November check-in and chat



  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    if you think he's depressed/suffering from SAD, then don't give him a choice about the doctors, just take him along. Nagging him won't help as if he's suffering from that, he won't have the motivation to go to the doctors himself. I've suffered from depression caused by PTSD, i.e. lifelong ongoing thing (thankfully in remission and really hoping it stays that way) and really, I needed someone to pretty much force me to get help, because you simply do not have the motivation to do anything for yourself or anything that you don't absolutely have to do. On one occasion a supervisor at work called NHS direct and handed me the receiver and made me speak to the nurse. You may need to go with him and tell the doctor yourself, or go in to the appointment with him. Or call NHS direct, you can speak to the nurse about him, then get him to speak to her, or just follow what advice they give. He doesn't have to talk about it himself, but you should be upfront about what you're doing.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    thanks lovely. we do discuss it, I don't think it's a high level thing - but every time he is ready to leave a job it's in the autumn/winter for example. I think a lightbox would help but he's resistant to that idea (in the same way that he is resistant to a fear of flying course as 'it won't work', or me suggesting we switch the TV off when he says we aren't communicating that well 'we don't have that much spare time' er at least an hour a night we do!).. I'm just letting off a little steam over here as it's a nice safe environment with you lovely lot, he has mentioned it to the doctor before, they weren't much use (probably because it's only low grade).. I've got him on vitamins and fish oil, hoping that will also help. the walk in the sunshine yesterday did him some good. exercise is good but he can only bike (not fond of that in the dark) as his knee is still painful after his 1/2 marathon - which is something else I think is getting him down..

    thankfully I'm the pollyanna / brightsider / accepting one, so it's not as hard as it would be for someone less tolerant!
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    Poor hubby, It does sound like the burglary might be behind his hair over-reaction. My OH talked me into getting help for my depression, but it took some effort from her until I was ready to hear the truth and take action with the dr. All the best with him.

    Welcome to Qski and other newbies who I now forget because we're on a new page and the rain on the roof is so loud I can't hear myself think. Jeez, it sounds like the surf is breaking on it!

    I've been plodding along, doing my bastardised SL version. Squatting with bodyweight, onto the milk crate, but still my knees hurt. I think I will have to suck it up and see a specialist. They aren't getting any better and I'm trying awfully hard! I benched 29kg and rowed 30kg today. Feel like I'm floundering about, not really going anywhere, but I also realise I'm 47 and have always been pretty weak, so I'm just progressing at my own slow rate. I have a sedentary job, haven't had to lug hefty children around, so am really building from scratch, no muscle memory there at all!

    I've downloaded another program I'm going to start when I gather together all the necessary equipment - it's the new Nia Shanks program called Train to Be Awesome (or something like that). It's got more variety than SL, so will keep my interest a bit longer (maybe!). I also have a Strong Curves (I love gathering options to move on to!) but I'm scared my bum will get even bigger! Anyway, I'm sticking with SL til I reach the equivalent of 12 weeks, just so I know I've done it. I just wish I could squat :(

    Hmmm, bit if a Debby-downer tonight. Sorry. Stupid rain is scrambling my brain!
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Zana, I think the theory is that it will get tighter higher and rounder but maybe I should take before and after pics to give folks an idea lol. That said Kellie looks _amazing_ in her competition after training with Brett. I would so love to do fitness comps. I just don't have the will power with the diet!
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    @Care 76: If the BB is too heavy right now, try dumbbells. I'm currently using DBs on my OHP to work on my weaker left side. And don't let anyone discourage you. Some people just don't get it. Boo them. >:(
    Thanks. I am not sure that the bar is too heavy though, just too long. I don't seem to have a problem doing the OP except that it wobbles side to side a bit because of how long it is. I didn't know if it would become a problem when adding weights?

    I hope your headache has gone away. I totally feel your pain.
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    Hi all! I mixed up the workouts when I started (I have done 1A and 1B) and that is all. I just finished my OHP and was thinking I needed to deadlift when I realized I hadn't done the row yet and when I looked up A & B when I got to work I realized I switched DL with Row. Oh well I got them in. So here are my very first A & B workouts.

