Jo's Packing It On Journal!



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    edited December 2014
    fab pre/post purple make up selfie LOL- 60 min of lifting and then to include 30 min of cardio


    pretty much my finger to all those who say you can't lift and look fab LOL
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Love it Jo! Looking gorgeous and bada$$ :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    YES and yes- also new dress?

    Looks FABULOUS!!!!!
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member

    Old dress, new booty :p
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »

    Old dress, new booty :p

    It was a win either way- you looks smashing!!!

    I guess I should update my thread!

    damn. Still hanging around the 160-165 mark- I need to up cardio- because I can't drop food (seriously- 1600 is low enough for TDEE_ so no eat backsies)

    Frustrating- but I feel like I look okay- would just be nice to be a leeeeetttttle more lean looking .

    I've been insanely all over the board sick_ I'm rolling into week 3 of sheiko beginner 2. I just went ahead and re-started- I'm not even a little bit sad- my lifts feel strong.

    I got off a few days and my Monday was on Wed- my Wed was on Friday/Sat and my Friday was on like- Monday- it was not good- so I was not feeling well again on Tuesday- called out sick on Wednesday and have opted to start my Week 3 on Monday- just start when I'm supposed to... I'm also going in on Tuesday to meet with a primary care about getting some blood work done... I've been insanely tired lately- and just way to sick for normal. So time to go see what's going on- I'm afraid my mono has come back- but who knows- I just know I'm not really "okay" something isn't 100% right- so need to follow up on that.

    I've been dancing a whole hell of a lot - we are going to a competition end of the month- and I've been working 3-4 weekends a month- so hanging in and moving forward- doing the things.

    Would just like to feel better and lose another 10 pounds LOL. Ah well- doing the things- slowly and surely- would like to be in a position to bulk again next winter.

    Also- I'm trying to get switch to AM workouts- and it just hasn't' happened yet- it's killing me. I feel so incapable. But still I'm going to keep trying! Trying for earlier bed times!!! trying for AM workouts- making the shift- I'm going to do it!! I swear to god I'm going to do it!!!
  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    Hope you feel better! That's good that you're following up with doing bloodwork, always good to do.

    Good luck with the am workouts! I haven't been able to do that (except when I do cardio occasionally). I'm too much of a night person. But I have been going to bed earlier (getting 8-9 hrs of sleep) and it's helped me tremendously
  • Skyeziepyzie
    Awesome progress :))
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I am shocked you aren't dropping more on 1600/day. That has to be net, right?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    husseycd wrote: »
    I am shocked you aren't dropping more on 1600/day. That has to be net, right?
    TDEE- so that's it 1650-1750 total. for the day- nothing taken out for workouts.

    I have a really hard time holding to 1600- technically 1700 and change has me losing at like 0.25 a week- so I opted for a slightly more aggressive loss- knowing I had SOME buffer room.

    I think I average 1700 across a week- but yeah nope- not really- I just hopped on the office scale (which reads low typically) and had me back up to 163-164.

    I CAN eat 1200 daily- but it's miserable. And I have such long days- the longer I'm awake the more I want to at- but it doesn't mean I'm moving more. I think I just really have to lock down more on the snacking- i do log my snacking at work- but I suspect I could eat more chicken and more veggeies (although f8k me I already eat quiet a bit)... and "feel" full.

    Problem is- you get to the point where you feel full- still hungry. Happens a lot to me.

    If I eat straight up pasta- never satisfied- still hungry.

    but I can eat 2 whole chicken breasts and a bag and a half of veggies- feel full-a nd 20 min later I have that hallow feeling- I couldn't fit ANYTHING in there if I wanted- but damn if I still FEEL like I'm hungry.

    It's annoying. I'm not a special snowflake- either my lifts aren't hard enough- or I'm getting extra calories in somewhere I am not keeping better track of. Which sucks- but it is what it is.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    That's real *kitten* ^^

    I have the same problem cutting (1200 gives me about 1lb a week, anything sensible gives me about 1lb a month) those guys who say it's easier than bulking don't know d!ck =D
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    Have you had your metabolism tested? I've had mine done a couple times by a nutritionist at one of our local grocery stores. It's the machine you breath into. Go in early in the a.m. and fasted, no coffee, nothing.

