JMBR starting 11/4



  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Mornign Everyone,
    Just checking in real quick, busy day, but wqorkout 9 completed and snacks and lunch packed!!!
    Plan to hit the gym after work and then dinner is already cooked!!

    Have a happy healthy day!!!
  • amyannie
    amyannie Posts: 139 Member
    Wow phase 3 is absolute killer! I have done workouts 9 and 10 and half of cardio 3. I'm definitely noticing a difference in my strength and endurance as this one is pretty tough but I still have to pause A LOT. Hopefully it'll get better! I have already lost 10 pounds with this program but I started to eat more clean recently to get the scale moving again. Hope you all are doing great!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning, had to skip workout yesterday and today due to a touch of the stomach flu : ( . Hopefully feeling well enough to do "something" tomorrow morning. I hate set backs ... I hate missing more than two workouts in a row!!!

    Hope everyone else is doing good and staying healthy!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Well, I did a yoga class last night at the gym and felt well enough to do workout 9 this morning. Feeling better but not a 100% yet. I sweated alot this morning... maybe thats good!!

    Keeping up with my clean eating plan and doing well!!

    Now my next thoughts are ---what to do when I am finishd with JMBR?? I have her Extreme Shred and Shred so maybe that will be it. I will make it a 30 day program????

    Hope everyone has a happy healthy day!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    So today I did workout 9 again and I will do 10 tomorrow and the cardio on Wed. THEN I will start the last phase of phase 3 with 11/12!!! That is my plan!!!

    I wanted to really have the moves down before I move on, so I think one more set and I will be good!! Also stepping up on thursday will motivate me !!

    Hope everyone else is doing good!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I think I am by myself.. oh well..posting helps me be accountable.
    Workout 10 for the last time. Cardio 3 tomorrow and then on tto workout 11/12 Yeah!!
    I feel stronger and my clothes fit better, haven't lost any more weight but I am within my range. Sometimes I am stuck on that number though!!
  • Nita523
    Nita523 Posts: 37 Member
    You're doing great!!! I've been totally off the MFP wagon lately. Although I haven't been doing body revolution, I can see how following the program for the first 8 weeks helped me. I keep saying I'm going to pick back up on week 9 and finish strong, but I can't seem to bring myself to it.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Oh Nita523 you really should finish the next 4 weeks. That is where I am seeing the best results... You can do it!! I know that 12 weeks is a LONG time for one program but I think you will like the rsults of the final 4 weeks. I know I am stronger .. and have more tone. Maybe the little break helped you.
    Hey maybe you can restart on Thursday??? I am moving to 11/12 so we can motivate each other. I am going to keep doing something..probably her extreme shred and shed so I will still be with you to you finish!!!
  • morty1966
    morty1966 Posts: 250 Member
    Wow, I am just starting workouts 3&4 this week, really inspired by your posts to keep going. I can see some differences already but not that much yet. I am looking forward to being so much fitter and toned. I will definitely make time for my workout tonight. Shame I have to work late.

    Keep it up, and let me know how hard workouts 11/12 are.
  • Nita523
    Nita523 Posts: 37 Member
    Oh Nita523 you really should finish the next 4 weeks. That is where I am seeing the best results... You can do it!! I know that 12 weeks is a LONG time for one program but I think you will like the rsults of the final 4 weeks. I know I am stronger .. and have more tone. Maybe the little break helped you.
    Hey maybe you can restart on Thursday??? I am moving to 11/12 so we can motivate each other. I am going to keep doing something..probably her extreme shred and shed so I will still be with you to you finish!!!

    Ok...I'll start on Thursday with the week 7/8 videos, then I will move on to week 9 on Monday. Thanks for the push :)
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Yeah Nita523!! I will be checking in on you too - that is if I survive workout 11! This way I can warn you about 11/12...
    Get your rest tongiht!!!

    I did cardio 3 this morning - still have to press pause but I only did it twice and one time it was really quick. Bad thing is I have to continue cardio 3 for workout 11/12 : (
  • cameliamam
    You ladies make me wanna jump to phase 3 already!! Im starting phase 2 and cant wait to be tortured a bit more ;)
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Ok Well I survived workout 11 - two words - scorpion push-ups!!! Jillian is a little bit crazy!!! I am scared for tomorrow but in the past I always found the first workout of the phase harder than the second.....

