November check-in and chat



  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Hello there! The fact that you decided to get happy with barbells at 57 is AWESOME. I'm right there with you about the hunched over walker shuffle, and that's one of the main reasons I've taken up barbell training,

    actually. I'm 46 and plan on spending out the second half of my life strong and awesome.

    As far as the squat depth, a lot of that has to do with a) practice and b) flexibility. Check into some stretching programs and just stay with it. What really helped me was squatting without any weights at all. I just kept practicing it until I got things right. It's an ongoing process, really.

    I also do yoga regularly, and that certainly helps with the flexibility. That's an individual preference, of course, but to me, fitness includes strength, endurance and flexibility so that's what I focus on.

    Thanks, Dani. :drinker: to strong and awesome! I do like yoga, used to do it pretty regularly. In fact, I have a gift certificate from the studio I used to go to. Now to get off my butt and use it!

    Im sitting here feeling guilty, because I didn't go to the gym with my hubby. I did a fun run last night and didn't get home until almost 11, and I'm just not feeling it this morning. I need to get out my foam roller, but the coffee is slow to kick in.
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member

    I'm finally joining this monthly chat early enough to follow!

    I've been doing SL since April now, although I'm starting to feel the need to move to an intermediate programme as my deadlift is stalling.

    Last working weights:

    Squat: 75kg (165lb)
    Bench: 50kg (110lb)
    Deadlift: 80kg (176lb)
    Ohp: 35kg (77lb) - although that has been up to 40kg (88lb)
    Row: 45kg (99lb)

    I've scaled back to 3x5 but I'm struggling to do both heavy squats and deads on the same day.

    A couple months after I switched to 3x5 I started doing front squats on DL day, and it made all the difference. Doesn't hurt to give it a shot. They require much more core strength, and help out your other lifts quite a bit. At the same time you can't go as heavy so they give your hips and butt a break.

    I'll give that a go. I've been wanting to do more front squats.
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Hi! I haven't posted here in ages--I had to cease all lifting for 3 months due to injury. Until that point, I had been lifting for a year and a half, so yes, it was torture. :sad:
    I finally got the green light to put a bar on my back and I've been doing a hybrid of SL with dumbbells, barbells, bodyweight, more accessory work, and PT stretches. I'm only at 70lbs with my back squats, but I'm able to drop lower (ATG), so that's good. Everything in me wants to hurry up and get back to my heaviest lifts, but I'm going to crush that impatient streak and earn those heavy lifts by doing this the right way. Still seeing a PT twice a week; I report all my lifts to him and he gives his disapproval or approval. He thinks I should be able to progress with my squats normally as long as I use a low bar position--which I do anyway--when the bar is on my back.

    It's good to be back. Love hearing about all your hard work! :flowerforyou:

  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Well my workout was awful today. Even with my extra hour of sleep I still didn't want to get up and workout, but I did. Should of stayed in bed...

    Squats...115. WTF? Last workout I hit 130 and felt great. Today I got one rep at 130 and knew it wasn't going to happen. I deloaded until I felt comfortable, but it still felt heavy.
    OHP Decided to stick with 60, first set was good, then went up to 62.5 then 65 (doing 3x5). Only bright spot in the day.
    Deads. 172.5 last workout, thought I'd stay at that weight. Ha. I couldn't even move the bar. Deloaded several times until I got to 135. Felt crappy so just gave up after that.

    Don't know why my legs were so weak. The soreness I had in my right glute returned yesterday, today it was both glutes. I think that was the main problem. Perhaps my cardio workout yesterday was too challenging on my legs/glutes (at least that's the theory I'm going with!).

    I think I need to get a foam roller, but still looking for advice on wether I should get the regular kind or the one with knobs on it. Hopefully today's struggles were just an anomaly!

    Interesting reading about shoes helping squats. I usually lift barefoot. Do shoes really make that much difference? I mean other than when you drop a plate on your toes...
  • grandevampire
    Interesting reading about shoes helping squats. I usually lift barefoot. Do shoes really make that much difference? I mean other than when you drop a plate on your toes...
    Hm, I think what they meant was *proper* shoes, vs trad running shoes (which have a raised heel and are squishy). Barefoot means you're already level and have no bouncy cushioning, but other than that maybe there is a secret benefit to shoes.
    Kira- you need a t-shirt that says "My deload week is your max workout" or something of the sort. You are killing it.
    Yes!!! I would totally wear that, but the inverse. "My max workout is Kira's deload week".

    Today's workout:
    Squats 5x5 @ 40kg (repeat)

    OHP 5x5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @ 20kg Yeah *****es, yeah!!! I know it's peanuts to some of you Kiras, but I've been working on that since I started SL in August. I think I fixed something in my form about 3 B sessions ago (keeping my forearms vertical instead of collapsing elbows in) and it made it a lot easier. Also, as silly as it sounds, i'm convinced my pre-workout banana helps me. I will keep working on this for a while, but it will blow my mind if I ever manage to put weight on the bar.

