November check-in and chat



  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Hello everyone and welcome to the new folks!

    Wendler, Cycle 3, Week 1 (for those of you who are new, several of us started out on SL, and have been blackmailed in to staying even though our programs have moved on :smile: )
    Deadlift day
    1x5 @ 155
    1x5 @ 180
    1x8 @ 200

    Sumo deadlifts
    5x10 @ 120

    Farmers walk @ 35, 100 steps
    Waiters carry @ 20, 100 steps

    Woodchoppers, 3x10 @50
    Back extensions 3x10@10

    And now my legs are all wiggly, and are likely to stay that way for the rest of the day.

    My little Wendler app tells me how many reps I should try to beat on my last main lift in order to exceed my last lifting session (it also tells me which plates I need for each weight - bonus!). The first month, and half of the 2nd month, I blew all of those recommended rep ranges out of the water, thinking I'm a total BAMF. But the end of the last cycle, and the start of this one - I've been lucky to just hit my main number (5, 3 or 1, depending on the week) of reps for each lift. I was getting really bummed about this until I realized that my first cycle, I was working up to 90% of my max - and now I am creating new maxes, so it makes sense that things will be harder, and that I won't get as many reps. It was a good reminder for me that progress happens on many fronts, and that the main skill in lifting is not strength, or form, or badassery, but patience. Lots and lots of patience.
  • aliciaje
    Kira, way to go on the DL!!! That is impressive.

    B Today:

    Bit of a deload on the squat 145lbs
    OHP: 75lbs, did 5x5x5x3x3 will work on that next time.
    DL: 170lbs
    Working on my chin up and pull ups. Tried wide grip pull ups and OHMYPECS!!!

    Got complimented on my impressive legs today :) I used to hate when people said "wow your thighs are muscular" or "you look like a track cyclist" but I am glad to have found all you people that have helped me embrace my muscularity.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Holy moly that's a lot of deadlifts!

    And you're correct on the patience part. Sometimes progress means deload, as backwards as that sounds. And to gauge true progress you have to look back a ways to see how far you've come from back when, rather than yesterday's lifting session. Lifting is a long-term journey for sure.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey ladies been reading through the posts during my rests today...hehe

    Welcome to newer new comers...hehe I am sill just going into my 9th week so I am a noob still...

    Leg is still not quite right so I skipped the squats today again....:grumble:

    OHP stayed at 65 again (not due to acutal failure I just didn't like my form last time)
    Started to thing I was wussing out but....going into my 5th set as I type and this will be interesting.

    I will let you know how it goes....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Yah OHP 5x5 @65 with good form

    Now onto DL @170.....More then my body weight...holy crap I am heavy...:blushing: :laugh: :blushing:

    So I am pleased with my lifts so far almost OHP my nephew (another goal) hoping to get back to my squats soon...missing them (sort of) they do take up a bit of time but maybe with my new squat rack it wont be too bad.

    Well Happy Lifting ladies...
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Well after my last horrible workout, today was better. I decided to try 3 sets with an increase in weight each time. Might not be the correct way, but eh, it worked.

    Squats 115x6 125x5 130x5 Felt much, much better than last time when I couldn't even do 1 rep at 130
    Bench 77.5x8 80x6 85x4
    Rows 87.5x8 90x6 95x5
  • Qski
    Qski Posts: 246 Member
    I survived my PT session ok. She didn't say or do anything annoying or against what I am trying to accomplish.
    And actually said she is excited to have a client doing something interesting. Overall she thinks that I am overthinking in the deadlift and squat and so I need to build up some confidence in those so we can figure out the start weights.

    The only thing we know definitively from today is my starting weight for bench is 22.5kg(49.5lbs) - it was the easiest to work on technique and try to figure out my start for that. She also said my left arm is significantly weaker than my right and we need to work on this because if I go up too fast, I would start to put my shoulder in jeopardy. So would I do a one arm press with a dumbbell or plate to work on that? Ideas?

    With the squat she says that my legs are very shaky so it looks like I am not moving smoothly due to that. - On the shaking, it's not related to pain or feeling the muscle work because I don't feel like they are working much at all, and it's not very evident to me in squats(even though it is visible), but it is majorly noticeable in deadlifts (like I almost feel like I am bouncing at the top of the lift!)

    We did straight leg deadlifts to the knee then bent knee (from top to mid shin) and will do them from the bottom next time.

    I'm happy with this and super excited to get to a proper this-is-where-we-start-point, after cleaning up technique in the squat and deadlift. Oh and this week my focus(diet wise) is going to be on getting my min protein every day, so I can get a feel for doing better at feeding myself.

