November check-in and chat



  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Just popping in to say hi! I'm sick so no lifting for me. :sad: I've found even if I'm a little sick if I lift I get REALLY SICK, and then I can't lift for longer.

    Lydia what are people doing with your racks!? My lifting gym has 4 racks so that isn't usually a problem, but only 2 platforms, and one platform has a rack on it (so you lift in front of the rack.) That can lead to some congestion on occasion.

    It's cool to see people getting back at things, or progressing with things.

    Kira, how did you choose your 531 accessories? I always enjoy a good bamf feeling, but not sure if one armed rows are right for me :wink:
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    Wendler week 2, day 2 for me.
    I picked the "triumvirate" accessory program from this most useful helper site... ...that I think Lydia ? had posted. THANK YOU, btw for that.

    So deadlifts topping with 7x155. Felt good too- chest up, butt down cue has fixed my form on those.
    Then the good mornings (5x12) and hanging leg raises (5x10).

    Me likey.

    Good work everyone- it's pizza and movie night with the kiddos. PIZZA, I say (and a good beer to wash it down).
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    I picked the accessory stuff that seemed the most fun, that would target my weak points, and that would fit my body issues/time. So that means that I do some of the Big but Boring (deadlift days and OHP), some simple strength (squat days - leg presses and good mornings) and then the dumbbell stuff on bench days. But I also took Wendler's somewhat flippant remarks about accessory work to heart - it is JUST accessory work, and so I try not to stress about it. If I feel like pushing it, then I do, and go hard, or with higher weights. But if I'm not feeling it, I cut the sets to 3x10, or just don't do it at all. I also switch it if I get bored. Basically, I'm turning in to Dani. :smile:

    I like the one-arm rows because I feel like my weakest area is my upper back, and it's holding me back in both OHP and my weany pull-ups, and even my deadlifts. So I get a lot of bang for my buck with the one-arm rows. Plus, when you are kneeling on the bench and looking at yourself in the mirror hoisting that dumbbell up, you just look really HAWT. And I like thinking I look hot in the gym, even if nobody else does. :smile:
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member


    Nothing since last Friday.

    I have had a migraine since last Saturday. It's almost gone, but it kicked up chronic fatigue syndrome and I'm having heart palpitations from any exertion at all. And all I want is a dark room.

    I drowned my misery in a caramel latte and pecan braid at Panera today. My husband took me there after dinner.
  • Qski
    Qski Posts: 246 Member
    Plus, when you are kneeling on the bench and looking at yourself in the mirror hoisting that dumbbell up, you just look really HAWT. And I like thinking I look hot in the gym, even if nobody else does. :smile:

    Well I am pretty sure you look just as hot with your big but boring moves too! That is exactly what little miss insecure (ie me) needed to here after my mirror paranoia. I look forward to looking at myself lifting heavy stuff after 9 months (or however long it takes) and thinking I look hot! thanks for the inspiration!
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Qski - You're hot now. Believe it. Embrace it. The lifting will only amplify your already-existing awesome!

    3fold - I'm sorry you are feeling so crummy. Sad face.

    Wendler, round 3 week 1
    1x5 @ 150
    1x5 @ 170
    1x5 @ 195

    Leg press
    5x10 @ 90
    Barbell glute bridges (because my husband was the only guy in the free weight area)
    5x10 @ 125

    So, I asked hubs to cheer me on for my last set of squats. I think I should have been more specific. What I needed was a loud exhortation to PUSH PUSH PUSH and my sweet man was like "You've got it, looking good, you're fine" all mild-mannered. So I just went ahead and growled. Loud. Loud enough for people to stop talking and look at me. :smile: FYI - growling makes you stronger. It's science.

    No cardio because I think we're going to go shell out the big bucks to spend the afternoon at the Ren Faire, which means lots of walking.

    Have a great Saturday!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Qski - You're hot now. Believe it. Embrace it. The lifting will only amplify your already-existing awesome!

    3fold - I'm sorry you are feeling so crummy. Sad face.

    Wendler, round 3 week 1
    1x5 @ 150
    1x5 @ 170
    1x5 @ 195

    Leg press
    5x10 @ 90
    Barbell glute bridges (because my husband was the only guy in the free weight area)
    5x10 @ 125

    So, I asked hubs to cheer me on for my last set of squats. I think I should have been more specific. What I needed was a loud exhortation to PUSH PUSH PUSH and my sweet man was like "You've got it, looking good, you're fine" all mild-mannered. So I just went ahead and growled. Loud. Loud enough for people to stop talking and look at me. :smile: FYI - growling makes you stronger. It's science.

    No cardio because I think we're going to go shell out the big bucks to spend the afternoon at the Ren Faire, which means lots of walking.

    Have a great Saturday!

    Nice squats lady!

