Jo's Packing It On Journal!



  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Inspirational Jo, your numbers always look amazing! :smile:

    Another girl on my fl does sheiko too - she is also pretty badass. I'm still plugging away getting wee gains with wendlers - sheiko's on my to do list though.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Inspirational Jo, your numbers always look amazing! :smile:

    Another girl on my fl does sheiko too - she is also pretty badass. I'm still plugging away getting wee gains with wendlers - sheiko's on my to do list though.

    :) thanks.

    It's a thing- It takes up a lot more time- and if you get bored easily you'll hate it- you ONLY Squat Bench and DL- your only accesory lifts are
    DB Flies
    Good mornings
    and maybe once a week abs.

    It takes me a solid 1.5 hours to get through it- it's a cumbersome program and if you go to a gym where the squat racks are busy- forget it- because there are days when you Squat, then bench- then squat then bench- so you're walking away from the rack then having to hope you can come back to it.

    But it's a thing- I'll be ready for something new in 2-3 weeks- I think the deficit is hurting me at this point- 255 on DL's feels SO heavy- but my squats are feeling solid- so I mean- can't complain to much! Should probably up my cardio- I keep saying that- but I don't know when I would fit it in!!! LOL

    no worries.

    Just keep on keeping on- there is no rush to swap programs- I might have to try Wendlers- I was even considering starting strength since I've never done it!!!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Don't get me wrong - I'm delighted with wendlers and will stay on it as long as there are gains to be had. It's great as, if you get bored, you just change up the asisstance work :) (it has taken me to week 40 to find a routine I'm happy with though!)

    Starting strength was my bible, the book has been my saviour but my upper body strength wasn't going anywhere with it. Got my mum doing it now, she's six weeks in and has definitely got the bug.

    Sheiko is on my radar for later though - think I'll get at least 1 more bulk/cut out of wendlers before changing anything up. I've kitted out my dad's garage so no waiting around for me ????
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    dude - win win then if you don't have to wait!!!

    That's awesome.

    Sounds like you're already ready to go- 40 weeks on Wendler- that's awesome- I've heard it was flexible like that- my interest is doubly piqued!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    why not
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Love it!!!!

    Wendler's is on my to-do list. Currently doing Strong Curves.
    Sheiko sounds really serious.
  • jadebuilding
    jadebuilding Posts: 90 Member
    just wanted to say that i cannot stop laughing at your profile pic!!! it's so great. :D
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    LOL someone posted it on facebook.

    It said at the top

    " my dad took a sharpy to my protein and sharpied out the M on my mass gainer.- he's 55 years old"

    I seriously SERIOUSLY need a mass gainer in my life just so I can do the same thing.

    I love it- it makes me smile.

    This reminds me though- minor update- I've bounced back up to the 162-164 range.
    I'm kind of miserable about this idea. it's been this way since mid August- the idea of eating less food makes me crazy.

    I have been on uber lock down at work- no more treats- not that I don't believe in treats- but just trying to clean up the lose ends and figure out where I"m going wrong. Getting ready to swtich to TDEE I think mid or end of the month try give that a shot, and see if that works for me.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    235 squat- or barely squat. That's a win.

    Not a win- scale's going back up- I don't understand considering I'm ****ing hungry all the time- and I haven't really changed how I eat. My cranky pants level is going up.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Little none workout clothing motivation!
    Creeping down around the 160. It's not official. I haven't seen a single 159 point anything yet. Whatever. Still feeling fabulous.

    Getting ready to hit the gym for some cardio. Boo hiss. Might do cardio and a little detail work, shoulders triceps and back. Not sure. Focus is pure cardio though.
    Running on a slightly condensed time line. Usually today is bf day and my day off. But I am taking the whole day off tomorrow to be with him so he can deal with my hour or so at the gym.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Just fabulous :)
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Wowwee! Looking fantastic Jo :love: :blushing: :flowerforyou:
  • SilentDrapeRunners
    Fabulous indeed! :smile:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Morning my lovely ladies!!!!

    Been a very interesting two weeks for me- I've been VLCD ALL DAY for several days- because my BF has been here- and we tend to eat extremely well- so it's turning into like 4-500 calorie snack for the day- and then a big meal- it's brutal. I think my body isn't liking it so much.

    I have been steadily at 164/165 for the past almost 2 weeks. Surprisingly blew my calories something fierce yesterday- I didn't even think I ate THAT much- two small chops and maybe 8 oz of skirt steak- 4 small red baby potatoes- and then sauteed asparagus- and 2 home made small cookies... all totally up to something well over 600 calories OVER my goal... and was back down to 162 this morning. Kind of shocked.

    Regardless- no one is at work today- so I'll probably wind up leaving a little early to lift and then spend my hour on the stairmaster to kind of buffer yesterday's damage.