    The reason I mention it is because my RMR alone is in the 1300 range. That's me being completely idle, like if I lay in bed all day. It met up with online calculators, although actually a little low.

    Even with an RMR of 1300, I still burn 2100-2300 calories per day. I do have an office job (engineering like you), but I'm walking around the office constantly, and rarely actually sit down. I have a standing desk. A day without exercise clocks in around 1900-2000. One weight session or aerial session puts me around 2150. Two workout sessions put me around 2300. I do often work out twice a day and in the summer get in a lot more walking/biking, so my daily burns can get closer to 2400-2500 when the weather coorperates. TBH, my NEAT seems to contributes way more to my overall burn than my actual exercise.

    I threw all that out there because I feel like something has to be wrong with your numbers. I will be 39 years old in a couple weeks, I'm 5'5" and about 130 lbs.

    All of my burn numbers come from a BodyMedia I bought used for $25. They've been tested against my intake and even online calculators so I feel really comfortable with them.

    I'm cutting right now for Jamaica in March at about 1700/day, but I only eat that low of calories Mon-Thurs. On Friday-Sunday, the average is closer to 2600/day. I go for very slow weight loss at 1% of body weight/week, which takes an average of 2000 calories/day if I only work out once/day. I tried cutting before Halloween at 1600/day. It sucked, even with weekends "off".
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    husseycd wrote: »
    Have you had your metabolism tested? I've had mine done a couple times by a nutritionist at one of our local grocery stores. It's the machine you breath into. Go in early in the a.m. and fasted, no coffee, nothing.

    The reason I mention it is because my RMR alone is in the 1300 range. That's me being completely idle, like if I lay in bed all day. It met up with online calculators, although actually a little low.

    Even with an RMR of 1300, I still burn 2100-2300 calories per day. I do have an office job (engineering like you), but I'm walking around the office constantly, and rarely actually sit down. I have a standing desk. A day without exercise clocks in around 1900-2000. One weight session or aerial session puts me around 2150. Two workout sessions put me around 2300. I do often work out twice a day and in the summer get in a lot more walking/biking, so my daily burns can get closer to 2400-2500 when the weather coorperates. TBH, my NEAT seems to contributes way more to my overall burn than my actual exercise.

    I threw all that out there because I feel like something has to be wrong with your numbers. I will be 39 years old in a couple weeks, I'm 5'5" and about 130 lbs.

    All of my burn numbers come from a BodyMedia I bought used for $25. They've been tested against my intake and even online calculators so I feel really comfortable with them.

    I'm cutting right now for Jamaica in March at about 1700/day, but I only eat that low of calories Mon-Thurs. On Friday-Sunday, the average is closer to 2600/day. I go for very slow weight loss at 1% of body weight/week, which takes an average of 2000 calories/day if I only work out once/day. I tried cutting before Halloween at 1600/day. It sucked, even with weekends "off".

    No I haven't.

    I am due to go get blood work done for a general physical. Actually- I need to make time for that- and I really don't want to- it's a standard lab panel- but I'll bring it up with her next time I go. I'll see about getting metabolism tested- I don't know anything about that.

    Yeah- it just seems weird to have such consistent work- I'm pretty locked into my schedule- and I KNOW I have high days- but I do a fairly reasonable (I think) job of keeping calories under 2K- and with the work I do- I should be able to lose something under 2K. And given my TDEE is based off moderate work- 3-4 times a week- it makes sense... like I'm not crazy LOL.... but yeah- still not losing.

    I just cannot fit time for any sort of cardio other than like may be some jump rope or some HIIT stuff- which I think might be the solution- it's not as good as steady state stuff- but I just simple don't have the time for steady state- like- that's hours more work- and Id on't have it in me time wise. :( grump.

    yeah- 1600 is sh!!tty for sure. I can always ALWAYS tell when I'm back down to in a deficit- I get SO FU*KING HANGRY.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Hey @JoRocka I just wanted to come on here and tell you how freakin fantastic you look. WOWOWOW...