    I'm definitely a grunter when lifting heavy *kitten* ****. It is science! I just can't remember where I saw it. It some anti-PF blog post I think. Anywho. At my lifting gym no one thinks twice about grunts, growls, plate drops etc. When I occasionally lift at the Y though I feel like the whole gym is staring at my deadlifts :embarassed:
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you don't mind me joining in. I haven't officially started 5x5 yet as I don't have a bench or rack yet, but I have been using the empty bar to get an idea of form but feel I'm not doing too well.

    I find when I do the OP with the 45 lb bar I don't hold it very steady. Is that going to be a problem with weights? I can do 5 reps no problem but I haven't tried doing more sets as I wasn't sure if I was doing it wrong. I've watched the videos but that guy makes everything seem so easy. Do you think I'm holding the bar wrong (grip not wide enough or too wide)?

    I haven't squatted with the bar yet. I'm taking advice I read here to just do squats on my own and get used to them.

    I think i might just join a gym until I have all the equipment I need at home. Maybe get a couple PT sessions. That is if I can find one that won't discourage me like my husband's friend does. He was supposed to teach me form but he keeps pushing me to lift light weights and more reps along with crutches. *rolls eyes*
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    @kira, grunting is definitely a strength booster!
    @tree, I feel the same way about deadlifting at my gym. Very few people do it and those that do, do it with horrible horrible form. I get the stares a lot.

    Yesterday was intensity day for Texas, but I didn't have time to work through it properly, so modified a workout to get something done.
    Squats: 145lbs 3x5
    OHP: 60lbs 3x5
    Dumbbell rows and single arm dumbbell rows to wrap it up.

    This morning, I went to a squat clinic at the local power lifting gym. There were several people there that train for competitions and the guy running it has a long list of credentials. Most of the people there were new to lifting, but there were a few that were looking for feedback and critique. They had a few people come to the front to demonstrate form problems and then had us break into smaller groups.

    I was in a group with 3 women, two of whom compete (one in cross fit games and the other does shows) and one that had never used a barbell before. My only critique was to not look down. I also PRed at 210lbs. :smokin: Super excited about that. I felt I probably could have gone to 215 or 220, but 210 is good enough for me to work with right now. :happy: We did some sets ( for conditioning? maybe) 10x2. I ate a giant burrito bowl from Chipotle afterwards because I was HUNGRY. :wink:

    The gym is going to host other information sessions on some of the other lifts (I asked), so I'm excited for those to be scheduled.

    Enjoy your weekend ladies!
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    @Kira: NOTHING makes me feel more badass than bent over DB rows. Before this dumb injury, I was hoisting 64lb dumbbells 5x5. Bonus: My husband says he loves watching me do those because my arms look all vascular and strong. God I love that man. ❤

    @3Foldchord: Sorry about your migraine. Hope you start feeling better soon. :(

    @CC: Fun!! I want to do one of those clinics! Where did he tell you to look instead of down?

    @Care 76: If the BB is too heavy right now, try dumbbells. I'm currently using DBs on my OHP to work on my weaker left side. And don't let anyone discourage you. Some people just don't get it. Boo them. >:(

    No deadlifts today after the 3 day headache from hell this week. Darn neck. :( (Still in PT for this) But I moved up in squats, so that was something. 5x5 @ 75lbs. I feel like progress is being made in that area, at least. It keeps my spirits up. :)
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    ETA, I bought a pair of Chucks yesterday. I'd been wearing a pair of cheap Keds-like tennies and I like the Chucks better.

    I am addicted to Chucks. I have 3 pairs: red, green, and gray camouflage and I'm looking at a pair of purple ones now. :bigsmile: I wear them for everything but cardio.
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    ETA, I bought a pair of Chucks yesterday. I'd been wearing a pair of cheap Keds-like tennies and I like the Chucks better.

    I am addicted to Chucks. I have 3 pairs: red, green, and gray camouflage and I'm looking at a pair of purple ones now. :bigsmile: I wear them for everything but cardio.

    I bought a black pair with a double tongue, the inside is a bright aqua blue. They had a lime green pair I wanted, but none in my size.

    I had a great workout tonight! All of my work on my squat form is paying off! I put one of the steppers that comes right to the crease in the back of my knee behind me, and made sure my butt touched it every time. I did 5x5 @ 50 and 1x5 @ 55, just for good measure.
    OHP still @ 30 5x5, tried one set at 35, but it wasn't pretty.
    DL 1x5 @ 65

    First time I've left the gym and felt a bit like a BAMF. :happy:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    It's such a great feeling isn't it!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    well, I'm officially a twonk. Turned up at the gym at 4.20. They had shut at 4. *sigh* could have done with working off some grumpy hubby angst (no he doesn't like the new hair either and is having regrets at suggesting I even cut it in the first place about 6 weeks ago!)
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Did my own workout again today, I like adding weight with each set. Might be time to do some reading on other programs, although I need to keep it simple!