    DL: 1x5 @ 62.5kg deloaded. I was stuck at 70kg (117% BW)... I think my upper body was the limiter. Any quick tips?
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Back to the gym at last. I ended up turning my week off in to 3 weeks off with one thing and another.

    I had a shot at my work out from thinner leaner stronger which I bought last month. Basically it works a specific area each day, the exercises are largely the same just more focus on one area so today was chest and abs.

    I did 10 minutes on the arc which is just all kinds of horrid! Followed by

    Warmup 2 sets - 10 @ 12.5kg 1 set 10 @ 17.5kg
    then 3 sets of 8 @ 25kg. These work as supersets with the ab stuff in between, abs is cable crunches at 23kg to failure - about 15-20, captains chair leg lifts to failure 15-20 again and then bicycle crunches to failure.

    next incline bench, 2 sets of 8 and 1 of 6 at 2.5kg.

    Finally assisted dips to failure (they don't have to be assisted but I think you have to do at least one for it to count lol. So 23kg on there and I did 15 dips.

    Not technically strong lifts but I am just playing about for a bit of variety. I was quite done in afterwards, had a protein blueberry and banana smoothie for breakfast and now having my lunch I am all kinds of hungry!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Texas Volume day today.
    Squats: 135lbs 5x5
    OHP: 60lbs 5x5
    Deadlifts: 190lbs 1x5
    Shaky leg syndrome: rest of the day.

    Roxy: that workout sounds interesting. How many days a week do you lift?
    Kira is my weight lifting inspiration. All kinds of awesome comes from that woman.
    Macy: sorry you had a crappy workout. I'm betting it was the cardio the day before. Don't take it too hard, just try again the next time.
    Grande: congrats on your OHP! That sucker is a *****!
    cpiton: glad you're back!

    Off to eat a bunch and maybe take a nap under my desk. :smile:
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    hehe I have shaky arms!

    It is pretty flexible, in theory I should be in the gym for between 45 and 60 minutes 6 days a week for best results. 5 days of lifting with cardio and 1 day of cardio with 1 total rest day. I did get everything including my cardio in under an hour today.
    Or I can do 3 days a week for maybe a bit longer and combine some days - for instance do chest and back monday, legs and arms wed and some other stuff friday (I don't have my book here).

    Personally I am having a bash at working it over a 2 week cycle so I get my 6 days in over the 2 weeks as I just don't have the hours for more. If I do fit more in I can do back to back as I am targetting different areas each lifting day. There was a whole ton of download stuff that came with it much was advertising for other stuff but it had details of progressing the weights too.

    It uses all the big lifts - bench, squats, deads, the OHP is seated but I am hard and so will do it standing lol.

    The extra reps is tough and my abs are feeling it now so much! I shall keep you posted for when I next make it to the gym (back day I think) It's tough as I just cannot make myself get up before 6 just so I can lift. If I even try I end up giving myself 5 more minutes so many times I not only miss the gym but the dogs miss their walk too. So I alternate the dogs with a gym day. The dogs don't miss a day just some mornings while it is light enough I can get them out for an off lead walk. That will change again in the next few weeks though :(
  • debress
    debress Posts: 36 Member
    I took my shoes off to squat today, and it did make a difference! I was able to lift the weight I couldn't do Saturday, with decent form on all reps! No more lifting in my running shoes!
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Been lifting, but have had little online time.

    Lifting at home is still the best thing ever. On days when I don't want to, the equipment stares at me and makes me get my butt in gear and do it.

    Plus, I finally noticed that I have sets of odd weights, 35 lb, 22 lb, 11 lb, 5.5 lb, so I've been increasing in smaller increments and it really helps.

    Deadlifts are stalled at 200 though, I think mostly due to an old back injury, but I'm working through it.

    OHP: 86 pounds!

    BP: 106 (going up to 110 next workout)

    BBR: 106 (also going up to 110 next time)

    Squats: 122 right now, going up next time.

    So, I'm moving ahead, but way slower than I'd like.

    Oh, and I lift barefoot too. Shoes just seem to throw my balance off something terrible.
  • wendypow
    wendypow Posts: 81 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm on week 3 of SL 5x5. I'm not new to lifting and was doing low reps/higher weight (to me) for a couple of months before even finding out about SL!

    Is it normal to NOT be able to increase the weight EVERY time? Because dang, I just can't on some lifts...

    Right now I'm at:

    Squat: 115
    Row: 80
    BP: 80
    DL: 110
    OHP: 52.5

    I did get some 1.25 weights, so that helps for sure on the OHP and bench.

    I might need to eat more, but I figure if I'm not starving then I'm ok?

  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Hey Wendy! Wecome!

    The theory on SL is you get 3 goes to get your sets of 5x5 - the first time you might get 4,3,1,1,0 for example. If by the third time you don't get 55555 (or 3x5 if you are doing sets of 3) you deload and work back up. It sounds scary to deload but it really isn't! Once you have deloaded three times, it's no longer linear progression and time to move on to another way of working (check out the stickies for that)...
  • wendypow
    wendypow Posts: 81 Member
    Hey Wendy! Wecome!