    Ok. that is all.. carry on

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    Hey @JoRocka I just wanted to come on here and tell you how freakin fantastic you look. WOWOWOW...

    Ok. that is all.. carry on

    aw thank you lovey- I came in here to answer someone else's question and realized I hadn't updated in a while- I should do that- I have a new picture to share (obviously) LMAO- and interesting I have some comparison pictures that are only 4 weeks apart maybe- pre and post cardio- for the month- should be pretty enlightening. :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    From my photoshoot many moons ago- I finally updated her on which ones I wanted

  • anbshilling
    anbshilling Posts: 9 Member
    I just wanted to mention that I think you are beautiful. What an amazing (*&^ing photo! (Dat *kitten* doh)

    I'm trying to bulk, but struggling a bit. 5ft2.5in, 102# and 35y.o. Way too skinny! Just started 1800 from 1700 and do two upper and two lower a week. Of course been doing the ole spinning my wheels because I've been working my *kitten* off and haven't seen as much results as I think I should have since I seriously started around October. Maybe this bump up will do it. I dono. Anyway, you are inspiring and just wanted to let you know. Girl crush over here. :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I just wanted to mention that I think you are beautiful. What an amazing (*&^ing photo! (Dat *kitten* doh)

    I'm trying to bulk, but struggling a bit. 5ft2.5in, 102# and 35y.o. Way too skinny! Just started 1800 from 1700 and do two upper and two lower a week. Of course been doing the ole spinning my wheels because I've been working my *kitten* off and haven't seen as much results as I think I should have since I seriously started around October. Maybe this bump up will do it. I dono. Anyway, you are inspiring and just wanted to let you know. Girl crush over here. :)

    thank you- I really REALLY have to give credit to Pixie- she (pixie vision photography) really does such an amazing job- shooting on site- getting good light- and then doing some fabulous editing.

    Love her to death- i can't wait to see the rest of them!!

    So thank you :)

    Also- keep at it- it's a hard road to grind- really- people don't really understand anything about this process- it's REALLY actually hard work.

    Up the cals- seriously- if you've been spinning your wheels- and no changes in 3-4 weeks- up them again. Eat more- it's hard but gotta do it!!!

    :) Girl crush away- I ain't mad at ya wink wink nudge nudge
  • scrittrice
    scrittrice Posts: 345 Member
    @JoRocka: Gorgeous! Not to mention prime fodder for the next question from some woman who wants to lift but is afraid of getting bulky and masculine. I'm another member of your silent lurking fan club. (Is that creepy?)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    scrittrice wrote: »
    @JoRocka: Gorgeous! Not to mention prime fodder for the next question from some woman who wants to lift but is afraid of getting bulky and masculine. I'm another member of your silent lurking fan club. (Is that creepy?)

    yeah- it's really awesome to tell people I can push around quiet a bit of weight- and still look like this. It's a nice token to what being strong can do for you (actually crawling up on that ledge in costume was a bit of work- it was kind of amusing- and again- grateful I'm an athlete!!!

    go go go- DO ALL THE LIFTING!!!!

    (no you can creep away- I'm slowly collecting creepers on instagram too- it's kind of amusing- I like creepers- typically you all get me ;))
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    Officially started November 2015- I've been jumping up 150 calories at a time- roughly ever 2 weeks. I stupidly did NOT take measurements when I started- but I do have an organized serious of pictures- which I'll be updating ever month at the beginning. I should post them at some point- #Imalazybulker
    My goal is to roll through till April- but I may throttle back late febuary early march and maintain leading into my meet- I'm doing a lifting meet first weekend of April.

    So. Then- I must lose the weight for the wedding. Operation Kick All the *kitten* has begun!!!!

    Eat Big- Train big- Be Big.

    also- I want shoulders... big giant cap shoulders!!!

    That is all. :D

    Pictures to follow when I'm home and it's easier to post.