    I'm trying to figure out when to swap to TDEE_ I like to be kind of "even" about it- so I'm thinking I might wait till October starts officially- not sure. Whatever- I feel okay- I just wish the weight would come off- I think I look good- and I'm back down to not fitting into my older clothes- all my size 12 skirts are WAY to big- so I mean- that's something LOL.

    LIfting is okay- I feel mostly solid with it- I am done with Sheiko next week- I'm considering backing down to starting strength or something basic- I won't be able to run it for long- it's to linear for me- but I thought it might be interesting to run a beginner program just to say I've done it and give me more experience with it since it's something I suggest regularly.

    Also considering running more HIIT cycles- but I've kind of got to talk myself into them- I know the first couple of them are going to hurt. A lot. LOL so it's a little mental- right now I"m doing more steady state cardio to get a bigger cardio burn.

    Also need more sleep. But beggers can't be choosers!!!

    Anyway- that's my update for now!!!! :D
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Had a brutal lift tonight, and not in the good way... . Not losing weight but have lost strength. I'm so disappointed with myself. Silly to have poured so much of my energy into this and be so empty handed walking away from the bar. I'm not going to kid anyone or myself and say my confidence isn't a shaken. The ***** in my head telling me I'm worthless and will never get this has never challenged my lifting only my dancing. Heart breaking and demoralizing to think I have to fight her on both fronts. I feel like she's stealing from me and I can't stop her. Have to keep fighting. It's slow. But I have to keep fighting. The battle for glory never stops.

    stuck at 160 it appears.

    I'm trying to not be totally upset about my lifts- but. well- I am. unfortunately life fkkkking goes on and I can't keep my panties all wadded up all night long.

    Beer wine and dinner- then off to bed with me to repeat this disaster again all over again for the week.

    I don't have much positive to say- I'm mostly sad. but it is what it is.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Don't feel so down. This sounds like a small blip. You mentioned switching over to TDEE at the start of the month - that's probably had a massive effect. If your body is used to instant gratification (haha 'eating back') and you're now averaging out the goodies, your body's probably just having a wee hissy fit at your expense.

    Is there anyway you can wait a few days then run the workout again? Remember you aren't really in an optimal place for PRs - calorie deficit plus change of eating style - the fact you've had some over the past few months is amazing and you know you're definitely going to kill when you have more calories to work with again.

    Also you had 14 pull-ups on Monday!! FS you're a total badass, this is temporary :happy:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I only switched to TDEE on Monday- and have had moderate success staying UNDER my light deficit of 1755- I'm aiming for a more aggressive goal of 1655- but I'm willing to take anything between 1755-1655.

    So- I just figured after months of training I would have at least been able to KEEP my numbers where they were- back sliding is just- sad.

    coupled with a rough dance class today- and a rainy cloudy day- I'm just mopy and sad- I'm starting to get depressed and that frustrates me- I don't WANT to be depressed- I don't like it- so I'm trying to figure out (outside of retail therapy) how to make sure I don't slide down. I've got a lot of good going on right now- I don't have time for depression- seriously FTS.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Jo, I'm not gonna lie, but hearing you talk about losing strength during your cut actually makes me feel better. Because the same thing happened to me. I felt f*cking weak all the time and I hated it. So you're not alone. But it does suck girl. *hugs*
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    it's funny you say that- one of the reasons I actually post all my days- is the good and the bad. I feel like there are a number of people who look up to others (not just me) and they feel like it's all awesome ALL the time- like we've acheived some sort of "no bad day" type plateau.

    And I think it's important for people to realize you have bad days- and things happen- I'm not infalliable- and I struggle- I suffer and I push through- i work hard- just like everyone else.

    So that's good- because that's EXACTLY why I posted it. Yes- I do good work and I have come a long way- but the reality is we all- at some point will have a set back- somewhere- might not be the same as everyone else- but it'll happen.

    So good. I'm glad. Sometimes i think people are going to think I'm fishing for compliments- but the reality is- I just need to vent and I also need people to know I'm not some sort of perfect genetic freak LOL

    I've reset a little bit- I over did it hard core on food yesterday- I ate almost an entire pizza with a beer on top- and a burrito at lunch- so I was over by like 500 calories or something- I think just hair over maintenance- frustrated me a little bit- but whatever- I'm going to try to get some extra cardio in today somewhere- it's a really nice day to be outside- maybe I'll go run on the beach later. I have to drive out to a community college on the coast line to represent my alma mater- I'm not particularly thrilled about it- but it is what it is. I should just have said no- I have things to do- I think its' going to be giant waste of time.

    but- I can go run on the beach- and I can check one of the job sites for work as well- it's super close.

    not a HUGE waste- just a little waste LOL.

    Hope everyone is having a nice day though- it's really lovely weather here.
  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    Definitely true about there being good days and bad days, ups and downs. I don't think anyone reaches a point where they're like 'yes! I'm done, now it's all easy street and uphill from here'. I think it's good to take note of the goods and bads and to have balance. Because the sweet is never as sweet without the sour.