    Squat: 60lbs
    Bench: 60lbs
    Deadlift: 50lbs

    Squat: 60lbs
    OHP: 50lbs
    Row: 55lbs

    No idea why mixed up the workouts to do but I will be sure to write down the actual workouts for Wed! LOL.

    The OHP was tough at 50lbs but I figure if the next time I struggle (because I did struggle on the last 2 sets) then I will dead load. I'm not sure I get down to parallel but my PT seems to think my form is spot on for what I am doing so I figure I'll stick with sloooooooow weight addition and work on getting lower. While form keeps getting more fine tuned.

    Now I didn't stop to think about shoes. Should I switch to chucks instead of my running shoes?
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member

    Now I didn't stop to think about shoes. Should I switch to chucks instead of my running shoes?

    Yes, or go without shoes if your gym will let you. Running shoes are too squishy and makes it harder to push through your heels. You'll notice a big difference.

    @cpiton: When squatting, I thought I was keeping my neck neutral, but was actually looking down. It was causing my chest to fall a bit. They had me look up to a more neutral position which brought my chest up. I should have clarified that. :embarassed:
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    @Care 76: If the BB is too heavy right now, try dumbbells. I'm currently using DBs on my OHP to work on my weaker left side. And don't let anyone discourage you. Some people just don't get it. Boo them. >:(
    Thanks. I am not sure that the bar is too heavy though, just too long. I don't seem to have a problem doing the OP except that it wobbles side to side a bit because of how long it is. I didn't know if it would become a problem when adding weights?

    I hope your headache has gone away. I totally feel your pain.

    We have a 35lb bar in my gym that I like to use for OHP because like you, I feel like the olympic bar is too long! Sometimes I suck it up but having the weights closer to my center make me feel less wobbly.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Hey ladies, hope everyone is getting some great lifting in!

    Today was my first time back at it after taking some time off for being sick and crazy work travel (not even overnight, just superrrr early mornings). I took it easy and went lighter than I probably could have done, definitely will have to work back up to where I was on everything though.

    It's funny going back to the gym at 6am after 4 weeks off and seeing the few regulars you remember and all the newbies who have decided to get in your way :) Also, I'm sure people thought I was crazy for waiting for the doors to open at 6am standing around in my shorts in mid-30s(F)! I've been putting off exercise pants for as long as I can.
  • LauraLouFace
    LauraLouFace Posts: 56 Member
    Well I started Week 6 today and I'm feeling pretty good about my progress:

    Squat 5x5 - 90 lbs
    OHP 5x5 - 60 lbs
    Deadlift 1x5 - 120 lbs

    I have to be really careful on my form for squats now, 90 lbs is feeling pretty heavy!
  • debress
    debress Posts: 36 Member
    I have made decent progress on my squats since taking off my running shoes. I haven't been yelled at yet, and I do slip the shoes back on when I am returning the weight plates to their homes, so I might not even buy lifting shoes.

    Today I did:
    Squat 75 pounds, 5x5
    OHP 55 pounds, 5,5,4,3,3
    Deadlift 125 pounds 1x5

    I was thoroughly surprised I could do the 125 pound deadlift and a little disappointed at my inability to progress on the OHP. I just have to recognize that lift is harder, and I won't be pressing my body weight ...ever!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Womanned up and went back tonight. Busy but manageable.

    Squats - 62.5kg for the first time, 3x5. Felt some knee discomfort in last warmup set so really focused on setting my knees early in my working sets. They weren't pretty but I think only a couple started concertina-ing forward. Chuffed!

    Bench - 40kg and had a spotter for the first time! Weirdly the dad of the guy I'd been working in with on the squats (yes, people at this gym work in lol..). Nice clear instructions - please help with lift off and only touch the bar if it stops and doesnt keep going up. He then lifted it right into the air at the end of the set and re-racked it. A bit of a lesson in trust as he was holding 40kg over my face with no safeties.. but 3x5 and unsmashed nose. Weirdly my right arm seemed stronger than my left, a bit unbalanced on the last couple of reps of each set.
    Will 42.5kg be my nemesis again - or will being brave enough to ask for a spot help it..

