Novermber in the Hatters: 30 days of 100% effort!



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    :bigsmile: Time 2 :bigsmile:

    I just saw your post!!! OMG 2 lbs gone that's FANTASTIC girl!!! I GUESS you're all in... holy moly !! Thats so awesome I'm so happy for you and so proud of ya girl... you're obviously giving it 100% and reaping the rewards!! huge congratulations my friend and well done!!

    :drinker: :drinker:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member

    Count me in!!!!!

    Joining the party... better late than never... giggles....

    primary goals:

    move more
    stay closer to calorie goal set by MFP
    less fun size candy:sad: :huh:
    enjoy the ocasional sweet - in moderation.... (here's hoping):noway:

    went out for a nature walk with hubby today - will post pics here and there in the profile...

    snoozie - get well soon - hoping your sis doesn't get what you just got rid of .....
    susan - how ironic...

    see you soon...

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member



    Morning hatters!

    Well day 3 for me of the 100% for 30 went very well....I'm up a pound which for the first time ever in my life is a good thing lol. Good in that I think it means my body is finally in full recovery mode. I did well with my protein and veg and Im feeling good - I burned a few extra cals and today I am hoping to start my walking again. I can honestly say I made my 100% effort yesterday And I am looking forward to today - here's to 3o days of 100% effort HAtters - we can do it!!
  • Hello and so glad to be a part of all of you "hatters"...just getting started with joining groups and reading posts. Very, very interesting information and I am finding I am NOT alone. Good months, bad months, you guys are there; so I am am in now too!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    sheepishly lowers hand... damn the feeders at work:huh: ...and lack of self discipline :noway:
    luckily gonna dance my *kitten* off at zumba... giggles....


    :noway: Put that hand back up girl! Whatever you took from the feeders , just work a little harder at Zumba tonight to make up for it and you'll be back at 100%!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Evening Ladies,

    Son was given what our lawyer told us...plea deal. I had crappy eating yesterday and today just because I was on the road but I am back on track for tomorrow and am not feeling defeated. I hope you all had a great Monday and I will see you in the am!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    :bigsmile: Just want to say hi and welcome to deb is ready - we look forward to getting to know you and support you in your goal!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Good morning Hatters!

    Well day 4 of my "3o days of 100% effort " fell a wee bit short yesterday because I didn't drink enough water . And I couldn't find a way to counter balance it ( like if I go over cals I can exercise more to counter it or if I eat a less than best choice I can add an extra fruit or veg). But I realized there is nothing I can do if I don't get my water in so I'm dropping it to a 95 for yesterday. And today I had a glass of water before my coffee to make sure it doesn't happen again! :sad:

    Day 1 100%
    Day 2 100%
    Day 3 100%
    Day 4 95%
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Tonya I think u did a fab job under the circumstances but even more important am so proud of you for choosing to not feel defeated over a life moment thrown at ya!!! That's what we all need to remember - that when those life moments interject themselves (and we all know they are always gonna be thrown our way!) that we don't use them as an excuse to give up! Cause they aren't going away they will just keep coming at us lol - and if we have a few days where we simply can't eat well or exercise as much as we want? So what !! We simply get back to our routine as soon as possible and recognize that it was necessary and there is no reason to panic or feel bad about ourselves or worry about it at all. This lifestyle we are working towards is meant to be for life remember - and eating well and moving our bodies is our normal now - so like tonya is doing, if life throws u a sucker punch - deal with it however u have to and don't sweat a few days off your norm - it so isn't worth the stress of worrying about it because you know now you will go back to your "normal" be ause you want to! Well done tonya!

    Susan - am assuming yesterday was for the lab tests themselves and not The results? Can't wait to hear your a1c results you have inspired me all along with having beat diabetes!

    Tammy - I am so excited you are so close to hitting your amazing "onederland" goal - we are soooo gonna party in here the day you hit that!!!! You have done such an incredible job on staying focused on your goals, so proud of you!

    Patrice and 6wollcotr : so proud of both of you too for choosing to continue towards your own goals - it takes a lot of courage and strength to make that decision as we all know from having been there ourselves so congrats to both of you!

    Well I'm hungry so off to make breakkie. Have a great Tuesday ladies !!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Hey ladies,

    Feeling like a bundle of nerves this week, had a crazy weekend but not going to let it stop me from staying on my journey. I keep reminding myself of my accomplishments. I have now officially gone from a tight 30 to a fitting 16 and L (meaning I can breath while wearing them :tongue: ) I have gone from a 4X to an XL tops. I know I have been promising pics, but I have decided I want to make goal and then do before and after shots, hope everyone understands.

    When I think about high school and being the "fat" girl I find myself wondering why I ever thought that, I was stayed btw a 12 - 16 until my senior year during which I was a 16 - 18. Why do we always compare our own self images to those or others? How is it we some how find my value in the words of others? Why do we so often decide value in relationship to size? Should it not be about love? Love for ourselves and love for mankind? What good does it do us to be skinny or fat if we do not love and are uncaring? What is the purpose of life with out love?