    Happy to take any other suggestions or feedback on board

    PS- looking at yourself in the mirror is super confronting when you are lard *kitten* :cry:
    PT - "Check your lines in the mirror and reset at the top of the deadlift"
    Me - "I don't really have lines now, I have big circles and arcs, lines are what I want."

    ETA - 1 - sorry about lots of words... I am trying not to dribble - it's a process
    2 - glad that those on more intermediate programs are bullied into staying here - it's nice to see where we are heading as a noob mcnoob
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member

    PS- looking at yourself in the mirror is super confronting when you are lard *kitten* :cry:
    PT - "Check your lines in the mirror and reset at the top of the deadlift"
    Me - "I don't really have lines now, I have big circles and arcs, lines are what I want."

    I actually laughed out loud at this and thought the same thing the first time I did it as well. It gets less scary every time you do it. :drinker:

    I did WO B today. Had to cut it down to only 3 sets because of time, but managed:
    OHP 3x5 @ 80. Last set I was only able to do 4
    Squat 3x5 @ 135
    Deadlift 3x3 for first two sets of straight legged deadlift @ 155 and then one set of 5 sumo style.
    Felt like I was lifting through mud this week...very hard. I will not raise deadlift or OHP next time.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    So tired I will catch up on thread tomorrow, but I'm sure everyone is being BAMF as usual! Today I did front squats 130 2x5, OHP 95x4 (missed last rep booo), and DL 300x5. I was super excited about the deadlifts. I'm sure I looked ridiculous though as on number 3 my knee sleeve caught on the way down and bunched up, so on the last 2 I was trying to pull as close to my legs as possible without getting caught on my stupid knee sleeve. Derp derp. Then I did some pullups and curls. Went to the Y after for 30 minutes of frolicking on the arc.
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    My pre-half no-lifting rest is in effect until next week, but I did hit the kettlebells today. Been doing a circuit with a 25lb. bell that includes one-legged deadlifts - they're pretty fun, and b/c you do it for time w/o resting, you feel the burn. I like it.

    Qski - WORD on the mirror thing. It took me a few weeks b/f I could stop looking at *me* and start seeing my form. Then one week, I realize, "Holy *kitten*, I'm smaller than I was," which was very fun.

    Also, I hope that "what's a CD" business was a joke b/c now I feel old! ;)
  • Qski
    Qski Posts: 246 Member
    and seriously, the mirrors at the gym are <<<<FAT>>> mirrors ... my mirrors at home are actually quite friendly. I thought I looked pretty kewl in my shiny new gym gear :embarassed: (50% off all items already on sale at a clothes store!).
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    well done for starting! re the muscle imbalance - I'd just not move up in weight until your left arm is pushing as hard as the right and taking half the weight.

    re the shaky legs - the 'knees out' cue might help. make sure before you start that everything is tight and pulled in, take a deep breath and hold (if you ever try to stop hiccoughs/palpitations by holding your breath/straining it's like that). this is the 'valsalva' and helps to stabilise your core when lifting. Keep the tension throughout the squat/deadlift, only breathing out at the end of the lift/on the way up. Worth a go!
  • christinemac17
    christinemac17 Posts: 56 Member
    I didn't think about the shoes! Thanks for reminding me

    ^^^ this!!

    Yesterday was my 9th SL session, 3 full solid weeks, with last week off due to work CRAP!

    Squats 85lb
    BP 65lb
    Rows 65lb

    OP 60lbs
    DL 90lbs

    so far everything has felt pretty good EXCEPT for my squats! I 'learned' lifting by starting with Body Pump. The instructors at my gym are super good about teaching form and I felt like I was a really good squatter!

    But since starting SL, I just have not felt like my form is just right, like I can't really 'push from my heels' and am feeling it all in my mid-outer feet and with the muscles in my outer thighs doing all the work, rather than my glutes/hammys --

    Originally I thought once I got into 'really' heavy weights, I'd probably need to move into flatter shoes (though my running shoes are moderately low heeled), now I'm wondering if truly flat shoes will really make a difference?
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    I forgot to check in last night after my workout, but it was recovery day on the Texas Method, so it wasn't anything too exciting. I love the recovery day since I'm in and out in an hour. I went in the evening instead of the morning, and there were too many people in there. It was hot, steamy, and stinky. Yuck.

    Anyway, I had comments but it's been a long day at work and my brain can't absorb any more info, so I'm giving you generic high-fives and WTGs for being awesome as ****.

