November check-in and chat



  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    Apologizing in advance ... I always post via my phone so it's really tough to comment to everyone :/ with that being said... You ladies definitely inspire me !!! I love following all your posts :)

    My 1st "B" workout tonight!
    5x5 55# squats (will not increase for the next workout until I'm satisfied with form)
    5x5 45# OHP (same as above, need to work on stability a bit more)
    3x5 95# Deadlifts

    Walking like a newborn deer from workout A on Monday ... Can only imagine how I'm going to feel by Friday lol. Definitely need to invest in a foam roller! I just keep grabbing a can and rolling it over my quads .
  • Qski
    Qski Posts: 246 Member
    No updates from me trainig wise, I got a cold and missed a gym session - made me want to cry :sad: .
    Just wanted to say everyone is doing really awesome, I love reading about all the lifting work everyone is doing, it is really inspiring.:drinker:

    Hope all the injuries get better quickly and the menopause thing - only have sympathy there - not something I am looking forward to.

    I have serious pec and delt (I think still not so good with anatomy) DOMS from my last session with the PT (from inclined barbell rows) and my benching - not going to whine about not feeling it in my chest anymore ow!
    I can't wait to get back to it tomorrow and swear at the PT some more :bigsmile:
    Go Lifters!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    HEY LADIES!! :bigsmile:

    I am BACK to the gym today after an extended break due to car accident, illness and my birthday. Wish me luck!! :happy:
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Ooh good luck randomtai. Hope you are fully recovered and have a great session

    Qski, I love DOMS I know it doesn't really mean anything but it makes me feel like I worked. On that note my calves are wrecked from doing step ups on Wednesday lol. Bizarrely also my armpits - who knew they had muscle!

    Brandi, foam rollers are great I only recently discovered them but I will definitely be making more use of them. For quads though have a look on youtube there is a demo of a guy stretching them using a bench that is similar to a bulgarian squat. That solves all my quad soreness for me.

    Tree that is amazing going and woohoo for the form too. Most impressive. For me that is one reason to work out at the gym. I am so worried about making a fool of myself I really am strict with my form. Also I do not scare kittehs! When I was doing 30day shred at home my springer would come up at any point I was on the floor and "help" by washing the sweat off!

    Dani sounds like you are having a hard enough time with hormones etc at the moment so I would just enjoy your lifting and not worry too much about where you are on the scales or measrurements. You know you are getting stronger and fitter and that is more important than anything else.
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    Roxy:: thanks so much! I'll definitely check out YouTube ????
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I came, I lifted, I conquered. Well not really, but I had an awesome workout. I didn't need to deload much at all which means I am getting way stronger than I thought... yay :bigsmile:

    I also found out that it takes 2 people to curl in the squat rack... Oh how I missed the people watching at the gym. :laugh: :laugh:
  • TinyTeTe
    TinyTeTe Posts: 22 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm new to SLs 5x5. I did my first official work out last night. I'm super excited for things to come. I have my "mom band" to get rid of, and I'm hoping heavy lifting will be the answer.

    This is an awesome group, and all of the current HL women inspire me so much.

  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm new to SLs 5x5. I did my first official work out last night. I'm super excited for things to come. I have my "mom band" to get rid of, and I'm hoping heavy lifting will be the answer.

    This is an awesome group, and all of the current HL women inspire me so much.


    Welcome to the will love lifting and the results :-)
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Roxy- One of the reasons I lift in the gym is I think I feel more pressure to get all my reps if people are watching!

    Tai- Good news!

    Welcome Tiny!
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Well I didn't check in for a couple days and just now caught up with everyone. Some awesome numbers and for those injured or resting, you'll be back stronger than ever!

    I'm still doing my own "style" of StrongLifts….3 sets with progressive loading. Seems to be working for me.

    Squats 125x7 135x5 140x4
    Bench 80x8 85x6 87.5x3
    Rows 90x8 92.5x7 95x6

    Loved catching up…don't have time for personal responses, but I do recall laughing a lot (walking like a newborn deer really stands out!) and I do have to tell dani that yes, menopause sucks!!! The good thing is (at least my doctor keeps telling me) that we're gonna feel fabulous by the time we're 50. Yeah….bring it on! And if she's wrong, God help her:)

    Now I must go to bed so I can fall asleep for 2 hours, then toss and turn for 5 more.
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Macybean, yep I would say that looks like it's working by your numbers!

    Tai, good news and I people watch too lol

    Tiny welcome you will love lifting I am sure. It is very liberating and empowering :D

    And day 3 of my strong curves. Supersets of: 1minute of glute bridge marches with 8x3 seated cable row at 23kg. Got to watch my rows, I end up using my arms rather than my back to do these I have noticed. Then superset of 20 bodyweight squats with 8 incline dumbell bench press with 8kg dumbells x3

    10 x 2 side leg raises weighted to 18kg

    10 x 2 side chop pull things at 18kg. They were hard!