    It was tough and it will take me a bit to get these moves down but I am so excited to be on the last phase even if I take a little longer to complete it.

    Nita I am waiting to hear from you !!! I know you can do this!!!

    Camelianmam - You don't wanna jump just yet...phase two will get you ready for phase three!!! But you will be excited when you get there and you almost do the moves the first time!!!!

    Have a happy healthy day! Make healhty choices!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    So, I like workout 12 but I am not able to do two of the moves. I still have a problem wiht my shoulder so it's jsut not strong enough...but I can do the modification...other than that I like it!!!

    So I have decided as a reward for do this 90 day program I going to get a new pair of fancy tennis shoes!! Something in those new bright colors!! What you think a good idea?

    Also I have already purchase ripped in 30 by JM and may start that right after, or I may do the Extreme shred and shed. I have options!!

    I think I am a little too excited about these programs but I am seeing results so...maybe that is why. It's not a lot but I can tell and my jeans fit so much better!!!

    Have a happy healthy day!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!!! Woke up and started the day off right with workout 11!! Feeling good and when I went shopping on Saturday - only purchase a new shirt - everyhting thing fit well!! I am looking for a dress for my niece's wedding in March. Didn't really find what I was looking for but everything fit nice. Yeah!

    So that gave me motivation for the next two final weeks of Jillian! I can do this!!!

    So I am here to motivate you guys - you will see results - maybe not always on the scale but in other important ways. You will be stronger and more tone!! So just do it!!!

    Hope you have a happy healthy day!!!!
  • juliemboyle
    juliemboyle Posts: 4 Member
    I am on my last week of Month 1, love this program!

    Lobster, what have your results been so far? I am taking measurements the end of this week but always inspired by others!
  • Nita523
    Nita523 Posts: 37 Member
    So I jumped back on the wagon. OMG I could barely make it through workout 9 last night! It made me feel like I need to start the whole program over! Note to self, don't take a month off and think you can just jump right back to where you left off :) Lobster, thanks for the motivation :) I'll try to start checking in everyday again like I used to. I've been such a slacker lately!
  • morty1966
    morty1966 Posts: 250 Member
    Well done on starting again. I have a head cold so really don't feel up to exercising at the moment. I'm a bit dissapointed as I was making really good progress in my fitness.

    I can't imagine doing workout 9, or 12!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning my workout peeps!!! I am thawing out here in the deep south where we NEVER have to thaw out!! I was able to workout yesterday but missed this morning. I didn't know if I would be going to work so I didn't get up earlier enough. My bag! I may have time this evening to do the cardio.

    I so proud of you Nita!! I knew you could do it!!

    Julie, my results don't sound that amazing but they are to me. I lost 6 pounds and a whole inch in my waist. I didn't take other measurements so I am not sure. I have a tanita digital scale and although I am not sure how accurate it is I use it as a model and base point. I dropped my body fat % by 3-4 %. It put from healthy range to fit range. But my best result is my jeans fitting so nice!! I am going to be fifity next month and I struggle with that extra fat around the waist -muffin top- but it is soo much better. That is my best result!!!

    Also, I am stronger in that I can do the workouts much better and the more advanced moves.

    Morty, hope you ae feeling better soon and can get back to it. Just wait until you can do workout 9 or 12, you will feel so accomplished!!!

    Hope everyone has a happy healthy day!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning, I got up in time and did workout 11, the cardio was the next dvd but I plan on going to the gym tonight and will do a step class and get cardio in so I did workout 11. I will be back ontrack after missing one workout.

    My push-ups are getting better, still struggling but getting better. I can almost do a full (boy) push-up. I can't quite get my nose to the ground but I am improving every workout. I have a very flat pillow that I use as a gauge. I can do the girl push up great. It's just hard for me...anyone else struggle? Any hints or tips?

    Hope everyone has a happy ehalthy day!!!