    Giving 100% !!!!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member

    What a great message. We should all love ourselves, but it is so much harder than I thought it would be :)
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Today is day 7 of our 100% 30 day effort. I have increased my %'s from 0 to at least 50. Has anyone ever used a recumbent bike? I am thinking of getting one. I had a Linda Evans Leg Shaper back in the 90' Believe it or not it just crapped out last year. I used to have a treadmill that I walked on daily. I have time in the afternoons before Rick gets home to do about an hour. I can still get chores done after he gets home....doing it this way will prompt him to help me...(insert evil laughter here). I just really want to up the exercise as I sit most of the day except for days like yesterday where I got over 13K steps in. I know the key for me is to move more but with my job, the weather and my lack of comfort in joining a gym this is the way to go for me.

    Let me know your thoughts on this or any other suggestions. I don't want to spend a ton of money and I do have the Wii and such that I can use but thinking I would try something a little less painful on the joints,

    Have a great day!

    BTW- I am feeling a tad old today as Cassie is turning 29..... :grumble:
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    I have a recumbent style bike (that I haven't road since the last tail bone incident but hoping by Thanksgiving) I love riding while watching tv. Makes it less of a chore for me (did I ever share I don't like exercise :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: I found mine on a local swap and shop for $100, you may also check craigslist.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Luckily I have access to a free gym at work - weights, classes (love my zumba) :).... and we also have a cardio room - so I have choices between treadmill, bike, or eliptical..... plus I live about 1 block from the rec center which has a 1/2 mile track around the perimiter......

    I do my workouts right after work..... saves on traffic and makes my *kitten* smaller.... giggles....

    Speaking of smaller sizes - I went to the consignment shop the other day - picked up a Ralph Lauren cashmere dress..... sit down.... $32.... the previous price was $64.... did a search on line... should have been between $200 - $800 depending on where to purchase.....

    btw - size L ladies... wowsa!:bigsmile:

    and I have an appt on the 4th of Dec - drop off more old clothes that don't fit or flatter..... and make a little cash at the same time....

    See you soon...
  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    I'm sorry I've been a bad friend these days. I'm taking a weight training class and spending the rest of my time at MD visits. I have a bone spur IN the joint of my big toe. The internist sent me to the podiatrist who sent me to the orthopedic surgeon who just gave me a referral to the Foot and Ankle Reconstruction Center. I'm going to put it off as long as possible. I had surgery last October and still haven't lost the 15 lbs. I gained back over the winter. The good news is that it doesn't hurt to walk.

    I'm happy to hear about everyone's success stories. I love the shopping story, Carol. Welcome to the newbies. (((Hugs))) to those who are struggling with weight and life in general. I feel bad for not being more encouraging. I'm determined to show up more often.

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    No worries Cheryl.... life is interesting, fun and full... and for those of us with grown (or who think they're grown - my favorite PITA is my 19 yr old son).... he just started working in the real world - at Fed Ex - 4 am - 8 am shift... lift and lug those packages.....

    Been there, done that...

    Welcome to the newbies and for those of us that have been here a day or two... congrats on the losses and success stories... keep going the song goes - one day at a time....

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Quote: [I am feeling so much confidence (never in my life before). I notice a new difference almost daily in the reflect as I stand before the mirror. While I am not comfortable with cameras yet I am not hating them any longer. I am loving me not just who my body is becoming but my thoughts. I can see the hurt, anger, and meanness that I unleashed because of my hate of me and my life for so many years. I have found a new happiness that I knew existed for other but never thought I would experience. God have blessed me beyond and I am only sad that it took so long for things to finally click in my head. ]

    Tammy, you are my inspiration. I am so happy you are reaching new heights in learning to love you for YOU!
    I can only hope to get to that point some time soon. I will continue to learn from your accomplishments. You ROCK!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning hatters !

    Feeling very thrilled ad grateful this morning - my sisters surgery went incredibly well, AND once the tumour was out the surgeon did NOT have to remove the lymph node and the saliva gland as was originally scheduled as part of the surgery. So recovery will be less and we are both countin our blessings big time! She will be here with me for a few days then ill be staying with her for a week or so after I take her home so may not be posting a lot but will be checking in every day! Thanks for the prayers and msgs! I'm about to catch up on everyone and will be back with a few replies ASAP !
  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    Snoozie - That's great news! Accept all graces, as they say. I hope that her recovery is swift and uneventful.

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    HI there Hatters. Sounds like everyone is doing pretty well so far this month, yay, and Snoozie, so glad to hear the great news about your sister!

    I've been unusually swamped lately, so been a little MIA, but doing my best to read your posts and messages and log daily. Shooting for that 100% effort on my health goals which gets trickier when I'm so busy and tired. But life is starting to slow down a little, so here is to staying 100% true to my health goals including exercise , which I have been giving only maybe 70%.

    WE CAN DO THIS!!!!