    Squat 125x7 130x5 135x5
    OHP 65x5 65x6 67.5x4
    Deadlift 170x5 175x4 180x3

    Much better than last time when I couldn't even do deadlifts!

    lwooodruff....I love the haircut! Sorry the gym closed though, I would be cranky too.
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    well, I'm officially a twonk. Turned up at the gym at 4.20. They had shut at 4. *sigh* could have done with working off some grumpy hubby angst (no he doesn't like the new hair either and is having regrets at suggesting I even cut it in the first place about 6 weeks ago!)

    He's being a goose. Hair grows! Remind him of this. It's the reason I let apprentice hairdressers at work do what they want with my hair!
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    Hi there! I'm brand new to the group as of today :) I'm not new to lifting although I have been extremely inconsistent! I just downloaded the stronglifts app and plan on getting day 1 in today! If any of you would like a new friend... Please add me! I'm looking for some friends who lift and are consistent to keep each other accountable and motivated ;) I just turned 35 and have 4 children (mine, his, & ours haha! )

    **since just returning to MFP ill be updating my stats tonight & taking the dreaded before pictures as well. I absolutely despise the scale and think she's a lying witch ;)

    Brandi ????
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    I keep threatening to chop my hair off when my OH complains about it getting in his face (or anything else about it) He soon changes his mind. I like what you have done with it as a compromise though. But as zana said, hair grows back, I have had all sorts of crops and the like and it always grows back. Although I find short hair needs more maintenance than long to be honest.

    Hi Brandi, nice to meet you. I love the simplicity of strong lifts but have been playing at other stuff too as I get a bit bored with the simplicity at times lol.

    Macybean, that is heavy heavy stuff there. I am alway so impressed with all the ladies who manage to get the OHP increasing like that.

    So to add to my playing around I now also have a copy of stong Curves by Bret Conteras. I started with his beginner day 1 today. Lots of bodyweight squats and hip thrusts (3*20 of each). One arm rows which are definitely a hawt exercise :D some version of a romanian deadlift with dumbells and some other stuff. No PRs but it was all dumbells and more reps less rest than SL so I will give myself a little bit of a break with regards the weight. Something has to be a compromise.
  • Qski
    Qski Posts: 246 Member
    I think I could quite happily get addicted to chucks :)
    but I will wait till I do actually experience some strength gains no use having awesome shoes and not being able to squat!

    Today PT made me get on machines (I was having an angry ranty day so she nearly got into trouble) but her reasoning is that I am a pile of weakness wrapped in extra it's ok to warm up on a machine and then try to get correct technique with the barbell.

    So I warmed up on a leg press *gasp* and then did squats to a raised step very raised I'm not in *kitten* to grass territory yet - legs not as wobbly and form way better than last time (but I have no idea what the weight was) PT thinks that would be starting weight though. Last session I only used body weight.

    Then I warmed up bench press on the smith machine. And I did work sets with 27kg (59lbs) (with the free barbell)

    Warmed up on with wide grip lat pull downs and then did inclined barbell rows (also unsure of this weight)

    PT said that we worked on just movement in session 1, strength in this session and we will put strength and movement together in the next session. I think I am comfortable that she is not trying to give me a machine workout, but is actually genuinely concerned about the lump of weakness I am and that may cause issues if I just dive all the way in to the big lifts.
    What do you think? Does she sound reasonable?

    I am always very interested in information overload when it comes to new activities and hobbies (i read all the manuals and all the fine print and whatever else is readable in the vicinity I can't help myself). I am also keen on reading Strong Curves by Bret Conteras @roxylola - and also in investigating Beautiful Badass by Nia Shanks. But I am committed to sticking with Starting Strength first and then playing with others when required.

    Right now I am doing Starting to Not be Weak :)

    Lydia, my partner always says I can do what I like with my hair - I usually mention very bright colours or dramatic going to cut it all off things and he seems to be ok with all variations but mostly I haven't followed through. He does have an absolute hissy fit if I get my hair in his face though - total drama queen! I find it a bit silly your hubby is so offended by your haircut(s), I really think it suits you a lot (not just saying that). Maybe it's just that it's so different to him that it's almost like it's not you?
    I guess guys are mostly as much a mystery to us as we are to them.

    Hi Brandi!

    @Macybean great workout!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    yeah, he's a silly goose, he's not offended just doesn't find it attractive on me. the hairdresser's theory is that men with no hair themselves like their women to have long hair lol. I prefer it short because I'm lazy, but I don't have to look at it so don't really care (I work for a hair care company but am very low maintenance!). TBH I think he's projecting his stress after the burglary onto it, and so it's a bigger deal than it should be. He's a bit OCD, a total darksider, and lots of depression runs in his family, so I'm trying to be gentle on him, while nagging him to do something for what I suspect is SAD.

    I think your trainer is doing fine given that she's not stopping you using the barbells. I wouldn't want to use the Smith machine though, as the motion is so different. you want to embed the movement pattern in your muscle memory really, but hopefully in a few weeks your strength will have increased so you can at least just use the empty bar.