    With my back/backside still being tweaky on bending over things (eg shoelaces) I binned off rows, and thought I'd be brave and start working through the power clean chapter. The rack position, if my elbows are right up, is straight across my windpipe which seems wrong. Not sure if I need to have my arms further apart/together/I've just got long arms so that is what happens. Played a wee bit with the drop to the jump position, and two baby jumps but then felt sooo silly and that it was obvious that I didn't know what I was doing. The guy I had the tester PT session with was there doing very heavy deadlifts (including the smelling salts!) so I couldn't even pretend to be more of a BAMF than I am..

    so I strolled over to the bro zone (yes, even a black iron gym has the corner with the benches and dumbbells!), picked up the smallest kettlebell I could spot and did 3 sets of 10 swings. Wondered why my heart rate was flying up so much.. until I realised it was 20kg. Rawr!

    On leaving some guys were doing prowler sprints as part of a little circuit in the dark, rainy car park so had a little sneak peek as I've only ever seen it stood up in the corner. Yeah, I can see why it's such an effective conditioning tool!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Good evening ladies...missed friday...had a day off and ran errands all day and got home to eat and then before I knew late.

    Back at it today...Catching up on posts between sets again...seems to make the time not drag/or go fast either or is good for me.

    Still haveing my groin issue so making squats impossible at my regular weight...Tried to deload by 10 (130 lbs) no deload again by another 20 (no go) so I am at 90 and it seems to be fine...5x5 @ 90 is better then nothing I's weird tho as I hear a "pop" and then it doesn't hurt anymore for a bit so it's been interesting.

    BP failed last time so still at 95lbs

    1st and 2nd sets were harder then expected so upped my rest by 15 secs...seem to help on Set 3
    Upped another 15 secs between 3 and 4 then will do a 3.5min rest before the last set. Got 4 reps last set so one better...still @ 95lbs on Friday.

    Rows up to 105lb 5x5 Yahhhhhhh
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Aww Stef my training partner is having a groin issue as well. She had to pull out of a strongman comp this weekend and is super bummed. Also really impressed with your rows. They are so hard for me! Ugh.

    Lydia- try vitamin D. Well your huz try. That can really make a difference as well. Take it from a tree that lived in the most overcast depressing state in the union October->Mid April. It was really pretty in the summer tho!

    So I got back at Monday after skipping Friday. Fortunately I was able to just get in the 190 squats 1x5 without doing the 1x3 on Fri. Also I had to redo the bench 135x5 on last Monday and I got it today. Wooo! I did rows 97x5. Assistance was dips with 70# assistance 3x6 which is idk 135ish lbs worth of weight. I supersetted those with 30 second toe planks. Then I went to the Y and do 30 minutes of Arc trainer. Now I'm tired!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    well, I'm officially a twonk. Turned up at the gym at 4.20. They had shut at 4. *sigh* could have done with working off some grumpy hubby angst (no he doesn't like the new hair either and is having regrets at suggesting I even cut it in the first place about 6 weeks ago!)

    Lydia, I really like your new hair cut!!! The thing about hair is that it is like MFP. You know how we have a new day every day with MFP. The hair thing takes a bit longer but in another couple of months you can start fresh. I had really long hair for most of my youth so now that I am older I am really enjoying this "go to the hair dresser every couple of months" thing! My husband and I go together (we have odd dates) he taught me that you don't have to worry if you get a hair cut you don't like because shortly you get another chance. Having said all of that I'll say it again, I think your new haircut looks great!!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I have diagnosed my butt problem as High hamstring Tendenopathy (tendonitis in the tendon that attaches the hamstring to the bone under the glute) Apparently this is a runners injury but it makes squatting very uncomfortable. I also think that somehow the pain in my butt was effecting my form so I have been having problems with my knees. I have been a tangled mess of shocking pain, so I have become a cardio bunny for the time being. I am doing glute bridges and a few body weight squats, stretches and some other exercises that are supposed to help. I guess I am still doing upper body but I feel uncomfortable because I don't know if I am going to get muscle imbalances if I just do presses without rows and deadlifts. I'm also doing planks. Not lifting is very depressing. I feel as though I am doing body recomposition only in the wrong direction, increasing fat/decreasing muscle. However I must say that the pain is decreasing and that is very very good. Apparently this one takes a long time so I am trying just relax and go with my back up plan. I'm not posting workouts but I am still lurking! You guys are awesome! You just keep plugging along regardless of the frustrations, injuries! You are all very inspirational. I'm so excited for all the new people here. I love hearing that people are going slowly and making sure they are using good form. Keep up the great work!
  • aliciaje
    I have been reading Bret Contreas' blog for a while now.. if anything there are pictures amazing looking women that he trains.. talk about some serious fitspiration!! I have been doing weighted glute bridges on workout B. My boyfriend says my butt is slowly changing.. I don't want a smaller butt, just higher!

