sample that fit me perfectly (minus needing hemming for me being short).
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    When is your wedding Terrie? I found my pants to be a little snug too - just now they're starting to feel a bit better. It could also be water retention on those muscles you forgot you had :smile:

    Jen - 6-10 inches - that's nasty! I have to say, tho, pretty normal for my neck of the woods :cry: I've heard about the New Rules for Life - I'm kind of intrigued. One of the reasons for hiring the PT was so that she could come up with something for me once this is all done. Maybe that's what I should be looking at.

    Ramalem - come on LOL Where's your sense of adventure :laugh: I'm hoping the old adage "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is true in this case because I thought I was going to die LOL
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    @Jen - totally understand you switching, but nooooo don't go! And sucky about the snow. Seattle is even supposed to get some over the weekend... you know it has to be bad everywhere else if it snows here haha.

    @Terrie - yay for weddings. So exciting. I had to get my dress let out in the hips lol. I'm sure you'll be fine. My pants are also tighter, not too thrilled about that!

    @Blue - my sense of adventure has never once included squats soo... :laugh: but, I will definitely keep it up. This is the farthest I've made it with any workout plan, so I am gonna stick with it no matter what.

    Did B3 yesterday - those stupid bulgarian split squats kill me EVERYTIME. I haven't really been able to move up in weight much which is sad, perhaps because I've been averaging only 2 workouts per week? Who knows. Anyway, on to A4 tomorrow and B4 on Fri or Saturday.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    @blueberry - August 9, tons of time!

    We are heading to Vegas for a friend's wedding in April so hoping to look good in a bikini by then. Hard to think of warmth when it is -23C outside and a wind making it -30s.

    @ramalem - this is the longest I have stuck to a program too. I think I got 4 days into 30DS and got bored, maybe it is the absolute hating of any form of cardio.

    Doing the "extra" workout tomorrow, thinking I may just combine A and B into one, since I have increased quite a bit and feel that I may just get bored.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Terrie - I hadn't noticed before but we're practically neighbours! The -23 gave it away :wink:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I won't go! I'll just post with you guys while doing a different program if I do swap.

    Snow estimates are all over the map for tomorrow. weather underground says 9-15; the local weather is cutting our neck of the woods to 3-6. So the answer, I guess, is that we'll get some, maybe a lot. Who knows?

    I've adjusted my calories to regular MFP calculations. 1200 seems like peanuts. Only there are no room for peanuts. Ate to maintenance today.

    Congrats on the wedding, Terrie! And good luck with stage 3, folks.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I did workout B this morning - it was really hard getting out of bed! It's -28C outside and my body is still in DOMS from Monday night - there's no way I wanted to torture it again. But I did!

    Workout B is a walk in the park compared to A! It didn't take nearly as long and there were lots of BW exercises. I'd normally do A again on Friday but I think I might take another day and do it Saturday instead.

    Jen is 1200 your maintenance?
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    No, 1710 is. Which is higher than it was last I checked by about 50 cals. Hmm. I'm not going to ask too many questions.

    I'm glad B is easier!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I think that's about whay my maintenance is too. I'm set for 1/2 lb/week and I get 1450 cals - which is not nearly enough come the weekend :bigsmile:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I'm set to just under a pound, I think. I"m only 5' tall. :P
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Thanks Sleepyjen.

    -27C when I got up this morning and still cold out (good job Blueberry for getting out in it). I couldn't get out of bed to get my AMRAP set done and have plans the next two evenings.. maybe Friday? Start fresh Stahge 2 in a fresh week?

    I have my cals set at maintenance. I was never making the 1200 when I had it set which made me mad, and hungry. So now at maintenance I find on days where I don't eat chips and dip I get about 300 under and feel pretty darn good about being 300 under rather than the 100 over it used to be.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    One of the rings does that I wish we had here was a calorie window--you still were green if you were inside 200 cals of your minimum (i.e., for me, between 1200 and 1400). I thought that was a healthier approach to visual cues--turning red at 1201 is mean.

    I can do 1200 net when I exercise and get several hundred more calories to eat, but w/o it, brutal.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Did my second A workout today. It is tough but I like it much better than B. I still wasn't able to do 90 sec planks and there was still no way I'd get a second BWM in there. I was able to knock 90 sec off my first time though. I have to wonder how much form is sacrificed in increasing speed?

    My first A took 80 min with a 680 cal burn. This one was done in 67 min and my burn was only 413. I'm thinking there's something wrong with my HRM. And maybe my counting reps and sets lol. That's a pretty big difference!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I'm trying to motivate myself to go snowshoeing this morning. It's just so much warmer in here than out there!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I did my second B this morning - what a difference from A! As hard as A is - I think I like it better.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I fell face-first in the snow yesterday. I think the exertions involved to get back up should count as weights. :)
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    @Jen - did you make it out snowshoeing!? I have discovered I love snowshoeing :) And sorry you fell in the snow... yes they should count as weights!

    @Blue - I feel like B is ALWAYS worse.

    I finished stage 2 over the weekend - I won't report on gains bc well, there really weren't any. I can plank for a full minute now so I guess there is that?

    Anyhow, I guess I'll take this week off even though I don't necessarily feel the need to. 80 minutes for A Blue!? Oy. I am going to have to budget some serious time for that... With all that being said, my goal is to get 3 cardio sessions in and either a day of snowboarding or shoeing. I'll start stage 3 next Monday!