    The theory on SL is you get 3 goes to get your sets of 5x5 - the first time you might get 4,3,1,1,0 for example. If by the third time you don't get 55555 (or 3x5 if you are doing sets of 3) you deload and work back up. It sounds scary to deload but it really isn't! Once you have deloaded three times, it's no longer linear progression and time to move on to another way of working (check out the stickies for that)...

    Ok I missed that part! I am getting 55555, but adding even just 5 pounds on the squat today made a difference so I took it off.

    I figured I'd try 5x5 for 12 weeks, then move to something else if I want a change.

  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    I took ages about adding weight to some stuff, I work out alone and wont to feel confident I won't break myself with a new weight. It's not really strictly strong lifts but my version of it and it suits me. Nobody is going to tell you you can only do it if you abide by the set of rules set out by Mehdi at the beginning. IMO taking your time and being safe is more important than ramping on more and more weight
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Wow, I go away for the weekend, and look at all the awesome that happens up in here.

    Silly ladies - need I remind you that we all lift according to our own ability? Each of us LIFTS BARBELLS, therefore there is no comparing the amazing - it applies equally. :smile:

    RE: Shoes - I do almost all my lifts in my Chucks, but I've found that when I do sumo deadlifts I need to take them off - I'm thinking I might start taking them off for squats too to help with the lateral slide.

    It's important to remember that SL, as written, was written for men trying to get strong - not women, and especially not women who may be lifting in a caloric deficit. So yes, only increase your weights when you can do it with great form, and don't worry that you are doing something 'wrong.' The food REALLY impacts how linear your progression can be. I've been eating at maintenance for 3 months, and moving right along, progressing nicely. Prior to that I was lifting at a pretty severe deficit, and had stalled out on every lift, for a long time. It's not wrong to lift at a deficit, either - but it does mean that you might not go as fast as the program is set up to go.

    I started round 3 of Wendler, and I probably should have waited until tomorrow, because my main lift was SUCKTASTIC.

    1x5 @60
    1x5 @70
    1x3 @80 - I needed to get 5, wanted 8, and barely got the 3rd one up. Grumble grumple weight I've done before grumble grumble. It happens, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. :smile:

    5x10 @45

    And then I got in 15 minutes at level 7 on what I call the Stairsteps of Doom (you know, the kind where it's just a rotating staircase). I hate that thing, but I needed to cram in some intense cardio, and it was the only thing open.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hi Ladies.

    I've been a bit off this past week.

    A week ago I twisted my leg doing my squats...thought it was fine on Wednesday so did another set of squats...been paying for it since.

    So I took workout B off on Friday back on Workout A today without my squats.

    Looking at benching 95 and Rows (failed last week) 4th set only (rest period issues) so going to stick with that again this week.

    I am leaving the squats alone until I can walk without pain.....:grumble:
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    Checking in--haven't done so in a while.

    So Friday 2 weeks ago, I was lifting in the morning before we went for a fall weekend trip. I hit my lower lip while doing OHPs (actually, I hit my lip, deloaded by 2 lbs and continued with the next 2 sets). It's healed now, but I hurt a bit that weekend. It didn't prohibit me from eating one of the most delicious steaks I've ever eaten in my life though!!

    I deloaded 5 lbs to make sure I got my form down, but I can't do OHPs without some trepidation--I pull my head as far as I can go, and I have to stop myself from slightly turning my head to the side in avoidance.

    Deadlifts are back at 110 after having to deload due to some back issues!

    Happy lifting, amazing ladies!
  • aliciaje
    Hi ladies,

    Happy November!! Ski season is so close I can taste it.. I modified Stronglifts a bit for ski prep (more core and glute work), so it better do the trick!!

    Workout A:
    Squat 150lbs
    Barbell Row 70lbs
    Bench 90lbs
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    So I did get my workout in...bench failed on last set on rep 4...oh well

    Rows 5x5@ 100 so onward and upward.

    I can hardly wait till my leg is better...missing my squats.

    Oh and I get my squat cage this weekend....come Heck or high water...
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    I had to shift my workout around a bit as I added reps to squats and OHP, but my experimental workout today went well. I stayed at 70 on the squat, because I'm taking it slow, but I'll definitely move up next time.

    Sticking with dumbbells on OHP to make sure I don't favor my right side again.

    First BB deadlift today and I was scared!
    But I decided to be awesome instead of afraid and I grabbed that thing and went for it and it ended up being pretty light. So, I'm hoping this means I'll continue to make gains quickly the way my PT thought I would. YAY!

    Squat: 70
    OHP: 2-15# dumbbells
    DL: 95

    Kira: That OHP sounds good to me! Seems like I always stall at 70.
    CC: I cant wait for shaky leg syndrome again. Love it/hate it. Haha
    Emjay: Ouch on the lip! I'd be nervous, too.

    As far as lifting shoes, I've been using Chucks for a while now. I love 'em. But I will occasionally lift barefoot, too. Both work for me. No running shoes, though. Even my Nike Frees are too squishy.