    Today was awesome.. my petite friend really wants to get serious about getting fit, so she asked me to be her "personal trainer" I am so flattered. Anyway, she has never ever lifted before so it was fun teaching her all the lifts. She has really good form already. She started with the bar for everything which was challenging enough for her and 30lbs on OHP. Can't wait for her to progress!

    For me it was B today
    Squat 145
    OHP 75
    Deadlift 175
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    You ladies ROCK!
    So, I officially started! Workout A is complete ... 45lb Squats, 45lb Bench Press and 55lb rows. Were any of you lifting before beginning this program? I'm not new to lifting although I've been very inconsistent the last 6 months and before that I was pretty stuck at the weight I was using . The squats & presses felt light however I want to start from the beginning to be able to fully progress with the program. The Rows are going to be tough to increase.

    Brandi :)
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    On leaving some guys were doing prowler sprints as part of a little circuit in the dark, rainy car park so had a little sneak peek as I've only ever seen it stood up in the corner. Yeah, I can see why it's such an effective conditioning tool!

    I try and get box jumps and prowler/sled sprints in every week :) great for conditioning
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Lydia- try vitamin D. Well your huz try. That can really make a difference as well. Take it from a tree that lived in the most overcast depressing state in the union October->Mid April. It was really pretty in the summer tho!

    Lydia, I second this. Vit D has helped me tremendously with my energy levels and I live in sunny Southern California. I had my daughter start taking it and in a couple of weeks, she was like a new person. I get the drops. Super easy to take. Pretty much tasteless in water. :)
    Also, your hair is adorable. Both my daughters (20 & 14) have a pixie. They love it!
    @Care 76: If the BB is too heavy right now, try dumbbells. I'm currently using DBs on my OHP to work on my weaker left side. And don't let anyone discourage you. Some people just don't get it. Boo them. >:(
    Thanks. I am not sure that the bar is too heavy though, just too long. I don't seem to have a problem doing the OP except that it wobbles side to side a bit because of how long it is. I didn't know if it would become a problem when adding weights?
    I hope your headache has gone away. I totally feel your pain.
    We have a 35lb bar in my gym that I like to use for OHP because like you, I feel like the olympic bar is too long! Sometimes I suck it up but having the weights closer to my center make me feel less wobbly.

    The headache is finally better, thanks. ❤
    You can always use the standard bar or dumbbells if it feels more secure.
    I used to wobble a bit on the OHP with the olympic bar until I got stronger. I'm pretty short--5'2.5--but I do have wide shoulders, so maybe that's why it's not as big an issue for me, though. Maybe someone with narrow shoulders and lifting experience can chime in on this. Just a thought.
    I'm going to start alternating DBs with the oly bar on my OHP from now on. I have this tendency to favor my right side that messes me up. So, it's an adaptable exercise. Adapt away. :)

    @Brandi: I had been lifting for a year before SL. I used Tom Venuto's program at first. Mainly dumbbells and the standard bar/weights. In my opinion, I progressed pretty quickly in 3 months. I did start SL the way Mehdi tells you to. At the bar. (& 95lbs DL) I'm glad I did.

    Edited to fix quotes