    Feeling it a little already but I had an excellent breakfast!
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    Hi newbies and oldies and in the middlies... I has quite a good session A tonight. I actually managed to do some squats, bodyweight to a milk crate, but that's better than Wednesday's attempt. I benched 30 kg, which is 1kg higher than last time (I love my fractionals!) and rowed with 35 kg, which was a 5kg gain. It was a struggle, so I'll either repeat this weight or just add a teeny tiny fractional. I think my smallest are .25 kg - so cute!

    I've been reading books called "The Don't Go Hungry Diet" and "Don't Go Hungry For Life" and trying to put the principles into practice. It's been 5 days now and I'm avoiding hungry pretty well. I'm using it because I'm such a scoffer and I need to connect myself with my appetite. I'm learning to listen to the full signals, which I usually ignore - or deafen with gluttony. Anyways, I've got lots to learn, but I'm excited that I don't have to track calories or points at the moment. I'm so sick of it! But, I'm now tracking hunger and satiety. Much more riveting :noway:

    Anyways, have a great weekend, all of you. I'm pondering my dessert. How does rice pudding sound? Hmmm...
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Mmm home made rice pud, sounds great. My worst eating thing is boredom snacking, I am terrible in work for it.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Work is still busy, but finally made it back to the gym this morning for B (after having to scrape my car windows!! brrr) Slowly getting back into it, and of course OHP continues to annoy me. I will probably go back to only increasing that weight every 3rd Workout B. I still struggle to get it to go in a straight line.

    Squats: 5x5 at 90lbs
    OHP: 3x5 at 45lbs
    DL: 1x5 at 85lbs

    Also my calluses are coming back! I am missing them right now seeing as my hands are currently hurting some.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    booked in with Physio for next Wed after work!! what to do in the meantime....
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    I can't remember if I am on A or B since I mixed up the exercise last week but hey I think on B but my chart says A. Oh well I know the exercises so that is all that matters. My right knee was feeling a bit funny during todays squat so I kept turning my right toes out just a smidge to make sure I was in my right position because I can not get my toes forward. My hips don't move that way. THey are always just slightly turned out. Anyways.

    Squat 70lbs 5x5
    OHP 55lbs - I just barely got 5x5. The last rep on the final set was tough but I managed to get it up there.
    Deadlift 1x5 60lbs. It almost felt too easy however I am convinced this is the exercise that will be my down fall if I don't take it really slow. I did add 5lbs from the last lift.

    I meet up with my trainer WED so I'll be having my form checked.

    I have yoga sunday and then going to try lifting Monday morning and doing pilates Monday night. We will see if I survive. LOL

    Good work everyone!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    So I had a chat with my Physio friend and he slapped me...

    No more squats until my leg has no pain....:grumble:


    he gave me some things to do (stretches, heat etc) and he said deload when I can do a wall squat with no pain then start loading again. Not happy but will do what he says....mainly because after doing squats on Wed at a lower weight I paid on Thursday. Fine today but I really don't want to permantely be sidelined due to stubborness....:sad: :sad: :sad:
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Got to be well and healthy before you start stressing your body Stef. The man's advise is sound and the sooner you give your leg the rest it needs the sooner you will be well
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Stef, as much as you hate it, you need to listen to your doctor. I know it sucks, but sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do. :wink:

    I had a great workout last night! It's so funny to me how I walk right through the man-cave like I own it. Three weeks ago, I was pretty intimidated.

    Squats 5x5 @ 60lbs, 1x5 @ 65lbs (the lady that was my PT saw me lifting, pointed to my weights and gave me a smile and a thumbs up!)

    OHP 5x5 @ 35lbs!!!!! After 3 weeks at 30lbs, I was determined to lift 35 and I did it. I cut down on warm-ups and rested a little longer between sets. There were a couple that were a little shaky, but over all, my form wasn't too bad. I felt so good after I did that last set, it reminded of something I saw on YouTube the other day. I was watching a form video and after it was over, there was some random dude trying to deadlift a huge amount of weight. When he was able to do it, he yelled out "MF'er!!!". :laugh:

    Deadlifts 1x5 @ 75lbs, 1x3 @ 85

    I hope everyone has a great weekend! All you injured ladies, please take care of yourself.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Yes cruisin and roxy I know you two are correct...such a bummer tho.

    But workout A Today with no squats....:sad: :sad: :sad:

    Warmup is pushups tonight as I loaded the bar already ...ooops.

    Bench @ 95 tonight going to continue with the 2-3.5 min rests between sets and see how it goes

    Hehe did one set at 100...double checked yes I failed last week so deload to 95 for rest of the sets

    Got those in no issues now onto row

    Rows are 110 tonight ditto on the rests

    1x5@ 110
    4x4 @ 110

    Failed on the last rep of the 4 sets....just couldn't get it up there even with the rests.

    Feeling it in my back for sure.

    Now off to do some shopping (Christmas midnight maddness in my small victorian town yah)