    PS: I'm participating in a squat clinic on Saturday and I'm super excited. There will be several pros doing demonstrations and we will be doing some lifting. By accepting the invite for this clinic, I was invited to several others. One is being hosted by Caitlyn Trout. She squats 370lbs, benches 187lbs, and deadlifts 385lbs. It's not until January, but I'm really excited for it!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Lifting shoes aren't flat, they have between a quarter and three quarter inch heel (i think) but an uncompressible sole (some heels are made of wood). I Deadlift in them too but that is where ppl use bare feet or Deadlift slippers.
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Christine - FWIW I switched from traditional running shoes to more minimalist (NOT actual minimalist, but the more-minimalist Pure line from Brooks) and noticed a difference.

    I would consider lowering your weight a bit - you aren't JUST working your glutes/hammies/quads, you are also working all those tiny stabilizing muscles in your feet and ankles. You may have to keep the weight lower while those develop so that you have the foundation you need to lift heavier weight. Plus, You can really focus on "weight in the heels, knees track in line with the toes, etc. etc. form cues" when you're working on lower weights.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Trying to get back into lifting regularly. Major deadline at work accomplished :) so should have more time next week... although I'm juggling 3 part time jobs plus kids plus doing an online course, so it's kind of hard to fit everything in.

    Also I'm trying to cut at the moment, although logging is difficult as I don't have time to cook, I'm fortunate enough to be able to eat other people's cooking but that makes logging tricky, and I can't really dictate to them what to cook so I'm basically sticking to a meal plan without counting actual calories. I'm just seeing if this works, it's possible it won't work and I'll have to find ways to track but it's better than just eating whatever. Fridge is full of high protein foods, because lack of planning = eating too many carbs = eating too much generally. Meal plan has balanced macros.

    Oh and I have a new phone now... form videos to follow when I get a chance.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Wendler Round 3 Week 1
    Bench Day

    1x5 @ 85
    1x5 @ 100
    1x5 @110 I had one more in me, but my spotter mistook me grunting for me being in distress. Nope, just a very loud lifter. :smile:

    5x10 @ 30 One arm dumbbell rows - These make you feel like a total BAMF - so if you ever need that in your workout, throw in some one-arm rows.
    5x10 @ 30 Flat bench dumbbell press

    20 minutes doing intervals on the ARC trainer.

    Squat day tomorrow - I'm fueling up with pastries from our local Latin American bakery. :smile:
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Yesterday was my 3Rd time for Workout A:

    Squats 4x5 @45, 2x5 @ 50 (working on form, now getting parallel almost every time!)
    BP 5x5 @ 50
    Rows 5x5@ 45

    I love feeling myself getting stronger!

    ETA, I bought a pair of Chucks yesterday. I'd been wearing a pair of cheap Keds-like tennies and I like the Chucks better.
  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    Hello all, I hope you don't mind me joining in. I posted a couple of questions when I started 5x5 back in September (thanks for the feedback then!), but haven't had a chance to check in since. Work has been crazy busy. I had been keeping up with lifting at least 2x/wk until late October, when I had to take a two-week break because of work travel and just work load (my employer is being acquired, blech).

    Anyway, it's amazing how much that 2 week break set me back in my strength gains! Of course I've been eating like crap too. Hoping to stay (mostly) back on track now! Maybe even be able to go to 3x/wk after Thanksgiving, fingers crossed!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Everything took a bit longer than usual as there were people doing MY things rather than bro lifting in the other corner. To be fair one guy was prepping for a meet in a couple of weeks (doing weightlifting on the Friday and powerlifting on the Saturday!!), so it was interesting to watch his 240kg squats (with suit and wraps)...

    60kg squats 3x5, used my makeshift TUBOW in warmup and think that was ok. Still felt heavy but doable.
    Press 30kg 3x5 but some of these were not pretty. Still can't get the hang of the hip wiggle *sigh* and it might have been 6 reps not 5 on the last set, I lost count!
    Deadlift 60kg x 2, 70kg x 2, 80kg x 5, feeling my lower back/buttockyness (yeah, I know, it's a word now!) again, but not in a sharp way, so I didn't go higher (it was only supposed to be 60kg though, but that felt sooo light!). Irritatingly managed to use a bent bar so it kept rolling forward and trying to escape my grip. Probably not the best thing.. *mutters about black iron gyms and then remembers the big container of freee chalk at hand*

    Then did 3 sets of 10 kettlebell swings, no idea what weight, just for the heart rate and the fun of it.. now for a fish finger sarnie!